BANOUETS& PRIVATE PARTIES =;'2> HALE KOA HOTEL GOURMET BUFFETS , , e HALE KOAHOTEL ALOHA INTERNATIONAL BUFFET BUFFET An lnUoduruon to H.1Iwall, wrtI1 food~ frot'll the: Hot Buffet A lavish sampling of foods from ill! CM'r the world Hot Entrees Island!.. the One~ and your favoritn from the MlflIITIUm 100 ~ $19 9S per peI":IOO New World Minamum 100 penom CARVED ENTREE t~ CJr1e'j CARVED ENTREE r~1ea ~J $19.95 ~ ~soo. Ro.nt Baron of Bed RoaSl Baron at Ei«'f Ro<rsI Prime lab of ~f I<lddllocnal Salads Ro.Ht PrIlTlf' Rib at Beef !additional 1300 pt'f po=onJ $3 00 ~ penon! TOSlrd Gr~ Choice of Dressing So"'" Ste~ 031> Legs Mushroom. CI'''"Y and salami Soalad SEAfOOO ENTREE lselea ~! T~ Gr~ ChoKe of Dr~ ~ Iloasl Dud< ()( Almond Chocken Seafood III L.ot&er Brandy S.auc~ Maoc.aroni and PoI:aI;O Salad Mannated 8.ltly ~ Seafood Tempura Ste.lllll!d CliIrm In wtvt~ /taltan ~at Salad' AMortI!'d Sealood W,ne Sauce BrOCColI ~afood Salad Shrimp and Scallops .JacQoes KaIw Pig and CaI::II:lage SI: Pao;;ca Salad WIth Tun.il GrIlled Mahlffiilhj wltt1 Cr~amy Mustard S.aUCt """""" Stlflmp, Cucumber and DIp MtJst<lrd Salad Chine~ ChICken S<Had ~""­ Potato Ma(.Yonl Salad Steamed Rice BroccolI xafood SaIiKl CHICKEN ENTREE lse~ one) Chidem and Mushrooms hsta ChICken Salad Ma"n;:ltl!'(! Vegek1ble Mealey Yams wah Toasted Coconut I~and Slloyv Chotn Tofu Kimchee Salad Hemng Salad Chicken In Grten i'tppercom S.auce ksortrnt-nt of Dinner Rolls Southern Frie<! Chicktn SliC<"d Tomat~ and Cua.mbers M<!nnatt'd Mu5l1room C-'Ps (hotn In Tamato-Bell Pepper Sauct Slleed TomatOeS and Cucum~s Cold Buffet V~ablt Ml!'dl~y p~ Whippl!'d or Roast POlatoeS Fresh Froot Basket Fr~ RICe. Sttaml!'d RICe or Rict Pil<!f Lam, lomI salmon Assorted Cakes, Fr~ PaS["e~. TaT'U. RelISh Tray Assortment of Dmn~r Rolls ~a~ Salad ..,-= ~ and..lella Mold D<ue<u Swffl!'<l 0eWtd Eggs COld Bu ffet Assoftl!'d Cakes. ~ french PaslM'S. T<!fU,. Roast &e.w: 01 Turk!!y Birt Stnnp wrtI1 Codctool Sauce ." M"""", Talto WIth MIse s.auce ..... "'" Curedr~Ham Fresh fruit BilskIM ~rages Coffte. T~a Haupia and JeIIo Mold """ ID """ ~Ied Cold (un. Sausagrs and a-ses """'""IIlllOftt'd """"'"satan< sele'cllOfl of Swru. Amen""n. Cheddar and MonI:erey JiIdc ~ 2 J ORIENTAL POLYNESIAN BUFFET LUAU BUFFEI A t.Ut~ of~, Chl~ and ~n ~ Cold Buffet The foods of Hawaii's peopIe', 1IlC/udIng trildrtJor'lal ( old Buffet along with Western rood~ preparM WIth the Kalua PIg. Matllmatll. ChIck!'n and Terryalo Beef Fresh Fruit Bask~ Fresh Fruit 6.nka loC'aSOrllng lot'Cl'ets of the Orient. MInimum 100 MInimum 100 pef'ioru. 519.95 per per~ pef5ons. $19.95 per person. Msoned Relishes Asoorted Relishes Swordfish Sashiml and Smoked Mahlmah, ,Salads Tako WIth Mlso Sauce Salads 5vshi Assortment Toned Gr~ ChoKe of Dressing Bay Shrimp WIth Codctail Sauce Tossed Greens. Chooce of DreSSJOg' H~ and ~Io Mold Aswrted Fohcake and Kan!en Tofu and Salmon Saiad '"lDmI Lomi Salmon OrIl!f1tal Noodle salad Hot Buffet t.nu """ Seafood Poke Roast 8ira1 01 ~ ITIiIrIfWlt(I