INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOE THE YEAE 1887. A. A bney (W. de W.). Transmission of Sunlight through the Earth’s Atmosphere, 251. A ndrews (T.). On the Properties of Matter in the Gaseous and Liquid States under various Conditions of Temperature and Pressure, 45. Atmosphere, transmission of sunlight through the earth’s, 251 (see A bney). B. Barometric pressure, some anomalies in the winds of iNorthern India and theii* relation to the distribution of, 335 (see H ill). Bombay, on the luni-solar variations of magnetic declination and horizontal force at, 1 (see Chambers). B ottomley (J. T.). On Thermal Radiation in Absolute Measure, 429. C. Calculus of variations, on the discrimination of maxima and minima solutions in the, 95 (see Culverwell). Callendar (H. L.). On the Practical Measurement of Temperature: Experiments made at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 161. Chambers (C.). On the Luni-Solar Variations of Magnetic Declination and Horizontal Force at Bombay, and of Declination at Trevandrum, 1. Continents, the growth of, and the formation of mountain chains, 231 (see D avison and Darwin). Crookes (W.). On the supposed “ Hew Force” of M. J. Thore, 451. 528 INDEX. Culverwell (E. P.). On the Discrimination of Maxima and Minima Solutions in the Calculus of Variations, 95. Current-sheets, on ellipsoidal, 131 (see Lamb). D. Darwin (G. H.). Note on Mr. Davison’s Paper on the Straining of the Earth’s Crust in Cooling, 242 (see Davison). Darwin (G. H.). On Figures of Equilibrium of Rotating Masses of Fluid, 379. D avison (C.). On the Distribution of Strain in the Earth’s Crust resulting from Secular Cooling; with special reference to the Growth of Continents and the Formation of Mountain Chains, 231 (see D arwin) . Declination and horizontal force at Bombay , on the luni-solar variations of magnetic, 1 (see Chambers). Dissociation, evaporation and.—Part III., 57 (see R amsay and Y oung). Dissociation, evaporation and.—Part V., 313 (see R amsay and Y oung). Dynamical principles, some applications of, to physical phenomena.—Part II., 471 (see T homson). E. Earth's crust, distribution of strain in the, resulting from secular cooling, 231 (see D avison and Darwin). Ellipsoidal current-sheets, on, 131 (see L amb). Equilibrium of rotating masses of fluid, on figures of, 379 (see D arwin), Ethyl-oxide, the thermal properties of, 57 (see R amsay and Y oung). Evaporation and dissociation.—Part III., 57 (see R amsay and Y oung). Evaporation and dissociation.—Part V., 313 (see R amsay and Y oung). F. Figures of equilibrium of rotating masses of fluid, on, 379 (see Darwin). Eluid, rotating masses of, on figures of equilibrium of, 379 (see D arwin). G. Lmseous and liquid states, on the properties of matter in the, under various conditions of temperature and pressure, 45 (see A ndrews). H. Hamilton's numbers, on, 285 (see Sylvester and H ammond). H ammond (J.) (see Sylvester and H ammond). H ill (S. A.). Some Anomalies in the Winds of Northern India, and their Relation to the Distribution of Barometric Pressure, 335. Horizontal force, luni-solar variations of magnetic declination and, at Bombay, 1 (see Chambers). INDEX. 529 L. Lamb (H.). On Ellipsoidal Current-Sheets, 131. Liquid and gaseous states, on the properties of matter in the, under various conditions of temperature and pressure, 45 (see A ndrews). Limi-solar variations of magnetic declination and horizontal force at , and of declination at drum,on the, 1 (see Chambers). M. Magnetic declination and horizontal force at Bombay, of declination at Trevandrum, on the luni-solar variations of, 1 (see Chambers). Maxima and minima solutions in the calculus of variations,on the discrimination of, 95 (see C u l v e r w e l l ). Measurement of ,temperature on the practical, 161 (see C a l l e n d a r ). Methyl-alcohol, the thermal properties of, 313 (see R amsay and Young). Mountain chains, the formation of, 231 (see D avison and D arwin). N. “ New Force" ofM. J. T hore, on the supposed, 451 (see Crookes). P. Physical phenomena, some applications of dynamical principles to. Part II., 471 (see T homson). Pressure and temperature, on the properties of matter in the gaseous and liquid states under various conditions of, 45 (see Andrews). Properties of matter in the gaseous and liquid slates under various conditions of temperature and pressure, on the, 45 (see A ndrews). A stud, of the Thermal (S.).’ On Evaporation and Dissociation.-Part V. A Study of the Thermal Properties of Methyl-Alcohol, 313. Rotating masses of fluid, on figures of equilibrium of, 379 (see Darwin). S. Secular cooling, on the distribution of strain in the earth’s crust resulting from, 231 (see Davison and StraleZke'earW s crust resulting from secular cooling, on the distribution of, 231 (see Davtso* and Darwin). Sunlight,transmission of, through the earth’s atmosphere, 251 (see A bney). S ylvester (J. J.) and H ammond (J.). On Hamilton’s Numbers, 285. MDCCCLXXXVTT.