• THE JEWISH POST Thursday, April 1, 1976 Thursday. April 1, 1976 THE JEWISH, POST Page Five Men's Child Rescue Dinner Is a. Rousing Success. The largest and moot successful luncheon, Mr. Peters thanked the event since its inception 27 years' Pioneer Women. "I am ple-ased to ago took place Wednesday, Mar.] be ahle to work with such a dedi: 24 when over 650 men attended cated group,'· he said. th~, Pioneer Women's annual Child I As bo-th Alex and Archie Cham Rescue Dinner. Abe Yanofsky, a I were out of town, they were repre­ , long time worker for Pioneer wo-I senled at the luncheon by Eleanor men. was hono-ured for years of Chochinov and Belva Shaff, Alex , I' i I , i service to the oorganizatio-n. and Cham's daughters. I " I r ! Walter Eytan, distinguished Israeli , Samuel N_ Cohen, honor3i-y ! diplomat, was the guest speaker. chairman, noted that when he was Abba Eban Town', Hall .Speaker April 5 c~nn~c~!~d~n~I~~h ~:~i~~~n- I Can Israel, Is a Camp Full of Spirit! The Women's Awru-d Luncheon, 'j14 ar 15. his mother used to take noultcements, the· Ziorust Organiz­ hosted by Alex and Archie Cham, him. with ,/leI'. when she went" col­ I was held on the saine day. Both, lectmg for Pioneer Women. For I l • ation of Canada has completed I , .l>lans for its Commission of En­ affairs to-ok place at the Rosh Pina me, this is a way of going back quiry with Respect to Canadian Synagogue. home,' he said. "It's a great Olim_ Hearings will take place at Heading the men's dinner com- organization." \ , ' the Jerusalem Hilton from Apr. mittee' were Gerald Namak and All three paid tribute to Mrs, 26·· May 3. Marvin Peters. Speaking' at the Nettie Koffman, over-all chair- Extensive plans have b~n made <. for Canadian Olim to appear be· fore th'e Commission, to which 'representativesof every major Jewish organization interested in Aliyah have been invited. Canadians who have family or friends on aliyah who feel they Part of the large crowd .t the Child Rescue Dinner, might wish to' appear before the Conimissiim, or simply to be preS­ from all over the world. At first ent, are asked to communicate the we used the melting pot theory. above information to them. This created nothing but hootili­ Counsel for the Commission in ties. Therein lies genuine prob­ Gait Israel campers display some of their accomplishments in Israel is GabrieI Glazer, 2[; Rehov lems. the arts' and crafts section of fhe camp's program. Shimon Dubnov, Tel·Aviv. Gerald 'There is nothing you and I can , N. F. Charness, a prominent Mont­ Camp is essential for <! Child'S] may receive swimming instruction dQ about the Arabs, but a tremen­ real lawyer, heads the Commission. development, especially when city by a qualified teacher. .. dous amoWlt of work we can do in , and scho'ol life occupy most of the Sports: Soccer, dodgeball, bad- the human field." year. But it isn't just a camp that's minton, field hockey, basketball, In his evening address, Mr. important, it's the type of camp. baseball ru-e. among the many Eytan stressed that peace negotia' Social '4 Pictured .bove at Men's Child Rescue Dinner are, leff to Camp can, surprisingly, become sports. Each group is given a right: Mrs. Nettie Koffman, Samuel N; Cohen, dinner honoree Abe tions with the Arabs could only dreary and boring for some chil- sports program suitable far its age Yanofsky and Mrs. Yanofsky. take place through direct meet· P@rsonal dren. It needs spirit, ,md that's level. ings. where Gan Israel comes in, with Special faatures: Tlie camp woman, Mr. Coben noting that he associated with Pioneer Women for "Today. unde·rstanding is diffi­ man.;atjfl its excellent staff, wide variety of offers such activities as horseback had known her sinee 1930. At the 115 years. "I am proud to be able cult to achieve," he said. "I don't activities and emphasi$ on origi- riding, hayrides, kite flying, arts dinne~, Mrs. Koffman was present- 'j to work for child rescue," he said, think the ground is really right. Dr. 