Humanities 101 Community Programme 2012 – 2013 2012 – 2013 HUM Humanities 101 Community Programme Writing Participants’ Compositions 53 Well Wishes 51 65 Writing Course Outline 31 71 Board Game Staff Messages 11 Hum 101/201 73 Participants’ Essays Public Programmes 7 74 Hum 101/201 Course Outline Steering Committee’s 5 Planning Gathering 76 Introduction Photographs 81 Thank You 83 Graduating Participants IntrodUctIon This book represents what we produced together this year in the Humanities 101 time they’d been involved with the Pro- Community Programme, and in Hum’s 3 gramme, but Hum 201 participants are courses. Writing is held on Tuesday eve- all graduates oF Hum 101, and some have also taken Writing and Science 101, too. in the Autumn and Spring terms. Human- They are a remarkable group oF people ities 101 and 201 run For both terms with who were willing to do an unconvention- the same participants - on Tuesdays at UBC and on Thursdays, starting this year, theme, where there’s walls there’s holes, at The Gathering Place (the Community by producing a game that would activate Centre For Downtown South, on Helmcken the course content, local knowledge and at Seymour St); what we study in theory their classmates, who played it during the and context on Tuesdays is put into prac- last class. They wanted there to be coop- tice on Thursdays. Each week we study a erative, collective, creative and compet- - itive aspects to the game; and For there ferent teacher, all Focused on relevant, in- to be no ‘right’ answer to the game ques- terdisciplinary critical and creative practic- es. Participants’ generous willingness to to be responded to collectively, imagina- take on board, and in hand, such a range tively. However, the competitive edge was of concepts and practices, grounded in raised in the second kind oF game ques- their own knowledge and experience, is tions: true tests oF local, situated knowl- maniFest here in their writing and images. up the game board includes 52 locations - had a theme: ‘Where there’s walls, there’s ipants, and were gathered during a ‘com- holes’. As residents oF Vancouver’s Down- munity mapping’ class at The Gathering Place. South) and nearby who live with low incomes, all Hum participants have ex- Community mapping is oFten done nowa- days as a way to put Forward what matters walls that are obstacles, and in reinForc- ing walls that lend support to us all. past and understand the present, and to As well, the Hum Programme can make Futures they want to be part oF, where itselF be seen as a hole in a wall. ME becomes With our many nimble teach- WE democratically. ers, discussion Facilitators par- - with this theme throughout tion, community mapping is an import- the course. ant way to register local voices who are the experts in their own neighbourhoods, whose perspectival and implicated knowl- 2012 – 2013 5 edge matters. The game board map oF The theme and game ‘Where there’s walls, there’s holes’ supplied the look and struc- CroFt, Wil Steele and Montana Hunter been made by, For and with residents, and ture oF this yearbook: the game parts are (WorkStudy Programme Assistants); and reproduced and simulated, shiFted toward maps. possible Future uptakes. Meanwhile, Willie Li who also ran weekly Study Groups glass ceilings become load-bearing walls this year, one at The Gathering Place and Hum participants and alumni are involved cracked open by inFormed knowledge and one at UBC beFore Tuesdays classes. in doing community education, organiza- local expertise, and the course outline oF tion and activism at many places: Carne- academic inter-disciplines become gath- Congratulations to everyone involved in gie Centre, Downtown Eastside Women’s ering places on a spinner wheel. It’s set up the Class oF 2012-2013. Thank you For all Centre and the Power oF Women to Women for you to play and to change, as you like. that you brought and shared. May you - stay involved For many years to come as In case it seems as iF Hum is all play and no members oF the Hum Steering Committee Daycare, The Gathering Place, Vancouver work, all this wouldn’t be possible without of participants and alumni, For starters... Recovery Club, Dr. Peter Centre and more; the work oF: course participants, volun- and they help when the time comes to do teers (teachers and discussion Facilitators Dr. Margot Leigh Butler Hum intake sessions For new participants from UBC and elsewhere), supporters, and Academic Director at these locations. Humanities 101 Community Programme Woodhouse (Programme Coordinator), 6 Hum HUM 101/201 Course o u t l i n e Course tHeMe - Autumn 2012 - WHErE AUGUSt cuLturaL stuDies Tuesday September 18 tHErE’S Meet & Greet tuesDay “Culture is Ordinary” with Margot Leigh Tuesday August 28 Butler, Humanities 101, UBC. Meet & Greet in the Student Union Build- WAllS, in Practice introductions, short class, and walking Thursday September 20 tHErE’S tour oF UBC For all Humanities 101, 201 What are