MARCH / APRIL / MAY 1997 .. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE..." Epft. t>: 15 ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM MY BIBLE Miracles happen. Somebody loves me. Iam not alone. The majority isn}t always right. : Wonderful things happen in dungeons. Death is only skin-deep. Poverty is temporary, and so is wealth. He who dies with the most toys loses the most toys. You* can always go home again. M Things may look a lot better in three days. — Donna MacLean ^'Preacher'sMAGAZINE Volume 72 March/April/May 1997 Number 3 Cover Photo by D. Jeonene Tiner Editor Randal E. Denny EDITORIAL Submit to One Another Assistant Editor 2 Cindy Osso Randal E. Denny Highpoint Editor David J. Felter FEATURES Consulting Editors Walking on the Edge 3 Bill M. Sullivan Wilbur W Brannon Director of the Division of Church Growth Earth Day 6 Church of the Nazarene Kenneth T. Meredith Wilbur W. Brannon Director of Pastoral Ministries PASTOR, BE ENCOURAGED Church of the Nazarene Norman G. Wilson God Is in Action, Through You 8 General Editor C. Neil Strait The Wesleyan Church Contributing Editors THEOLOGY General Superintendents Church of the Nazarene What Is the Biblical Response to Moral Misconduct in Jerald D. Johnson John A. Knight Holiness Churches? 9 William J. Prince Richard S. Taylor Donald D. Owens James H. Diehl Eternal Security, the True and the False 12 Paul G. Cunningham Ralph A. Mickel General Superintendents The Wesleyan Church Earle L. Wilson CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS Lee Haines H. C. Wilson The Convincing Power of the Cross 16 Superintendents Mark S. Copley Evangelical Friends Church Stanley Perisho Discovering What Really Counts 18 Maurice Roberts John R Williams, Jr. J. Grant Swank Jr. Howard E. Harmon General Superintendent EVANGELISM Churches of Christ in Christian Union A Whole New Paradigm for the Church’s Mission 19 Dan Tipton Doug Samples General Conference Secretary Brethren in Christ Church R. Donald Shater PREACHING Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are What Is the Beating Heart of Your Worship Service? 22 from the Hoty Bible. New International Version* ( N r / ) Copy­ right© 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society, Used Bill O’Connor by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights re­ served. The Pulpit 23 Quotations from the following versions are used by Charles “Chuck"Millhuff permission: The Am plified Bible. Old Testament ( a m p ,) , copyright© 1965,1987 by The Zondervan Corporation. The A m p li­ CHRISTIAN MINISTRY fie d N e w Testam ent ( a m p . ) , copyright © 1964, 1958. 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Lessons from the Street People 24 The Contem porary English Version ( c e v ) . Copyright © by American Bible Society, 1991, 1992, Delbert T. Morse The New American Standard Bible ( n a s b ) , © 1960, 1962,1963,1968,1971,1972, 1973,1975,1977 by The Lockman Foundation. PASTORAL CARE The New English Bible ( n e b ) . Copyright © by the Dele­ gates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of Some Commonsense Answers About Grief 26 the Cambridge University Press, 1961,1970. Victor M. Parachin The New King James Version (n k jv ). Copyright © 1979, 1 Corinthians 13 for Church Board Members 27 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Douglas R. Wilson The New Revised Standard Version ( n r s v ) of the Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. MISSIONS________________________________________________________ The New Testament in Modern English ( p h illips) . Re­ vised Student Edition, by J. B. Phillips, translator. Copy­ Renewal Through Social Outreach: Part One—Historical right 1958, 1960, 1972 by J. B. Phillips. Reprinted with the Mandates 28 permission of the Macmillan Publishing Company. The Revised Standard Version ( r s v) of the Bible, copy­ Jerry L. Appleby right 1946,1952,1971 by the Division of Christian Educa­ tion of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. WORSHIP________________________________________________________ The Living Bible (tlb ), © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All What Is at the Heart of Worship? 