No Illegalities Found in Long Branch Election C O SEE STORY BELOW Hot and Humid Hot and humid today, high in THEDAILY FINAL 90s. Chance of late showers. Cloudy and warm tomorrow. i r EDITION (Bee DiUHl, Pica Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 62 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 26 PAGES TEN CENTS State Braces for More Power Problems NEWARK - The Weather use of air conditioning in- involved were Public Service men for the companies had to voluntarily cut back on other law enforcement Police reported few calls Bureau's predictions of hot duced by the hot weather, Electric & Gas Co., New Jer- met with U.S. • Sen. Harrison electrical usage and cut pow- agencies hi the area, switched from worried residents, who weather for today were keep- from generators taken out of sey Power & Light, Atlantic A. Williams Jr. and assured er in their own plants. to emergency generators to ' apparently learned of the ing utility officials on the service for seasonal repairs, City Electric Co. and Jersey him that a power crisis sim- Police Problem keep power on in their head- power difficulties through ra- alert as the state entered its and from breakdowns in Central Power & Light. ilar to one faced by New York Directing traffic during the quarters. dio broadcasts. second day. of the year's working generators.. The situ- Public Service serves about in the summer would not hap- homebound rush hour on busy The township electricity Police In New Shrewsbury worst electric power emer- ation became crucial when 80 per cent of New Jersey's pen in New Jersey. Rts. 35' and 36 worried police went out at 4:40 p.m. and was reported that the northern gency. the huge Keystone Generator more than 7 million popu- Others Listed in Bayshore municipalities as restored by 5:14 p.m. No section of the municipality The emergency began yes- in Johnstown, Pa., serving lation. Other companies involved electricity was cut off for pe- serious accidents in any of had a blackout and half of terday as ninety-plus tem- companies on a tristate grid Areas were blacked out on were the Philadelphia Elec- riods up to an hour yesterday the municipalities were re- Shrewsbury was darkened. peratures forced the state's in Pennsylvania, New Jersey a rotating basis so that no one tric Co., Delmarva Power and afternoon. ported despite the failure of The western sections of four major utilities to reduce and Maryland, broke down. community would be without Light Co., Pennsylvania Pow- Towns from Keyport to traffic signals. Rumson and Fair Haven also power on a rotating basis at Cuts Ordered power for an extended period er and Light, Baltimore Gas Highlands experienced black- In Middletown, patrolmen suffered from power cutbacks peak demand hours. A The cuts were ordered by of time. and Electric, Pennsylvania outs. In Hazlet, power was were assigned to direct traffic but officials in Rlverview spokesman for one of them power pool headquarters at The blackouts were the fifth Electric Co., Potomac Elec- cut at 2:30 p.m. and accord- at most major intersections. Hospital in Red Bank said said no one was without ser- Philadelphia. They occurred and final steps of a five-step tric Co. and the Metropolitan ing to police, "as one section Keansburg, Keyport and they were not affected, and vice for more than 30 min- from about 2:30 p.m. to 6:01 power crisis plan that had Edison Co. lit up, the next went out," The Highlands reported one-hour their maintenance depart- utes. p.m. and then again from 7:33 been previously worked out In the first four steps, the power failures continued until interruptions in power and in ment was ready to switch to The utilities said the emer- p.m. to about an hour later. by the utilities. companies cut back on kilo- late afternopn.. Atlantic Highlands, only spot standby equipment if prob- gency resulted from heavy Major New Jersey suppliers Just last summer spokes- watt power, urged customers Middletown police, as did locations were affected. lems should develop today. 