Barbershop Harmony Society Proud members of PROBE CoveringCovering barbershopbarbershop harmonyharmony inin Colorado,Colorado, Idaho,Idaho, Kansas,Kansas, Montana,Montana, Nebraska,Nebraska, NewNew Mexico,Mexico, SouthSouth Dakota,Dakota, UtahUtah && WyomingWyoming RMDRMD Vol. 31, No. 1 Published by the Rocky Mountain District AssoAssociaticiationon of Chapters Jan/Feb 2009 Who Will Carry the Youth In Harmony Torch For the RMD? It is with great sadness that the RMD has received So in 2003 Phil Ricks became the RMD VP of news of a massive stroke afflicting our brother barber- Young Men In Harmony, which was later changed to shopper and extraordinary Youth In Harmony Vice Presi- "Youth In Harmony.” Phil became a legend in the Society dent, Phil Ricks. Phil provided remarkable inspiration to youth outreach program. His fabulous Rexburg Youth Youth In Harmony, and leaves a brightly burning YIH torch Festival was acclaimed in an extensive Harmonizer arti- for its next leader to carry. Phil left this world at the age of cle. Over the years he sent numerous teachers and col- 68, shattering all myths that only young adults can reach lege music majors learning to become music educators the high school and collegiate age group. Phil capitalized to Harmony College/Harmony University, thereby reach- on all the young talent he could put in front of the kids, but ing thousands of students for years to come with the students and teachers alike recognized and admired his passion beauty of barbershop harmony. His Festivals had a waiting list of and youthful focus. area high schools wanting to participate. The local college had "Young Men In Harmony" was founded by Dr. Val Hicks included the event as part of its curriculum and was a partial fi- nancial sponsor. Phil brought in AIC-level quartets to headline when the Society was only one generation old and still growing the Festival show, and the students could never get enough of by leaps and bounds. Val realized that attracting middle-aged the exquisite harmony. Phil also challenged other chapters to men and ignoring the youth was a dead-end street, but his pro- engage in youth outreach, and had numerous events occurring posal wasn't officially recognized until the dawn of the new cen- annually throughout the District to his credit. tury and the stark realization that our membership numbers were suddenly diminishing. When the office of "Young Men In Har- Providence has suddenly removed Phil Ricks from this criti- mony" was created (at the Society Staff level, and as District Vice cally important role in the development of the future of barber- Presidents) Val Hicks became the FIRST VP of YMIH in the shop harmony. Hopefully Phil's replacement will be providentially Rocky Mountain District. With the help of a Harmony Foundation called to carry the work onward. It is natural to feel inadequate, grant, Val began the first Harmony Explosion Camp in the RMD. but if you love kids and have a passion for preserving this art After two years in office, Val nominated Tony Pranaitis to form, you can learn and excel in leadership, keeping the RMD in the forefront of Youth In Harmony. succeed him as YMIH VP for the RMD. Tony was a two-year barbershopper who had begun a youth outreach program in Den- In her announcement of Phil's tragedy, his wife Karla stated: ver that Val was impressed with. After Tony served as District "Barbershop is Phil's life. He will miss you all very much." Cards YMIH VP for a couple years, a sudden vacancy in the District may be sent to: President office had the nominating committee scrambling, and Karla Ricks they asked Tony to move to the presidency because they had 3246 S. 1400 W. found an excellent candidate to fill his role in YMIH. That candi- Rexburg, ID 83440-4131 date was Phil Ricks, who was quietly building one of the largest Youth Festivals in the entire Society, in the small town of Rex- Dr. Tony Pranaitis, Chiropractor burg, Idaho. [email protected] District website: www.RMDsing.org VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 2 JAN/FEB 2009 RMD Vocal Expressions magazine is published six times yearly. Two are printed for Editor all members: Jan/Feb and Aug/Sept issues. Four issues are posted online: March/ Steve Jackson April, May/June, Oct/Nov (after Fall Convention), and Dec. 215 Cheyenne St. Lot 18 Golden, CO 80403 Deadlines are Jan/Feb, Dec 20; March/April, Feb 20; May/June, April 20; 303 384-9269 Aug/Sept, July 20; Oct/Nov, Oct 10; and Dec, Nov. 20 [email protected] Send all articles, photos, ads, business cards, news, etc. to editor by the requested dead- line, please, in ASCII text, jpgs, text only, pdf, or Word documents. Original copy is pre- Webmaster ferred. You can also mail floppy disks or CD’s. Non-member