the cultures oF learning and and Writing students. knowledge in your own neighbourhood and at UBC? HolES SEPtEMBEr cuLturaL stuDies PhiLosoPhy Tuesday September 25 Tuesday September 4 at UBC “Are the walls oF ancient Greek philosophy The Enlightenment to Globalization” with at The Gathering Place still standing?” with Sylvia Berryman, Phi- Margot Leigh Butler, Humanities 101, 609 Helmcken St losophy, UBC. UBC. (Helmcken and Seymour) in Practice in Practice Tuesdays: 6:30 pm at UBC Thursday September 6 Thursday September 27 Thursdays: 5:45 - 7:45 pm at Philosophy means loving wisdom (philos Film Life and Debt (about the ‘globaliza- The Gathering Place “loving” and sophos “wise, a sage”) … so tion’ oF Jamaica) by Stephanie Black, 2001. Please note that due to unForeseen … what do I love thinking about? circumstances, 2 scheduled classes octoBEr had to be changed *. PhiLosoPhy Tuesday September 11 huM steerinG coMMittee “Critical Thinking” with Ana Harland, Phi- Tuesday October 2 losophy and Continuing Studies, UBC. Humanities 101 Steering Committee meeting For ALL current students and in Practice graduates oF Hum 101, Hum 201 and Thursday September 13 “Making Arguments Stick” with Peter Centre, 1961 East Mall, in The Dodson Babiak, Langara College, current Writing Room (room 302) on level 3 . teacher and Former Humanities 101 Aca- demic Director. in Practice Thursday October 4 Unpacking the Hum box: casting our expert eyes on our Programme. 2012 – 2013 7 criticaL race theory anD art in Practice in Practice Tuesday October 9 Thursday October 25 Thursday November 15 This is what we want! Deep Lis- racialization” with Sadira Rodrigues, Con- Tenants tening Practices tinuing Studies, Emily Carr University. Survival Guide, BC Civil Liberties Associ- ation’s The Arrest Handbook, Pivot, UBC art in Practice *5:30-8:30 pm Thursday October 11 UBC Pro Bono Law Clinic at the Gathering Tuesday November 20 Between: living in the hyphen Directed & Place, UBC Law Students’ Legal Advice Field Trip to the Vancou- Programme at Carnegie Centre…) with ver Art Gallery to see the Alyssa Stryker, Humanities 101 Facilitator. exhibitions Hope at Dawn and Meet at the eDucation architecture Tuesday October 16 Tuesday October 30 5:30 For supper, or inside the Gallery by the “What’s the architecture oF your own “Building Exclusivity” with Arthur Allen, giFt shop at 6:25. The tour starts at 6:30 learning? Learning Styles, Multiple Intel- Architect. sharp! The Vancouver Art Gallery is at 750 ligences & Communication Strategies” Hornby Street at Robson. with Ayah Ouziel and Sandra McGoldrick, noVEMBEr English Language Institute UBC. We’ll be in Practice meeting in our classroom and walking to- in Practice Thursday November 22 gether to another building For this class. Thursday November 1 Making walls and holes with Marina Roy, Architecture: “On locked + unlocked Art History and Visual Art, UBC. VancouVer doors” with Arthur Allen, Architect. PuBLic LiBrary tour First nations stuDies anD Law 5:00-8:00 pm Thursday October 18 cuLturaL stuDies Tuesday November 27 We’ll meet at the Gathering Place For Tuesday November 6 *“Very close reading, aloud!” and “White supper at 5:00, and then walk to the Van- “Semiotics = X-ray vision?” with Margot Lies and Indian-Givers” or, Easy-Exit and couver Public Library Central Branch For Leigh Butler, Humanities 101, UBC. Steve Wexler, Law School, UBC. Assistant Manager oF VPL in Practice Special Collections. Thursday November 8 anthroPoLoGy Cultural Studies: “Semiotic Analysis oF Thursday November 29 Representations oF the Downtown East- Field Trip to MOA (the Museum on An- side” with Margot Leigh Butler, Human- thropology) with Anthony Shelton, Direc- ities 101, UBC. tor oF MOA, UBC Law enGLish dEcEMBEr Tuesday October 23 Tuesday November 13 “Bare bones oF citizenship? The Canadi- “Take the cotton out oF your ears, put it Party an Charter oF Rights and Freedoms” with in your mouth and listen, listen, listen, Tuesday December 4 Margot Young, Law School, UBC. End oF Term Party at UBC!! English, UBC. 8 Hum - Spring 2013 - JAnUArY UBC) we’ll be starting to work on our JournaLisM pieces For our Humanities 101 Yearbook Tuesday February 12 woMen’s anD GenDer stuDies which will be ready For our Graduation “Social Justice and Responsibility” with Tuesday January 8 Ceremony on April 25th. Mary-Lynn Young, Journalism, UBC. “Intersections oF Identity” with Chris Shelley, Institute For Gender, Race, Sexu- in Practice huManities 101 ality and Social Justice, UBC. steerinG coMMittee MeetinG Thursday February 14 in Practice Tuesday January 29 Humanities 101 Steering Committee woMen’s anD GenDer stuDies “The Commons: Dismantling Enclosure” Meeting. All current and past students are Thursday January 10 welcome to come, meet each other, give “Intersections oF Identity” with Chris Centre For Policy Studies on Culture and Feedback on courses and contribute new Shelley.
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