Anti-corruption self-assessment report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova June 2016 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Author: Franklin de Vrieze Senior expert The “Anti-corruption self-assessment report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova” has been prepared by Franklin De Vrieze within the framework of the “Strengthening Parliamentary GovernanceAuthor: in Moldova” Project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Moldova and funded by the Swedish Government. The views expressed in this Franklin de Vrieze document are those of the authorSenior and expert do not necessarily represent the views of these institutions. Printed on Recycled Paper Design and layout: Bons Offi ces Printed on Recycled Paper ISBNDescrierea CIP a Camerei Naționale a Cărții GAnti-corruptionDe Vrieze, Franklin. self-assessment report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Vrieze, prepared Anti-corruptionby Franklin De Vrieze; self-assessment UNDP Moldova. report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova / Franklin de Bons Offi ces DesignVrieze and ; UNDP layout: Moldova. – Chisinau : S. n., 2016 (Tipogr. “Foxtrot”). – 88 p. AparePublished cu suportul with the financiar financial alsupport Guvernului Swedish Suediei. Government – 50 ex. – 50 ex. ISBN 978-9975-89-041-0. ISBN328.185:343.352(478)(047) D 35 Table of Contents Acronyms 5 Executive Summary 8 Introduction 10 A. Current context in Moldova 12 B. Conducting the assessment 13 1. The institutional framework 16 1.1. Anti-Corruption Strategy 16 1.2. National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) 18 1.3. National Integrity Commission (NIC) 19 1.4. Parliament's role in implementation of anti-corruption policies 23 2. Legislative role of parliament 28 2.1. Anti-corruption "proofi ng" of draft legislation 28 2.2. Example: law on political parties 30 2.3. Strategy for Justice Sector Reform 2011–2016 33 3. Oversight role of parliament 38 3.1. Instruments for parliamentary oversight 38 3.2. Oversight on implementation of legislation 39 3.3. Reports of public authorities 39 4. Budget role of parliament 44 4.1. Budget process 44 4.2. Cooperation between the Court of Accounts and the Parliament 45 5. Parliament's transparency and communication 50 5.1. Parliamentary openness and open data 50 5.2. Legal framework on parliament's openness and communication 51 5.3. Availability of information on the Parliament of Moldova 52 5.4. Social media policy of the Parliament of Moldova 53 5.5. Moldova e-parliament project 54 6. Ethics framework 58 6.1. Code of Conduct and Ethics for Members of Parliament 58 6.2. Code of Conduct and Ethics for staff in parliament 61 4 Anti-corruption self-assessment report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova 7. The international anti-corruption framework 64 7.1. Moldova Parliament and UNCAC 64 7.2. Moldova Parliament, Council of Europe, GRECO and PACE 65 7.3. Moldova Parliament and anti-corruption aspects of the EU Association Agenda 66 8. Conclusion: GOPAC Chapter for Moldova 70 9. Annexes 74 Annex 1. Bibliography 74 Annex 2. Mission agenda and list of interviews, July 2015 77 List of tables and charts 5 Acronyms BASS National Social Insurance Fund/Budget CAPC Centre for Analysis and Prevention of Corruption CEC Central Election Commission CoA Court of Accounts CoCE Code of Conduct and Ethics CoE Council of Europe CSO Civil Society Organization EaP European Union Eastern Partnership EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission EU European Union FAOAM Mandatory Health Insurance Fund/Budget FOI Freedom of Information GOPAC Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption GRECO Group of States against Corruption GTFs Global Task Forces IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union MDL Moldovan national currency - leu MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs MoJ Ministry of Justice MP Member of Parliament NAC National Anti-corruption Centre NAS National Anti-Corruption Strategy NBM National Bank of Moldova NGO Non-governmental organisation NIC National Integrity Commission ODIHR Offi ce for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights OECD Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development OSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe PACE Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe RoP Rules of Procedure SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency UNCAC United Nations Convention against Corruption UNDP United Nations Development Programme 6 Functional and Institutional Analysis of the Secretariat of the Parliament of Moldova Executive Summary Executive summary 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION THE INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK LEGISLATIVE ROLE OF PARLIAMENT OVERSIGHT ROLE OF PARLIAMENT BUDGET ROLE OF PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT'S