S5914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 25, 2005 CLOTURE MOTION true testament to this extraordinary who are proud to wear the uniform of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I individual. I wish Secretary Wolfowitz United States Armed Forces to say farewell send a cloture motion to the desk. well as he prepares for his new duties and thank you, Mr. Secretary, for all you’ve done for all of us in uniform during your ten- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- as the President of the World Bank. I ure as our deputy secretary of Defense. ture motion having been presented ask unanimous consent to have these It’s been my great honor and privilege, under rule XXII, the Chair directs the speeches printed in the RECORD. Secretary Wolfowitz, to have known you and clerk to read the motion. There being no objection, the mate- worked with you for the last three-and-a-half The legislative clerk read as follows: rial was ordered to be printed in the years, and in that time, I think I’ve gotten to know a little bit about the man. CLOTURE MOTION RECORD, as follows: You have great humility. Of all the titles We the undersigned Senators, in accord- SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DONALD RUMSFELD that you have earned—doctor, professor, ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the HOSTS A FULL HONOR REVIEW AND AWARD dean, ambassador, secretary—the two you Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby CEREMONY FOR DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DE- prefer most are Dad and Paul. That says a move to bring to a close debate on Executive FENSE PAUL WOLFOWITZ lot about you. Calendar No. 103. (With Remarks by: General Pete Pace, Vice You’re a man of great intellect. Put sim- Bill Frist, Richard G. Lugar, Richard Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) ply, you work hard and you’re smart. And Burr, Pat Roberts, Mitch McConnell, Dr. Paul Wolfowitz is recognized for excep- you make those of us who work with you feel Jeff Sessions, Wayne Allard, Jon Kyl, tionally distinguished public service as dep- good about our contributions, and you elicit Jim DeMint, David Vitter, Richard C. uty secretary of Defense from March 2001 from us our very best recommendations, be- Shelby, Lindsey Graham, John Ensign, through April 2005. During that critical pe- cause you are, in fact, a facilitator and a per- Pete Domenici, Bob Bennett, Mel Mar- riod, Dr. Wolfowitz’s performance was bril- son who values the judgment of others—and tinez, George Allen. liant. While overseeing many of the depart- for that, we thank you. You’re also a man of great courage. Those Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, ment’s day-to-day operations, he was also a key leader in developing United States pol- of us who wear the uniform understand cour- under the previous agreement, this age on the battlefield, but there’s another vote will occur tomorrow at 6 p.m. If icy to respond to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. very distinct form of courage, and that is in- cloture is invoked—and we hope it will A leader in developing United States pol- tellectual courage. Many times it has been be, of course—the vote on the nomina- icy to respond to terrorist attack, and an my great pleasure to watch you, when con- tion will then occur immediately. internationally recognized voice for freedom, versations have been going in a particular di- rection, and someone would turn to you and f Dr. Wolfowitz contributed to the intellec- tual framework for operations in Afghani- say, ‘‘Don’t you agree, Paul?’’ And you would MORNING BUSINESS stan and Iraq that removed two brutally op- say, ‘‘No, I don’t.’’ And then you’d explain pressive regimes that encouraged and gave why you didn’t in a very, very well-reasoned, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I sanctuary to terrorists. Fifty million people articulate way that although did not always ask unanimous consent that there be a are now free from the bonds of tyranny. Self- carry the day, certainly made everybody in period for the transaction of morning government is on the march in countries that room understand that you were part of business, with Senators permitted to once believed beyond freedom’s reach. And this process, and that you were going to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Afghanistan and Iraq have become our new- speak your mind as you knew it should be spoken, and benefit all of us in uniform by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without est allies in the war on terror. While addressing these sizable challenges, always speaking the truth, as you knew it. objection, it is so ordered. You’re also a man of compassion. If I speak Dr. Wolfowitz was a driving force