

eoJqtJer0o aq1 elq,n', ro1ure1uequoN erfl pu€ elpqsnv g]nos '€rl€rlsny uJetsad\ol uouuroc sr ouo'EIp.4SnVUf,elso\ olcuropue eJe uel'sryoqdaaoru$4urpasruEocer,{11uermc sercedstI oqUO sn1ot1dacottttr411o uo,Unqulslp pue ozls aurouoxal 'np1ag[p1oouaolqco.tdwDT evJqu a,q, taprm (9991) relyon1r1 fq paqucsepuox?t oWol spuodsexocqUnoJEeylq,tr sarcads msu sepesuSoceJeJeqeJB€xe1eseqlJo ooql exelreqlogo ecuasa.rd oqtrperncsqo p€q srql 1erppu? p€orq ool sert sryoqdacoutt7tgSo sercods oruosjo uoq?eullsp luorm. eql lpqt luepr^earu€coq ll .pllu4snvJo ?Jold,,eql roJ snuoS oqlJo lueurtee4 ?Jo uolpl?de.rdeq1 3uun6 'rededsql ur paldaccesr snloqdacotrtyg go uo4ducsumc;rc srH '?leuo8roqlo 01sarceds pre,resgo regsue4 aq1 posodord goqs uosealqcrq,{^ JoJ 'exe1;o eEelqruossu .(0002.€661) Fm1eurmu? secnpo.ldpue cnsldrurs oo1 sr urzqlueg,{qpeldope uorlducsumcrc eql 'Je^e,,r{o11'lueredde uoqs pu€(6861) lp ta uoqs , q u,{^orlsuoeq s€r.l se srecuecsaJouul oqlJo rruoJ ' laoueEsrql qcq,,rrur rluog o?urrltru€rEuyeqr4qns eWJo sor.ods rer{tro epnlcut ol snuo?eq1;o ldecuoc sqpepuedxsropl(1991)uuqlueg'slcerqlueunuo.rdJodnepeura;cn1o,tur1u.reueEr.{qpeprmormssr peaqprmodruoc esuep e qcqr* ur sercodse'qlueg sryDlnJlpuaddo'1t'1 go uotcelloc e uo ,{loJospes€q s?.{{'(r€81) ureqlueg.{q pepore'(e€erFqd€ug :aeoceralsy) 'Wueg sryDqdacoLttw snuaE eq1 uo,rlcnporlul ',{mluocr{t6l prluaqt ecurs polceflor uoeq .pegu€lc lou suqlI s€lcuxo eq teurprtl,M'snpnu7g rogpepnord ore uoll€4snlll prre uoldlJcsap v 'y ,pegrd,&olrel sLtEtD snpnu7[ J€lrulrs^ €lcgtodnsoW pu? uox?l su uee.rloqocueJoJJlp eql olu{,{r 'uoslrl[ 'J) ,uo:4e:Jnqrroc orrrsueql pue ep€ursr C Irud ( llont{ WaAMo sqoqdaco!,r,9[ ndeuouo 'uoslrl[ .g g lrud sztruDnbsy[ptrBuoslrl,['DVEdsrypdp?s W,uoqrl[ lrud srrolg Jr{:pequcsop .(7996) .(eearpqdzug ojrqluog snloqdacol,u(|t11o selcads ,ueu ee;q1 ,vn*Lfi :G)vl ogtn71 .O ,uoslll[ :e?ec€JaFv)sryntldacot"r(7,,tr snueE urqe4sny eql ut ex?l ,r\eu puB seloN In€d lJEJlsqv 'a.quoJ t869 ellsllsnv uroNeA ,fi.^Ioo ,{olluog 't0l 'uoueNosuoC 'urnueqleH 3€g pa{co'I Jo eLLUedeC o€lt€Isny LueFey'A .) uoslrd\ lnBd (oualpqduug :oeoJerolsy) snpqdacolttw snua8uBllB4snv aql q ?xal ^reupue soloN (zOOOnntnn (di r "!" tt"N Nuttsiayol 14,No. 3 (2002) axeentircly exta-WestemAustralian. Speciesoccuring only in eastemAustalia me M. pluriflorus (J. Black)D. Cooke,M. rhizocephalus(DC.) Benth. and M squqmqtus.Westem Australian species that ar€ not mentioned exc€pt for their inclusion in the key are M. gascoynensasP.S. Short, M. helichrysoidesA-Ctray, M. occidentalis(F.M.oell.) P.S. Short,,44 pygznaeas (A Gray)P.S Short, M. ruclalliiG.Muell.) Benth.and M walcottiiP.S. Short. Key to speciesof MJrri.ocephalus Notes.Abbreviations used in this key for the Statesand Territories ofAustralia are:NSW - New SouthWales, NT - NorthemTenitory, Qld - Queensland,SA - SouthAustralia, Vic. - Victoria and WA - WestemAustralia. l. Corolla5lobed 2. Bractsofgeneral involucrewith milk-white tips 3. Plant glabrous;leaves linear, 2-4 cm long, with roundedapex. (South-westWA) .. ........................M. helichrysoides 3: Plantvariably woolly; leaveslinear, l-3 cm long,acute to acuminate 4. Cypselanarrowly cylindrical, without a naxrowsterile base; pappusabsent. (South-west WA) .. M. appendiculatus 4: Clpselanarrowly top-shaped at base; pappus absent, or a scale, or of 1-3 bristles. 