TcnyaIu St)te.. and Hot Buffet CaM'CI at your PiIItoJ Potato MilGtrOOl SaI<Id Cole SI.Jw witrt FIShc.iIkI!' Roast Baron of Beef l1\olIlI'laI!ed Teriy.lkr Style and Spicy Glazed ChKken Broccoli and Seafood 5.iJlad N~ Carved at your Party ChInese Chocken Salad Macaror'll salad Sur Fried Pork K.alual'ig Spicy Long R.:e and Slmmp salad Papaya Cucumber Salad AssoI1i!'d Seafood and Vegetables ,n Grilled Mahim¥ti Thai Curry sauce N(lmilSIJ Sliced Tomatoes and Cucumbers Chidcen Long Ric~ TOfu I(m1C~ Salad Taka Poi<e Fried Noodles or Chow Fun SlICed Tomatoes ilnc! CucuJT\l:lers "'" Sleamed or Fried Rice ""St~a<ned Of Fried RICe Or~ntaI v~ MtdIty Yams WIth Toa~ COCOflUt AMortmmr: of Oi~ 1«)1/5 ~ 01 DIrlrlef Rolls o.u~. ~ Wedding Uke Haup!<! cake, Banana Cream Pie, Coconut Cream PIe, Tapioca ¥XI f'Irle'appIe Pudding Honey Twist A550rte<l Cakes. Pies. Tarts and Mousses "••. ".... Coffee, Te .. Beverages CoI'h!e, Teil • 5 BRUNCH BUFFET BREAKFASTS The Ideal way to start any d<ly, ~lIy a Hot Buffet & LUNCHEONS S.aturdayor Sunday, with 'rm fruitS. ~ c:oId Slicftl Roast Radc of larnb ruu, hoi; rTlI!ats. rggs and crepes. Pltase ask our ~;ng f~~ to ,t«IIl1ITIffld a ~ Seafood SlIr fry .....tum is ~ petfea acoJI"parnmMl to this ~lIghtfui br..n:tl. roo persons I1'III'WnI.nl V~aI iIOd Cho::ken Cr~ sr1.45 per penon Fruit Crepes Scrambled Eggs Eggs FIorenune Frv/u and Juices Crkp B<twn. Pork S3<~ Lris and Fr~ Frutt 8ask~ HawiIJliJr'I Papaya Wedge$ WIth FrntJ ~ """=""""""'" """" Apricou and Prunes Steamed Rice I FreV! O"ange JUice AsSOl't11'l!'nt of Rolls Guavd Jwa' Tomaro JUIce Desserts Aswrted cakes. Pies, Tans, Frenc:h Pamies Pastries and Mousses Fresh Baked Apple TUfI'1Cl\lel'S, Mufflm. Cinnamon Rolls. Croissa'lts. iIOd M¥tIIe Cake Cold ButTet T~ Greens. Chooce of Dressing Chefs Sclectoon 01 fotx MarW'lilted sat.lds SlICed Tomatoes and Cucumbers C ....... a.... Assorted sao rsages and o-se Haupia and .JeI1o MOld • • e HALE KOA HOTEL BREAKFAST LUNCHEON Nll)reakf.nts 'ieM'd with coffee and tea SALADS SUPREME SOUP, SANDWICH & SALAD ASSO RTMENT The Early Bird 56.95 All f'mr~ Sillads are served with your choice of PoIyr'lesian Fruit Cod<ta,l soup or Polym~$J<In Fresh Fruit Cup. assortment of For <I mange of p<I(e. rn<ty we o;uggest a comtNrliI­ Scrambled £gg5 with choice of Ham. Bacon or rolls. des'>t'rt. coffee and tea Seoe page 11 for soup (1011 sand'lNidl and SilIa1 <lSSOItmt'fl( served btJffeor Pork Lmi<: Sau:>age and de!i5ert choices. ~ wIlidl include~ Hash Brown Potat~ • SOup of the O<ly &mermirk SI:;,::ui! The Pineapple Schooner S9.25 A Iresh pineapple' boat filled with <'IlWfted lrull • fOUf opeo-filCed s.andWIcht'~ per person. txJI~ OIl The 5andplpet" S7. 