1 2 ISSUE 11 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER EDITORS-IN-CHIEF : Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone EDITOR : Marc Gascoigne CONTENTS PRODUCTION MANAGER : Martin Clement GRAPHIC DESIGN : Charles Elliott VISUALISER : Mark Craven PASTE-UP : David Oliver, Ian Varley Omens & Auguries 4 TYPESETTING : Julie Weaving, Gail Morgan Back from his enforced holiday, COVER ILLUSTRATION : Titan , by Chris Achilleos Jamie Thomson sinks his teeth ©, 1986 ART EDITOR : John Blanche into the latest gamebook PHOTOGRAPHS : Charles Elliott gossip ADVERTISING : Ivor Chomacki PUBLICATIONS MANAGER : Alan Merrett PUBLISHED BY : Games Workshop Ltd, Enfield Chambers, 16-18 Low Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 Into The Unknown 6 7DL. Tel: (0602) 586108 Graeme Davies introduces the concept of DIY dungeons Arcane Archive 10 Derek the Troll eats the latest gamebooks; Paul Cockburn sweeps up the mess Welcome to an extra-special issue of Warlock, extra-special, of course, because it’s the first with my good self as your new Editor. That’s not the only change you’ll notice Paint Yer Dragon! 12 in this issue either. Take a peek at the centre pages and you’ll find a totally awesome Two heads are better than one, free pull-out, in COLOUR! This revelation will bring a whole new dimension to your favourite magazine. (In fact, you are advised to wear your sunglasses while reading this they say; Rick Priestley shows issue, lest you are dazzled by the sight of it.) The pull-out itself features the gameboard you how to acquire another one and pieces for our special Judge Dredd battlegame, Shuggy Hall Brawl, which we know you are going to have a lot of fun playing with your friends. Derek The Troll 14 Also part of the colour pull-out is the first appearance of our new column Metal Mayhem, Ooer! Crikey! Heavens above! which will be bringing you the best in miniatures every issue from now on. It seems Derek the Troll has fallen in love! many of our readers want to know more about the many varied aspects of gamebooks and gaming, so from now on that’s exactly what we shall be bringing you. Indeed, next issue will see the first in a series introducing fantasy role-playing games and board- Warlock’s Quill 16 games for beginners, along with lots more colour. And the issue after that – the dreaded The Warlock opens his letters Issue 13 – will be a horror special, with a ghastly game and many fearful features; it’ll be so scary you’ll have to get your mum to read it to you! Out of the Pit 18 But enough of the future – what of the rest of this issue? To tie in with the free game A belligerent bucketful of we have a special Judge Dredd section – you can even win some collected Judge Dredd baneful beasties comics, courtesy of those nice people at Titan Books. We’ve gone freebie mad this issue, in fact, because page 15 has been infested with R.A.T.S., the successors to Zoids, which JUDGE DREDD SPECIAL SECTION! you can win in our brain-mangling quiz. Special feature article this issue is Into The Unknown, another invaluable masterpiece from the keyboard-melting fingers of Graeme Davis, which will enable you to continue adventuring in the gaps between gamebook Tough On The Streets 22 releases. Add all your regular features – even that smelly troll on page 14 – and you’ve An introduction to the cop of got the best gaming magazine around, no question! the future, 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd Happy reading and playing! Law-Gaming! 24 Now play the cop of the future! Shuggy Hall Brawl 25 Special Judge Dredd bat- tlegame with full-colour map- board – absolutely zarjaz (whoops, wrong magazine!) The Land of Changes 28 Another masterpiece from Ruth Pracy, set in the bizarre Lands of Autumn. A solo adventure for Fighting Fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons. 1 2 3 That disgusting ball of slime, Jamie Thomson, looks major lands of Titan. It’ll be the same size as Out Of The Pit, and the same price too. at new developments in the awesome world of Marc Gascoigne, currently pre- gamebooks and gaming. tending to be the Editor of this very mag- azine has written it, based upon original concepts from good old Steve & Ian, and Hello again, and welcome to another ex- Jackson’s new masterpiece, currently I can honestly say that it is absolutely (Oh citing installment of this most dangerous bearing the provisional title Crea- for heaven’s sake! Our readers don’t of columns. Incredibly, I have managed ture Of Havoc , in which you play a want to bear how wonderful that creep to survive another month of dastardly at- monster stomping around southern All- Gascoigne’s book is! Change the