WINTER PARK TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season Vol. 5—No. 2 Winter Park, Florida, Saturday, January 15, 1938 Price 10 Cents "THE GUARDSMAN" TO MUSIC OF THE NOBILITY OPEN ANNIE RUSSELL AT THE WOMAN'S CLUB SERIES The music that was only known After the lectures of the past to the nobility of Europe in the week Winter Parkians are to eighteenth century — quaint and have a variety of entertain- lovely melodies and courtly form- ment in the coming production al dances will be offered as the at- of Molnar's famous comedy, "The traction for the Woman's Club "an- Guardsman' 'which opens the An- nual" entertainment next Wednes- nie Russell Series at the theatre day evening. Friday and Saturday evenings, Mme. Landelle Trivette, who is January 21st and 22nd. A cast of one of the few masters of the harp- popular and competent favorites sichord, will give a recital on a has been chosen by Dorothy Lock- beautiful rosewood instrument hart,, director, of the Annie Russell which was made in Paris over one Company, including Julie, Trow- hundred years ago by the celebrated bridge, George C. Holt, Ernest Kil- Pleyel and which is now owned by roe, Blanche Bloch, Frances Kil- her. Mme. Trivette is well known roe, Rebecca Coleman Holt, and to the universities and colleges of Henry Jacobs, of DeLand. tho North and East where her re- citals are featured events in the In "The Guardsman" Molnar study of music. She was chosen deals with clever strategy em- to give a recital at the National ployed by a .iealous husband to Convention of Music Teachers in hold his wife's wandering affec- Washington. Among the promi- Mme. Landelle Trivette and her famous Pleyel harpsichord which, she tions. Both husband and wife are (Oontinued on Pac/e 8) popular, temperamental box-office will play at the Woman's Club Wednesday evening, January 19th. _ favorites in Vienna, where the mat- inee-idol husband plays the most POETRY SOCIETY ANNUAL IN-GATHERING SOCIAL NOTES important role of his colorful ca- TEA FOR BENEFIT SHOP reer by impersonating a Guards- The Poetry Society will, meet for the first time this season on the The Junior Benefit League in- man of the Russian army to test vites all interested friends to at- Ccl, Edgar 0. Leonard and Mrs. (Conlinund on. Pa//e 5) afternoon of January 29th at Pres- 1 Leonard have as their guests the ident Holt's house on Interlachen tend its Annual In-Gathering Tea, to be held on Friday, January the former's son-in-law and daughter, Avenue. Dr. Richard Burton will Prince and Princess Gecrges Djoum- give a critical survey of Modern twenty-first, from 4 to G o'clock, DR. NEWMAN TELLS OF at the Woman's Club. The tea is kovsky of Paris who arrived on TEN BROADWAY PLAYS Poetry with a reading. In the ab- Sunday for a month's visit at the sence of the president, Mrs, Jessie given to promote interest in the Broadway's current plays afford- Benefit Shop, and admission is Leonard home on Old England Ave- Rittenhouse Scollard, who is spend- nue, ed a delightful opening lecture oil ing the winter in Carmel, Cal., the either a bundle of old clothes, to Monday in the series of Dr. Eve- vice president, Mrs. Rose Mills be added to the stock of the Shop, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mather- lyn Newman, at All Saints' Parish Powers will have charge of the or fifty cents, Smith gave a luncheon Tuesday in House. Dr. Newman acts as a meeting. There will be a musical program, Oakland for the following guests, scout for Winter Park each Christ- arranged by Mrs. Buel Trowbridge, Ccl. Edgar C. Leonard, Prince and Refreshments have been planned Princess Djoumkovsky, Mr. and by Mrs, J4. E. Spurr and a number Mrs. Karl Dolge, Mr. and Mrs. "CHINA SUFFERS FOR Newton Merrill, Prof.. Alfred J, PRACTISING PACIFISM" of the Patronesses of the Tea, Mrs. Spurr, as the Founder of the I-Ianna, Mrs. John Marshall, of Dr. Thomas Chalmers pointed Benefit Shop, and the original or- Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs, Mather- out in no uncertain manner at his ganizer of the Shop workers, spon- Smith, Jr. lecture last Tuesday evening on sors this annual Tea. Mrs. Daniel Chester French, the "Chinese Situation" that China Patronesses taking care of the widow of the noted sculptor is at was suffering because she had refreshments are Mrs, A. M, Har- tho Hamilton Hotel for the g practised the arts of peace, a poli- ris, Mrs, M.. M. Dawson, • Mrs.. cy that many people in our own Mrs. Harry P. Bonties is enter- George Kraft, Mrs, Henry Thomp- taining Mrs, Sai'ah Sniith of Fniv- country have been trying to make son, Mrs. Edgar Leonard, Mrs. us