W SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country. ^*^> PRINCETON, B. C, SATURDAY, SEPT., 15th, 1900. $2.00 PER YEAR Princeton-Hope Road. Praise for Canadians. A SIGNIFICANT VISIT Mr. Jas. Hislop's party are making good NEWS OF THE WEEK The Canadian forces in South Africa, Ill progress with the surve are receiving great praise for their actions: - road. Work v in the campaign. Recently, a small gar­ summit, and will continue towards Hope rison of mounted troops at Pan station, From two of America's Re­ until the-end of the old road is reached. Liberal Candidate Named beat off a body of Boers who attacked Then the portion from the summit tc the place with three guns. Strathcona's nowned Mineralogists. Princeton will be laid out, after which e Succeed Bostock. •Horse: is making an enviable record for. few changes may be made in the grades itself, and will no doubt gain fresh laurels on the old road. So far, Mr. Hislop has before the war is over. They Carry Away Specimens from the been able to find good grade for the Hurricane on Golf of Mexico—Hewitt Host Important Claims in the road and as he has already finished the Bostock Assigns—Situation in Satisfactory Operations. Similkameen. most difficult portion of the work nc China. The following despatch has been re­ serious difficulty is expected in establish­ ceived at the war office, from Lord Rob­ ing a good wagon grade on the entire erts: Dr. J. S. C. Wells, of the Columbia The Liberal Nominee. "Belfast, Friday, Sept. 7-—General Ian Mining Institute, and W. H. Thomas, a Vancouverites on Pleasure Bent. At the convention of the Yale-Cariboo- Hamilton succeeded in turning the Boers' well known practical mining man oi A distinguished party of Vanccuverite Kootenay riding, held at Revelstoke on right flank today, clearing the way for New Xork, have spent the past week in arrived in Princeton early this week vii the 5th of September, W. A. Galliher, of] Buller's advance. making a thorough examination of the the Hope trail. The party was in chargi Nelson, B. C. a popular young barrister, "Lord Dundonald and General Brock- principal properties on Copper mountain. received the unanimous nomination of elhurst occupied Lynenhurst on Thurs­ vopfi Mrivir. A.. (JG. JThynne , of Vancouver, wh< Mr. Thomas represents a strong eastern candidate to succeed Hewitt Bostock, M. day. hs well linol^ in the Similkameen, being syndicate, looking for good copper prop­ P., whose resignation was reluctantly ac­ "The Boers are split up and going ra brother of ' Jack" Thynne, of Otter erties. In company with Dr. Wells they' illey. Among the visitors were Mr. and cepted. northward and eastward. Most of the are making a trip through the Mrs. JSvron lohnson. of Vancouver: Mr. The Conservative candidate has not yet guns and stores have been sent to Kru- Similkameen district, although t and Mrs. A. G. Thynne and Miss Thynne, been announced, but it is expected that gersdorp. their time will be devoted to Copper of Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Ex-Gov. Mcintosh or Mayor Goodeve o) "General Hart is operating south-west mountain and Ollala properties. of Agassiz. A most' enjoyable time was Rossland will receive the nomiuation of Krugersdorp, and reports that among These gentlemen make a good cor spent on the trip over the trail from the Boers left on the field, it is believed bination. The doctor is well known as Hope, the journey being made by {^Hewitt Bostock, M. P., Assigns. that the body of Theron has been found." mining scientist, while Mr. Thomas is stages, allowing plenty of time for fishing Hewitt Bostock, M. P. for Yale-Cari- Commandant Theron of the Boer army- practical mining man, who has gained and shooting en route. The party boo-Kootenay, has assighedjpr the bene­ was known as a great scout. thorough knowledge of his profession by a short stay in Princeton before leaving fit of his creditors. It Unreported that years of experience in mining all for their destination, Mr. J. Thy Mr. Bostock's estate wffl realize over 100 Princeton-Keremeos Road. the American continent In ranch, in Otter valley. cents on the dollar. A number of profit­ Parkinson & Peatherstonhaugh, sur­ with the Star representative, Dr. Wells less investments are said to be the reason veyors, have a party at work completing stated that they were well pleased with News From Upper Tulameen. for the assignment. the location of the road between Prince­ what they had been shown on Coppei Mr. E. Bushill has just returned from a ton and Keremeos. It will probably take mountain. "You have a number of trip to Bear cree^-on the upper Tuli Hurricane on Gulf of Mexico. about three weeks to finish the work, but splendid surface showings important strike Houston, Tex., Sept. 8.