www.ccsr.ca COMBINED RELIGION PROGRAM PROGRAMME CONJOINT DES RELIGIONS Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences/ Congrès des sciences humaines CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY MONTREAL 2010 Canadian Society of Biblical Studies / May 28-31 Société canadienne des études bibliques 28-31 mai (CSBS/SCÉB) www.ccsr.ca/csbs Canadian Society of Church History / Mai 29-31 Société canadienne de l’histoire de l’église 29-31 mai (CSCH/SCHÉ) www.augustana.ab.ca/csch Canadian Society of Patristic Studies / May 30-June 1 Association canadienne des études patristiques 30 mai-1 juin (CSPS/ACÉP) www.ccsr.ca/csps Canadian Society for the Study of Religion / May 29-June 1 Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion 29 mai-1 juin (CSSR/SCÉR) www.ccsr.ca/cssr Canadian Theological Society / May 31-June 2 Société théologique canadienne (CTS/STC) 31 mai-2 juin (CTS/STC) http://cts-stc.ca Compiled by Timothy Pettipiece (CCSR) CCSR COMBINED PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAMME CONJOINT CCSR FRIDAY, MAY 28 PM VENDREDI, 29 MAI TIME/HEURE Place/Lieu 2:00-7:00 Executive Committee Meeting / Réunion du Comité MB 12-101 CSBS/SCEB Exécutif SATURDAY, MAY 29 AM SAMEDI, 29 MAI TIME/HEURE Place/Lieu 8:45-11:30 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Bible Hébraïque/Ancien CL 217 CSBS/SCEB Testament I Chair / Président: Alexander Damm (University of Toronto) 8:45-9:15 Adam Brown (McMaster Divinity College)Discovering David in Light of 1 Samuel 25: A Narrative Critical Reading of 1 Samuel 24-26 9:15-9:45 Daniel Miller (Bishops University) False Prophets and Prophets of Falsehood: The Question of Cultic Legitimacy in Israelite Prophecy 9:45-10:00 Break 10:00-10:30 Marvin Lloyd Miller (University of Manchester)Shaking out the Skirt: A Social Vision of Nehemiah Regarding Debt Slavery 10:30-11:00 Ken M. Penner (St. Francis Xavier University) Why the Differences between LXX and MT Isaiah? 11:00-11:30 Jonathan Vroom (University of Toronto)Recasting Mishpatim: Legal Innovation in Leviticus 8:45-11:30 New Testament I CL 221 CSBS/SCEB Chair / Président: Edith M. Humphrey (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) 8:45-9:15 Alain Gignac (Université de Montréal) “We know that everything that Law says.” Intertextuality, Enunciation, and Characterization in Rom 3:9-20. 9:15-9:45 Mona Tokarek LaFosse (University of Toronto) Age Hierarchy and Widows in 1 Timothy 5:3-16 9:45-10:15 Ryan S. Schellenberg (University of St. Michael‟s College) The Rhetoric of Desperation: Boasting and Apostleship in 2 Corinthians 10–13 10:15-10:30 Break 11:00-11:30 Gary Yamasaki (Columbia Bible College) Empathizing With a Villain: A Perspective-Critical Analysis CSBS/SCÉB=Canadian Society of Biblical Studies/Société canadienne des études bibliques 2 CTS/STC=Canadian Theological Society/Société théologique canadienne CSSR/SCÉR=Canadian Society for the Study of Religion/Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion CSCH/SCHÉ=Canadian Society of Church History/Société canadienne de l’histoire de l’église CSPS/ACÉP=Canadian Society of Patristic Studies/Association canadienne des études patristiques CCSR COMBINED PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAMME CONJOINT CCSR of Saul‟s Damascus Road Experience (Acts 9:1-9) 9:00-11:30 Second Temple Judaism CL 215 CSBS/SCEB Chair / Président: Michele Murray (Bishop‟s University) 9:00-9:30 Jonathan Bernier (McMaster University) Sirach‟s Synagogue: Reconsidering the Institutional Forms of Pre-Maccabean Synagogues 9:30-10:00 Frank Clancy (Waterloo) The Exile and Ben Sira 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-10:45 Carmen Palmer (Emmanuel College) “Wisdom for the Righteous of the World: Wisdom of Solomon as a Universal, Mosaic tôrâ Law” 10:45-11:15 Heather Macumber (St. Michael's College) Earthly Angels in the Prayer of Jacob and the Prayer of Joseph 11:15-11:30 Discussion 9:00-12:15 CSSR Executive Meeting MB 11-103 CSSR 11:30-12:30 Lunch for all Students and New Members / Casse-croûte MB 3-210 CSBS/SCEB pour étudiants et membres nouveaux SATURDAY, MAY 29 PM SAMEDI, 29 MAI TIME/HEURE Place/Lieu 12:30-2:00 Special Session Organized by Students / Session spéciale MB 3-210 CSBS/SCEB organisée par les étudiants Presiding: Sonya Kostamo (Student Liaison, CSBS Executive) Finding Your Own Voice: Insights into the Transition from Student to Scholar 12:45 – 2:15 SESSION ONE: COFFEHOUSES, CHINA-WATCHERS, AND H-603-00 CSCH/SCHE COOKBOOKS: NEW EXPRESSIONS OF CHRISTIAN OUTREACH AND IDENTITY, ENGLISH-PROTESTANT CANADA FROM THE 1960S Chair: Robynne Rogers Healey, Trinity Western University Bruce Douville, York University, “‟We‟re Pushers of Christ‟: Yorkville as a Mission Field, 1966-1971” Chris Miller, Concordia University, “‟We are Christians and we are citizens‟: Negotiating the Boundaries of Religious Identity within the United Church of Canada‟s China Campaign, 1968-1969” CSBS/SCÉB=Canadian Society of Biblical Studies/Société canadienne des études bibliques 3 CTS/STC=Canadian Theological Society/Société théologique canadienne CSSR/SCÉR=Canadian Society for the Study of