j * **? •' * * ' ' • " !%> - ' VOL,. XIV. WORWAL.K, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1831. NEW SERIES—WO. 20G. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS S. FF. BENEDICT, NEW SUPPLY. Green Window BY\nds. 'GROCERIES. Ne\V Fall <$• Winder Goods. f, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, HE Subscriber lias just received a new WILLIAM GALE l'.dw'm XocYwvood rM. GALE l as just received a large assort­ rlh HE subscriber is this day opening a large supply of FRESH GROCERIES,which AS Just received a general and well se­ JL and Splendcd Assortment of FALL AND TERMS—T WO Dotlarspcr Annum. AS JUST replenished his assortment of W ment of patent Window Blinds, which he will sell very che»p. Norwalk, July 25 1831. heT offets for sale at reduced prices. Among H lected assortment of Fashionable Goods WINTER GOODS, which he.will sell.at Prices HGROCERIES & PROVISIONS,which which are the following1 articles ; suitable for the approaching season. Among which will induce all te purchase, tvlto are in want NEW FALL GOODS. are warranted to be of the choicest quality, 1IJ ICE.. Just teceived direct from the Cogniac and Cider Brand thorn are— j. of any of the following articles I . UST received by the subscriber a handsome and as cheap as any in market. South a few Tierces of Rice in prime or­ Holland and American Gin 150 Pieces Broadcloths, Cassimetes, BROAD CLOTHS. — asortraent of New fa Fashionabe Dry Goods, In his assortment may he found: der. Dealers supplied by (he Tierce at the : A complete assortment unusually low. Jwhich aie offered to the public at very icdufed Jamerica St. Cro x and N. Rum ahd Satiinetts, of every colour, shade, quality Young Hyson, Hyson Skin ) . c New \orlt prices. WAT. J. STREET &Co. Port, Lisbon,Malaga & Currant it price ; 100 piuces 6-4 Super Merino Cloths Cassimeres, Sattiactts, some ofa superior.qua^ prices, which will make it an object for those who and Souchong } AH<A!S« ity, Devonshire Kersey., Green Baize, Green; wish to purchase to call and examine before pur­ WINES^ Winfergrecn, Pep­ various colours and shades: 10 pieces 3-4 Java,Manilla, and Lag-nira O?'New Fall Goods. Red, Yellow, Blk: ahd Whjtq Flannels, Blk. and' chasing elsewhere. COFFEE. permint, & Anniseed Cordials col'd merino Circassians ; 5 pieces jard wide Double and single Loaf) Col'd Canton Flannels, a large assortment of Among which are the largest assortment of BENNETT & MALLORY TEAS. '.dock merino Circassians, a superior article Blk. and Col'd, Merino and Common Circas­ Do. do. Lump i for Ladies dresses ; Ladies and gentlemen's BROADCLOTHS AVE this day received a very splendid as Hyson Young Hyson, and sians, Blk- and Scarlet Marino Shawls, Superior Si. Croix, N. Orleans, S SUGAR. well as very extensive assortment of brown and blue camblel: brewn, drab and ol­ quality, warranted, free . from Cotton, Thibet .ever before offered, embracing every variety of M % Souchong Teas Sugar House, India, & ) ran ive Petershams for box coats ; a large assort­ Wool Shawls, ,3-4 4 4 5-4 6-4 7-4 fl-4 -and 10-4 color and quality—Also, blk, blue, drab an<l inixt Havanna J Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Loaf, Lumn. and Brown SUG^R ment green, crimson, scarlet, white, yellow, Prussian Shatwis, Worsted fiinges, Blk. & Scarlet CASSIMERES; Fashionablemixt