E1746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 3, 2019 demonstrated impact on improving client out- On behalf of our entire Committee, I want to the House and wish him the very best as he comes, as opposed to spending billions on the say thank you to Barbara for her three years takes the next step in his illustrious career. creation of large new bureaucracies to track of service to the people’s House. I am so f monthly work tests for millions of SNAP par- thankful for her guidance and friendship. My ticipants as the House passed bill would have Chairmanship has been benefited greatly be- RECOGNIZING JASON EVERETT done. cause of Barbara and it has been an honor to FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE JUDI- I am also pleased that the conferees ad- work with her. CIARY COMMITTEE dress a long-standing problem—when a SNAP We wish her all the best as she moves on participant is referred to a training program, to the next chapter of her storied career. Bar- HON. JERROLD NADLER and the program determines that the services bara will be missed dearly by our Committee OF NEW YORK they provide are not well matched to the staff, and she will always be part of our Ways IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES needs of the participant. States have long and Means family. Thursday, January 3, 2019 been required to do meaningful assessments f Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise, in order to properly assign clients. We believe CONGRATULATING THE EUREKA along with HANK JOHNSON, Chair of the Sub- the expanded investment in case management committee on Courts, Intellectual Property, should improve this capacity. And, this bill em- WILDCATS VOLLEYBALL TEAM FOR WINNING THE 2018 MISSOURI and the Internet; and SHEILA JACKSON LEE, phasized that reassessment is important as Chair of the Subcommittee on Crime, Ter- CLASS 4 STATE VOLLEYBALL well. But sometimes, when the state refers rorism, Homeland Security, and Investiga- CHAMPIONSHIP someone to a local training provider the pro- tions—to thank Jason Everett for nearly a dec- vider—after doing their own assessment—de- ade of service to the House Judiciary Com- termines that their services aren’t appropriate HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER mittee. for the individual. Under current law, that OF MISSOURI Growing up in Alexandria, Virginia, Jason leaves the individual out of luck and even at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attended college at Duke University and law risk of losing SNAP benefits and wastes the Thursday, January 3, 2019 school at William and Mary, before returning time and services of the training provider. The to the Washington, D.C. area. He began his bill and report make clear that states must re- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise career on Capitol Hill as a Legislative Aide to assess and reassign the participant if appro- today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- Senator Barbara Boxer, and he later worked priate. Participants will no longer lose benefits gratulating the Eureka Wildcats Volleyball for Congressman Mel Watt as a Legislative because states are doing a poor job of assign- team for winning the 2018 Missouri Class 4 Assistant covering Judiciary Committee ing them to programs that don’t work for them. State Volleyball Championship. issues. He joined the House Judiciary Com- The primary role of employment and training This team and Coach Jodie Fowler should mittee in 2009 as a Counsel, working on intel- programs should always be to transition peo- be commended for all of their hard work lectual property and other issues, and he later ple to sustained self-reliance rather than to throughout this past year and for bringing rose to become Chief Counsel of the Sub- find reasons to cut them off from benefits. home the state championship to their school committee on Courts, Intellectual Property, f and community. and the Internet, as well as a Deputy Chief I ask you to join me in recognizing the Eure- DEPARTURE OF BARBARA ANGUS Counsel of the Full Committee, overseeing the ka Wildcats Volleyball team for a job well FROM THE HOUSE WAYS AND Intellectual Property and Crime Subcommit- done. MEANS COMMITTEE tees. f As Chief Counsel of the Intellectual Property Subcommittee, Jason was responsible for HON. KEVIN BRADY TRIBUTE TO THOMAS G. HUNGAR handling highly complex patent, copyright, OF TEXAS trademark, and courts issues, among other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GREGG HARPER matters. Many Members and staff relied heav- Thursday, January 3, 2019 OF MISSISSIPPI ily on his ability to explain, in a clear and un- Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it is with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES derstandable manner, the often complicated a deep sentiment of gratitude that I rise today Thursday, January 3, 2019 and highly technical matters that moved to recognize Barbara Angus, Chief Tax Coun- through his Subcommittee. He also deftly bal- sel for the Ways and Means Committee, as Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my- anced his substantive expertise with a keen she departs our Committee staff. self and Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, the Rank- appreciation of the various stakeholders’ inter- Whenever I travel Texas and the country, ing Member of the Committee on House Ad- ests in each issue, and an ability to find con- folks often ask me when I knew that tax re- ministration, I would like to take this oppor- sensus among these sometimes divergent in- form was going to be a reality. Without a tunity to recognize Thomas G. Hungar for his terests. doubt, that moment hit me when Barbara distinguished service as General Counsel to Jason’s efforts were vital to enacting signifi- interviewed for the position of Chief Tax Coun- the House of Representatives. cant reforms to the intellectual property eco- sel. Drawing on his mastery of constitutional law system that will promote innovation and pro- Holding degrees from two Ivy League Insti- and broad litigation experience, Mr. Hungar tect the creative community. For example, he tutions, and with decades of experience at the has provided thoughtful and effective legal ad- worked tirelessly to pass the Defend Trade Treasury Department and within the private vice to Members, Committees, and staff on a Secrets Act, which helps firms keep propri- sector, few in Washington match Barbara’s in- host of legal matters, without regard to political etary information—which, if disclosed, could telligence, leadership, and work ethic. Barbara affiliation. As the House’s top lawyer, Mr. be ruinous to them—from being made public. understands our tax code almost better than Hungar has employed his considerable exper- This legislation will save the American econ- anyone else. Which is why she understood tise and sound judgment to protect and omy many billions of dollars, and preserve that it was time for a rewrite, to get rid of its strengthen the institutional prerogatives of the many thousands of jobs. uncompetitive and unfair nature. House, rightfully earning him the respect and Jason was also a critical player in the Com- Mr. Speaker, Barbara’s efforts changed his- admiration of the entire House community. mittee’s lengthy review of the Copyright laws, tory. With her guidance and expertise, we Of particular importance to the Committee leading to passage of the Music Modernization were able to create a tax code that finally on House Administration, Mr. Hungar has skill- Act, historic bipartisan legislation to reform the works for families and Main Street businesses. fully counseled the Committee’s Members and music licensing system. He spent countless For the first time in over 30 years, we did staff on a wide range of significant matters hours working with a vast array of stake- what many said was impossible. We lowered with far-reaching institutional implications. Mr. holders to craft legislation that will better serve rates while broadening the base; we closed Hungar has also been a trusted advisor to the music creators and digital music providers, special-interest loopholes that riddled the sys- Chief Administrative Officer of the House. Mr. and ultimately consumers. He was also instru- tem for far too long; we gave families first say Hungar has been a source of tremendous mental in passing legislation to promote great- over their hard-earned money; and we gave leadership and legal advice to the Committee er diversity among patent holders, passing our job creators a tax code that allows them and the House. legislation to ensure that visually impaired indi- to compete and win here at home instead of On behalf of the Members of the Committee viduals have access to published works, and abroad. None of this would have been pos- on House Administration and the Committee developing hearings to oversee the implemen- sible without Barbara Angus. staff, we thank Mr. Hungar for his service to tation of the America Invents Act. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:13 Jan 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03JA8.001 E03JAPT1.
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