March 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1701 Street), but also the first concrete street in Madam Speaker, I’m proud that citizens in tion offered by the gentleman from America. George Wells Bartholomew, Jr., con- each of the 11 counties I’m honored to rep- Ohio (Mr. TURNER) that the House sus- structed this street in 1891, posting a personal resent are taking an active role in celebrating pend the rules and agree to the resolu- bond of $5,000 to guarantee that the pave- not only our state’s bicentennial, but also the tion, H. Res. 122. ment would last for five years. That street car- rich and vibrant histories of their own commu- The question was taken. ries local traffic to this day, and was declared nities. Their dedication and devotion ensure The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the a National Historical Civil Engineering Land- that our state’s future remains bright for the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of mark in 1976. next 200 years and beyond. those present have voted in the affirm- Wyandot County’s Old Mission Church is I salute the efforts of all who have made this ative. the oldest Methodist mission in the United bicentennial year a great one for our great Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Madam Speak- States. Completed in 1824, the Church sits on state. er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise The yeas and nays were ordered. the grounds of the Wyandotte Cemetery, a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- burial ground for the last Native American tribe today in honor and recognition of the Bicen- tennial of the State of Ohio’s admission to the ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the in Ohio. The Basilica, and National Shrine of Chair’s prior announcement, further Our Lady of Consolation in Carey draws hun- Union. I rise to honor the contributions of Ohio residents to the development of the United proceedings on this motion will be dreds of thousands of pilgrims on a yearly postponed. basis. States. Marion County is the site of the Warren G. On March 1, 1803, Ohio became the 17th f Harding Home and Memorial, honoring our na- state to enter the Union. From the invention of SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING tion’s 29th president. Marion, home of the traffic lights and Teflon to the famous first IMPROVED FIRE SAFETY IN NON- Popcorn Festival and the Wyandot Popcorn flight at Kitty Hawk, Ohio has been the birth- RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS place of many important advances in United Museum, also contains one of four branch Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Madam Speak- States history. The nation’s first interracial co- campuses of The Ohio State University, er, I move to suspend the rules and educational college, Oberlin College, was 2003’s national football champions. I am privi- agree to the concurrent resolution (H. leged to represent a total of three of OSU’s founded in 1833 in Oberlin, Ohio. The storied Con. Res. 85) expressing the sense of branches. history of this great state is, perhaps, best the Congress with regard to the need Citizens of Shelby County take great pride demonstrated through the accomplishments of for improved fire safety in nonresiden- in their magnificent 120-year-old county court- its amazing residents. tial buildings in the aftermath of the Ohio residents have contributed to many dif- house, which was recently added to the list of tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a ferent aspects of United States history and ‘‘Great American Public Places.’’ Sidney, the nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Is- culture. Inventors Thomas Edison and Charles county seat, developed a reputation as a rail- land. road and canal center early in our state’s his- Goodyear hail from Ohio. Well-known authors The Clerk read as follows: Harriet Beecher Stowe and Toni Morrison, as tory. H. CON. RES. 85 well as, poet laureate Paul Laurence Dunbar Residents of Mount Gilead in Morrow Coun- Whereas, on the night of February 20, 2003, ty rightfully take pride in the ‘‘victory shaft’’ also come from Ohio. Ohio also has the dis- a pyrotechnic display ignited a massive fire that dominates the village’s North Square. tinction of producing more Presidents than any at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, This stone monument was a 1919 gift from the other state in the Union. Legendary come- Rhode Island; federal government in recognition of Morrow dians Bob Hope and Phyllis Diller, who have Whereas 99 people have died as a result of County’s support of World War I—its citizens inspired millions to laugh, hail from Ohio. the fire and an additional 186 people were in- purchased more war bonds per capita than Other noteworthy Ohioans include Doris jured in the fire, many of whom remain hos- Day, Clark Gable, Annie Oakley and Neil Arm- pitalized as of the date of the submission of any other county in the U.S. this resolution with life-threatening burns Auglaize County is the birthplace of space strong. Ohio’s