subject tempts on my life – every day I continue ansia! There’ll be a lot more on this next immediately! Oh, and didn’t I just have to live is a day of pain and rage for that evil issue. ( You hope, you quivering pile of you killed? – The Warlock.) dictator, the Warlock. You may just have orc dung!! – Lord Zlargh, the Warlock’s noticed that the Warlock was able to Chief Beater.) Ye gods, not the Chief Bea- Hah! Tough luck, Warlock- I’m still here! silence me in the last issue but due to ter! No!! Aaargh November brings the release of The Rid- pressure from the Brotherhood he was dling Reaver , four multi-player adven- forced to let me return. (Come off it, Titanic Wobblers!! tures for use with the Fighting Fantasy Thomson, you were too lazy to write set of rules (so you’ll need a GameMaster your column, that’s all! – The Warlock.) Uurgh . that was a bad one! He’s left me to play them). It’s been written, if that is The things I go through to bring you the for dead, but I don’t die that easily. Must the word, by Steve Williams and Paul news! (And the things you are about to ask the Brotherhood to try harder. On- Mason, both late of Warlock before they go through, you lice-ridden son of a wards, ever onwards... Remember that se- spilt a few drops of the Warlock’s tea and fungal growth! – The Warlock.) quel to Out Of The Pit I mentioned a few were impaled (well, before it moved to issues back? Well, it’s called Titan – The the new fortress in Nottingham anyway). Throbbing Mayhem! Fighting Fantasy World , and it has a The Riddling Reaver begins with some release date of 30th October. If there’s rules additions to FF, and then moves on Anyway, onto news from Puffin Books. anything at all that you need to know to the adventures, which can be played Fighting Fantasy marches on, as triumph- about Allansia, The Old World (where separately or linked together to create ant as ever – even now one of its greatest Kakhabad and Gallantaria are to be one massive campaign game. The big masterpieces, The Sword of the Samurai, found), or the new third continent of villain is the Riddling Reaver himself, ties glimmering in the shops ready to be Khul, well this is the place to look. It described as ‘an agent of the Trickster taken up by those lovers of taste and tal- covers everything you could think of, Gods of Luck and Chance, a complete ent in gamebooks. Not surprisingly, the from the Creation of The World to the madman rather like the Joker in Batman. anthers of this book are that supremely price of chickens, from Orcish battle tac- Steve Williams’ zombie corpse, recently wonderful human being Jamie Thomson tics to the name of Yaztromo’s crow! raised from the dead, told me that part and his partner Mark Smith, and I urge Wrapped in an awesome Chris Achilleos one is a riddle/treasure hunt through you . (Bleeaugh! – The Warlock.) Yes, cover which just happens to look a little some dark and dingy port; part two is a you’re right of course, my lord. In fact, as like the cover of this very issue of War- ship journey, though the ship itself is a you point out, this book is utterly lock, it also features new colour plates floating trap rather than a sea-going mediocre and 1 urge you to avoid it at all from John Blanche and maps of all the vessel; part three is a jungle adventure; costs . What am I saying?? (Exactly what and part four is an underground dungeon I tell you, slime-bag! – The Warlock.) set in a hidden shrine. I could reveal more, but space (and me! – The Warlock) forbids FF21 is Trial Of Champions , of course, it. Suffice to say it will be excellent; Paul and will be in your local games shop by has also promised to write a special fifth the time you read this. Needless to say, it’s part to go alongside the book for publica- almost as wonderful as my own book. tion exclusively in Warlock in a few After that there is Robot Commando by issues. Steve Jackson (of the USA, not our own beloved bearded superstar), released on 25th September. It’s a sort of Return of the Warlock!! Transformers-versus-dinosaurs thing, if my memory serves me correctly. (Not Ye olde Games Workshop are currently very likely, you mindless sponge-brain – working on a boardgame version of The The Warlock.) November will see the Warlock Of Firetop Mountain , which release of Masks of Mayhem by Robin will be a lot of fun. (Of course it will be, Waterfield (of Rebel Planet fame), a fan- worm-breath – The Warlock.) It’s been tasy epic set on the mysterious third con- promised for a few years now, but it’s tinent of Khul and containing some very definitely underway at last, though I’ll new and original ideas.
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