Twclftti Scries, Vol. K , No. 18 ThOTday, Mrcfa Ig, 19W Plialxaiia 27, 1920 (Saks) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourth Session (Twelfth Lok Sabha) GazsUos •> D*batct UnH Pariisment Library BuHdinf BoaiTi No FB-015 Btosit ‘8* (Vol. IX contains Nos. II to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARUT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shri S. Gopalan Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. A.K. Pandey Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri Hamam Singh Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri Nathu Singh Senk>r Editor Shri O.P. Vaish Editor (O r ig in a l E n q u s h P b o c e e d in q s in c u u d e o in B w u s h V e h s ic n a n d O w q #»m . H in d i PnocEEowos in c l u d e d in H in d i V b b i o n TREATED AS AUTHOHrrATIVE AND NOT THE TBANSLATION THEBEOF.] CONTENTS [Twetlh Series, Vol. IX, Fourth Session, 1999/1^ (Sidn)] No. 18, Thursday, March 1 8 ,1999/Phaiguna 27,1920 (Saka) S u b j e c t C o lu m n s ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ’ Starred Questions Nos. 321— 324 ......................................................................................................... 3— 31 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Questions Nos. 325— 3 4 0 ......................:................................................................................... 31— 112 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3341— 3490.................................................................................................. 112— 271 PAPERS LAID ON TH E T A B L E ..................................................................................................................................... 271— 278 M ESSAGES FROM RAJYA S A B H A .............................................................................................................................. 278— 279 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Fourteenth Report........................................................................................................................................ 279 STANDING COMMITTEE ON LABOUR AND WELFARE Seventh and Eighth Reports.................................................................................................................... 279— 280 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS Eighth Report................................................................................................................................................ 280 MESSAGE FROM TH E P R ES ID EN T............................................................................................................................. 280 RE: WITHDRAWAL OF OFFICE MEMORANDA PERTAINING TO RESERVATIONS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN SERVICES................................................................ 280— 340 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377— (i) Need to open Navodaya Vidyalaya in Pratapgarti district, U.P. Shri Swami Chinmayanand................................................................................................ 341 (ii) Need to declare Sant KaWmagar-Ambedkar Nagar-Aramgaih-Jaunpur State highway in U.P. as National Highway Shri Indraieet Mishra............................................................................................................ 341 (iii) Need to releaae the balance anwunt due to U.P. Qovwnmant under Family Planning Programme Dr. Mahadeepak Singh Shakya......................................................................................... 342 * The sign + tnaitod atxw* lh» nam* of a M«tnb»r Indteom that tw quarton wm actualy aikad on ffM fkxx of tha Houm by ttMrt (H) S u b j e c t COUMNS (iv) Need for construction of a railway overtmdge on SNkohabad-Bateshwar highway Shri Prabhu Dayai Katheria................................................................................ 342 (v) Need to provide adequate funds in 9tti plan for eiiploilation of oil and natural gas in Orissa Shrimati Jayanti Patnalk. 342 (vi) Need to dear the proposal of State Qovemment of IMaharaslitra for organiairtg exclusive Women Dairy Cooperative Societies in the State Shri Madan PatN 343 (vii) Need to clear the proposal of satUng up of Urea Fertilizer Proied l>y IFFCO at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Shrimati Lakshmi Panabaka. 344 (vlii) Need to introduce a Shatabdi train between Sealdah and New Jalpaiguri in West Bengal Shri Moinul Hassan Ahamsd . 344 (ix) Need to increase the duration of relay of Malayalam Programmes from Adoor and Perambur T.V. relay stations and open a relay oentie at Kottarakara in Kerala Shri Chengara Surendran. 345 (x) Need to restructurs the LPQ supply system with a view to mitigate the hardship being laced by rural consumers Prof. Prem Singh Chandumaira. 345 (xl) Need to set up a full-fledged Post Telegraph office at Marol, in Andheri Assembly segment. Maharashtra Shri Madhukar Slrpoldar. 346 (xii) Need to take steps for development of Ponnai Fishing HaAour in Mnlinxwiram dMiict. Kerala Shri G.M. BanatwaNa. 