contributions have not only been limited to academic and artistic pursuits. and other injuries; pioneer Neil Armstrong and home to the Neil Whereas the victims of the fire were resi- Armstrong Air and Space Museum. The coun- Many well-known athletes hail from Ohio also. dents of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Con- ty seat of Wapakoneta is a focal point of Na- World-renowned golfers Nancy Lopez and necticut, and several other States; tive American history, serving as capital of the Jack Nicklaus are both from Ohio. African Whereas the firefighters, police officers Shawnee nation in the late 1700s and early American track star Jesse Owens, who won (particularly officers of the West Warwick 1800s. Chief Blackhoof organized the migra- four gold medals during the 1936 Olympics, Police Department who were the first to ar- rive on the scene), and medical personnel tion of the Shawnee to Kansas in 1826, and grew up in Cleveland and graduated from Ohio State University. who responded to the fire performed hero- afterward returned to Wapakoneta, where he ically under horrific circumstances, and they died in 1831. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honor and recognition of the Bicenten- risked their own lives to save many of the The Mansfield Blockhouse in Richland injured; County is the county’s oldest structure, built in nial of the admission of Ohio in to the Union, Whereas, at hospitals in Rhode Island and the public square to protect early settlers from a state whose contributions to this great coun- Massachusetts, doctors, nurses, hospital Indian attacks during the War of 1812. The try cannot be overlooked. staff, mental health professionals, and other medieval castle design of the Ohio State Re- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, Whereas, the people health care workers toiled through the night formatory, constructed in the late 1880s, land- of Ohio are commemorating Ohio’s 200th and in the following days to care for the in- jured, and they continue to provide world- ed it on the National Register of Historic Birthday on March 1, 2003; and Whereas, they will be celebrating the Bicen- class care to victims of the fire who remain Places in 1987, and has been featured in tennial in Chillicothe, the original capital of the hospitalized; three major motion pictures. Mansfield was great state of Ohio; and Whereas hospital care for victims of the also the home of John Sherman, longtime Whereas, the residents of Ohio have mold- fire was provided at Rhode Island Hospital, Kent County Hospital, South County Hos- House and Senate member from Ohio, Sec- ed a strong tradition of family values and a retary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Re- pital, Fatima Hospital, Massachusetts Gen- commitment to a high standard of living for eral Hospital, Miriam Hospital, Roger Wil- publican presidential candidate, and father of Two-Hundred Years; and the Sherman Antitrust Act. Malabar Farm in liams Hospital, Landmark Hospital, Univer- Whereas, Ohio, since its inception, has de- sity of Massachusetts/Worcester Hospital, Lucas is the former home and workshop of veloped into a growing and prosperous com- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Westerly Pulitzer Prize winner Louis Bromfield, drawing munity dedicated to its past and future genera- Hospital, Shriners Hospital, St. Luke’s Hos- thousands of visitors each year. tions; pital, Memorial Hospital, Charlton Hospital, A bronze statue in the town square in Ur- Therefore, I join with the residents of the and Newport Hospital; bana memorializes the 3,235 Champaign 18th Congressional District and all of Ohio in Whereas the local Red Cross, with 10 paid County men who fought in the Civil War, 578 celebrating the Ohio Bicentennial. staff and over 400 dedicated volunteers, has of whom did not survive the fighting. Urbana Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Madam Speak- played a critical role in offering comfort to University’s Johnny Appleseed Educational the families of victims and coordinating er, I have no other speakers, and I urge services; Center houses the largest collection of Johnny adoption of this measure. Whereas State and local officials have re- Appleseed memorabilia and information known Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- sponded to the fire and its aftermath quick- to exist. St. Paris, in western Champaign ance of my time. ly, effectively, and compassionately, and the County, was a leading carriage-making center The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. people of Rhode Island and the Nation are for much of the late Nineteenth Century. BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- grateful for their efforts; VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:55 Mar 12, 2003 Jkt 019006 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.015 H11PT1 H1702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2003 Whereas Governor Donald Carcieri of The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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