See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260719399 Armatites kaufmanni n. sp., the first Late Devonian goniatite with ventral spines Article in Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen · March 2014 DOI: 10.1127/0077-7749/2014/0393 CITATIONS READS 2 119 1 author: Dieter Korn Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz I… 297 PUBLICATIONS 2,712 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Dieter Korn letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 02 September 2016 N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 271/3 (2014), 349–352 Article E Stuttgart, March 2014 Armatites kaufmanni n. sp., the first Late Devonian goniatite with ventral spines Dieter Korn With 2 figures Abstract: Armatites kaufmanni n. sp. is described from an early Famennian (Late Devonian) oc- currence of Braunau (Ense near Bad Wildungen) in the Rhenish Mountains Germany). It is the first goniatitic ammonoid with ventral shell extensions in the form of two rows of prominent, laterally flattened spines. Key words: Ammonoidea, Famennian, Rhenish Mountains, shell sculpture. 1. Introduction shell extensions. They occur often in species, in which a flattened or concave venter is separated from the flanks The development of shell extensions in the form of by an angular margin. The oldest of these is the late longitudinal skids, ventrolateral or ventral parabolic Early Devonian genus Gyroceratites v. Meyer, 1831, ribs and spines is a repeated process in the evolution of but they become more important in the Famennian. the Devonian and earliest Carboniferous ammonoids. Here, goniatitic as well as clymeniid genera with vent- These shell extensions occur in various clades at vari- rolateral skids occur independently in various families, ous geological times and are obviously much more e.g. the Tornoceratidae (genus Armatites BeCker, 1993), common than in stratigraphically younger ammonoids Kosmoclymeniidae (genera Protoxyclymenia sChinde- (e.g., CheCa & Martin-raMos 1989). wolf, 1923 and Kosmoclymenia hyatt, 1884) and Cy- Here I describe a new occurrence of spines in the maclymeniidae (genus Laganoclymenia ni kola eva & early Famennian (Late Devonian) ammonoid Armatites Bogoslovsky, 2005). Finally the basal Carboniferous kaufmanni n. sp. (Fig. 1). The slender isolated spines are family Prolecanitidae (genus Eocanites liBrovitCh, arranged in two ventrolateral rows and are developed 1957) also displays such conch morphology. out of an external band that is delimited by skids as The development of ventrolateral skids is some- known from Armatites planidorsatus (Münster, 1839). times the intermediate stage towards more complex shell extensions such as prominent hollow parabolic 2. Devonian ammonoids with spines nodes known from the Kosmoclymeniidae in the pro- posed lineage Rodeckia – Protoxyclymenia – Kos- Shell extensions in Devonian ammonoids can be at- moclymenia (korn 1979; korn & PriCe 1987). A sim- tributed to two major classes, (1) ventrolateral longi- ilar shell structure has been described from the Cy- tudinal skids, which may be transformed into isolated maclymeniidae in the probable lineage Cymaclymenia hollow parabolic nodes, and (2) the so-called ‘para- – Laganoclymenia (ni kola eva & Bogoslovsky 2005). bolic ears’, which typically evolve from ventrolateral Among the goniatites, it is particularly the genus excursions of the aperture and may transform into dis- Armatites, from which extended ventrolateral skids tinct and sharp spines. have been reported. terMier & terMier (1948) figured Ventrolateral skids are most common among the a specimen of ‘Pseudoclymenia planidorsata’ (= Arm- ©2014 E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany www.schweizerbart.de DOI: 10.1127/0077-7749/2014/0393 0077-7749/2014/0393 $ 1.00 350 D. Korn Fig. 1. Armatites kaufmanni n. sp., holotype MB.C.22702 from the Ense near Braunau. A – Lateral view, x 1.5. B – Close- up of the ventrolateral area, x 3.0. atites planidorsatus) from a locality near the mine at Included species: Goniatites planidorsatus Münster, 1839 ‘Mefis’ in the vicinity of Taouz (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). (Franconia); Tornoceras lateroconcavum dyBCzynski, This specimen was figured with prominent continuous 1913 (Holy Cross Mountains); Armatites beatus BeCker, 1993 (Rhenish Mountains); Armatites nudus BeCker, 1993 ventrolateral skids, which reach a height of 30 % of the (Rhenish Mountains); Armatites kaufmanni n. sp. (Rhenish whorl height (Fig. 2). Mountains). Parabolic nodes are well-known from clymeniids of the suborder Clymeniina, where they occur in vari- Remarks: Armatites has a wide geographic distribution in ous families, e.g. the Platyclymeniidae (genera Trigo- North Africa (Morocco, Algeria; terMier & terMier 1950; Petter 1959; BeCker 1993; Belka et al. 1999), the Mon- noclymenia Chindewolf Spinoclymenia og s , 1934, B - tagne Noire (BeCker 1993), the Rhenish Mountains (wede- oslovsky, 1960 and Progonioclymenia sChindewolf, kind 1908; BeCker 1993), the Harz Mountains (Born 1912), 1937) and the Gonioclymeniidae (genera Gonioclyme- the Thuringian Mountains (Münster 1839; sChindewolf nia hyatt, 1884 and Kalloclymenia hyatt, 1884). 