TRANSPARENCY AND COMMUNICATION ETHICS FRAMEWORK THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION FRAMEWORK CONCLUSION: GOPAC CHAPTER FOR MOLDOVA ANNEXES 8 Anti-corruption self-assessment report for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova The third chapter of the Study discusses the Executive Summary oversight role of the Parliament of Moldova in terms of anti-corruption. The Study examines The anti-corruption self-assessment report for the procedural instruments for Parliamentary the Parliament of Moldova has been drafted oversight and how they can be used to strength- against the background of sharply increasing en oversight on the implementation of anti-cor- interest and political developments at the high- ruption policies and legislation. The report est level, refl ecting the need to combat corrup- touches upon how Parliament uses these pro- tion in all sectors of public and political life. cedural oversight instruments in practice and to what extent the Parliament exercises oversight Over the last years, Moldova has introduced a through the information available from reports number of anti-corruption laws and policies. of public authorities. Moldova has ratifi ed and is a party to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The fourth chapter of the Study discusses the The Parliament of Moldova has a major role in budget role of the Parliament of Moldova in overseeing that integrity, transparency and terms of anti-corruption. The Study examines anti-corruption policies and legislation are ef- the approval of the budget by the parliament fectively implemented. As such, UNDP Moldova and its oversight role on the implementation of commissioned the current anti-corruption par- the budget, in particular through the reports of liamentary self-assessment report, in consulta- the Court of Account (CoA). The report address- tion with the Parliament Committee on National es the role of the Committee on Budget, Finance Security, Defence and Rule of Law. The report and Economy. is based upon the Anti-corruption Assessment Toolkit, issued by UNDP and the Global Organi- The fi fth chapter of the Study discusses the zation of Parliamentarians Against Corruption transparency and communication practices of (GOPAC). the Parliament of Moldova. The Study exam- ines fi ve specifi c issues: the policy questions The fi rst chapter of the Study discusses the Na- on Parliamentary openness and open data, the tional Anti-Corruption Strategy 2011-2015, the legal framework on Parliament’s openness and role of the National Anti-Corruption Centre and communication in Moldova, the availability of of the National Integrity Commission, and the information on the Parliament of Moldova, the Parliament’s role in the implementation of an- social media use in the Parliament of Moldova, ti-corruption policies. The report discusses the and the Moldova e-Parliament project, aimed at monitoring framework of the anti-corruption overcoming a number of gaps and challenges. strategy and proposals to reform the National Integrity Commission. The sixth chapter of the Study discusses the ethics framework of the Parliament of Moldova. The second chapter of the Study discusses the The Study examines the content and need for legislative role of the Parliament of Moldova in a Code of Conduct and Ethics (CoCE) for Mem- terms of anti-corruption. The Study examines bers of Parliament and for all staff working in the anti-corruption “proofi ng” of draft legisla- the parliament. The information in this chapter tion and analyzes one recently adopted piece of is the basis for the comprehensive proposal for legislation relevant to anti-corruption, the law a Code of Conduct and Ethics for Members of on political parties, in detail. The report also Parliament. This Code has been submitted as a discusses the Strategy for Justice Sector Reform separate document and is an attachment to this 2011–2016 and the pending legislation required report. in this area. Executive summary 9 The seventh chapter of the Study discusses the To put the anti-corruption self-assessment international framework for the Parliament’s report in an operational framework, an “Ac- role in anti-corruption. The Study examines the tion Plan” has been drafted with the aim to role of the Moldova Parliament towards UNCAC, strengthen parliament’s anti-corruption impact discusses the interaction between the Moldova and capacity. The “Action Plan” builds upon Parliament, Council of Europe, GRECO and PACE, the recommendations included in the different and assesses the anti-corruption dimension of chapters of the report. the EU Association Agenda. The concluding chapter of the Study recom- mends the establishment of the GOPAC Chap- ter for Moldova. The chapter describes what are GOPAC National Chapters, their structure, mem- bership and objectives,
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