****************** +Y++44++Y+YYY++++Jf +* +* 28 NOVEMBER 1936 ++ .yy. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION *+ ++ ++ BULLETIN +* ++ * *+ ++ NUMBER 242 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ PUBLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISSEMINATING GENERAL INFORMATION OF PROBABLE INTEREST TO ++ THE SERVICE. 4y. sr+ ++ ++ ****************** ;y+++++++c*r*++++++ The Secretary of the Navy recently addressed letter7 OS commendation to the following I e .. Lieut. (jg) L. COM., U,S,N., U,S,t, Lexington, far his unselfish action and far the spirit that pi-ompted it, in rescuingL1r. D. 0. Corley, a cmescial pilot nho had crashed and was pinaed in his plane with hear? partially submerged in mater, in the vicinity of Sail Diego, Calif., on 2 July 1935, Lieut. (jg) Corn, after landing his plane near the crash, ewm to the plane, yartia1J.y removed Mr, Corley from the cockpit and held him clear of the water until the arrival of the crash boat from the Naval Air Station, about ten mbutes after the crash. James V, Monahan, Searran lc, U.S.N., Receiving Ship, New York, N. Y., for his prompt and courageous action in rescuing A. Yesland, Firemzn Zc, UeS,N., from dronning at the Destroyer Base, San Diogo, Calif., on 3 July 1936. Yesland was engineer of the U.S.S. Dahlgren motor launch when it caught fire just after being fuelled. Monahan, without regard for his om personal safety and danger of explosion of ths gas tank, jmpsd overboard from the U.S.S. Rigel motor launch and rescued Yesland, who vas unable to swim and vas burned, from the burning launch and brought hin to safety. BAonahan has he'en recommended to the Secretary of the Treasury for the amrd of a Gold Life-saving Medal in recognition of his act. Roscoe O'Neal, Quartermaster 3c, U.S.N., 5T,S..S, Ontario, for his prompt and courageous action in rescuing a nomn froin droming off the Proac?say Pier, San Diego, Calif., on 4 April 19S6. O'Neal, irithout regard for his om safety, jumped overboard Trom the U,S.S. Kalmia, and nith some difficulty brought the woman alongside the U.S.S. Thrush, where she mas hauled aboard and success- fully revived by O'Neal, with the assistance of another enlisted man. OfNeal has been recommended to the Secretary of the Treaswy for the award of a Silver Life-saving Medal in recognition of his act. Harold O'Haver, Shipfitter Zc, UhSrN., U.S.S. Litchfield, for his prompt and valorous action in saving Donald Filliams, a fcur-year old boy, from drorming of? a dock at the foot of S. TI, JXain Street, Portlar-d, Ore,, on 4 August 1936. O'Haver Swiped overrt;mrd and held the struggling boy on the smface until Jack Elmer Muller, Vater Tender IC,arrived and assisted him in conveying the boy to a landing farther downstream, Jack E. Muller, Tater Tender IC,U.S.N., U.S.S. Litchfield, for his prompt and valorous action in rescuing Donald Yillims, a four-year old boy, from droming off a dock at the foot of S. U. Main Street, Portland, Ore,, on 4 Allgust 1936. Muller jumped overboard, swim to OlHaver, who vas holding the boy on the surface, and assisted him -in swimming with the boy to a landing farther domstream. The destroyers nhich mill bear the nanles of vessels previously in service are : O'EREDJ - DD415 - being built at the Boston Navy Yard. Named in honor of Captain Jeremiah OtBrien, U,S.N., and his four brothers. VALKX - DD416 - being built at the Boston Navy Yerd. BImed in honor of Hear Adnliral IIenry L'alke, U.S,Navy. MORFES - DD417 - being built at the Norfollc Navy Yard. Named in honor of Coimodare Charles Morris, U.5.N. ROZ - DD418 - being built at the Charleston Navy Yard. Named in honor of Eear Admiral Francis A. Roe, U,S.IJ. ':TAIK7RIG€;T - DD419 (Order not placed) . Named in honor of Midshipinan Jonathan li izyhet7 Bainnright , Plaster Jonathan IIayhew Vainnright , Jr. , U.S.N., Commander Richard T7ainvrright, U.S.N. , ad Rear Admiral Richard Yainmiglit, U.S,N. Secretary Snanson also announced that 'the U,S.b. TCBJSLOU, Dci359, nov under construction at the Nen York Shipbuilding Corpration, Canden, 11. J., be considered as having been name2 jointly for Rear ;-&:iira1 John A. 1linslon, U.S.N. , and his second cousin, Rear Admiral Caneron ITcZae 7b*rins10~,U,S.TJ. OD409 - U,S.S, SIKS, nanied in honor of Adiniral :'Jilli~rn Sonden Sins, who mas born' in Port'iTope, Ontario, CarAda, Oct. 15, 1858, and died in Roston, Xass., Sept. 28, 1936. Appointed to the Naval Acaderiy, Jure 24, 1876, from Penn- sylvania. Beginning in 1901, Sins 17'8s a strong advocate of drastic reforms in gunnery which nere aftemards accomplished to a remarkable degree under his administration as