346 OBSERVATION RE: NEED TO FOLLOW TIIME SCHEDULE IN RESPECT OF PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BILLS AND R ESO LUTIO N S.......................................................................................... 347-348 MOTION RE: SECOND AND THIRD REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BILLS AND R ESO LUTIO N S..................................................................................... 348 LOKSABHA DEBATES LdR 8A0HA MR. SPEAKER: Questwn No. 321, Mr. Ravindra Kumar Panday. Thursday, March 18. 1999ff>halguna 27, 1920 (Saka) ...(In^nupthra) [Tra n a M o n ] The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock SHRI RAQHUVANSH PRASAD SINGH (ValshalO : [Mr. S p e a k e r in the Chair] Mr. Speaker, Sir, there is a doubt in the minds of the people of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes that [EnglishJ iMW vjiovofiiiiionT 18 ifripiomonung ana noi wnnarawing the anU>reservatk>n law. ...(Interrupttona) SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS : We wish yoii a Hdfipy New Year, Sir. ...(Interruptions) SHtll PRABHUNATH SINGH (Maharajganj) ; Mr. SHRI BUTA SINGH (Jalora) : Happy Ugadi to you, Speaker, Sir, I have submitted a notice for Zero Hour Sir, I have given a notice to suspend the Question Hour and it is mentioned tfwrsin that ttw President's Ruto on the issue of reservation of Scheduled Castes and imposed in BIhar. ...(Intenvpthna) Scheduled Trit>es which was raised yesterday. [EngHah) MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Buta Singh, I Weiiid allow you after the Question Hour. MR. SPEAKER : I have called Mr. Pandey. Pteaae ...(Intem^)tkms) taka your seat. I am not aNowIng you Now. You May raise (t after the Question Hour. [Trmsiatmn] ...(Interruptlona) SHRI SHAILENORA KUMAR (ChaH) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, it relates to S.C. and S.T. [TransMton] [English) SHRI PRABUNATH SINGH : Mr. Speaker, Sir, ifs a MR. SPEAKER : I will allow you after ths Question veiy important matter. He is saying that the statement Hour. given by him « that time in papers ...(lntemjptk)na) ...(Interrupttons) MR. SPEAKER : Prabhunath Singh Ji, raise this [Tranelatkjn] Question later on and not now. SHRI SHAILENORA KUMAR: Mr. Speaker Sir, whal happened in the case of reservatran ...(Inlenvpllona) ...(In^mip»>n8) [English) {E m /U h ) SHRI SUSHIL KUMAR 8HIN0E (Sol^Mr): The Prime MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Prabhunath Singh, ptoase take Minister had promised yesterday that he would malis a statement. your MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Shinde, I wouM alow you after ...(In^nupUona) the Question Hour. 1 ^ . SPEAKER : Nothing wM go on record. ...(MerrupHons) SHRI BUTA SINGH : Sir, please suspend tfie ...(Irtmjup^onsT Question Hour and give your ruing on that issue.-.flmemjpltons) Not Rsooidad. to Questions Oral Answers MARCH 18. 1999 MR. SPEAKER : Today is also the 81st birthday of (a) the amount spent on import of railway spare parts, the father of our House. Mr. Indrajit Gupta. coaches locomotives and other related materials during 1997-98 and 1998-99; SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER (Tenali) : Sir, we wish him happy returns of the day. (b) the volume of orders placed on the Public Sector Manufacturing Units in the country during the said SHRI BUTA SINGH (Jalore) : Let him live for 100 period; years. 11.03 hr*. (c) whether the volumes of orders placed on Public Sector Manufacturing Units is coming down over the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS years; and Import of Railway Parts (d) if so, the facts and the reasons therefor? *321. SHRI RAVINDRA KUMAR PANDEY : SHRI ASHOK ARGAL : THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI NITISH KUMAR) ; (a) to (d) A statement is laid on the Table of Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: the House. Statem ent (a) and (b) The details are as under.— (Rs. in crorae) 1997-98 1996-99 upto Jan'1999 & provisional (i) Amount spent on Imports 291.23 4 2 6.a r of railway spares parts, coaches lo c o m o ^ and other related materials. (ii) Volume of orders placed on 1692.00 1533.00 Public Sector Undertakings (c) The volume of purhases from PSUs as percentage of the total purchases was 18% in 1996-97 and 21% In 1997-98 i.e. the purchases from PSUs went up in 1997-96. RaHwiqrs continue to follow the policy of purchase preference to PSUs as laid down by the Qovemment from time to time. (d) Does not arise. The InoeM* Is mainly on aocourt of : (I) Irr^KXt for upgradation of technology of roMng stock totaHng to Rs. 149 croms. (or which ontore had been placad in eaitar yMTS, and (ii) UnfavouraW* fluctuation of US$ Indian Rupa*. Oral Answeis PHALQUNA 27. 1920 {Saka) to Questions [Translabon} those factories of Ihe country where instmmsnts of the Railways are inanufaelured. Such as— C .L W ., where SHRI RAVINDRA KUMAR PANDEY : Mr. Speaker. Electric Looomoiives are manuiactured, D .LW ., where Sir, I would like to know from the honourable
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