--- A. $ Y 530 INDEX. T. Temperature, on the practical measurement of, 161 (see Callendar). 2 emperature and pressure, on the properties of matter in the gaseous and liquid states under various conditions of, 45 (see A ndrews). Thermal properties of ethyl oxide, 57 (see R amsay and Y oung). Thermal properties of methyl-alcohol, 313(see R amsay and Y oung). Thermal radiation in absolute measure, on, 429 (see E ottomley). T homson (J. J.). Some Applications of Dynamical Principles to Physical Phenomena.—Part II., 471. T hore, M. J., on the supposed “ new force”of, 451 (see Crookes). Trevandrum, declination at, 1 (see Chambers). Y. T arxahons, calculus of, the discrimination of maxima and minima solutions in the, 95 (see Culverwell). W. Minds of Northern India, some anomalies in the, and their relation to the distribution of barometric pressure, 335 (see H ill). Y. Y oung (S.) (see R amsay and Y oung). HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN’S LANE. THE ROYAL SOCIETY, 30th N ovember, 1887. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Nov. 30,1887 H er Sacred Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, P atron. Date of Election. 1863. Feb. 12. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. 1865. Apr. 27. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS LOUIS PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS, COUNT OF PARIS. 1871. Nov. 23. HIS MAJESTY PEDRO II., EMPEROR OF BRAZIL, K.G. 1882. Mar. 16. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. THE COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. --- - -K> o O*- ------ PROF. GEORGE GABRIEL STOKES, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.—P resident. JOHN EVANS, D.C.L., LL.D.—T reasurer and EDWARD FRANKLAND, D.C.L.—V ice- V ice-P resident. P resident. PROF. MICHAEL FOSTER, M.A., M.D.— ARTHUR GAMGEE, M.D. PROF. JOSEPH HENRY GILBERT, M.A. S ecretary. THE LORD RAYLEIGH, M.A., D.C.L.—Secre­ PROF. JOHN W. JUDD, P.G.S. tary. PROF. HERBERT McLEOD, F.I.C. PROF. ALEXANDER WILLIAM WILLIAM­ WILLIAM POLE, Mus. Doc. SON, LL.D.—F oreign S ecretary. WILLIAM HENRY PREECE, M.I.C.E. SIR WILLIAM BOWMAN, Bart., M.D.—V ice- ADML. SIR GEORGE HENRY RICHARDS, P resident. K.C.B.—V ice-P resident. HENRY BOWMAN BRADY, F.L.S., F.G.S. THE EARL OF ROSSE, D.C.L., LL.D.—V ice- PROF. ARTHUR CAYLEY, D.C.L., LL.D. P resident. W. T. THISELTON DYER, M.A. PROF. ARTHUR WILLIAM RUCKER, M.A. PROF. DAVID FERRIER, M.A., M.D. SIR BERNHARD SAMUELSON, Bart., M.I.C.E. This Council will continue till November 30, 1888. Assistant-Secretary and Librarian. HERBERT RIX, B.A. Cleric. THEODORE E. JAMES. Assistant Librarian. A. H. WHITE. Omissions having occasionally occurred in the Annual List of Deceased Fellows, as announced from the Chair at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, it is requested that any information on that subject, as also Notice of Changes of Residence, be addressed to the Assistant Secretary. A 2 FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. NOVEMBER 30, 1887. (C) prefixed to a name indicates the award of the Copley Medal. (R) .. .. .. .. • .. Royal Medal. (Rm) Rumford Medal. (D) • • Davy Medal, (t) is liable to an annual payment of £4. (*) .. • • .. £3. Date of Election. 1860. June 7. R. f Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus, C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) V.P.C.S. Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae Eq. Director of the Chemical Establishment of the War Depart­ ment. Royal A rserial, Woolwich. 1876. Jan. 20. t Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, Lord, V.P.R.G.S. 1 Queen' Kensington, S.W .; and Duffvyn, Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 1876. June 1. Rm. Abney, William de Wiveleslie, Capt. R.E. F.R.S.E. F.I.C. F.C.S. F.R.A.S. House, Wetherbii-gardens, South Kensington, S.W.; and Club. S.V . 1847. Jan. 21. Acland, Sir HemV Wentworth Dyke, K.C.B. A.M. M.D. LL.D. (Cantab.) F.R.G.S., Coll. Reg. Med. Soc., Hon. Student of Ch. Ch., Radcliffe Librarian and Reg. Prof, of Medicine in the University of Oxford. Broad-street, Oxford. 1849. June 7. 0. Adams, John Couch, LL.D. (Dubl.). V.P.R.A.S. F.C.P.S., Director of the Observa­ tory and Lowndsean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry m the Umversity of Cambridge, Inst. Fr. (Acad. Sci.) et Acad. Imp. Sci. Petrop. Soe. Corr, Soc Reg. Sei. Gott. Corresp. Acadd. Reg. Lync. Itomai et Amer. Art. et Sc. Socius, et Acad. Sci. Nat. U.S.A. Assoc. Extr. The Observatory, Adams, William Grylls, M.A. F.G.S. F.C.P.S. Vice-President of Physical Soc.
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