Thursday, Januaryll, 1996 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT E d w a r d SVILLE Vol. 48 No.39 Pouce STRIKC/ w eather Fri: Cloudy, 4 5 /2 4 ° Sat: Warmer, 51/26° Sun: Fair & mild, 54/30° ALTON,Alesile EAST ST. LOUIS & EDWARDSVILLE A Quick Citizens recognized at Dr. King luncheon Look Inside By Melanie Adams Assistant News Editor 3 / Editorial Snowstorms aren’t Students, faculty and only snowjobs in community alike celebrated Dr. Washington— Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday at a luncheon titled “Living the PLUS Dream: Igniting the Vision” Campus Comments held in the Meridian Ballroom, 10/ Entertainment Jan. 10. Among many of the activities “Mr. Holland’s was an awards ceremony Opus” preview— commending students, faculty PLUS Jennifer and members of the community Casey writes about on their humanitarian efforts. new beginnings. The winners of the 1996 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay, 11 / Soundwaves Poetry and Visual Arts contest are as follows: Brooke V. Satory, 13/ Lifestyle a junior at Belleville Township High School-East, for her award- winning essay; Heather M. Jeremy Paschall/A/esrfe please see AWARDS, page 4 Brooke V. Satory, Heather Thompson and Colleen Miller were winners of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. essay, poetry and visual arts contests. Johnetta Haley presented the awards. SIUE not taking misuse of Speaker gets Edwardsville community to hush and find Dr. King honored disabled parking lightly by Darryl By Melanie Adams out who’s calling their names Howlett—AND Dr. Assistant News Editor King Award A problem has arisen on campus regarding the parking Students, faculty, staff and guests were treated to a delightful, yet insightful speech by Patricia Russell-McCloud at Winners are spaces provided for disabled students and faculty—the problem is not being taken lightly by the university. the 14th Annual Dr. Martin profiled. Luther King Jr. Luncheon “The problem stems from the suspicion that people are Wednesday in the Meridian 2 0 / Sports misusing disabled parking spaces by parking in the provided Ballroom. spaces without a decal, but with a state-provided handicap hang Russell-McCloud, a native tag,” Bob Vanzo, director of Administrative Services, said. of Indianapolis, Ind., “It is University policy to purchase a handicapped decal,” entertained the lunch group Vanzo said. with her speech titled, “Hush, “Some faculty and students are unaware of this policy, and Edwardsville community. some are just misusing the hang tags and parking in Somebody’s calling our handicapped spaces, which is unfair to those students and names.” An in-depth look at faculty who really need to use these spaces,” Vanzo said. Russell-McGoud began the speech by saying that the Cougar Coach Jack According to Liz Tarpey, assistant director of Human Relations, misuse of the hang tags is illegal. Disabled persons Edwardsville community was Margenthaler— making a major statement by should be in the vehicle when the disabled parking spaces are in PLUS Wrestlers having the awards luncheon. use. Non-disabled persons using the disabled hang tag of “We re in a pain pQtricia Russe||-McCloud prepare for SIUE another are subject to penalty under law. Invite—AND predicament... Our “Violators are subject to $100 fines and towing,” Tarpey Edwardsville leaders understand caring and sharing,” she said. Cougar Corner said. “They know that one plus one does not just equal two. If it is The university has created a plan of action to remedy the 2 3 / Comics put together, it could be eleven. They know that strength comes problem of misusing the disabled parking spaces. in numbers.” 2 4 / Classifieds please see PARKING, page 4 please see SPEAKER, page 4 in brie Í Clubs for sale Pork pet food : Contraception suggested for Madonna stalker found guilty : Budget talks break •(AP)Three East St. Louis •(AP)A decade after people I deer population explosion •(AP)Jurors who convicted •(AP)President Bill topless nightclubs belonging began going hog-wild for •(AP)Hunting opponents a homeless man of stalking and I Clinton and Republican to convicted video-gambling Vietnamese potbellied pigs, the j want the state to consider terrorizing Madonna didn’t ! congressional leaders broke I birth control to limit Indiana’s racketeer Thomas Venezia pets are turning nasty and owners buy defense arguments that j off their budget talks Tuesday, could go on the auction block are abandoning them. These little i deer population. John I Grandy, a vice president of the pop star overdramatized i delaying negotiations for a before the end of February. piggies aren’t even good for j the Humane Society of the her fears on the witness stand. j week to try to bridge deep Business people from several sausage. There’s too much fat. ; United States in Washington, It took jurors 4 1/2 hours | differences. After two weeks areas are interested in buying “They’re just using them for pet i said deer