follow. mont, Va., over this week-end at Henry Winslow, Mrs, Irvjng Bach- Maitland.,, , , '. , • "What is it to us, you ask, if ; : eller, Mrs. Ee.S, Fownes, Mrs. P. Mi', and Mrs, A\ L, Donirnerich, the Chinese are conquered by the T. Stillman, Mrs. Clive Vincent, Japs,? I will answer that the of New York, are expected this Mrs. A. F. MeAllaster, Miss Fran- coming week at Hiawatha Grove, United States is going to be hurt (Continnod on Pafjo 5) the hardest of all nations." their estate in Maitland. Dr. Chalmers said that when an Mrs, Francis S, E. Gunnell is outcry is made in this country FORMAL DINNER AT entertaining Mrs. William Burgess that sixty families are running the CLUB of Wollaston, Mass., for several rest of the population, what will The Country Club of Winter weeks. Mrs. Gunnell is back from DR. EVELYN NEWMAN it be to have five families of Ja- Park will open its new house next a nineteen-day cruise to Guatamala, mas vacation, takes in the best of pan's tycoons regimenting the in- Thursday evening-, January 20th, President Hamilton Holt has his New York's plays, and gives a dustry and power of China's 450,- with a formal dinner at 6:30 P. M. cousin, Mrs. Rose Lincoln Dressei', most interesting review of them on 000,000? The possibility of a at the Clubhouse. Invitations are of Worcester, Mass., as his guest her return. Situated, as we are, forty cent-an-hour wage scale being issued to the dinner at which for several weeks. some twelve hundred miles from would be ridiculous in the face of a number of the directors and of- Mr. Sam Goss, Jr., drove down the Great White Way, we rely such .competition based on forty ficers will speak. Mr, Homer Gard from Glencoe, 111. Thursday bring- strongly on Dr. Newman's reports cents a day with no chance to is President of the Club, Crt. E, ing his sister, Mrs. Harold H. El- of what's what on northern stages. unionize. O. Leonard and Arthur Schultz, liott and little son Harold, Jr., to Of the ten plays which, she covr "Our duty? I don't know, it vice presidents, Frederick H. Ward, visit Mrs. Sam Goss, Sr., of Palm- (Continued on Pur/e 8) isn't clear," admitted the speaker. secretary and treasurer. [Continued on Pane 2) Page Two WINTER PARK TOPICS, SATURDAY, JAN. 15, 1938 apartment at 373 Comstock Avenue SOCIAL NOTES for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Salmon (Continued, from Patjo 1) and their daughter Miss Marion er Avenue. Mrs. Elliott will leave have arrived from Beloit, Wis., to her son here with his grandmother visit Mr. Salmon's sister, Miss and nurse while she and Mr. El- Loretta Salmon. Miss Marion, a Frances Slater liott go to England for a two graduate of Beloit College will months' stay. They will sail on take post graduate work at Rollins. the twenty-second, and on their re- Miss Doris Swett gave a talk turn expect to come to Winter about her Etchings of Trees before Gowns — Wraps Park to remain until late spring. the East Central Circle of the Mr. Goss will return to Glencoe, Winter Park Garden Club, and next week. Miss Carol Elliott, who Prof. Edwin 0. Grover supple- Sport Clothes attended the Cathedral School in mented it by reading a number of Orlando, is now a student at poems on trees at the meeting Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis, Wednesday, January 12th at the Through the interest and gen- home of Mrs. Harrison A. Plymp- Orlando San Juan Hotel Building- erosity of Mrs. A. E. Dick a num- ton. ber of American flags were pre- Mrs. Norman Thompson, of sented to the Grade School last Colebrook, Conn., who is at the Tuesday morning. There is now Lincoln for the season, gave a a flag for each room of the build- dinner at Mrs. List's Sunday at ing. Mrs. Dick made an impres- which the following were guests: sive presentation speech in which President Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Guests at the Virginia Inn and she told the school children how exander Bloch, Mr, A. J. Hanna, their friends are enjoying the Our 11th the flag should be treated and Mrs. Josiah Hanna and Mr. and series of social events planned for how to use it. Mrs. Dick's late Mrs. Joseph T. Eddy. their entertainment. Every Mon- Anniversary Year husband, Col. A. E. Dick of New day afternoon tea is served from The Winter Park Garden Club 4 to 5 in the lounge, Saturday eve- York, was the founder of the Na- will have a called mepting' at the tional Flag Association of the ning there is a bridge party and on University Club this morning, Jan- Sunday evenings a concert is given United States of America and was uary 15th at 10 A.
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