April 2011 3/22/13 11:34 PM Page 1 Bison get grazing space in Montana but Animal rescuers settlement puts wolves in the crosshairs respond to the MISSOULA, Montana– – M o n t a n a of ranchers to the presence of bison from fear crisis in Japan Governor Brian Schweitzer on March 17, 2011 that they may transmit brucellosis to domestic authorized bison wandering out of Yellowstone cattle––which has in fact never happened. If animals ran for high ground or National Park to graze within the Gardiner Brucellosis, a bacterial disease took cover just before the Thoku Chih earth- Basin, flanking the Yellowstone River on which causes still births in hooved animals, is quake hit Japan at 2:46 p.m. on March 11, either side for about 13 miles north of also carried by elk in the Yellowstone region, 2011, accounts of their behavior did not Yellowstone. Bison who wander farther, into who are encouraged to roam freely as coveted reach ANIMAL PEOPLE. The catastrophe the Paradise Valley south of Livingston, will targets of hunters. appears to have taken Japanese animals as be shot, said Montana gubernatorial natural Earlier Schweitzer allowed 25 bison much by surprise as humans, more than resources advisor Mike Volesky. to enter a 2,500-acre pasture within the Gallatin 27,000 of whom were dead or missing. The March 17 order was Schweit- National Forest. The bison were removed Rating 9.0 on the Richter scale, zer’s second attempt in 2010 to resolve the when they repeatedly left the National Forest. with an epicenter 20 miles below the sea off annual winter conflict between the instinct of Recommending that bison should be hunted the northeast coast, the most powerful quake bison to migrate out of Yellowstone to lower within Yellowstone to reduce the pressure to in recorded Japanese history was followed by elevations in search of forage, and the hostility migrate outside the park, Schweitzer on a tsunami whose 33-foot wave hurled cars February 13, 2011 issued an through third-floor windows. Already air- A missing pet poster in Sendai. (ARK) executive order valid until May borne, several news agency helicopters radiation leaks from the damaged Fukushima 15 against trucking bison videotaped destruction resembling the ram- nuclear reactor complex was as unclear as the through Montana for slaughter. pages of the cinematic monster Godzilla. fate of that dog. This obliged Yellowstone One camera crew focused on a About 510,000 people were dis- National Park staff to hold about large dark-colored dog, racing the wave and placed to emergency shelters in the immediate 560 bison in corrals at Stephens the rubble it carried. The wave split, surging wake of the disaster. This number was cut in Creek, after they were captured around either side of a levee to come at the half during the next 10 days, as many dis- while leaving the park, with dog from both directions. Rapidly reversing placed people found accommodation with about 70 more bison in an “over- course, the dog kept ahead of the water until family and friends. Realizing the difficulty flow” facility at Corwin Springs. after the main force of the waves broke. The for their hosts of housing more people in The Stephens Creek site has a camera lost track of the dog then, but as the small apartments, displaced persons urgently separate holding area for bison wave had diminished to surf-sized, the dog–– sought boarding space for pets they had who test positive for exposure to if not bludgeoned by debris––had a fighting saved. Some surrendered animals to shelters, brucellosis. The Corwin Springs chance to swim to safety. but government animal control shelters near site can only keep bison who test What became of most other animals the disaster area suspended their usually rigid Yellowstone bison. in winter. (Buffalo Field Campaign) (continued on page 11) in the path of the tsunami and subsequent 72-hour holding period before killing unclaimed dogs and cats, to avoid killing pets who might be reunited with survivors. Based on Japanese average ratios of dogs and cats to humans, and one feral cat population survey done in 2006 in part of the ANIMAL PEOPLE tsunami-stricken region, and taking into account that almost all pets were home while News For People Who Care About Animals their people were away at work or school, ANIMAL PEOPLE estimated that a mini- mum of about 42,000 pet dogs and about 45,000 cats, both pets and ferals, were killed April 2011 outright in the devastated residential neigh- borhoods of Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Volume 20, #3 Ibaraki, and Chiba prefectures. Another 48,000 dogs, 51,000 pet cats, and up to 2,000 feral cats might have (continued on page 14) Ohio reneges on veal calf deal C O L U M B U S ––Can the Ohio withstanding a legal challenge from representa- Livestock Care Standards Board keep a tives of agribusiness who contend that the promise? Strickland agreement did not allow Ohioans for Only 11 members of the 13-member Humane Farms to submit petitions signed in board on March 2, 