Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE My Google Scholar page My ResearchGate page My Academia.edu page PERSONAL INFORMATION Address: Izv. Muresului 9, D9, Apt 28, Bucharest 040902, Romania Mobile: +40 740 592 400 Inst. e-mail: [email protected] Sex: M Date of birth: 4 Oct. 1974 Nationality: Romanian WORK EXPERIENCE 2014-pres. Professor (current position), Public Administration Faculty of Public Administration and Business University of Bucharest [faa.unibuc.ro] 2012-2018 Director, Institutul de Prospectiva [www.prospectiva.ro] Responsibilities: Design and conduct research in research and innovation; design and facilitation of online and offline expert consultations; write project applications; sundry management tasks 2001-2014 Associate Professor (last position held), American Studies Faculty of Letters Spiru Haret University, Bucharest [www.spiruharet.ro] Head of department 2011-2013 2009-2014 Expert (associate) Executive Agency for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development & Innovation [uefiscdi.gov.ro] Responsibilities: Design and conduct research in the fields of higher education and innovation; desk research; design and facilitate online and face-to-face expert consultations; draft reports; write project applications 2001-2005 Adjunct lecturer Political Science Department National School of Political Studies & Public Administration [www.snspa.ro] 1999-2001 Teacher Dacia High School, Bucharest Page 2 of 6 Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATIONAL TRAINING 2001-2007 PhD, Political Science, summa cum laude, National School of Political Studies & Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest 2000-2001 MA, American Studies, University of Bucharest (2001) 2000-2001 BA, English & German, University of Bucharest (2000) PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Romanian Other languages UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 German B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 French B1 B2 A2 A1 A1 SCHOLARSHIPS Fulbright research scholarship (“Academic Freedom in Religiously Affiliated Universities”), J.M. Dawson Institute for Church- State Studies, Baylor University, TX (2005-2006) CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Higher education policy – in particular academic freedom and university autonomy; systemic diversification; student organizations and movements Church-state relations and religious freedom – particularly religious rights and movements in Central and Eastern Europe; European Court of Human Rights and religious freedom; religious education Research and innovation policy; smart specialization an entrepreneurial discovery Futures studies – in particular methodology: scenario work, foresight methods RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Some of the research or policy projects I have been involved in over the past decade: Research projects Principal investigator, From Corporatism to Diversity. A Neoinstitutionalist Study of Representative Student Organizations in Postcommunist Romania Page 3 of 6 Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE (Funding agency: Romanian National Authority for RDI (ANCSI), Program: PNII-RU-TE-2014) Member of core team, Directions in Religious Pluralism in Europe: Examining Grassroots Mobilisations in Europe in the Shadow of European Court of Human Rights Religious Freedoms Jurisprudence (2014-2018) (Funding agency: European Research Council, principal investigator Dr. Effie Fokas), grassrootsmobilise.eu Member of WP leading team, RIBRI: Horizon Scanning for Radical Innovations Breakthroughs (2017-2018) (Funding Agency: European Commission, DG Research; Coordinator: Fraunhofer ISI), https://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/en/competence- center/foresight/projekte/ribri.html Member of WP leading team, CIMULACT: Citizen and Multi-actor Consultation on Horizon2020 (2015-2018) (Funding Program: H2020- EU.5.c.; Coordinator: Danish Board of Technology), https://www.cimulact.eu Member of WP leading team, BOHEMIA: Beyond the Horizon – Foresight in Support of the Preparation of the European Union's Future Policy in Research and Innovation (Funding Agency: European Commission, DG Research; Coordinator: Austrian Institute of Technology), https://goo.gl/vBPmiF Member of research team, Forward Visions on the European Research Area (2012-2014) (Funding Program: FP7, Ref. 290705; Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute of Systems and Innovation Research), http://eravisions.archiv.zsi.at/ Principal investigator / director (2008-2009), The Expansion of Religious Manifestations in Romanian Higher Education (Funding Agency: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Program: Matra KAP) Co-investigator (2006-2007), Promoting the Higher Interest of the Child in Religious Education (Funding Agency: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Program: Matra KAP) Co-investigator (2005), Academic Ethics: What Is and What Should Be. A Research and an Academic Code (Funding Agency: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; Coordinator: SNSPA; PI: Prof. Mihaela Miroiu) Co-investigator (2005), The Construction of Places of Worship after 1989 and Its Impact on Secularism and Freedom of Conscience in Romania (Funding Agency: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Program: Matra KAP) Policy projects (as expert involved in coordinating and designing desk and field research, public consultation design, facilitation etc.) Expert on RDI policy, Capacity building in the Romanian public Research, Development and Innovation system in support of short, medium and long term socio-economic strategic development (SMIS 37609) Expert and member of the core team, Romania’s RTDI Strategy 2014-2020 (a project coordinated by the Executive Agency for the Funding of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation) Expert on higher education policy (2012-) Ready to Innovate, Ready to Respond to Local Needs: Quality and Diversity in Romanian Universities, a European Social Fund project coordinated by the Executive Agency for the Funding of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (2011- 2014) Page 4 of 6 Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE Expert on higher education policy (2009-2011), Quality and Leadership in Romanian Higher Education, a European Social Fund project coordinated by the Executive Agency for Higher Education Funding and Research (2009- 2011) Expert on higher education policy (2009-2011), Quality Assurance in Romanian Higher Education in a European Context, a European Social Fund project coordinated by the Romanian Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (2009-2011) Expert on educational policy (2009), Doctoral Studies in Romania: the Organization of Doctoral Studies, a European Social Fund project coordinated by the Executive Agency for Higher Education Funding and Research (2009-2011) (SELECTED) RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS Books Liviu Andreescu, Privilegii savante: o istorie a libertăţilor universitare în Europa şi Statele Unite [The Privileges of Scholarship: A History of University Liberties in Europe and the United States], Iasi: Institutul European, 2013 (ISBN 978-973-611-954-5) Liviu Andreescu, Libertatea academica, intre teorie si politicile universitare [Academic Freedom: Theory and Policy], Iasi: Institutul European, 2010 (ISBN 978-973-611-659-9) (Co-)edited books S. Radosevic, A. Curaj, R. Gheorghiu, L. Andreescu, I. Wade, eds., Advances in the theory and practice of smart specialization, London: Academic Press, 2017 (ISBN 9780128041376) Research reports Philine Warnke et al., 100 Radical Innovation Breakthroughs for the future: The Radical Innovation Breakthrough Inquirer, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 (ISBN 978-92-79- 99139-4, doi: 10.2777/24537) Matthias Weber et al., Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018 (ISBN 978-92-79-81266-8, doi: 10.2777/493572) Radu Gheorghiu et al., New Horizons: Data from a Delphi Survey in Support of Future European Union Policies in Research and Innovation, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017 (ISBN 978-92-79- 76452-3, doi:10.2777/654172) Radu Gheorghiu, Liviu Andreescu, Jana Zifciakova, Research and Innovation Observatory Country Report 2015: Romania, Sevilla: European Commission Joint Research Centre, 2016 (ISBN 978-92-79-57765-9, doi:10.2791/782805) Articles in peer-reviewed journals Mihai Popa, Liviu Andreescu. “Religion and Education in Romania: Social Mobilization and the ‘Shadow’ of the European Court of Human Rights.” Politics and Religion 12.S1 (2019). doi:10.1017/S1755048318000068 1755-0483/18 Viorel Proteasa, Liviu Andreescu, “Students, their protests, and their organizations: Exploring old gaps and new evidence”, PArtecipazione e COnflitto: The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies 12.1 (2019): 1-21. DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v12i1p1 Dia Anagnostou, Liviu Andreescu. “The European Court of Human Rights in National Struggles around Religion and Education.” Politics and Religion 12.S1 (2019). doi:10.1017/S175504831800007X 1755-0483/18 Page 5 of 6 Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE Viorel Proteasa, Liviu Andreescu, Vlad Botgros, Andra Dodiță, “Mapping students’ organizations in post- communist Romania: a structuration perspective”, International Review of Social Research 8.1 (2018): 35-46 Mihai Popa, Liviu Andreescu. “Legal provisions, courts, and the status of religious communities: a socio-legal analysis of interreligious relations in Romania.” Religion, State and Society 45.3-4 (2017): 297-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/09637494.2017.1398942 Also published as a chapter in The European Court of Human Rights and Minority Religions:
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