and common W. India and N; Orleans MOLASSES. which we're bought on such terms as will enable English Meiino Shawls, Fancy.,Hdkfs. a com- th-jm to offer them to customers at little less prices Toffee! cnocolate ; Alspice , Pepper ; Ginger and black Flannel ; rid and green Moreen ; Salrnett; A variety of Silk, Velvet,Valentia Mar­ Madeira, Port, Lisbon, Malaga and Currant plele assortment, Blk. Italian Liiiestririg; Back seilles and other Vestings; brown, and b'ueCam- than can be bought #Jsewhere. Nutmegs; Cinnamon; Cloves; Raisins Tartan Plaids; figured and plain Rattincts ; WINES ; A general assortment of LI­ Peanuts, Almond, and Madeira Nuts Devonshire Kersey ; Napping Cloths ; and Col'd Gro de Naples, and Marcline Sitk^ blet, Brown Goats Hairdo, a superior article for Among their assortment may be foutind : , White Gro de Nap, Blk. White & Green French QUORS ; CORDIALS,whoIesale and retail; Super Oranges and Lemons ; Figs gentlemen's Cloaks, Green Baize & Fiize,Green blue, blk, olive,brown, drab and inixt 200 pieces Calicoes, some new patterns, and Crapes,.Blk. and. Col'd, French Satins, Craps Serge and Floor Cloth, a good assortment of Ale, Cider, and Vinegar. SPICES—Nut­ Cloths ; do. Cassimeres ; Blue and blk mixt Sat- Whrm. *>'nd Rye Flour very elegant; blue& pink,plaid & pljjinGiiig- meg-, Cloves. Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Fres^Bread trackers and Cheese Lisse.-Liglit and Dark Chintz Calicoes, French Flannels, Merino Circassians a variety of colors, tinetts ; Bangup Cords, a superior article ; Be«- hams : CambrieyBcok, Mull,Swiss» Jackonet,and and English Ginghims, 4-45-4 a.nd 6-4.Plain and •Calicoes, Cambric and Shirting Muslins, Irish Alspice. &c.; Spanish and American Segars ; verteen very stout; Valentia &i ToilnettVe«tings ; Butter ; Pork ; Lard ; Herrings Nansook Muslins, Fig'd nnd plnin; superior Blk and Fancy Silk Vestings Dry and Pickled Codfish ; Mackerel Fig'd Swiss Muslin, Jackonqt Book, .-and Cam- Linen and Lawn, Domestic Sheetings and Tick; Plug, Cut, and Smoking Tobacco; Pur'c, ; Blk Genoa Velvet black Italian Sinchews and Sarcinets, Silk briik Mu»lins, Bishop Lawn, Linin .Cambric and Ing, Russia and Imitation Sheeting, Black Silk Hams, Mackerel in bat rels,Codfish,Crackers, for Vests ; Crimson, scarlet, green, yellow, blk Soap ; Candles ; Poland Starch ; Copperas Blk and blue blk G''o de Berlin and Gro de Naps, Spanish nnd American segars Long Lawn Hlulus. White and Plaid Crdvatts, Serge and BlkMarceline Silk, Black and green Herring, Cheese, Lard, Butter, Rice ; [lon- and white Flani.els; Green Baize ; Canton Flan- Blk Gro de Swiss,Gro de Indies and Grode Paris, Col'-d Cambric Blk. Bombazine, F resh Linens, Sarcinctt, Bobinett Lace, Swiss and Jackonet e) very superior, Chocolate, and Cocoa. nc I ; U0 pieces Merino and other Circassians, Allum; Spanish Indigo; Licorice Col'd and changeable Gro de Naps and Floren­ 6-4 8-4 Damask Table Diaper; -Russia Diaper, comprising all colors: Boinbazettes ; Plaids and Winter strained Lamp Oil , Muslin, Swiss and Italian Cravats, Silk Flag and Lemon Syrup, Stoughton'sBitters,Mustard, ces of every color nnd quality, 4 4 Green India G-4 7-4 S-4 :ind 10-4 Cotton Table Diaper, Dor* "Pongee Hdkfs.a superior article, Fancy & Bang- Cnmblets; Blk India Satin ; blkl«Flian Lustring; Snuff; Tobbacco ; Writing Pnper Mould and dipt Candles, Table Sal% white Silk for ladies' Hats, blk Mode—biue, green, Chester and other Ticks, CAMBLET, Blk. Las-, up Cord, Beaverteen,Scotch GinghamUmbrel.ns. blk and green Sinchews, and Sarnnett ; blk and P.owder; SI ot of all sizes _ pink, white and slate col'd Florences, bfhe, blk. and yellmv^bar Soip, Starch, Brooms. ting, Hosery of all Descriptions, a complete as­ it good 'assortment Hosiery and Gloves, Suspen­ blue blk Florences; blue, green, pink k white do; Shoe, scrubbing, and whitewash Bnuhfcsv; ; - J white, straw and Pink Sattins, blk Nsinkeen and sortment of VESTINGS, Browiv Hat Cambric, ders, Slocks nud Collars, Gentlemen's Ilats and FRUIT--Raisins, Figs, Currants, Prunes, Blk and blue blk Gro de iSap, ami Gro de Berlin ; Mustard, warranted good /_ Canton Crapes, Pongee, 4 4, 5-4 6*4 blk Italian hard & soft Altnonds, Madeira Nuts, Filberts, and Battist, Green Sarsndl, Marceline and Flor­ . Boys Caps. Ready Made Clothing, and Clothing Col'd and changeable SilUs ; blk Mode ; black Broojns ; good Molasses ; Rice and French Crapes—white.blue, pink nrid straw ence Silk, Ribboi.s, Thread anil Bqtf.ti-Edgings* made to order upon shoit notice in the latest and Tamarinds, &c. &c. Norwalk, Sept. 2G. Nankin Crape; Pongee: blk Bombazinps ; 6*4, Tamarinds, Tapers, $-c. &c. col'd French Crapes, black Le.vantine, blk twill'd and Insertings 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Bbbbinett Lace, most approved Fashions, A large assortment of 7-4 and 8 4 blk, rearle'. green and white Merino Candlev ick and Cotton Batting Serge ; blk and blue Raiinelts, 6 4, 7-4 and S'4 Blk. Bobb't. Vei's, Greca Worsted Berrage, the best of Trimmings kept constantly on hand, Shawls warranted free from Cotton ; Scarlet and G. D. JENNINGS. Blk and Scarlet Merino Shawls warranted free Furniture Calicoes, Apron Check, Domestic white Merino Scarfs; Thibet Wool,Hi Cashmere, together with a great variety of Goods not herein Norwalk. July 26. 1830 • from Cotton,while Si scarlet Merino LongSlmvvls. Ginghams, Bleach'd and Brown Sheetings, and; * enumerated, all of which will be sold on terms Shawls ; Prussian Shawls Si Ildkfs.various sizes ; 100 Thibet Wool Shawls fa Hdkfs, all colours & Shirting, Burlaps and Osnaburg, Blk. fa White <be most fevorable—call and see. Fancy Silk,Gauze. Poplin, Palmarineto Worsted drAS. & CO. qualities ; Prussian Shawls Hctkfs ; Silk.gauze Foundation Muslin, Millinet, Reeds, Bonnet ALFRED MALLORY. Ben age' Hdkfs ; 5'4, and 6.4 Green Berage for ESPEC'l FULLlf inform their friends and and Berrage Hdkfs, Silk and Cotton Flag Hdkfs, Boards, Mitchells Spool Cotton, Tapes, Needles, Norwalk, Oct, 1. 1831. Veils; Bin Lace and green Gauze Veils ; Light M the public that they have taken the Store blk Itaiiuu Cravats, white and plaid C'ravnts^ Pius,.fac. fac. fac. and dark French Ginghams; Blk Silk Velvet; formerly occupied by D. S. BARTRAM, west - iFall ~and Winter Assortment of 4-4, 5 4 and 6*4 green Berrage for Veils ; green, The Public are. respectively invited to call,and Blk, crimson, blue antl green Taby Velvet; 120 of the Bridge, where ihey intend keeping a gen­ blk and white gauze Veils, blk fa white Bobbinet exn.nine for themselves, eyery exertion will be Ready Made Clothing.
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