—A hurric as soon as the survey is completed to 20- iain," he said, "and I have no doubt that by Chas Law, of Vancon- accompanied by a heavy rain, prevailed mile creek a contract will be let for • the when sufficient development work is done rong ledge of high grade galena along the Texas coast and for 100 miles of that portion of the road. to thorougly prove the extent of the on and copper ore is located as the St. Law­ inland today. Telegraph and telephone bodies, you will have more than on« rence claim by Mr. Law. The strike is wires are down along the coast, and nc J. Greenfield, Assistant Inspector of mine on hte mountain." When asked i: the most important made in the upper accurate news is obtainable. Post Offices, with headquarters at Van­ his syndicate were likely to become in Tulameen district this summer. The Galveston is cut off entirely. Com­ couver, was among the arrivals on todays terested, the doctor looked lovingly al ledge is fully six feet wide and crops out munication was lost at 4:30 o'clock thi; stage. several sacks of samples and said, "Well strongly with well defined walls. Speci­ afternoon and no trains were operated as far as that goes, we have first to apply men samples of the ore show fine galena today. The last report from Galveston The New Westminster lacrosse team the crucial test, but there is one thing and copper pyrites. Assays are now being stated that the gulf waters were encroach­ are continuing their victorious career. certain, if our assays are satisfactory, you made to determine the value. A number ing rapidly on the beach, and that the They defeated the Tecumsehs at Toronto last Saturday by 7 goals to 1. A grand will certainly see us in Princeton again." of prospectors have gone into Bear creek flood had extended into the residential reception has been prepared for them on Dr. Wells spoke of Professor Kemp's and quite a few locations have been portion of the city for several blocks. their return home. visit tytlitii district. Mr. Kemps is pro- made in the vicinity of the discovery Dallas, Tex., Sept. 8.—All Texas is in i / fessofot geology in Columbia University, claim. E. Todd and his partners have the keenest state of uncertainty tonight New York and has for the last two located four claims in the new camp. concerning the fate of Galveston island months travelled all over the district, and city. There is a suspicion that an A RECEPTION. making a thorough study of the geologi­ PURELY PERSONAL. awful calamity has occurred. It is rumor­ cal formation of the country, "There is ed here that immense destruction has A reception and dance will one thing you^surely have gotin Prince- A. E. Howse left for Nicola on Satur­ befallen Galveston and other places. be given on Thursday next to day's stage. to^andTnatls a first-class seam of coal," Mr. Denis Murphy on his visit Charles Richter returned from continued the doctor, "and if it can be Situation in China. to Princeton. Invitations coked, It will be a great inducement for Keremeos on Thursday. There is very little news of any import­ have been issued to residents smelting companies to build near Prince- George Aldous returned from a trip to ance from Peking. Russia is still hold­ in outlying districts, but the Mr. R. A. Brown oithe Sunset ac­ the Pacific coast early in the week. ing out for withdrawal, Germany would companied the gentlemen and took great C. Ryder, of Hope, brought a pack like to continue occupation, while most committee herewith issue a pleasure in showing them the extent of | train over the trail on Wednesday. of the other powers are simply laying general invitation to everyone bodies on the mountain. Mr. Dr. J. S. C. Wells, of the New York low and waiting developments. Earl Li to attend. It is expected that Thomas after spending a few days with Columbia Institute of Mines, and W. H. Hung Chang seems to be in no hurry to the Hon. W. C. Wells, Chief Brown said that ^rnj wm nniTyjnn Thomas, of New York, left for Keremeos make his trip to Peking, where he is Commissioner Eand and A bornite, relicrii going to settle =11 difficulties. Thursday last. /"~ Works will accompany Mr. : after seeing the Mr. Manuel Barcele and son and Mrs. Advices from the north state that, pn Murphy on his trip. e him on the subject Daly and nitoes, of Keremeos, rode over of bornite, but for the other two, well I Aug. 26th, Atlin city was swept by fire, the trail to Hope this week.
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