JOINT COMMITTEE Report of the Joint Committee on State Building Construction to the 2020 Kansas Legislature CHAIRPERSON: Representative J. R. Claeys VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Senator Rick Billinger OTHER MEMBERS: Senators Marci Francisco, Tom Hawk, Carolyn McGinn, and John Skubal; Representatives John Alcala, Eileen Horn, Michael Houser, and Marty Long CHARGE The Committee is authorized by KSA 46-1701, which includes provisions allowing the Committee to meet on the call of its Chairperson at any time and any place within the state and to introduce legislation. The Committee is authorized to: ● Study, review, and make recommendations on all agency five-year capital improvement plans, leases, land sales, and statutorily required reports by agencies; and ● Review possible designs for the Docking State Office Building. December 2019 This page intentionally left blank. Joint Committee on State Building Construction ANNUAL REPORT Conclusions and Recommendations All five-year capital improvement plans and leases were recommended by the Committee, except for the following: ● The recommendation for the Department of Corrections five-year plan deleted the conversion of the Kansas Juvenile Correctional Complex and deleted $144.9 million for a new 1,200-bed facility; ● The recommendation for the Kansas Insurance Department deleted all expenditures beyond fiscal year (FY) 2020 due to the agency relocating into a leased building during Fall 2019; ● The recommendation for the Kansas Highway Patrol five-year plan deleted all expenditures for replacing the fleet car wash for FY 2021; ● The recommendation for the Department for Children and Families included moving the Topeka LED lighting replacement project up to occur with the lobby remodel; and ● The recommendation for the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services/state hospitals deleted the renovation of the Biddle Building at Osawatomie State Hospital. Proposed Legislation: None BACKGROUND Chairperson of the House Committee on Appropriations serve on the Committee or appoint The Joint Committee on State Building a member of such committee to serve (KSA 46- Construction was established during the 1978 1701). Session. The Special Committee on Ways and Means recommended the bill creating the Terms of office are until the first day of the Committee, 1978 HB 2722, as a result of its regular legislative session in odd-numbered years. interim study of state building construction A quorum of the Committee is six members. The procedures. chairperson and vice-chairperson are elected by the members of the Committee at the beginning of The Committee was expanded from six each regular session of the Legislature and serve members to ten members by 1999 HB 2065. It is until the first day of the next regular session. In composed of five members of the Senate and five odd-numbered years, the chairperson is to be a members of the House of Representatives. Two representative and the vice-chairperson is to be a members each are appointed by the Senate senator. In even-numbered years, the chairperson President, the Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker is to be a senator and the vice-chairperson is to be of the House of Representatives, and the House a representative (KSA 46-1701). Minority Leader. The Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and the Kansas Legislative Research Department 6-1 2019 Committee on State Building Construction The Committee may meet at any location in cost of $125,000 or more, prior to approving the Kansas on call of the Chairperson and is change order or change in plans (KSA 2018 Supp. authorized to introduce legislation. Members 75-1264). This threshold was increased from receive the normal per diem compensation and $25,000 to $75,000 in 2000 HB 2017 and to expense reimbursements for attending meetings $125,000 in 2008 HB 2744. Similar requirements during periods when the Legislature is not in were prescribed in 2002 for projects undertaken by session (KSA 46-1701). the State Board of Regents for research and development facilities and state educational The primary responsibilities of the Committee facilities (KSA 2018 Supp. 76-786) and in 2004 are set forth in KSA 2018 Supp. 46-1702. The for projects undertaken by the Kansas Bioscience Committee is to review and make Authority (KSA 2018 Supp. 74-99b16). recommendations on all agency capital improvement budget estimates and five-year If the Committee will not be meeting within capital improvement plans, including all project ten business days, and the Secretary of program statements presented in support of Administration determines it is in the best interest appropriation requests, and to continually review of the State to approve a change order or change in and monitor the progress and results of all state plans with an increase in project costs of $125,000 capital construction projects. The Committee also or more, 2000 HB 2017 provided an alternative to studies reports on capital improvement budget prior approval by the Committee. Under these estimates that are submitted by the State