BtrtttO rJ]. HENBURY, &c. 61oucet.Htr~ birt. Shopkeepers, Traders, and Pearce William, smith, Patchway Assistant Overseers· Office for the Dis­ Professional Persons Pope Geo. shoemaker, Patchway trict of Hen bury (Cliftoo Hou~e)-J. C. B. Fan·, Hen bury Col lard W m.wheel wright, Patch way Prewett Ern est, carpenter & builder, Ret:(istrars of Births and Deaths for the Collins Jame~, shopkeeper, Comp­ Her. hury [ mond·bnry Parishes of Henbury, Westbury-on­ ton Green field Riclrard,on Chas. civil engineer, Al­ Trym and Compton Greenlield-Tho­ Erlmnnds .Tames, refreshment anrl Ro-srr Enos, jtliner and builder, mas D. J arret!, registrar; Willinm lodging house, Henbnry Comptorr G reenfielrl King, deputy r~gistrar Library ani Reading Rf)()m, Ht•nbury• E ugland J ames, painter, Hen bury Hosser J\lary A. bla•:ksmirh, Camp• W i!liam Hall, secretary Farr Jam~& C. P. shopkeeper, assist­ ton Greenfleld [common ant overseer & collector, Henhurv StephenCha.s.j oiner&builder, '1 arsh OMNIBUSES Fermer Wm. buot and shoe maker, Tingle Geo. police sergeant, l\l arsh To E RISTO L, fram the Post Office, Hen bury common Almondsbnry, at r.ine morning Flook Thomas, Brentry Wa.~~Ur~O[J J DO. postma~ter & shOp• To BIHSTUL, from the Salutation Inn, fo'ord Thomas, cooper, Henbury ket·p~r, Herrbnry Henbury, at ten and eleven morning and in the afternoon at fifteen minutea Griffitlls Wm. shopkeeper, Breotry w~bb Wm. p11Stmaster, Compton past two and forty minutes past 1ix Ha rcom beT ho s. t<iilor, AI mond sbury G rt'en field To SHIREHAl\IPUN, from the same Harvey Hy. plumber and gastitter, Wrlliams Abel, hay dealer,Hempton place, about twelve o'clock noon and H eo bury [ton Green field Williams l<'raucis, shopkeeper, Al­ in the afternoon at four or five Hewert Wm. shoeiug smith, Cornp­ mond;bury Hopkins Chas. agent to Lancashire Williams John, assistant overseer, CONVEYANCE BY RAILWA"!r Insurance Co. Patchwav Alrnond,bllry Tbe nt>arl'st Station to Henbury is at SHIRRHAMPTON1 about two miles dil­ Jayne Wm. shopkeeper, R"dwick Wylde Francis, sexton, Henbury t mt, on rhe Port and Pier Railway Lashfurd Edgar, shopkeeper, Al­ and one at P.t.TCHWAY,about the same nrondshury dislance, on the South Wale~ Union Lippiatt Wm. painter, &c. Compton PLACES OF WORSHIP Line Green field AND THEIR MINISTERS. The neare•t Statinn from Almondsbory is at PATCHwu·, about two miles di•·• Mealing Edwd. shoeing smith, Hen- PARISH Cnuncn, Compton Greenfield­ ReY. John F. Ludlow tant, on t!le South Wales Union­ bury [common IHl i PARISH CHURCH, Henbnry-Rev. John C t1.ul es Do ng, station ma,ter Norris John C. shopkeeper, :Marsh H. Way, vicar; Rev. Eel ward J. Har­ Nonis John C. baker, Red wick ford, cura'e CARRIERS Ugborn Jno. shopkeeper, Almond~- ST. MARY1 S CHURCH, Almondsbury­ To BRISTOL, trom Henlmry, Elizabeth bcry Llmry Rev. 1\fnrry Brown, M A. rector Dyrr, Thursday an.t Saturday; from Osborne Danid, plumber, Almouds­ ST. PETER's Cnuncn,Marsh Common­ Almondsbury, W· Bayliss, daily Rev. M. Brown, Almondsbury To SHIREHA~PTON, from HeDbury, Pearce Edwd. carpenter, Almonds- .FnrHNDs' MEKTING HousE, Lawrence some days bury [bury Weston [Common To THORNBURY, W. Bayliss, from P~a.rce Thos. blacksmith, Almonds- M ETRODIST (Wesleyan) CIIAPE L1 Marsh Almondsbury, da.ily KINGSWOOD, WITH THE PARISHES AND HAMLETS OFBITTON, HANHAM, OLDLAND COMMON, SOUND .. WELL, SWINFORD, TWO-MILE-HILL, WARMLEY, WILLSBRIDGE AND UPTON. KINGSWOOD (or KING3WOOD HILL) in the upper edifice, with a flne Normlin tower; the living is a dis• hundred of Langley division, i~ an irregularly built charged vicarage, in the patronage of the Prebendary village, partly in the rarish of Saint Gcorge, Bristol, of Hitton, in ~alisbury Cathedral. There is a chapel and partly in that o Bitton-itR nearest