Inspcctor of TargeZ, Practice from 19C2 to 1939. From 1911 to 1915 he vas in attcndance at the Naval 'Jar College as a rLernber of the first class to graduate after the establishment of tha re@ular curriculum. He 170s eminently successful as a pioneer in the practical application of the Var College teachings afloat irhile in cornand of tk; Torpedo Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet, 1913-1914. In April 1917, he WRS sent to 2urope vhere he commanded the American Naval Forces operating in the Zuropean ',hters until the end of the war with the rank of Vice-Admiral. iIe ms comissioned as Admiral, Noverrber 27, 1918. He retired from active duty in 1925 after serving 3s President of the Naval Tar College. -_--.-.---___'-DD410 - U.S.S. HUGiES named in honor of Comander ;chard Rlerritt Hughes, born 1850 in Lockboui-ne, Ohio. Died vith rank of Conmander, Sept. 28, 1903. Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1866, :-?as Executive Officer of the U.S.S. PETmL ~hileshe participated in the Eattle of PIanila Bay during the Sgaash- American T7ar. Imediately after the action was over, he commanded a small boat nhich boarded and set fi.re to five Spanish ships lying in Cavite Harbor, despite reports that trains had been sent to their magazines, and in the face of a large and excited armed force on shore, but a short distance arJajT. IIe vas amare that he had the only boat of the PETZL which would then float. IIe was advanced five nuinbers in rank for eninent and conspicuous conduct on this occa- sion. DD411 - U.s.& ANDLRSON,---- named in honor of Rear Ahiral Zdvin Alexander Anderson. Eorn in 'Jilmington, Nortll Carolina, 1860. Died September 23, 1993. Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1878, i'ietire llarch 23, 1924. Vas .a lieutenant on the U,S.L. XfPm during the first part of the Spanish-Amrican Var. On Llay 11, 1898, s in commnd of tile boats of the IXRaL7;LUl, which cooperated nith boats fi'orn the NLSI-L"JzLU in cutting the submarine cables off Cionruegos, CuSa. In the face of a very heavy fire at point-blank range from the eneny on shore, a length of nearly 200 feet mas cut out of a cable nith hacksaws, Lieutennnt '.'inshv, in coxnrmnd of the expe- dition, reported "Lieut. 3. A, Anderson camrnanded the sailing launch of the INAREEEICAD, and did his work vith coolness, bravery, and intsliigence , contin- uing the vork regardless of the hot fire to -7llich he mas exposed, until ordered by me to desist." For this service he mas advanced five nuTbers in rank for extraordinary heroism. For gallantyy in action and distinguished servicos durinL tho landing operations at Tera Gruz in April, 1914, he vas mareed a IIedal of Iionor. DD412 U.S.S, €UJt"MQ?, nan!led in honor of 'hsign Charles Eazeltine Iiammann, - - -I_-I U.S.N.R,, bornziarch 16, 1892, at Baltimore, &Id. Killed nhile on active duty, I June 14, 1919, at Langley Field, Va, Iie ';as appointed to the provisional rank 4 of 2nsign in Naval Reserve Plying Corps, October 14, 1918, and Gerved overseas until January 21, 1919. IIe m3.s atmrded the Silver for nlilitary valor by tlie King of Italy and the Cougressional :,ledal of Hour nith the Citation - ''For 11 extraordinary heroim as a pilot of a seaplane on busust 21, 1918, nhen with three other planes he took part in 3 patrol for dropping proFaganda on Pola. They encountered and attacked a mgerior force or" en\:'ny landplmes and in the course of an engageuent vhich folloned, the plane of Lnsign George H. Ludlom was shot dom and fell in the srater five miles off IIila, Snsign Hmann hie- diately dived do~mand landed on the water close alciiGcide tile disabled machine nhere he took Ludlon on board an?., although his machine lras not designed for the double load to which it was subjucted, and although Liere vas danger of attack by Austrian planes, made his may to Porto Corsini." DD$13 - U,S.S. II'TJUSTIU, named in honor of Captain ITe3i-y C. Ihstin, U.S.IT., born =PennrsF;ylvania, r'ebruary 6, 1874, Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1892 and died August 23, 1925. He vas commnded for his services in conmiand of the U,S,S. SAKAR during th2 cap",e of siigan, Philippines, in 1899, vhen he towed the boats of' the OICGON vith the naval battalion from the ship to the shore and covered the party so effectively that the landisg '.;as made rrithout a cas- ualty. After the capture be ~7asordered south to cormunicate Tith tha Amy's column. Finding the surf too heevy to risk the lives of his cren in a boat, he sww through the breakers, carried out his orders and then s~mr,iback to his vessel.
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