Building circumstances, a summary description of the Advisory Commission. The Committee makes proposed change order or change in plans is annual reports to the Legislature through the mailed to each member of the Committee, and a Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC) and other member may request a presentation and review of such special reports to the appropriate committees the proposal at a meeting of the Committee. If, of the House of Representatives and the Senate. within seven business days of the date the notice was mailed, two or more members notify the Each state agency budget estimate for a capital Director of Legislative Research of a request to improvement project is submitted to the have a meeting on the matter, the Director will Committee, the Division of the Budget, and the notify the Chairperson of the Committee, who will State Building Advisory Commission by July 1 of call a meeting as soon as possible. At that point, each year. Each estimate includes a written the Secretary of Administration is not to approve program statement describing the project in detail the proposed action prior to a presentation of the (KSA 2018 Supp. 75-3717b). The budget estimate matter at a meeting of the Committee. If two or requirement does not apply to federally funded more members do not request the proposed matter projects of the Adjutant General or to projects for be heard by the Committee, the Secretary of buildings or facilities of the Kansas Correctional Administration is deemed to have advised and Industries of the Department of Corrections that consulted with the Committee and may approve are funded from the Correctional Industries Fund. the proposed change order, change in plans, or In those cases, the Adjutant General reports to the change in proposed use (KSA 2018 Supp. 75- Committee each January regarding the federally 1264). funded projects, and the Director of Kansas Correctional Industries advises and consults with The “comprehensive energy bill,” 2009 Senate the Committee prior to commencing such projects Sub. for HB 2369, required the State to establish for the Kansas Correctional Industries (KSA 2018 energy-efficient performance standards for State- Supp. 75-3717b and 75-5282). owned and -leased real property, and for the construction of state buildings. State agencies are The Secretary of Administration issues required to conduct energy audits at least every monthly progress reports on capital improvement five years on all State-owned property, and the projects, including all actions relating to change Secretary of Administration is prohibited from orders or changes in plans. The Secretary of approving, renewing, or extending any building Administration is required to first advise and lease unless the lessor has submitted an energy consult with the Committee on each change order audit for the building. Each year, the Secretary of or change in plans having an increase in project Administration shall submit a report to the Kansas Legislative Research Department 6-2 2019 Committee on State Building Construction Committee that identifies properties where an Five-Year Plans excessive amount of energy is being used (KSA 2018 Supp. 75-37,128). Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC). An agency representative stated the number one priority for KDOC is the five-year COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Rehabilitation, Remodeling, Renovation, and Repair Program (Program). It receives $5 million The LCC approved three meeting dates for the per year for Program. Of the $5.0 million, Committee. The Committee met on two days, $500,000 has gone to bond payments that will be August 2 and October 28, 2019. The Committee paid off in 2020. The agency representative reviewed agencies’ five-year capital improvement requested the funds that had been used to pay the plans, reviewed leases, received an update on the bond go back into the agency’s Program projects Docking State Office Building, and received the in subsequent years. The $5.0 million per year was Department of Transportation’s Excess Right-of- statutorily capped approximately 20 years ago. Way Annual Report. The Committee also toured Construction inflation has reduced buying capacity the Kansas Department of Health and to about $0.43 for every $1.00. As a result, KDOC Environment’s (KDHE’s) lab and the Insurance cannot complete the same number of projects it Department Building before it was vacated. All was able to 20 years ago. agency five-year capital improvement plans were recommended, except for the following: The agency representative discussed two specific capital improvement projects KDOC ● The recommendation for the Department requested be deferred until Fall 2022 or later: the of Corrections five-year plan deleted the Kansas Juvenile Correctional Complex conversion conversion of the Kansas Juvenile project and new construction of a 1,200-bed Correctional Complex and deleted $144.9 facility at a total cost of $144,931,549. million for a new 1,200-bed facility; Kansas Insurance Department.
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