5. Pappusof l-3 bdstlesor absent.(lnland WA & SA, southemNT)................ M. rudallii 5: Pappusabroad scale. (Cenhal and north-west SA).................................... M. squamatus 2: Bractsofgeneral involucre #ith hyaline,pale fawn, shaw-coloured, or dirty white tips 6. Stemsimple, erect, not branched;plant glandular puberulous and cottony;pappus absent. (South-west WA) ............................. ..M. nudus 6: Plantbranched, usually spreading from base, cottony or woollybut without glandularhairs; pappus absent or present. 7. Cypselanarrowly cylindrical or narrowlyellipsoid (sometimes with a very short turbinatebase) 8. Bractsofgeneral involucre with a palefawn, or staw-coloured,or very pale dirty white hyaline apex;pappus absent or of 1(2) slenderbristles 9. Capitulawith 4 florets. (Widespreadin eastemWA) .. M' oldfieldii 9: Capitulawith 2 florets.(South-east WA) ...................... M' biflorus 8: Bractsofgeneral involucrewith a glossytlanspaxent hyalineapex; pappusa singlefirm bristle 10. Florets 5 per capitulum;twin-hairs on cypselaminutely bidenlate.(Camawon district, WA) ...................... M. gascoynensis l0: Florets4 per capitulum;twin-hairs on cypselawith an anchor-shapedtip. (Pilbararegion, WA)..................................................... M. scapellus 7: C;rpselanarrowly top-shapedwith a narrow sterilebase 11. Pappusabsent. (Murchison district, WA).................... ... M' walcottii I l: Pappusa shorterose scale. (North-westem SA) .......................................... M. squamatus l: Corolla3- or 4-lobed 12. Capifiilar bractsnoticeably cartilaginous towards base 13. Capitulamostly 1-flowered; achenial hairs slender and minutely bidentate. (SA, NSW, & Vic.) M. rhizocephalus 'unplrdec red slcerq moJ prr? sleJog moSem eJlip uplag[p1o]4/ ur :unFIdEc qc?e ur spe;q replrdec eeq] pu? s]eJou o.{! fpo Surteq ur ' 'unaElplo .{lqser4ou lsour sreJJrypue ^ b sryoqdacot"rt,u olreprurs ,{Imelc sr sercedsstrql saaugft 'tr"erql ;eprm sr sercedseql }?ql . le4lun oroJareqlsr 1Ipue ]red [?uorleue8rel e ur pereqlB?eJe^r suoucelloc u,!\ou4oA! oql o,!{ f,lgop4 :erolguequ4snv rrJe6el[ JoJsepoC uoq?^JesuoC ' snp$ uoqoMasuoC '..pare^\og-o,r\1 , JoJu4e1 sr pqlrde cgrcads.qL l8oloutig 'I0qruecac ro roqualoN Jor{lrour ra,t,rogur pelcefloceJo,tl pounusxe suorurceds otl e'q1 po!,Dd Sm,DMolI '('paWSn atto[ ap!1, '€rl€Jlsnv '(69 s1co.relue;? prmoreureol ,$Is perur Sulnorg u.lalse16u:e1see-q1nos 6 1pJ?sg) slcr4srq I€cru€loqeig pw eoUaqlur lred l€uon€NpuvodeC oql uIo.U peprocer,{lug torqoqpuDuo!fiqltsle 'GJdg.AZO6] 'pawu.tr]D b,rst!,LlA ?oEEsUry\Jo l[ UDI0Z :yITfUISnV NUAtSg]l\ uautrrads.DWO 'Buol 1uesqzsnddo4 luru I'0 , srr€r{ul,rl eplueprq,{[emunx ,{$^ trqEr€nsJepuels Wlirr olnsJrq ,{letEreporx'AuolulurI'xad?t€ol€cunu'os?qtr?popunor1€clrpu11f,cauaqcy,,t{o11e,t'paqo1-g,quoqs '?uoJlulrrZ'l,'o^oqe opurqr$ pll o.to2 '7s1a.o1g 'sdy au4z.(q psprmo; qlt,lr el€^oqo-Euolqo,{lao:r?u 't stcBJqrBIn{dEc :snonumu o1n4do3 Euruleleurp.