2011 voted on a proposed 2008 to place the initiative on the state ballot regulatory standard for raising veal calves, but years later. six of the 11 approved of a standard which vio- The Humane Society of the United lates a June 2010 agreement brokered by for- States, Farm Sanctuary, and other members of mer Ohio governor Ted Strickland that kept off Ohioans for Humane Farms had collected more the November 2010 ballat a proposal to ban than half a million signatures to qualify the ini- veal crates, sow gestation crates, and battery tiative for the 2008 ballot. The coalition mem- cages for laying hens. bers understood that those signatures would be If the two Ohio Livestock Care considered valid if the initiative were to be Standards Board members who did not vote on submitted later, should the Ohio Livestock March 2 oppose the veal standard on a re-vote, Care Standards Board fail to uphold the the Strickland agreement may hold up. Strickland agreement. If not, the initiative proposed by the “I think the Ohio Livestock Care Ohioans for Humane Farms coalition may yet Standards Board is going to reverse itself on go before the voters––but apparently not before veal and meet all five farm animal welfare ele- ments of the agreement,” HSUS president Wayne Pacelle told ANI- MAL PEOPLE. “The decision should happen on April 5th. Several thousand comments in our Egyptian Society of Animal Friends vet treats camel near the Giza pyramids. (ESAF) favor have already come in to the board on this issue,” Pacelle Camel Rescue Centre in India is world’s first added. JAIPUR, India––Help In Suffer- older camels are admitted for lameness and The language approved by the ing on March 13, 2011 opened a new Camel arthritis,” Akbar said. Ohio Livestock Care Standards Rescue Centre at Bassi, on the outskirts of Noted Lever, “Respiratory com- Board on March 2 state that “Veal Jaipur. The announcement was of global plaints caused by infection are also common, calves will be permitted to be teth- humane significance because, as best A N I- as are gastric problems, because trainers push ered or non-tethered in stalls of a MAL PEOPLE can determine, the Help In carbohydrate down their camels in an attempt minimum 24 inches wide and 66 Suffering Camel Rescue Centre is the first to give them more energy to race, leading to inches long until December 31, facility built specifically to help camels in acidosis.” 2017. After December 31, 2017, humane movement history, and only the sec- Help In Suffering sees mostly cart- tethering may only be used…to ond dedicated camel hospital in the world. pulling camels, treating them from mobile prevent navel and cross sucking The first was the Dubai Camel units before the completion of the Camel and restraint for examinations, Hospital, opened in 1990 by Sheikh Hamdan Rescue Centre. Much of the work of the Help treatments and transit,” which in bin Rashid Al Maktoum to treat the 3,000 rac- In Suffering Camel Project involves undoing effect means that veal calves may ing and dairy camels “belonging to the the harm done to working camels by folk continue to be kept exactly as they Maktoum family and their friends and rela- remedies, and educating the camel drivers are kept now. tives,” wrote BBC News science reporter against using them, regardless of tradition. The Strickland agreement “stip- Anna-Marie Lever in January 2009. “For example,” explains the Help ulated that all calves must be kept By then, after almost 20 years in In Suffering Camel Project web site, “a com- in group housing starting in 2017, service, the Dubai Camel Hospital workload mon method of treating throat and cold infec- which mirrors a pledge made in had expanded to include treating “4,000 tions, or lameness, has been to inflict a deep 2007 by the American Veal breeding camels, 2,000 racing camels, and burn by means of an iron rod applied to the Association,” Pacelle elaborated. doing research into common afflictions,” skin of the affected area,” which “is not only “All parties to the agreement con- founding veterinarian Jahangir Akbar told useless but can threaten the life of the camel.” sented to that policy. But the Ohio Zac Sharpe of the Dubai periodical A l The Camel Project team also sees a Farm Bureau Federation, which S h i n d a g a h . “Young camels tend to suffer lot of colic, “commonly caused by lack of (continued on page 8) from sore shins and damaged knee joints; (continued on page 12) April 2011 3/22/13 11:34 PM Page 2 2 - ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2011 April 2011 3/22/13 11:34 PM Page 3 Editorial feature ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2011 - 3 Art, nukes, & ethical energy Chilean shock artist Marco Evaristti won global notoriety in February 2000 with an able political partners, despite the tendency of mainstream environmentalists to prefer to keep exhibit at the Trapholt Art Museum in Kolding, Denmark, consisting of 10 blenders contain- company with hunters.
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