SOUTH HAMS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - WEDNESDAY, 5TH DECEMBER, 2012 Agenda, Reports and Minutes for the meeting Agenda No Item 1. Agenda Letter (Pages 1 - 4) 2. Reports Reports to DM: a) SI Report - 03_56/1596/12/O (Pages 5 - 8) Resubmission of outline planning application 03_56/0447/12/O for outline application for mixed use development comprising about 100 dwellings. Up to 5350 sq m of office/light industrial floor space. Up to 60 units of extra care accommodation and associated communal facilities. Up to 350 sqm of floor space for community use. Provision of public open space. Creation of new vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses and associated works. Development site between Steamer Quay and Weston Lane, Bridgetown, Totnes b) 30/2337/12/F (Pages 9 - 24) Retrospective application for Rail Control Centre - Dartmouth Steam Railway & River Boat Co, Kingswear Signal Box, The Square, Kingswear, Dartmouth, TQ6 0AA. c) 30/2340/12/LB (Pages 25 - 34) Retrospective listed building consent application for relocation of railway tracks and bufferstop to accommodate a new Rail Control Centre at Kingswear Station d) 15/1975/12/F (Pages 35 - 46) Resubmission of planning application 15/0210/12/F for proposed erection of new dwelling - Land adjacent to 14 Broadstone, Dartmouth, TQ6 9NR e) 37/1864/12/F (Pages 47 - 58) Retrospective change of use of land to camping and caravan site - Briar Hill Farm, Court Road, Newton Ferrers, Plymouth, PL8 1AR f) 56/2037/12/F (Pages 59 - 66) Change of use of ground floor from retail (Class A1) to a mixed use of retail and cafe (Class A3), installation of cooking fume extraction equipment to the rear of the property, the use of the forecourt and rear yard for seating, the insertion of a customer toilet in the rear extension and landscaping of the forecourt – 47 Fore Street, Totnes, TQ9 5NJ g) 56/2038/12/LB (Pages 67 - 72) Listed building consent to facilitate a change of use of the ground floor from retail to a mixed use of retail/cafe/takeaway. The works comprise installation of kitchen extraction equipment, reinstatement of an internal and external door, lowering of front boundary wall, insertion of replacement fireplace, re-flooring to provide wooden floorboards – 47 Fore Street, Totnes, TQ9 5NJ h) 15/2145/12/F (Pages 73 - 76) Full application for replacement of asbestos roof with natural slate roof - 23,24 & 25 Island House, Lower Street. Dartmouth, Devon. TQ6 9AN i) 15/2146/12/LB (Pages 77 - 80) Listed Building Consent for replacement of asbestos roof with natural slate roof - 23,24 & 25 Island House, Lower Street. Dartmouth, Devon. TQ6 9AN 3. Minutes (Pages 81 - 92) 2 To: Chairman & Members of the Development Management Committee Our Ref: CS/KT (Cllrs Barber, Bastone, Brazil, Bruce-Spencer, Cane, Carter, Cooper, Coulson, Cuthbert, Foss, Hannaford, Hawkins, Hicks, Hitchins, Hodgson, Holway, May, Pennington, Rowe, Smerdon, Squire, Steer, Vint, Westacott MBE and Wright). 27 November 2012 Dear Councillor A meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes, on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 at 10.00 am when your attendance is requested. Yours sincerely Kathryn Trant Member Services Manager FOR ANY QUERIES ON THIS AGENDA, PLEASE CONTACT KATHRYN TRANT THE MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER ON DIRECT LINE 01803 861185 AGENDA 1. Minutes - to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 7 November 2012 (pages 1 to 11); 2. Urgent Business - brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman; 3. Division of Agenda - to consider whether the discussion of any item of business is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt information; 4. Declarations of Interest - Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting; 5. Public Participation - The Chairman to advise the Committee on any requests received from members of the public to address the meeting; 6. Site Inspections:- (a) to appoint the Group for site inspections to be held on Monday, 17 December 2012 (page 12 only); (b) to receive a report of the site inspection held on Monday 19 November 2012 (i) 03_56/1596/12/O Resubmission of outline planning application 03_56/0447/12/O for outline application for mixed use development comprising about 100 dwellings. Up to 5350 sq m of office/light industrial floor space. Up to 60 units of extra care accommodation and associated communal facilities. Up to 350 sqm of floor space for community use. Provision of public open space. Creation of new vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses and associated works. Development site between Steamer Quay and Weston Lane, Bridgetown, Totnes (pages 13 to 55); 7a. Planning Applications – Application Numbers: 30/2337/12/F – Kingswear Signal Box, The Square, Kingswear, Dartmouth (pages 56 to 72); 30/2340/12/LB – Kingswear Station. Members are requested to raise