{q ssalmoloc pu€ eruoeJelsJ?eull qllr{',{uo$oc 'eulp,{q'Auol 'snoJeumu ,{lasJ?ds ulur t ,'asqqo'al€^oqo ol Auolqo,{I,t\oJl?u slrEJq:el?Fesrtlnrlr 'xedeppepunoJolasnlqo,es€qlB a,Dnlo\u!lD.oua) ul?ryuulSI-0I l8crnr4dsrwe,4poaqpunodwog '?uo1urur '?uo1qo,{1,rrror.ruu pecxeldure-uras;oelglnrmB pu? pauep€oJq seulqeuros g1-g se,reelraddn 'Jeauq 'sJI?q :Euolruc t ol se^?elJe,,rrol :elelcund .rcppue13 leq,trauros elll-uolloc ,ueJ? Wr,,rrJo snorq?[8 'sJr9't46{\Vro$oc 'Jepuels sa^Do1 ^\eJ? qlr^r Jo snoJq?[E sruels:qArq urc SI ol qra{ pouruolsuF] tr '(zrz8z9ooHJugd :oloq') 69r or artoy'e'A'|L6I JFquloco(S'ulle4snvruoNe^\ 5lrsdlBuoltsNprrvedeC'peAa?UtI Joqlnos.szdtrJ 'suesqe 'q?uo1 'c sndde4 urur I 0 srl8luoprqetnurur sqld ufiqns]Iqecrpout 'ul1U€pun]oJ 'c '?l€ulqJn] rs€qruncupull, c umrueqcy ?pqofs Je ^eJq'??uollllu Z l otsnEwEIIoloc 'snEpuntor 'o€lu^oqo-oAuolqo :Z Incsold sluw,{q snqrclde etsnEu8'ggnlldec o?e}c?lq :?soroumu ?lnlrd€C 'e?urd.{sso8osr€ds 'eeu11efq 'eeEuol uru g r 'o?Auolqoelsn8ue e€soroumu wotJ?Jq 'uIelp '?cua?qdsruoq 'elpe :Ixnl"uesrtFtll el€roueE-umJcn1o,ru1 9I-0 I elsodruoc-?Ftrd€C xsydure '?Euol '??uolqo '?8uol - uesIea el?lncunp rseq ulu 0l-g o$nftre€rouodns trlcg peeEuolqo alsnSue '€l?lclmd Ie^ elJ?eull?JouaJur osoFpuelSeqog e1purc aI p? slln€clllnrusaluarseJq?l8 €qreH ',roa ds'uosl16 g 1ne4snrogrq snyrqdaoo;.r,{141 ',tSm'VS) snroggnyd1,q (ptb ry qlo.roco1lanbe a'Z ro I sallsyqsndd€d :f I snaturS,d 1q (y16 u:eqpos pue I€IueC) ?lloroc Jo rl€uel JI"q ueql sselpue f.reyJosro luesqee11sgq sndde4 y y eseqspre,rrol snourS€puec lou slcerqrelrqlde3 :71 "' """ qlutuaplrco'I tr (Vl& u-teglnos)peprmor ro et€ Blo-qnssJterl l?rueqc? :pele,,rrou-t lo -Z fllsoru SFIdBJ :EI 'uosl/A snpqdazot"ttl,'{ ut E aat^!u uo soloN C Ined \rrl',r Vol 1 N,,.1(2001) Myriocephalus nudus A. Gray. .1.Rot. l{ew Gard. r'Ur,ic.3: 174 ( 185 1) . Hirnelliu nuda (4. (iray) Kuntzc,Rcv. Gcn. lrl. l:3;+6(1891). fr,7re.Swan l{iver. Westerrr Austlalia,.1 Drummond s.n. (syn. K photographsccn); salne locality, J. Dtufiruond53 (,r1ir:K photographseen). Flrcctr,r/'r, nlinLrte ly glanclular-pubcru lous and sparse Iy cottony; slcm silltplc. to 20cnr high. 1-cat,ar linear,broaclcncd at base, 5 I 5 mm long;uppcnnost snlaller u'ith hyalinc margin s itttdtips. (lonpou rtd /renrldepressed globosc. to l 5 nll diam. Gcnerolint oluo'e t'lrrlhiseriate;bracts nurcrous. rvithnarrowly oblongsparscly coltony cla\\' and shortpNlc btorvn roundcd lamina, in rll r:.3 nm lo:ng.Copiluld lrul'lleLous;capitulrr bracts 4. natlowly oLrlong-obor' rtc with roitndedhyalinc tips anclgrccn linear slctconre.1'lr.ri'clr.1. (iri'o1lr lLrbularbelow. rarritrv-turbittitlc abo\e, .. 2 nn lorrg.shortly 5-lobcd. ,1r'lcncnarrowly cylindrical, r'. lrnnrlong.vclyspar-selyhirsLrtcrvithslcndcril'rchor'-lippedtwinhairs. thcscabscnt l'r'otrr apcr. PrrTyrtr.rabscnl. (Figurc IA {-') Otlrr t pe<incns cxzarrlrcrlWIrSTlillN AtJS'l'l{ALIA:Nov. IJoll.aust.occ.,lr.18441,.1.Drunmont.l 3lJ8(W); SrvanRivct..J. L)rutttton / 283 (W). L)i\tt il)utiatictt holtitut. l')viclcrrtlyoncc lirLrnclin thc l'crth dislfiotol WcstcfrlAustrillia. lltll ltot collcctcclsincc about I lJ50.Thc lcrr collcctionssccn llcl( plccisclocality data ilncl liclcl notcs bLrt thcy luppcrrto hrvc llccltgalhclccl lionr nruclcly sitrntions ancl u'clc

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