34 rights reserved. King James Version ( k j v ). Brent IFyss The Preacher's Magazine is published quarterly by Bea­ On the Tree Was a Thorn 35 con Hill Press of Kansas City, 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109. Address all correspondence concern­ Joe Seaborn ing subscriptions to your denominational publishing house. Copyright 1997 by Beacon Hill Press o f Kansas City. Canadian GST No. R129017471. STEWARDSHIP___________________________________________________ The Preretirement Years: Financial Planning 36 Pensions and Benejits USA Church of the Nazarene Preacher’s Exchange FOR SALE: TODAY’S BOOKS FOR TODAY’S PREACHERS ____________ 38 Many books from husband’s library. Several sets of commentaries, includ­ MINISTER’S MATE________________________________________________ ing a 29-volume set of Biblical Illus­ trator; 23-volume set of The Pulpit So You’re the Pastor’s Wife—What Does That Mean? 39 Commentary; 10-volume set of Bea­ Mary Paynter con Bible Commentary; in addition The Preacher’s Wife 40 to hundreds of other books. Elaine Cunningham PLEASE CONTACT: Goldie Brewer P.O. Box 145 HOLINESS________________________________________________________ Norcatur, KS 67653 Holiness and the Lay Movement 41 913-693-4484 Alan E. Nelson WANTED: 1. Preaching Holiness from the PASTOR’S PROFESSIONAL GROWTH_________________________ Synoptic Gospels, by W. E. McCumber Recruiting Adult Workers 44 2. Proclaiming the Spirit, com ­ Gary Shank piled by Harold Bonner 3. Projecting Our Heritage, com ­ CHURCH ADMINISTRATION __________________________________ piled by Myron F. Boyd and M. A. Har­ ris The Beg, Borrow, and Steal Syndrome 47 4. Living with Fire, by Sydney Mar­ Ray Bowman with Eddy Hall tin 5. Renewing the Spirit of Revival, PICTURE WINDOWS FOR PREACHING ________________ 49 by Leslie Parrott 6. God’s Spirit in Today’s World, Compiled by Deri G. Keefer by W. T. Purkiser 7. Be Filled with the Spirit, by PASTOR’S PERSONAL GROWTH______________________________ William S. Deal Spiritual Intimacy 50 PLEASE CONTACT: Douglas Williams Padu Meshramkar Nazarene Office Complex ARK ROCKER Washim, 444505 (M.S.) Whatever Became of Fire and Brimstone? 52 INDIA Authors should address all articles and WORSHIP AND PREACHING HELPS ___________________ 53 correspondence to Editor, The Preacher's Deri G. Keefer M a gazine, 10814 E. Broadway, Spokane, WA 99206. Self-addressed, stamped en­ velopes should accompany all manu­ HIGHPOINT __________________________________________ 81 scripts. Norman Shoemaker MARCH/APRIL/MAY 1 Li EDITORIAL Submit to One Another s a boy, I looked forward to Many of you readers live in a cul­ Friday nights at 7:30 p.m . My ture that claims to exert its right of in­ , fertile imagination filled in all dependence and self-expression with Athe pictures suggested by that superb its sad song, “I Did It My Way.” Re­ radio program, The Lone Ranger! It member that our culture stands in to­ made great drama for a boy—but it tal opposition to God’s plan for His doesn’t work in the ministry. Over 38 family, the Church. Learn submis­ years of pastoral ministry, I have sion—that beautiful quality of trustful watched the tragic mistake of pastors obedience. When one refuses to sub­ trying to be ministerial lone rangers. mit, he or she is also resisting the It usually ends up in a short run or by Randal E. Denny Holy Spirit. Submission comes with abuse of power over a congregation Editor, Spokane, Washington the fullness of the Spirit because we or finding oneself out on a limb alone seek to obey all of the Lord’s com­ with no one to catch him or her. mands—even submitting to one an­ Lone rangers haven’t discovered another out of reverence for Christ.” other “out of reverence for Christ.” that we need each other in ministry. Are we ordained people permitted Don’t try plucking up God’s promises Those who choose to go alone usual­ to pick and choose commands of the and skipping His commands. ly make little lasting impact for the Lord to our own liking? The bride-to-be said to me, “I don’t kingdom of God. The apostle Peter taught: “Young want any mention of submission in Two movers struggled with a huge men, in the same way be submissive the vows.” crate, trying to get it through a door­ to those who are older. Clothe I replied: “If you have a personal way. After strenuous but futile effort, yourselves with humility toward one struggle over submitting to the one they felt exhausted. Sitting the crate another, because, ‘God opposes the you intend to marry, you will not down to rest, one man said: “I give up! proud but gives grace to the humble’” have a Christian marriage. It is only We’ll never get this thing in here.” (1 Pet. 5:5). going to be a marriage of two Chris­ “In there?” exclaimed the other. “I I have never been simply a yes- tian individuals. Your concept of mar­ thought we were trying to get it out!” man, but I have respected and loved riage is in total opposition to the That’s the sorry picture of people my superiors and have enjoyed their Word of God.” Those words were trying to minister without having personal friendships and well-inten­ true, but not pleasing to her. If they learned to submit to one another. They tioned counsel. Had I served as a lone remain in that mind set, they will sim­ are going nowhere—and expending a ranger, I would have lost the enrich­ ply be two lone rangers running lot of useless energy doing it. ment of their contributions to my life alongside each other.
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