E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 No. 135 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY 15 years later, it is clear that the ter- called to order by the President pro LEADER rorists did not succeed. We remain tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. united against terror. HELLER). The majority leader is recog- So this Sunday is a day to remember f nized. and honor the victims of September 11 and pray for their families. It is also a PRAYER f day to express gratitude to the many The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- MEASURES PLACED ON THE Americans who have fought to keep us fered the following prayer: CALENDAR—S. 3296 AND S. 3297 safe ever since—the men and women Let us pray. who fight for the very thing that Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Eternal Spirit, by whose providence makes this the greatest Nation on understand there are two bills at the our forebears brought forth this Na- Earth—freedom. desk due for a second reading. tion, use our lawmakers to make a bet- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f ter world. Empower them to remove clerk will read the bills by title for the CONGRATULATING BRIAN DUFFY those things that obstruct the coming second time. of Your Kingdom on Earth. As they Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The legislative clerk read as follows: strive for human betterment, may they want to take a few moments to con- experience the constancy of Your pres- A bill (S. 3296) to amend the Internal Rev- gratulate a fellow Kentuckian and a enue Code of 1986 to provide an exemption to ence. good friend of mine who has recently the individual mandate to maintain health taken up the leadership reins of Amer- Lord, give them the wisdom to give coverage for individuals residing in counties primacy to prayer, seeking Your guid- with fewer than 2 health insurance issuers ica’s oldest and largest war veterans ance in all they think, say, and do. offering plans on an Exchange. organization. Teach them the lessons they ought to A bill (S. 3297) to amend the Internal Rev- This summer, Brian Duffy, of Louis- learn, enabling them to grow in grace enue Code of 1986 to provide an exemption to ville, was elected commander in chief and in a knowledge of You. the individual mandate to maintain health of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Brian And, Lord, with the approach of Sep- coverage for certain individuals whose pre- is the first Operation Desert Storm mium has increased by more than 10 percent, veteran to lead the VFW. His election tember 11, we pause to thank You for and for other purposes. Your sustaining and prevailing provi- is good news, not only for his fellow dence. Remind us to not put our trust Mr. MCCONNELL. In order to place Desert Storm veterans but for veterans in human might, but in Your grace, the bills on the calendar under the pro- of every generation. That is because mercy, and power. visions of rule XIV, I object to further Brian lives to serve his fellow veterans, We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. proceedings en bloc. and he has been doing so for decades as The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- a proud member of the VFW for 33 f tion having been heard, the bills will be years. placed on the calendar. Let me give one example of what PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f Brian has done for the veterans of Ken- The President pro tempore led the tucky. He is the founder of the Blue- REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11 Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: grass chapter of an organization called I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, 15 Honor Flight, a group that flies World United States of America, and to the Repub- years ago this Sunday, Al Qaeda ter- War II and Korean war veterans to lic for which it stands, one nation under God, rorists launched brutal and vicious at- Washington to visit the memorials indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tacks against our country. Yet this that were built in dedication of their weekend America will remember not military service. f only the horror of those attacks but The program provides transportation also the heroism of our response. and food for the veterans of this by- MOMENT OF SILENCE We saw firefighters, police officers, gone era, those whose numbers, unfor- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under and first responders rush in to confront tunately, continue to shrink year after the previous order, the Senate will now danger. We saw the men and women of year. Without Honor Flight, many of observe a moment of silence in remem- our Armed Forces stand ready and sac- these veterans would never be able to brance of the lives lost in the attacks rifice greatly in defense of our country. see the World War II Memorial or the of September 11, 2001. We saw Americans across the land Korean War Veterans Memorial. It is (Moment of silence.) work together in a spirit of unity. So important that they know, more than ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5421 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:53 Sep 08, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08SE6.000 S08SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 8, 2016 six decades later, that America still health care system before ObamaCare. ketplace would ‘‘provide more choice deeply respects and honors their serv- Here is his view on the health care sys- and control over health insurance op- ice and sacrifice. tem 6 years later: ‘‘Too many Ameri- tions’’ and result in ‘‘a significant in- My father served in World War II. I cans still strain to pay for their physi- crease in competition and an array of have had the pleasure of meeting many cian visits and prescriptions, cover options for consumers everywhere.’’ of his contemporaries when they came their deductibles, or pay their monthly That was the promise of ObamaCare. to Washington to make this important insurance bills; struggle to navigate a But that is not the reality for many trip. Hundreds of Kentucky veterans complex, sometimes bewildering sys- Americans today. ObamaCare has have completed this journey, thanks to tem; and remain uninsured.’’ forced out so many insurers that about Brian and subsequent leaders of Blue- That is the President on the state of one in five ObamaCare customers will grass Honor Flight. America’s health care law 6 years after be forced to find a new insurance com- That is just one way Brian has ObamaCare. The President wrote this pany this fall. More than half of the worked to see that America stands up just last month. It sounds an awful lot country could have two or fewer insur- for its veterans, just as they have so like what we heard from him years ago, ers to choose from in the exchanges bravely stood up for their country. It is in the pre-ObamaCare world. It throws next year, and about one-third of all one reason why I know he will make an the reality of this partisan law into counties in the United States, along excellent commander in chief for the stark relief. It is not only that with seven entire States, are set to VFW. ObamaCare is failing to live up to the have just a single insurer offering plans Brian served in the U.S. Air Force as many promises invoked to sell it, but in their areas. That includes one coun- a jet engine mechanic on F–4 Phantom it is often making things worse. ty in Arizona that, until just last fighter aircraft before becoming a Just pick up any paper or turn on the night, would have had no options in the flight engineer aboard a C–141 news, and you will see that more trou- exchange at all. I know this is some- Starlifter transport aircraft. He has de- bling projections are rolling in when it thing that Senator MCCAIN has been ployed to Grenada and Panama as well comes to ObamaCare. In fact, each day deeply concerned about, and he has in- as on Operations Desert Shield and seems to bring more forecasts of sky- troduced good legislation to address it. Desert Storm. rocketing premiums and dwindling ObamaCare co-ops continue to col- Brian and his wife Jean, who has also choices. It is a trend hitting Americans lapse at every turn, too, with less than served in leadership posts for the VFW, across the country. one-third expected to offer plans next live in Louisville and have two chil- For instance, here is the headline year. When these co-ops collapse, they dren, Tara and Andrew. I am sure his people in my home State recently can cost taxpayers millions and disrupt family is proud of Brian, along with awoke to: ‘‘Get ready to pay more for coverage for thousands of enrollees. many Kentucky veterans, particularly health insurance in Kentucky.’’ The They can force patients to start over his fellow VFW members at Post 1170. story goes on to warn of ObamaCare on their deductibles midyear and even Let me also congratulate my good premium rates that could skyrocket by to find new doctors.
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