Evidence of a Late Jurassic Ridge Subduction Event: Geochemistry and Age of the Quartz Mountain Stock, Manastash Inlier, Central Cascades, Washington James H. MacDonald Jr.1,* and Adam Schoonmaker2 1. Marine and Ecological Sciences, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida 33965, USA; 2. Geology Department, Utica College, Utica, New York 13502, USA ABSTRACT Previous studies of rocks in California and Oregon suggest that a Late Jurassic ridge subduction event occurred. The geology of the Manastash inlier in Washington State supports this Late Jurassic ridge subduction. The biotite horn- blende granodiorite and biotite hornblende tonalite of the Quartz Mountain stock and its cupolas are located in the Manastash inlier, central Cascades, Washington. This stock and its cupolas intrude the low-PT metamorphosed Look- out Mountain Formation turbidites—which are interpreted to have formed in a forearc depositional setting—and the suprasubduction zone Hereford Meadow amphibolite. A new single-crystal sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe– reverse geometry U-Pb age from stock zircons has an age of 157.4 5 1.2 Ma (2j). This new age corroborates the published age from the stock and is interpreted to be the crystallization age of the stock. New whole-rock major- and trace-element geochemistry suggests that the granitoids from this stock were generated by shallow mantle melting in a subduction zone setting. Geochemistry also suggests that the stock assimilated minor amounts of its wall rock and that the cupolas were generated from the same magmatic source as the main phase of the stock. The intrusion of the Quartz Mountain stock into the low-PT turbidites of the Lookout Mountain Formation and the suprasubduction zone Hereford Meadow amphibolite suggest that the magmas were generated by the subduction of a Late Jurassic spread- ing ridge. The geochemistry of the Quartz Mountain stock is similar to that of granitoids of the Taitao Peninsula, Chile, which were generated by the subduction of the Chile ridge during the late Neogene. Online enhancements: supplemental tables. Introduction Late Jurassic arc magmatism along the Cordillera ing the Late Jurassic. Late Jurassic arcs may have margin of North America was modest, compared to occurred in numerous tectonic settings, including other Cordilleran magmatic events. However, rem- a locus outboard of Late Jurassic basins (e.g., Yule nants of these Late Jurassic arcs are located through- et al. 2006; Dorsey and LaMaskin 2007), in retroarc out the Cordillera (e.g., Garcia 1982; Saleeby et al. settings (Coint et al. 2013), and in arc-arc collisional 1989; Miller et al. 1993; Allen and Barnes 2006; settings during the waning stages of a foundering Barth et al. 2008; Schwartz et al. 2011). Saleeby and slab (Schwartz et al. 2011). Therefore, better under- Busby-Spera (1992) suggest that Late Jurassic arcs standing of Late Jurassic arc rocks is critical to un- occurred during a period of distinctive change in derstanding the tectonic development of the Cor- plate motion. This idea is supported by Engebret- dillera during this time period. son et al. (1985), who suggested that the relative Late Jurassic arc rocks occur in Washington State motion between oceanic plates outboard of the North (fig. 1). These include the ca. 150–153 Ma Hicks American margin was changing dramatically dur- Butte Complex, Hicks Butte inlier (Miller et al. 1993; MacDonald and Pecha 2011; fig. 1); the ca. 154 Ma Manuscript received August 2, 2016; accepted March 9, Indian Creek Complex, Rimrock Lake inlier (Miller 2017; electronically published May 15, 2017. 1989; Miller et al. 1993; fig. 1); and the ca. 157 Ma * Author for correspondence; e-mail: [email protected]. Quartz Mountain stock, Manastash inlier (Miller [The Journal of Geology, 2017, volume 125, p. 423–438] q 2017 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2017/12504-0002$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/692099 423 This content downloaded from on February 27, 2018 10:38:26 AM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). 424 J . H . M ACDONALD AND A. SCHOONMAKER et al. 1993; this study; fig. 1). Other arc rocks occur Manastash anticline is interpreted to be an active in Washington, but their Late Jurassic ages are poorly compressional growth fold (Ladinsky 2012). The north- constrained. These include 160–170 Ma arc rocks ern bounding fault, the Taneum Lake fault zone, is part in the Decatur terrane, San Juan Islands (Brown et al. of the Olympic-Wallowa Lineament (Raisz 1945; Ta- 1979; Brandon et al. 1988 and references therein; bor 1994; Pratt 2012; fig. 2). The anticlinal structure of fig. 1); minor ca. 163 Ma arc plutonic occurrences in this inlier exposed older units that are faulted against the Shuksan Greenschist, Easton Metamorphic Suite or unconformably overlain by mostly late to middle (Gallagher et al. 1988; Dragovich et al. 1998; fig. 1); Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks (fig. 2). The minor ca. 150–160 Ma arc rocks as faulted blocks in units in the Manastash inlier consist of the Helena- the western mélange belt (Tabor et al. 2002 and ref- Haystack mélange, the informally named Hereford erences therein; fig. 1); and minor, possibly ca. 160 Ma Meadow amphibolite, the Lookout Mountain Forma- arc rocks occurring at Point of Arches, Olympic tion, and the Quartz Mountain stock (Stout 1964; Peninsula (Snavely et al. 1993; Schasse 2003). Arc Goetsch 1978; Miller et al. 1993; Tabor 1994; Tabor rocks in Washington State are usually omitted et al. 2000; MacDonald 2006). The Helena-Haystack from regional Late Jurassic tectonic synthesis (e.g., mélange in the inlier has been offset by Eocene move- Saleeby and Busby-Spera 1992; Wyld et al. 2006). ment on the Straight Creek–Fraser River fault (fig. 1), This is most likely due to a paucity of data compared has poor age control—possibly Middle Jurassic to to other Late Jurassic arc rocks of the Cordillera Eocene—and may have been reactivated by move- and their involvement in Early Cretaceous transla- ment along the Taneum Lake fault zone (fig. 2; Ta- tion and Late Cretaceous thrust fault emplacement bor 1994; MacDonald 2006; MacDonald et al. 2008). (i.e., the Baja British Columbia [BC] hypothesis; The Darrington Phyllite occurrence in the Manas- Cowan et al. 1997). tash inlier has been interpreted to be a large block in This article presents new U-Pb single-crystal sen- the Helene-Haystack mélange (Goetsch 1978; Tabor sitive high-resolution ion microprobe–reverse geom- 1994; fig. 2). Outside of its fault contact, the Helena- etry (SHRIMP-RG) zircon dates with whole-rock Haystack mélange is not genetically related to the major- and trace-element geochemistry of the Quartz other units of the Manastash inlier. Although omit- Mountain stock to help fill in data gaps of Late Ju- ted from most terrane translation studies (e.g., Baja rassic arc rocks in Washington State. This will help BC), the units in the Manastash inlier have been constrain the diverse settings of Late Jurassic arc correlated with rocks farther south and have trans- rocks along the North American Cordilleran mar- lated, possibly a large distance, before their emplace- gin. New U-Pb zircon ages corroborate the published ment in Washington State (see Miller et al. 1993 or ca. 157 Ma age of this stock (Miller et al. 1993). Geo- MacDonald 2006). chemistry suggests that the stock has affinities that Lookout Mountain Formation. The Lookout Moun- are similar to modern island-arc settings. However, tain Formation consists of siltstone and shale, with the intrusive relationships into forearc ca. 160 Ma lesser sandstone, that were deformed into semi- sediments that underwent Buchan-type metamor- schist and biotite schist. This formation is intruded phism prohibit this setting. Instead, we suggest that by the Quartz Mountain stock, steeply faulted against the Quartz Mountain stock represents forearc mag- the Hereford Meadow amphibolite, and overlain by matism in an overriding plate that was produced by the late to middle Eocene Naches Formation (fig. 2). a downgoing oceanic ridge. The timing of this event Primary structures within sedimentary beds are gen- fits well with the Late Jurassic ridge subduction pro- erally apparent. They include composite lenticular, posed by Murchey and Blake (1993) and highlights wavy, and laminated bedding; graded bedding; and the complex and diverse tectonic settings that oc- cross laminae. Metamorphic minerals in this for- curred during the Late Jurassic Cordillera develop- mation include porphyroblasts and poikiloblasts of ment. staurolite, garnet, andalusite, and rare cordierite (Stout 1964; Goetsch 1978; MacDonald 2006). The meta- morphic mineral assemblage of the Lookout Moun- Manastash Inlier Geology tain Formation suggests Buchan-type metamorphism. The pre-Cenozoic rocks of the Manastash inlier are Spotted, web, and decussate metamorphic textures exposed in the Manastash anticline. The Manastash of biotite commonly overprint older metamorphic anticline is part of the Yakima fold belt (Smith 1903; textures in the vicinity of Quartz Mountain stock in- Reidel 1984; Watters 1989; figs. 1, 2). The faults that trusions (MacDonald 2006). MacDonald (2006) re- bound this inlier are potentially active and may re- ported a youngest U-Pb detrital zircon age distribu- cord sinistral motion (Reidel et al. 1994; Blakely et al. tion of ca. 160 Ma from a moderately sorted, fine- 2011; Pratt 2012; fig. 2). Southeast of the inlier, the grained sandstone (location of the sample is in fig. 2). This content downloaded from on February 27, 2018 10:38:26 AM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Journal of Geology LATE JURASSIC RIDGE SUBDUCTION EVENT 425 Figure 1. Simplified geologic map displaying pre-Cenozoic tectonic elements of the central and northwest Cascades, modified from Miller et al.
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