CENSUS 1981 '+Ilff X III - it 1;t.~fll(' .f'" n I ES _ j') ~ J "'1 .} €: I' CO' «• ~T~qC1i ~VfrrOTiil ..... ~~~ Sl~~ ~l~ UTTAR PR.ADESH Part XIII .. B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~wl f~l iI~~li:;Jf \if;;tlQl;; l DISTRICT ~a'qfi:nanT '. 'I:> BAHRAICH DISTRICT (""'-' l·i•.t .1"'\J S'U "S HANDB()OK <:<iT;:if'lei ~lI' );fVrmllflfi ~T f"'~'fi, ~1I'frfT qf~Tlfi1, ~);fWI .. t -n '1. srTCf~"l' v-vi 3. f:;r~ 'liT 1l'T"l'f~~ 4. 'f~(~ art'fii ix-xi s. f:;r<?[T :;r"l'~R'f ttf,~ffCf~ <fiT qft:qZf 6· f;;r<?[T SfT<Tfff'fi ;;r"l'lTlJf"l'T ~H ~'fli'q ::iI'''l'«liiq, 7 . 3l''fttf:qd' 'iTTfcrzrr it f~ srr lffq<fi ::iI'''fiT''l;n qr~ 8. 3l'~f-qcr ;;r<f-~rfcr<rr it f_"f~ 5n~flf<fi 'iT<flf1JT"l'T ~~ 9. ·llTI'fM !"l'm:nr SfT<rflf'fi ;Jf"l'lTlJf<tT ~~ (cr~«T~r it Jl'p:ft crill 'IfTU ~ ar~«J"{) 1 . Of'<M"'{T cr~«T~ (i) cr~&T~ lfT"l'f:q~ Oi) ~,m:ft it <fIJTT~q ~'fT 24-29 ( iii) «prfur Sf fi!"{ f lfOfi '5f"l'lf lJf<fT m~ "-I' v (i J rrlf~Tlf srr.qfq~ 'iTrrtT<1)'rrT <rr~ (rrr"l' ql~T ifTc1Ifir~i' f{f~ifT) !iIO--!Il (v) ifT~ q"J~ if)!) q:;[~s ~hlfT 'til qnfWlSc 2. ~~'i;q ~~A (i) cr~~T<i lfT'lf:;:r(:f (ii) w::r'f ..rr. q lJfT j'''filf. ~ qT ·91-IOl (iii) «r::frlJf 5fTlff'f'fi ~lf!1f<fr ~H lOi-14' (iv) 'flfiti:f 3{T~fi:rCf; ;;rrrfllJf"l'{ «r~ (ar~~T~:q 'flT~ qTf~) 146 -147 (v ) a{~Ut'" "I'm: W<ncfil!fiT l' f,fwlS~ 14'-'153 (vi) rrlT·ftr.r Sfr~lf'fi '5fi'flf'1TifT «g (~<fi1'fT "l'if~ ~~) ( .. il) tCfil"l'T rf1T~ ef(:f "fiT qf~fWlie 156 3. ~~~ cr~«l{:f (i) cr~it<1' l{T;:rf~ (ii) «I;IT 'fir CJlJfTiJ'l!ilf ~'C(t ( 2 ) (iii) l;ffllTIlT >lT4f~'fi :;r;:rlT'l'f'lf ij'H 172-221 ( iv) iiIT ~ cr >r I 4f+f:n ~;Or lfllT<I'T tfn: (\if<:q~ ;Or <T{ ~hr) 222-223 (v) ;;:r~q~::rl'R eT(;f '!'iT qf-:f!1Tlit 224 ~. f~fTT ~tft~ (i) ~~U~ +fT;;f.qq (ii) llr+jr OFT <rIlTTTfiI1 ~'ifr 226-228 (iii) l;fTtI'Tuf >rT4f+f% :;riilflJfiiT Up: 232-251 (iv) ;;1f,{1<r >rT<lfl1% ;;:r;;1fI1f;;r ij'T,{ (f''fliff iller QlI'~;s t{f~1fT) 252 -253 (v) f'~m ;:frc:'f I:fil~"S t!;f<::t1T <fiT qf~f~1SC 254 !J~;g: ~ CONTENTS Pag~ NQ. r. Foreword iii-ir 2. Preface vii-viii 3. Map of the District 4. Important Statistics ix .... xi S. Introduction of District Census Handbook xvii-:xix 6. Anal ytjcal Note 1-1 7. District Primary Census Abstract~General Population 10-13 8. District Primary CenSus Abstract for Scheduled Castes 14-17 9. District Primary CenSus AbstriVt for Scheduled Tribes 18-21 10. Rur,al/Crban Primary CensuS Abstrolq (by Village of a Tahsil-ward of a Town) 1. Nanpara Tahsil i') Tash.jI Map (n) Alphabetical Lits of ViIllages 30 - 35 (iii) RUral Prirnary Census Abstract 3&-89 (ilJ'J Urban Primary Census Abstract I Nan Para N, A.) 90-91 (v) Appndix of Nan Para N. A. 93-95 2. Bahraich Tahsil (i) Tashil Map (1i) Alphabetical t.ist of Villages 103-107 ( iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract , 108-145 (iV) Urban Primary Census Abstract (Bahraich M· B.) 146-147 (v) Appendix: of Bahraich M. B. 149-153 (vi) Urban Primary Cem_us Abstract (Ikauna T A.) 154-155 (vii) Append II at Ikauna T. A, 156 3. Kaisarganj TahSil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) -Afphabetical LiSt of Villages (iii) Rural Primary Census Absraq 172-221 (iv) erhan PrimarY Census Abstract (farwolil T. A.) 222-223 (v) Appendi~ of Jarwoaj (T. A.) . 224 2 ) f. Bbiaea Tahsil (i) Tall.il Ma.p (iI) Alphabc:liCal Liu of Villages 22,-:m (iii) Rural Primary Censue.. ARSract 2!~ - 25\ {If> Urban Primary Cen\US Abltra,et (Bhillg. N. A.) 252 -253 (v) AppelldilC of nhinga N A 254 Errat 'fOREWORD The Distl'ict Census Handbook (DeH). compiled by the Census Organization on behalf of the State Government is one of the most valuable prodUtcts of the Census. The DCH is . constantly refet'red to by planners. administ'[latol'S, academicians and l'eseaI'chers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies. fol'mulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to distlict adroinistl'ation. The District Census Handbook is the only publication which p!Ovides Primal'Y Census Abstl'act (peA) data upto village level for the rural areas ward-wise fo' each city