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FOREWORD Books — there is no end to the making of hooks especidUy in this Twentieth Century, but of the many thousand that greet the public eye, in the course of a year, how brief is the existence of the great majority; how short lived their populari- ty. In the case of bad hooks, there is nothing to regret in this. Would that the impressions these have left behind them were as transient. But there is always need for a good hook,for a good hook is a friend, that raises our thoughts to higher things, that inspires us to nobler deeds; that encourages vs in hours of depression, and comforts us in those of sorrow; thai helps us to remember what we too often forget; that reading is not merely undertaken us a pastime — to while away a tedious hour, but it is one of the innumerable talents of which we shall have to give an account to God. Books have a wide spreading influence ; they are given admission where the writer would be refused, and they cften go into homes, impossible cf access to either Priest or Reli- gious. So the work of publishing good books to conteract the influence of those that are bad or to say the least, indifferent is a real apostolic work, and one that draws down upon it the divine blessing. Need we apologize then for presenting in English dress another little work, the story of a young girl, who in the early days of Christianity is said to have miffer- edfor her faith even to hermsm. Alhan Butler, mentions no St. Valeria, hut what maUers the name which in this chronicle is typical of the countiesa Virgins, who as Confessors and Martyrs, rqoiced to follow the Lamb, whihersoever He goeth, — here on earth, — vin FOREWORD O^^mh much tnlyulMim -that in Hi^vm (hey rmy share with Htm an eternity c^jay. May this litOe hook then do aU the good its avihor desires ! Parve, nee irwideo aine me liber Una in urbia, Hei mihil quo Domino non licet ire tuo, (Ovid) "Oo litOe hook to where your author cannot go, Into the cities; I do not grudge your fate, but the pity Thai here I must remain to " mourn out side your gate. Vadbria OR ^HB TF^IUMPH IN THE ©ATA0OMBj^ CHAPTER I A SIGN IH THE HEAVENS ^HE Autumn of the year 312 was to give to the Church ''w^ the peace and rest so necessary after the bloody persecution which had lasted three centuries. Two Emperors then reigned over the western por- tion of the Roman empire. The cruel Maxentius, who had risen from the lowest ranks of society, and who had not hesitated to dip his hands in the blood of his own father, Maximinus, in order to invest himself with the imperial purple, ruled over Italy, the northern part; of Africa and the whole of Egj-pt. Constantine, son of Constantius Chlorus, whose elec- tion had been received with acclamations by the army and the people, governed Gaul, Spain and Britain. As his father had done before him, this prince daily increased his influence over the hearts of his people, while Maxentius retained his crown by crime and cruelty. It was not to be wondered at then that his Italian sub- jects, wearied of his exactions and wickedness, turned " VALERIA their eyes towards Gaul, towards a prince who, to the prestige of royal birth added the qualities which en- noble the supreme power.
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