4,512 Support Action of Middletown Police By BOB BRAMLEY ter of Mrs. Poppy Kennedy of of Foreign V/ars; Edward M. treat young persons "with fied herself as Flo Federld of MIDDLETOWN — There 51 Kings Hwy., were not Rosell of Lincroft, chairman common decency" drew a Monmouth Hills, took the pub- was a confrontation last night presented, although young of the county subcommittee mixture of catcalls and ap- lic microphone and spoke at the Township Committee Miss Kennedy had plenty to on narcotics, and several, citi- plause. out with vehemence. meeting, but it was really no say. zen s. Miss Kennedy ad- "The people here who favor "I've been to every Steel contest, no contest at all. The youngsters were over- dressed the Township Com- the police have never been Mill concert and never any- It could be said that Police whelmed not only on paper, mittee. stopped by them, have never where has there been trouble Chief Joseph M. McCarthy, ' but also in person. Of nearly "We've listened to these been questioned. The issue except at Clearwater," she his police department and the 300 persons who jammed the people here and we respect here is that the kids are stated. "I was on stage. establishment overwhelmed meeting room and spilled into their beliefs, but we were bored, and the police are There were no complaints of the youngsters, 4,512 to 0, ex- the corridor, possibly 25 were there. And not one of the bored," Miss Kennedy de- any kind. Then all of a sudden cept that nobody really want- young folk protesting police newspapers that covered the clared. "Middletown is adult- four policemen were up on the ed to overwhelm youngsters. action at the Clearwater con- concert printed what really oriented — that's the whole stage jumping on my hus- Petitions supporting Chief cert. happened. We'd like to be thing. The kids realize this band, telling him he was un- and they will leave theTowh- der arrest..." McCarthy his department and Of them Miss Kennedy said, heard; We'd like to demand a their action at the Clearwater hearing with Chief McCarthy ship as soon as they can," she Rapping his gavel for order "The reason only a few promised. Swim Club, Rt. 36, Sept. 11, people are here representing • • * as catcalls and boos- frowned signed by 4,512 citizens, were the kids is because they're a- "We were the ones who She scorned Mayor Harold out the speaker, Mayor presented by Mrs. Sheila Ohn- fraid the ponce will harass were pushed around and beat- H. Foulks' assertion that the Foulks challenged Mrs. Fed- macht, wife of Patrolman them if they appear." en. The whole situation was township has more recrea- eral's statements. Ronald Ohnmacht. Chief Praised completely unjust. There tional facilities for youngsters " "There were complaints on No Petitions 1 After listening to eulogies of were drugs there, but vio- than any other municipality the first Steel Mill concert, Petitions reportedly circu- Chief McCarthy and the lence was completely un- in the county. and my telephone was jum- lated in the township schools police department from Al- called for," the teen-ager in- "What are playgrounds for? ping off the wall while It was by a group headed by Julie fred Carver of Belford, com- sisted. Twe)ve-year-olds," she said. still daylight during the sec- Kennedy,. 15-year-old daugh- mander of the local Veterans Her appeal for police to A young woman who identi- (See 4,512 Support, Pg. 2) ESTABLISHMENT — Standing for law, order and Middletown Police Chief Jos«ph M. McCarthy at last night's Township Committee meeting are, from left, off-duty ' Polita Sgt. John B. Kelly, a Vstarans ai Foreign Wars member; VPW Post Com- Illegal in Long Branch's mamfor Alfred Carver of Belford; and VPW publicity officer Charles S. Walker, also of Belford. VPW and 4,512 residents who signed petitions supported police actions Sept, II. «t incident at Claarwater Swim Club, Rt. 36. __ <Register Staff Photo) May Election, Himelman Says By WILLIAM J.ZAORSKI views with quite a number of as superintendent of elections held to determine the legality clearly appears that It was Il- , FREEHOLD — The county people, he said. He also deter- to investigate and, if I find of the election. legal." Addonizio Is Sentenced superintendent of elections, mined that there is no need wrongdoing, to sign a com- After hearing a number of Testimony in that hearing William Himelman, said yes- for public hearings into the plaint." If there was any witnesses, Superior Court by a handwriting expert was terday his investigation found matter, he said. wrongdoing, he said he would Judge Andrew A. Salvest dis- that in her opinion 46 ab- "nothing illegal" in the May Routine Check turn the matter over to the missed a challenge to the sentee ballots from Ward 6 To 10 Years in Prison 12 Long Branch election. During the investigation, he prosecutor's office. election by Mr. Scott. The were marked by the same subpoenaed Edwin Martin, a " M y investigation is judge, however, said he had a person, using the same pen By TOM CANNON without then Mayor Addo- former Corporation Counsel . Mr. Himelman, who also is resident of Witmer House, a closed," he said. "I have strong suspicion that irregula- and the same writing surface. TRENTON (AP) - Former nizio's approval and partici- Philip E.
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