any queries they may have with the respective case officer before the meeting (pages 73 to 82). AGENDA PART TWO – SCHEDULED TO START AT 2.00PM 7b. Planning Applications - Members are requested to raise any queries they may have with the respective case officer before the meeting (pages 83 to 127). Members of the public may wish to note that the Council's meeting rooms are accessible by wheelchairs and have a loop induction hearing system Members of the public shall be permitted to record the proceedings of any meeting in sound and pictures and broadcast them whether by electronic means or otherwise, subject to receiving the prior approval of the Chairman of the Committee, in consultation with the Chief Executive (or Monitoring Officer in his/her absence) ********************************** An optional lunch will be available for Members of the Committee in the Cary Room at 1.00 pm ********************************** During the preparation of reports contained in this Agenda, the Officers have had recourse to the following documents:- Devon County Structure Plan and relevant Local Plans South Hams Local Plan Relevant Government Circulars and Advice Relevant Appeal decisions Human Rights Act 1998 Where other information has been used, the relevant sources are quoted within the individual report. Planning case officer’s recommendations include reference to conditions and reasons for refusal by code. Please note that 'NS' refers to a non-standard condition or reason for refusal and for details of these, contact the appropriate case officer. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER THIS AGENDA HAS BEEN PRINTED ON ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PAPER If you or someone you know would like this publication in a different format, such as large print or a language other than English, please call Darryl White on 01803 861247 or by email at: [email protected] The Council Chamber doors will be opened to the public at 9.45 am ITEM ITEM REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE SITE INSPECTION GROUP HELD ON THE AFTERNOON OF MONDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2012 (i) 03_56/1596/12/O – Resubmission of outline planning application 03_56/0447/12/O for outline application for mixed use development comprising about 100 dwellings. Up to 5350 sq m of office/light industrial floor space. Up to 60 units of extra care accommodation and associated communal facilities. Up to 350 sq m of floor space for community use. Provision of public open space. Creation of new vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses and associated works. Development site between Steamer Quay and Weston Lane, Bridgetown, Totnes Present : Cllr D W May (Chairman) Cllr A D Barber Cllr H D Bastone Cllr R J Carter Cllr P K Cuthbert Cllr R J Foss Cllr M Hannaford Cllr M J Hicks Cllr J M Hodgson Cllr T R Holway Cllr J T Pennington Cllr R Rowe Cllr P C Smerdon Cllr R C Steer Cllr R J Vint Cllr J A Westacott Cllr S A E Wright Also in attendance: Cllr A S Gorman – South Hams District Council Cllr Jill Tomalin – Totnes Town Council Council A Berry Pomeroy Parish Council Representative Dave Kenyon – Major Projects Manager Ross Kennerley – Natural Environment and Recreation Manager James Kershaw – Environmental Health Officer Graham Swiss – Strategic Planning Officer Brian Hensley – Highways Development Manager, Devon County Council Matthew Barnes – County Highways Officer, Devon County Council Kathryn Trant – Member Services Manager Anna Gribble – Member Services Admin Assistant The Chairman began the site inspection by introducing himself and the Members, and explaining the site inspection procedure to the members of the public. Prior to the case officer presentation, the Chairman agreed with a request for the representative from Totnes Town Council to read out the following statement: Just to reiterate - we are absolutely not opposed to development of this site. We recognise the need for Totnes to take its share of housing development on this site, as per the DPD. What we oppose is this particular proposal on four grounds: • lack of affordable housing • no acceptable Masterplan • access issues, and • the affect on the landscape Obviously, today, you will want to look at the access and landscape issues. Firstly, Access You will see that • Bridgetown is a mass of small residential roads with parked cars everywhere • it is built on a steep hill - the reality is that families, elderly residents, MOST residents will use their cars most of the time. • We need multiple access points to the site - firstly so that traffic can disperse across the residential roads, and secondly to integrate the site properly into the larger Bridgetown community. The proposed road • starts at the top of the hill, requiring residents to travel up through the site, and down again through Bridgetown.
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