45 and Sl'Nffi With finger sandwIChes. <I 'ilice of French bre<td. garnlshe.:!. <IIld fe'l(uol19 ChoICe of GrapefrUit Pineapple or Gu<l\lil JUICe sloced turlc~ breast. pink roost beef. 5<IlJS<I9t'• .and Ham and ~ Omelene Chef', Salad S9.45 -~ Hash Brown Potatoes Chilled msp 9reeIU topped with julienne 01 roast Butterrrull<. Bi scuit beef, turkey breast 5illam, and SWISS che'ese. and • r<med grefflS with your dloice of dr~ng served with YOU' f<lvOfite dre~ng The Troplcblrd 57.95 Choice of Fresh Pun<! P<lp<Iyil. Sliced Pineapple or ~afood louis $9.95 Honeydew Melon Dt'lic<lte se<lfood nestled on <I bed Of iettlXe wnfl Eggs BenedICt <lvocado. ~hced e9Q 3nd fresh frull. louis DreSSIng • COffee. le<l 8unermtlk Sil.(Ult Spicy Duck and Noodle salad S9.75 The Skylark 58.45 Shredded roa~ dlXk, udon noodlt'~. Vl'gt't<lble~ ChoKe of Stl."Wed f'nJne~ or !(ado!a Fogs <In<:! orient<ll hert». .3t1d :ipkes. Breakfast SIrlOIn Steak Scrambled Eggs Papaya ChIcken Salad S9.75 Hash Brown Potatoes Boneless etuden bre<lll m<!nnalt'd WIth P"P"Y<I. Buttermilk BiscUit b<lsil . .and mint. golled <In<:! served w<lrm OIl <I bed of lettlXe <100 g<l.mmed WIth fresh frUIt. The Mynah Brunch S8.95 Fre!Jl FrUit Sele«lon O~ a 1<1 Re,f)!' Egg Aorentlne Fruit Crepe Pork Unk sau53ge H<tYJ Brown PotalOes Fresh Baked Muffins B 9 APPETIZERS & HOT LUNCHEONS DESSERTS -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- FRO M THE OCEAN Soups !5eleu one) All l'ntree~ include your choice of a Hale Koa salad, CHICKEN a Soup. or a Polynewn Fre!1l Fruit Cup. and Des­ Double Consomme Celestilll' ~rt A5'iOrtmem of rolls and coffel' or tea compll'le Coq au Vln 59.95 Thai Lemon Chicken your selea!oo Set' page II for soup and dessert Broiled Mahlmahl $9.75 Tender chicken, marinated and bfaiSl!d In red choices The Island favonle topped with m<t(adamla nut wine !.<Juce:, with mushrooms. pear! onions and Cream of Watercress butter sauce Parsley potatoes and fresh carrots bacon. Rice PIlaf and fre:;h carrots Vichy with vIChy with mint. Tomato and Coriander BEEF AND PORK mint. Hungarian Goula'ih Seafood Combo S 10.75 The Chef 's Specialty S9.95 Chicken KIev S 10.25 Beef tl'flde.k!<n tipS sauteed wl(h mu.VJrooms and Grilled mahlmahl. fned shrimp arld !.<Juteed Breast of chldeen filled wottl delicate herb butter tomatoes in a rt'd WIn!.' .\duce. Served on garlIC bread calamaro with lemon herb s.auce. Served With and served wi!tl mu5l1rCXlm rupreme 5alJ(e. Desserts !5elecr one] and topped with Beilrnam' sauce Broccoli baked steamed nee, oab.,. carrots. cauliflower. and red Ep.curean rice, sugar .snap peas and sliced fre5l1 with parmesan bell peppers Fruit Sherbet Trio with Raspberry Sauce carrots. Ice Cream Sundae Your choice of Stuffed Pork Chop 59.95 Grilled Fresh HawaIIan FIsh S 10.SO Chicken Marco Polo 59.95 Chocolate. Strawberry or Pecan. Center cut pork chop lliJffed and !),aisM in plum Taday's catch from local waters gnlled and 5erved Bone~ chicken leg stuffed Wltll ham and sauce. Roost potatoes. u earned cauliflower and baby with butter oasi l sauce Complemented with Ice Cream Cake With Fruit Sauce broccoli Served with creamy cneese s.auce. carrots_ Jemon rice. s.auteed yellow squa5l1. zucch,no and Roast potatoes. !.<Juteed cauliflower.
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