'and Mrs. Harold M. Black nality. Gan Israel, 'which simply and crafts, chaHa4 baking, and ed with a bouquet of flowers by Guest .speaker Walter Eytan was Any peace treaty must give a 50-50 are pleased to announce the mar­ bubbles with life and enjoyment, dramatics.' Oldest,' campen; take Mrs. Freda Brass, her co-chairman'j introduced by Jack Walke~, ~,C. agreement to each side, or it won't ., riage of their daughtez:, Linda offering every child a summer part in late night cook-{)uts, over­ as a token of appreciation foor her Mr. Eytan, who came to WmnIpeg hold. The urgency of the matter Mrs. NeHie Koffman ,presents Pioneer Women pins to Chll~ " Ruth, to Mr_ Israel Menahem of packed with fun and excitement. night camping, and canoeing. There dedication to child rescue. especially for this occasion, spoke is not ye't felt enough by either Rescue Dinner coCchairmen Marvin Peters <at left) and Garald Jaffa, Israel. The' wedding took Here are some features. are trips to inte'l"esting Winnipeg At the dinner, honoree Abe Yanof- at both the ·Iuncheon and dinner. side. But it will come to that, We Namak, for their efforts toward making the dinner a success. place March 9, 1976, in Tel Aviv, Groups: Campers are placed in sites such as' fire and police sta­ sky was presented with a plaque He' told the luneheon group th~t have to know what it is we are th.ought they oould overUl'l"ow happen again today." ISrael. groups of eight, supea-vised by two tions, courts, farm, milk company, by Mr. Cohen, who said: "Mr. Israel's vital problems lay .not m working for and not reduce it to Israel. "The Yom KiPPur war was Mr. Eytan said he was heartened counsello~S. Placement is depend- etc. There will be' nature hikes Yan(}fsky is a reflectioo of his the military, but in the SOClal and mere terrris." • • • almost a disaster. for the Arabs. by the warmth which bound the ent upon age, class, and maturity, with instruct~ to explain the parents. We're all familiar with eoonomic fields. , . He said the Arab states would They were saved by the Russians world's Jewish communities . ABBA E~/\~ The camp schedules diIferen~ actio wonders of' nature to children. his works, so I don't h'ave to tell. "The d!'eam of a Jewish, s:ta~e be making a great' mis-take if they ,', . and Americans, The same would ogeiher. Mazel tov Granddaughter Efrat, vi ties for each age group, enabling Campers come in close contact you what they are. But this is an was a social, even a soclaltst.lc . :c,world's "!Jpon: Israel's admission, ,his posi, Gan Israel to provide a stimulating with \llants and wildlife and learn occasion long to be treasured and dream:' he said. "What we did .gr.eatest ~:ilJI:Q~'.md ,'~'tes:III'e'l'~,will' ti6n,became permanent. Not long b~'rn on Saturday, March 20, 1976. Proud grandparents are Ralph and experience fOil" the child of 4'12 as to appreciate the Worlq . remembered." not understand at first was the C-O-N·.T -I-N·U-O-U·S ftPI;;ea!.')riJlVi~lIl!iliJi!g wildEn',"'· . 'after he was named Ambassador well as the teenager of 13. Indi· . Jewish identification: A unique In accepting the plaque, Mr. tremendous difficulty in integra­ DON'T LOSE EVERYTHING OJ t)le a:U5' to the United ,states. Hil retained. Shula Troper, Rehovot, Israel. ' pic~<of.tllfi :T~wWn;HJiIll.Series.. ' both' posts, Unrtll 1959,' at Which ... ':" ..... _ vidu·al programming contributes method is' used to give children a Yanofsky said that he had been tion and assim,ilation of peoples greatly to the camp's success. sense of pride in the Jewish heri- $pl!!ii_iD~~,at th~ 'RoSh time he resigned and entered p(\li- JUNE and MONTE N~THANSON YOU'VE WORKED FOR ••• wish to invHe 'their relatives Staff: Gan brael's staff is com' tage. Although these are oot the ':S~I~~ij~U.1) 'MoruIa.Y,',Apf. 'ti~ as a member of the j\fapai· and friends to celebrate posed of highly qualified and de- farmalities of "lessons", C1UllpeTS As a business man you work topic"will ,be:~~or l!al'IY. " ,", " " ,with them the voted counsellors, swimming in- pricipate in dram'atics, learn PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS The . United Nations. 'In '1960he ",as named Ministei- tod'ay fe'r a bigger and better. struC't()lfS, and Program supea-visors. s'cngs and stories expressing the 51NeH tomorrow. But reaching tomor­ TiC'ketsareavailable at the Rosh pol Eduootion and '~ureand i.o EXPERT INSTRUCTION I A special fea¢\IIl"e is a counsel· values of traditional Jewish life. row's profits require yo-ur per­ Pina'SYoogGgue,Sh~reyZedek 1963 beeanie Deputy Prime Minis· , lars' training \lrogram fOIl" young- The resuU is that children learn IinayAhl"8ham .,Syna-ter. years later he Was liP" of their daughter CALL AF'l'ER 5 P.M. sonal contribution today whether Synag9gue, Three sters aged 12· 13, who are taught that J.udaism is ,enjoyable. Camp­ ALUMINUM ,gogUe . and ih~ .ntHA:' commUnity PDin'te'~ }dinis1;eir ~f Foreign Af· it be in management, sales or leadership . skills and are given ers acquire a love of JUdaism.
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