Religion/Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion CSCH/SCHÉ=Canadian Society of Church History/Société canadienne de l’histoire de l’église CSPS/ACÉP=Canadian Society of Patristic Studies/Association canadienne des études patristiques CCSR COMBINED PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAMME CONJOINT CCSR Marlene Epp, Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo, “Recipes for Religion: Foodways, Cookbooks and Mennonite Identity” 1:00-5:00 CSSR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MB S1-401 CSSR 2:00-3:20 Student Essay Prizes / Prix pour travaux d’étudiant(e)s MB S2-330 CSBS/SCEB Chair / Président: Francis Landy (University of Alberta) 2:30-3:00 Jeremias Prize: James Magee (Vancouver School of Theology) Jesus and Augustus – Divine Sons: Mulivalent Lukan Sonship in the Light of Graeco-Roman Ruler Worship 3:00-3:10 Questions 3:10-3:40 Founders Prize: Eric R. Montgomery (McMaster University) Divine Knowledge as a Requisite for Communion with the Angels 3:40-3:50 Questions 2:30 – 4:00 SESSION TWO: “THAT SILLY, OUTMODED PROFESSION”: THE H-603-00 CSCH/SCHE CLERIC IN RECENT FICTION, panel discussion featuring three recent novels (Linden MacIntyre, The Bishop’s Man, 2009; Marilynne Robinson, Gilead, 2005; Elizabeth Strout, Abide with Me, 2006) Chair: Ruth Compton Brouwer, Professor Emerita, King‟s Univ. College, Univ. of Western Ontario Andrew P. Atkinson, Wilfrid Laurier University Bill James, Professor Emeritus, Queen‟s University Sandra Beardsall, University of Saskatchewan 3:30-5:00 CSBS Annual General Meeting / Assemblée annuelle de la MB S2-330 CSBS/SCEB SCÉB Presiding / Présidence: Francis Landy (University of Alberta) 5:15-6:15 Presidential Address / Conférence du Président MB S2-330 CSBS/SCEB Presiding / Présidence: Margaret Y. MacDonald (St. Francis Xavier University) Francis Landy (University of Alberta) "I and Eye in Isaiah or Gazing at the Invisible" SUNDAY, MAY 30 AM DIMANCHE, 30 MAI TIME/HEURE Place/Lieu 8:20-10:30 Session 1: Augustine GM 302-00 CSPS/ACEP Chair/Président: Tim Hegedus, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary 8:30 – 9:00 President‟s Welcome CSBS/SCÉB=Canadian Society of Biblical Studies/Société canadienne des études bibliques 4 CTS/STC=Canadian Theological Society/Société théologique canadienne CSSR/SCÉR=Canadian Society for the Study of Religion/Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion CSCH/SCHÉ=Canadian Society of Church History/Société canadienne de l’histoire de l’église CSPS/ACÉP=Canadian Society of Patristic Studies/Association canadienne des études patristiques CCSR COMBINED PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAMME CONJOINT CCSR 9:00 – 9:30 Kevin Coyle, Université Saint Paul/ Saint Paul University, “Augustine and the Magdalene” 9:30 – 10:00 Wendy Helleman, Univeristy Of Jos, Nigeria, “`Christ, The Wisdom of God‟: The Logic of Attribution in Augustine‟s De Trinitate 5-7” 10:00 – 10:30 Robert Kennedy, St Francis Xavier University, “Augustine and Anselm on the Cause of the Angelic Fall” 8:45-11:30 New Testament World CL 217 CSBS/SCEB Chair / Président: David Hawkin (Memorial University) 8:45-9:15 John S. Kloppenborg (University of Toronto) Explusions from Associations and the Aposynagogos of John 9:15-9:45 André Gagné (Concordia University) Polemicizing Against Other Gnostics: Gnosis and Salvation in the Gospel of Judas 9:45-10:15 Ian Brown (University of Regina) The Literary Unity of the Gospel of Thomas 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-11:00 Christophe Rico (Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem) Speaking Koine Greek as a living language 11:00-11:30 Alexander Damm (University of Toronto) Revelation‟s Appeal to Rhetorical Form in the Judgement of Rome (Rev 18:1-24) 8:45-12:00 The Book of Chronicles and Early Second Temple CL 215 CSBS/SCEB Historiography (Session 1) Chair / Président: Patricia Kirkpatrick (McGill University) 8:45-9:15 Tyler F. Williams (The King‟s University College) Chronicles and Early Second Temple Historiography: 9:15-9:45 Peter Sabo (University of Alberta) To be, or not to be (King Saul), that is the question: Conjuring up the old problem of the Saul Narrative in Chronicles 9:45-10:15 Mark J. Boda (McMaster Divinity College) Peering through the Cloud of Incense: Davidic Dynasty and Community in the Chronicler‟s Perspective 10:15-10:30 Break CSBS/SCÉB=Canadian Society of Biblical Studies/Société canadienne des études bibliques 5 CTS/STC=Canadian Theological Society/Société théologique canadienne CSSR/SCÉR=Canadian Society for the Study of Religion/Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion CSCH/SCHÉ=Canadian Society of Church History/Société canadienne de l’histoire de l’église CSPS/ACÉP=Canadian Society of Patristic Studies/Association canadienne des études patristiques CCSR COMBINED PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAMME CONJOINT CCSR 10:30-11:00 Louis Jonker (Stellenbosch University) Of Jebus, Jerusalem and Benjamin: The Chronicler's Sondergut in 1 Chronicles 21 against the background of the late Persian Era in Yehud.
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