contraception can Monday to find Robert Dewey i of face-to-face White House M.T.V., a holding company for food now,” said Dale Riffle, who ! be effective, especially for Hoskins, 38, guilty on all five ; talks, the two sides said there the clubs, said U.S. Deputy keeps nearly 260 potbellies at his i deer in urban and suburban counts of stalking, assault and : were great differences Marshal Danny Martin. sanctuary for homeless pigs. ; areas. making terroristic threats. ; between each plan. Page 2 The Alesile Thursday, January 11, 1996 Around the World corrections State and Local_______________ Army researchers, in today’s Journal of the In Tuesday’s article American Medical Association, stated that “University ready to take Granite City man charged with child pornography “Claims of an increased risk of unexpected death drastic measures to prevent resulting from potential exposure to vaccinations, phone fraud,” the phone •EDWARDSVILLE, 111. (AP)—A Granite City number to call for the man lured children as young as 7 into his mobile anti-chemical agent treatments, oil fires, and amnesty program was home and videotaped them having sex with each chemical or biological weapons were not incorrect. The correct phone other and, at least once, with him, prosecutors say. supported by the data.” number is 692-5863. Timothy W. Williams was charged Monday with four counts of child pornography and one count of In Tuesday’s addition of the Alestle, it was incorrectly International_________________ aggravated sexual assault. printed that Ted Sanders has Williams taped children between the ages of 7 accepted the title of and 10, said Madison County Sheriff’s Capt. U.S. Shuttle mission hopes to stop Croat/Muslim Chancellor of the Robert J. Hertz. “Some were neighbor kids. Some clashes Universities. It should have been printed that he has were friends of his 8-year-old stepson,” Hertz •SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP)—A said. accepted the title of U.S. shuttle mission is under way to stop the President of the the If convicted, Williams could be sentenced to 15 clashes in Mostar, where failure to unite the Croat Universities. years in prison on each child pornography count and Muslim halves of the city imperils plans for a and 30 years on the sexual assault charge. The Alestle apologizes for Williams’ wife called the sheriff’s department joint Croat-Muslim government in Bosnia. these mistakes. Saturday after discovering the videotapes, Hertz Ethnic rivalry in the city, where Muslims and said. Croats fought pitched battles in 1993-94, grew Williams was being held in the Madison County suddenly violent last week when attacks left a Jail on $400,000 bond. Croat policeman and a young Muslim civilian WHAT OUR RESEARCH dead and two Muslim policemen wounded. PROGRAMS SPEND IS Mostar was a key topic in talks Monday National____________________ between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Robert NOTHING COMPARED Study finds no higher illness rate Gallucci and senior Croatian officials in Zagreb, TO WHAT THEY S/WE Soldiers, sailors and airmen who spent a year in including President Franjo Tudjman. the Persian Gulf in 1990 and 1991 did not have a "It is important that we all try to work to make higher rate of death from illness than American sure that these kinds of incidents do not continue We've funded a bilbon dollars w orth of research : the lives saved m ake our rese arch propram s w< servicemen who spent the same time elsewhere, m ore than dollars and cenis can m easure and that we meet the deadlines,” Gallucci said. You can help prevent heart disease and stroke according to a new study. W e can tell you how. Call J-KXVAHA-USA1 American Heart Assoc lotion ^ .■'ill oncernm ■ raffio R As many of you are aware, the university is to existing parking lots and exterior lighting systems. Additionally, the expansion of the west end of campus necessitates our providing a parking facility to serve students, staff and faculty who are or will be located in the Art and Design and Engineering Buildings. Representatives from Hurst Rosche Engineers, Inc., the consulting engineers for the project, will he available to discuss their findings ■■ ■■ : : •' : and recommendations on January 16, 1996, from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the Redbud Room of the University Center. You are encourage to take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions and familiarize yourselves with the project. S Ms Thank you for your interest and continued cooperation. Editorial Thursday, January 11, 1996 T h e Alestle Page 3 Snowstorm isn’t the only snow job in Washington WASHINGTON (AP) _ Somehow, the big snow to advantage. they voted to do it, but while federal workers went job that buried back-to-work day for the federal It is not the financial numbers that are blocking off the payroll temporarily, they kept drawing their government seemed fitting.
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