1923b), Saxony (geinitz 1853; freyer 1957), the Carnic A mode of shell extensions, which can not be attribut- Alps of Austria (flügel & kroPfitsCh-flügel 1965; BeCk- er 1993), the Holy Cross Mountains (dyBCzynski 1913; ed to the two classes are the ventral spines in Karadzhar- soBolev 1914a, 1914b; dzik 2006), and the South Urals ia korn, 2002 (= Bellaclymenia BeCker, 2002). In K. ex- (Perna 1914; nalivkina 1953; Bogoslovsky 1971). Most cellens (Bogoslovsky, 1982), an oxyconic conch shape is of these reports refer to only one single species Armatites connected with striking triangular ventral spines. planidorsatus, and most of the stratigraphically well-de- fined occurrences have an early Famennian (“Cheiloceras Stufe”) age. According to BeCker (1993, p. 230), specimens 3. Systematic Palaeontology of Armatites occur typically in the younger part of the “Cheiloceras Stufe”. However, a younger stratigraphic age of some of the occurrences (particularly in the South Urals) Order Goniatitida hyatt, 1884 appears to be possible (Bogoslovsky 1971). Suborder Tornoceratina wedekind, 1914 BeCker (1993) attributed most of the occurrences to the Superfamily Tornoceratoidea v. arthaBer, 1911 species A. planidorsatus. His two new species A. nudus and Family Tornoceratidae v. arthaBer, 1911 A. beatus, which are characterised by weaker and stronger steinkern constrictions, respectively, are so far only known Subfamily Aulatornoceratinae BeCker, 1993 from the Rhenish Mountains. Genus Armatites BeCker, 1993 Diagnosis: Genus of the subfamily Aulatornoceratinae, in Armatites kaufmanni n. sp. which the venter is flattened or concave. The venter is char- Fig. 1 acterised by a ventral band delimited by longitudinal skids, which are occasionally transformed into singular spines. Etymology: After hartMut kaufMann (Burgwald), the The flanks are flattened and concave in some species. finder of the specimen. Armatites kaufmanni n. sp., the first Late Devonian goniatite with ventral spines 351 The reconstruction of a specimen of “Pseudoclymenia planidorsata” from the Anti-Atlas figured by terMier & terMier (1948) shows long continuous ventrolateral skids, which differ in this expression from the isolated spines in A. kaufmanni. The specimen from Morocco has a narrower umbilicus (uw/dm = 0.08) than the new species and hence may not be conspecific. Acknowledgements I am grateful to hartMut kaufMann (Burgwald) for pro- viding the specimen for description. dieter weyer (Ber- lin) is acknowledged for the determination of the conodonts Fig. 2. Reproduction of the illustration showing the Arma- and sonny a. walton (Berlin) for reading the manuscript. tites specimen figured as “Pseudoclymenia planidorsata” kevin Bylund (Spanish Fork, Utah) and günter sChwei- by terMier & terMier (1948). gert (Stuttgart) kindly reviewed the manuscript. References arthaBer, g. v. (1911): Die Trias von Albanien. – Beiträge zur Paläontologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients, Holotype: Specimen MB.C.22702 (kaufMann Coll.), illus- 24: 169-288. trated in Fig. 1. BeCker, R.T. (1993): Stratigraphische Gliederung und Am- monoideen-Faunen im Nehdenium (Oberdevon II) von Type locality and horizon: Ense near Braunau (Bad Wil- Europa und Nord-Afrika. – Courier Forschungsinstitut dungen area, Kellerwald); most probably Praemeroceras pet- Senckenberg, 155: 1-405. terae Zone. A few accompanying conodonts were determined BeCker, r.t., house, M.r., BoCkwinkel, J., eBBighausen, by dieter weyer as Palmatolepis glabra prima ziegler & v. & aBoussalaM, Z.S. (2002): Famennian ammonoid huddle, 1969 (species and subspecies concept of ziegler & zones of the eastern Anti-Atlas (southern Morocco). – huddle 1969), thus confirming the stratigraphic age. Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläonto- logie, 93: 159-205. Diagnosis: Species of the genus Armatites with flattened, Belka, z., klug, C., kaufMann, B., korn, d., döring, s., subparallel flanks and a narrow umbilicus (uw/dm = 0.13). feist, r. & wendt, H. (1999): Devonian conodont and Margin of the ventral band occupied by prominent and iso- ammonoid succession of the eastern Tafilalt (Ouidane lated flat spines. Chebbi section), Anti-Atlas, Morocco. – Acta Geologica Polonica, 49: 1-23. Description: The holotype is the only available specimen. Born,
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