Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2004 School Culture: Exploring Its Relationship with Mental Models and Leadership Behaviors in Schools Doreen Agatha Duncan Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL CULTURE: EXPLORING ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH MENTAL MODELS AND LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS IN SCHOOLS By DOREEN AGATHA DUNCAN A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements f r the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Fall Semester, 2004 Copyright © 2004 Doreen Agatha Duncan All Rights Reserved The members of the committee approve the dissertation of Doreen Agatha Duncan defended on November 4, 2004. ______________________________ Dale W. Lic6 Professor Directing Dissertation ______________________________ Richard Tate Outside Committee Member ______________________________ Fanchon Funk Committee Member ______________________________ Peter Easton Committee Member ______________________________ Laura Hassler Committee Member Approved: ________________________________________________________________________ Carolyn D. Herrington, Chairperson, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members. This dissertation is dedicated t My teacher, Katherine Alice Taylor To the memory of My grandmother, Rachael Duncan My mother, Leonora Casey and Eileen Thompson for giving me the opportunity to pursue my educational goals. iii AC7NOWLEDGMENTS My pr found gratitude is due first and f remost to God, my Father, Jesus, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit for giving me unconditional love, guidance, protection, patience and wisdom to complete this tremendous task. Words cannot e9press my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed in assisting me in this journey. I would like to thank my ma:or professor Dr. Dale W. Lick for his unswer3ing efforts in encouraging me to pursue e9cellence, and for his support and guidance throughout this process. Special thanks to Dr. Tate for his assistance and advice on statistical methods. Sincere gratitude to my other committee members: Dr. Fanchon ;Fancy” Funk, Dr. Peter Easton, and Dr. Laura Hassler for all their assistance and contributions in preparing me through the rigors of coursework. My eternal gratitude is due to Katherine Taylor f r her spiritual, moral, and financial support in providing me true friendship and encouragement to overcome the obstacles during tough times. Your prayers pr 3ed to make the difference. Many thanks are e9tended to Dr. Judith Irvin for her considerable input during the initial stages of my pr gram of study. I would like to send a warm thank you to Brenda Kearse for her assistance during the data collection pr cess. I wish to e9press my deep gratitude to all the principals and assistant principals who participated in this study. i3 Finally, to my family and friends, especially, my little sister, Millicent Boone and her husband Michael, Mr. Jimmie Robinson and his wife, the late Mary Robinson, for their love and support. I appreciate all those who have in many ways made this journey an unforgettable life learning e9perience in helping to propel me towards my destiny. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ...................................................................... x List of Figures .................................................................... xii Abstract …………………………………………………… xiii 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem..................................... 9 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions............................................................... 10 Research Questions............................................ 11 Significance of the Study...................................... 12 Limitations of the Study....................................... 12 Definitions of Terms............................................. 13 Summary............................................................... 14 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................... 15 Effective Schools..................................................... 16 School Culture......................................................... 18 Connections to School Culture................................. 24 Culture and Mental Models.......................... 24 Culture and Leadership Behavi rs................ 24 Shaping School Culture............................................. 26 Culture and Change................................................... 27 Mental Model Theory................................................ 29 Action Science............................................................ 31 Strategies for Working with Mental Models.............. 32 Balancing Inquiry and Advocacy.................. 32 The Ladder of Inference................................ 32 vi The Five Thinking Styles............................................ AA OrganiFational Theory................................................ AE The Learning OrganiFation............................ 38 Building a Learning OrganiFation.................. 39 Learning.......................................................... 10 The Five Disciplines................................................... 42 Personal Mastery............................................. 42 Mental Models................................................ 1A Shared Vision................................................. 1B Team Learning............................................... 1C Systems Thinking........................................... 1E Leadership Theory...................................................... 1D SengeGs Model................................................ 1D Leader as Designer............................. 1D Leader as Steward.............................. 49 Leader as Teacher.............................. 49 Bolman and Deal Model................................ 49 Effectiveness as Managers and Leaders... 52 Leadership Behaviors.................................................. B1 Gender.............................................................. 55 Assistant Principals.............................. BC Related Empirical Research......................................... 59 Research Related to School Culture................. 59 Research Related to Mental Models.................. 61 Research Related to Leadership Behaviors... CB 3. METHODOLOGY..................................................................... E0 Data Source..................................................................... 71 Procedures to Gather Data.............................................. 71 Steps in Gathering Information from Data........................................................... 72 Variables============44 EA Instrumentation............................................................... 75 Validity and Reliability of Whole School Effectiveness Survey .......................................... EE Characteristics of Thinking Styles................................... 79 vii Validity and Reliability of the Inquiry Mode Questionnaire.................................................................. 79 Dimensions of Leadership Behavi rs=====…… 80 Validity and Reliability of Leadership Orientations Survey.............................................................................. 80 Data Analysis................................................................... 82 Research Questions 1 and 2.............................. 83 Research Questions 3 and 4.............................. 83 Research Question 5......................................... 84 Research Question 6......................................... 84 Conclusion....................................................................... 84 4. RESULTS OF THE DATA…………………………………….. 86 Demographic Data Analysis========……… 87 Findings f r Research Questions……………………….. 90 Research Question 1……………………………. 90 Research Question 2…………………………….. 92 Research Question 3……………………………. 93 Research Question 4……………………………. 96 Research Question 5……………………………. 101 Research Question 6……………………………. 101 Summary of Findings=…………………………………... 108 Other Findings====………………………………….. 111 Ma:or Findings=================4>>A 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS… 117 Discussion of the Conclusions…………………………… 117 Conclusions for Educati !===………………………. 123 Limitations of Study=…………………………………… 126 Conclusions for Educati !============4 126 Implications f r Schools=============4 126 Recommendations for Future Researc&====……… 129 APPENDIX A: Permission from School District......................... 131 APPENDIX B: Cover Letter............................…………………. 133 APPENDIX C: Demographic Data Sheet ..............=====4 135 APPENDIX D: Inquiry Mode Questionnaire .................. ….. 137 APPENDIX E: Leadership Orientations Survey========>1/ viii APPENDIX F: Whole School Effectiveness Survey=………… 147 APPENDIX G: Letter to InQ Publisher……………………….. 150 APPENDIX H: Permission to use Leadership Orientations Self-Survey=====…………………………………………. 152 APPENDIX I: Human Subjects Review Committee…………. 154 APPENDIX I: Summary of In Q Responses==……………. 156 REFERENCES====================4>BD BIOGRAPHICAL S7ETCH ………………………………… 168 9i LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Summary of Definitions on Culture.....................................
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