in address- too much about this, I will blow your cover. f ing President Bush’s charge to transform the But the fact is that many, many times in the Department of Defense to better fit the chal- halls of this building, you have said to me, HONORING THE SERVICE OF DEP- lenges of the 21st century. He encouraged a ‘‘Pete, Sergeant so-and-so—or Lieutenant so- UTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE culture of planning that stresses innovation and-so, or General so-and-so—has a problem, PAUL WOLFOWITZ and supports intelligent risk in areas rang- and I think if you say something to him, or ing from defense organization to technology Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, last you look into this, it will make life better Friday, May 13, Deputy Secretary of development and training. for him.’’ Certainly, all that you have done And Dr. Wolfowitz is a tireless advocate for for the wounded, both in your official capac- Defense Paul Wolfowitz ended his dis- America’s men and women in uniform. A fre- ity, but also as a human being in your visits tinguished tour of duty at the Depart- quent visitor to wounded forces and their ment of Defense. to the hospitals, in your caring for the fami- families in hospitals and rehabilitation cen- lies, in your attendance at funerals, in your During his 4 years at the Pentagon, ters, he paid particular attention to the caring for the families of the fallen. Secretary Wolfowitz played a critical needs and concerns that went beyond the In all those ways, Mr. Secretary, you have role as our Nation responded to the ter- typically excellent care they receive. Dr. shown enormous compassion. And for that, rorist attacks of September 11, and our Wolfowitz oversaw the creation of a 24-hour we are grateful. We will miss you, but we military defeated the Taliban in Af- operations center to reduce bureaucratic know that there are millions of people procedures for the severely injured, signifi- around this world who are now going to ben- ghanistan and liberated Iraq from dec- cantly improving the flow of information to ades of tyranny. We continue to fight efit from the intellect, strength and compas- ease their burdens during recovery. sion of Paul Wolfowitz as you go to lead the an all-out global war on terrorism, Dr. Wolfowitz’s countless achievements re- World Bank. guided by the policies which Secretary flect his keen intellect, management acu- It is my great honor now to introduce the Wolfowitz, acting as a true partner to men, vision and compassion. man in this building who works harder than Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, helped Through his dedication to the pursuit of anybody else, has more focus than anybody to craft. policies of freedom and transformation, Dr. else, and makes the rest of us work very, Wolfowitz contributed greatly to the work of He was a true partner with Rumsfeld very hard, very diligently, to be part of the the Department of Defense and the United team that is trying to do for this country all throughout. I have had some modest States. The distinctive accomplishments of that we should be doing. experience in the Department having Dr. Wolfowitz reflect great credit upon him- Mr. Secretary: Secretary Rumsfeld. served there myself during the war in self, the Department of Defense, and the Sec. Rumsfeld. Well, thank you all for Vietnam as Secretary of the Navy. I United States of America. coming. We’re pleased you’re here. A special served under Messrs. Laird and Pack- Dr. Wolfowitz has also received the Decora- welcome to Paul Wolfowitz and his family ard. I served under three Secretaries. tion for Distinguished Civilian Service from and friends and lovely daughter, Rachel, sit- the secretary of the Army, the Distinguished Their partnership, as the two prin- ting there. And welcome to Chairman John Public Service Award from the secretary of Warner. We appreciate your being here, your cipal’s sharing an evergrowing, awe- the Navy, and the Decoration for Excep- old stomping grounds. And Senator Coleman, some, level of responsibilities has been tional Civilian Service from the acting sec- thank you so much for being here, and all exemplary in the annals of the Depart- retary of the Air Force. the senior military and civilian officials of ment of Defense. Gen. Pace. Secretary Rumsfeld, Mrs. the Department of Defense and guests. Wel- On April 29, I was privileged to at- Rumsfeld, Senator Warner, Senator Cole- come. tend a ceremony at the Pentagon in man, assembled leadership of the Depart- Three years ago, The Economist magazine honor of Secretary Wolfowitz’s years of ment of Defense, special guests and friends, had an interesting take on the job of deputy and especially to our wounded Cabinet secretary.
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