subscription price is $5.00 James Harper per year. Member subscription rate is $3.00 which are paid for by RMD dues. Unless 303 664-1796 carrying a byline, all articles are by the editor and may or may not reflect the views of the [email protected] District or the Society. A Center spread (per issue) Two pages $200.00 RMD Vision Statement D Full page (per issue) 7.25 x 9.75 $125.00 Half page (6) 4.75 x 7.25 75 $300.00 Enriching lives in the Rocky R Third page Vertical (6) 7.25 x 3.50 50 $150.00 Mountain District through A Third page Horizontal (6) 3.50 x 7.25 $150.00 singing in harmony T Fourth page Vertical (6) 3.50 x 4.75 40 $120.00 E Fourth page Horizontal (6) 2.50 x 7.25 $120.00 S Business Card (6) 1.75 x 3.25 $ 30.00 www.RMDsing.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS VICE PRESIDENTS President Chapter Support Leadership Training Financial Services Woody Woods Lee Taylor Member Services 719 528-8702 801 576-9384 Tony Pranaitis [email protected] [email protected] 303 233-6234 [email protected] Immediate Past President Chorus Director Development Marketing/Public Relations Mike Deputy John Elving Daniel Clark 801 733-0562 719 528-8702 303 665-1524 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Executive Vice President Contest & Judging Music & Performance Lee Taylor John Coffin Dr. Dan Clark 801 576-9384 303 922-3804 308 436-5548 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Secretary Events Youth In Harmony Dick Stark Duane Bosveld Phil Ricks 303 986-3026 303 469-9437 208 356-6604 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer CARA Coordinator Conventions Chairman Dave Myers Brett Foster Tony Howell 303 448-9422 406 661-1538 719 635-3651 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 3 JAN/FEB 2009 District President RMD Loses Phil Ricks Woody Woods Phil is gone but not forgotten By Mike Deputy I am sad to report that our friend, fellow barbershop- Happy New Year! per and distinguished RMD officer, Phillip Ricks, passed away yesterday evening as a result of a serious stroke As we start the new year I would like to say Thank You to suffered Christmas morning at his home in Rexburg, those on the District Board who are moving on either to new posi- Idaho. tions or off the board. Phil loved barbershop music. He is the kind of person • Mike Deputy moving to Immediate Past President after a who rolls up sleeves and helps do the work. A natural spectacular two years as President leader, he served as a chapter officer and district officer • Lee Taylor moving to Executive Vice President in addition for many years. He was a champion of youth and for to VP for Chapter Support and Leadership Training years has helped organize the Idaho Youth Harmony fes- • Merle Quigley moving to Assistant Secretary from Secre- tary tivals at BYU Idaho and at high schools in southeastern Idaho. These programs have been trend setters and have • George Brown stepping down from a great run as Treas- urer given hundreds of young people a chance to experience the fun and beauty of a cappella harmony. Last summer • Shawn Mondragon stepping down from VP Marketing & PR (remember Albuquerque?) Phil was instrumental in facilitating the matriculation of a • Len Siler stepping down from VP Events record number (nine) music educators from our district to attend Harmony University in St Joseph, Missouri. He Into those positions that have been vacated we have a new has served with honor as the Rocky Mountain District’s crew ready to serve the District: Vice President for Youth in Harmony. His positive attitude • Dick Stark – Secretary and dedication have been an inspiration to us all. • Dave Myers – Treasurer • Duane Bosveld – VP Events I know you’ll all join me in a salute to • Daniel Clark – VP Marketing & PR Phil Ricks and our love and condolences • John Elving – VP Chorus Director Development And my deepest appreciation to those stalwarts who are to Karla and the Ricks family continuing in their positions: • John Coffin – VP Contest and Judging • Dan Clark – VP Music and Performance We’re going to start out 2009 with a bang! • Tony Pranaitis – VP Membership Development, VP Har- First thing up is the Quartet Chain Letter. It will start in Albu- mony Foundation querque, Denver, and Salt Lake City on the 1st of January and • Rod Sgrignoli, Tony Pranaitis, John Coffin – District hopefully spread through the entire Rocky Mountain District and Nominating Committee beyond by the 31st of July. We have a quartet in each city that will • Steve Jackson – Vocal Expressions Editor start the Chain Letter by singing a song and logging in to the Dis- • James Harper – District Webmaster trict Website, fill out the form and then the fun starts.
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