point being for Wesleyan Methodists in the village. The populat1on aoout three miles and a half from the city, and its other of Bitton parish (including the hamlet of its name) and extremity nearly five miles B.E. from it; is also its post the cbapelries &c., of HANNAN, OLDLAND, OLDLAND town and county court district. The tract comprised Co~MoN, HANNAM, SoUNDWELL, UrToN, WILLS­ within this space has long been noted for its extensive BRIDGE, CADBURY HEATH, and LoNGWELL's GREEN collieries, from which Bristol and its neighbourhood are by the returns of 1851 was 9,452; acreage, 7,156; and chiefly supplied with coal, giving employment to a in 1861, 9,630. considerable portion of the inhabitants. There is also 1 Or,DLAND or OLD LAND CoMMON is an ecclesiastical a large shoe and leather trade carried on here, and an 'district or parish, I! miles N.E. from, and in the parish extensive pin manufactory. of Bitton. The church is a neat stone building; the 'Ihe places of worship are Holy Trinity Episcopal,Jiving a perpetual curacy, in the occupation of the Rev. chapel, with a tower 90 feet high; Whitfield taberoaele F. E. Tuson, M. A. There are several collieriPs in the (Independents), a handsome structure in the Elizabe- neighbourhood, and Henry Howard, Esq., of Thorn· than style of architecture, capable of accommodating bury Castle, is lord of the manor. Population in 1861, l ,800 persons, also a Wesleyan Methodist Free Church, 5,869. \V esleyan l\lethodist, Primitive Methodist and Mora- Two-MILE· HILL is a scattered hamlet and an eccle­ vian chapels. The only public in)!titution of import- siastical parish, 1 mile north from Kingswood, in the ance here is a building formerly belonging to the parish of St. George. The church of St. .l\Jichael is a We~leyan Methodists, and used by them as a school or neat stone building erected in 1855. There is also a college for educating and clothing the sons of W esleyan national >chool, and chapels for Wesleyans. Popula­ ministers, founded by the Rev. J. Wesley, in 17-!8. tion in 1861 1 3,6t2. 'The college is now removed to New Kingwood-street, HANHAM is also an ecclesiastical district or parish, 2 Bath. Some few years ago, the building passed into miles w . .from and in the parish of Bitton, extending 2 other hands, and it is now occupied as a reformatory miles along the north bank of the river Avon; it con­ school for boys. Population returned with its parishes. tains two churches of the Establishment, Christ Church, BrrTo!ll is a parish and village 6 miles from and in the and Hanham Ab bott's Church. Population in 1861, county court district of Bristol, its post town, union of 1,224. Keynsham, and in the upper division of Swineheadand SoUNDWELL is a small village contiguous to Kings­ Langley hundred-the village is situated between the wood, in the parish of Bitton, having extensive cities of Bristol and Bath, about 6 miles from each. The collieries, a manufactory of indigo and Prussian blue, inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture. There and engineers' works, it is thickly populated, mostly by is also a large paper m:mafactory, belonging to Som- the hnmbler classes. merville and Sons; there are also coal works in its W ARMLEY, a scattered village, in the parish of immediate vicinity. i\ rail way (the Midland) is now Bitton, 5 miles from and in the county court distrilllt (1867) in course of construction, passing through 1 of Bristol, its post town, aud in the same union and Old land Common and by the village of Hitton. The i hundred as Hitton one and a half miles from Kings. ra.rish church of Sa.iot ~bry is ~ lar~e 1:\nd handsome wood ; it is a11 ecclesiastical district formed frotn the vip 221 .
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