or town. It also provides data on infl'a-stl'ucture and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The District Census Handbook sellies was initiated dUl'ing the 1951 Census. It contained importa.nt censuS tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census tho scope of the DCH was enlal'ged and it contained a descl!iptive account of the district, admini'St\1a.tive statistics, census tables and a village and town directory. including peA. The 1971 DCff set'ies was planned in tht'ee pans. Part-A related to village and town directol1Y, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C compl'ised analytical report, a.dministrative sta.tistics. district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of villages. Howevell. in some states jt was confined to district cenSllS and in a few case altogethell gi'len up due to delay in compilation and printing. While designing the fotmat of 1981 DCH s~ries some new features along with the lCStl'llcm1'ing of the fOFmats'of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, eomp8.1'abUlty with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. AU the mmnitics, except power supp1y in the viUage have been bl10ught tOg;}thCl1 in the villag~ direch'y with the instruc­ tion tbat in case an ameni.ty is not available in the r~fel!l!ent villag:: the distance in bl'nd range3 from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the fOJlmat of the village di'l'ectol'Y and incol'pol'ating mot'e' exhaustive data on infra-stFucture aspeCl ps:rtlcula'l'ly In l'elation to amenities and land-use patterll is expected to further act the need of miC\lo level planning fot' rU1'al at'eas. Tt is expected to help not only in l()cal al'ea planning but .egulating the provision of goods and sellvice~ as well as to minimise the regional imbalances in tbe process of development. A few new items of infol'mation have also been intt'oduced to meet Bome of the requi"ements of the Revised Minimum Needs Pt'ogramme. Such new items of infor­ mation as adult litel'acy centlres, pt'lma'flY health sub-centl'es, and community health workets in the village have been introduced 'n the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea. about the villages in the distuict which are inacce~ asible. A new column, "total popu1ation and numbel' of households" has been intlioduced to examine the CO--1!elation of the amenities with the pOj)ula.tion'and numbel' of households they serve. Addition of two mOl'e appendices listing fhe villa.ges whepe no amenities are available and a.ccopding to the ppopot'tion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population to the total population has also been made with this view in mind. The fO'Pma.ts of the town di'llectory have also been modified to meet the l'cqui1'ements of the Minimum Needs Pl'ogramme by p1'oviding info'l'mation on a few new items. A new s1atte ment .on civIc and othel' amenities in Class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) bas been lntlOduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on Pl'ovision of civic amenities fOl'the impl'ovement of slums. Th ooluntnS 011 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in statement IV relating to civic ( h. ) alld othell amenities and adult literacy clasges/centres unde .. educational facilities in sta.tement V are also added Inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the sevcft statements of the town directoty. The infI'a-structulfe of amenities in UI'ban areas of the country . can be best analysed by taking the class of ·towns into consideI'ation. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements: also serves this Plll'pOse. The fOI'mat of the PrimaI'Y Census Abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and othC1f questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census. In ordelf to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH sel'ies it has been so designed that· Patt-A of the volume containsl village and town diI'ectory and Pan-B.
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