CASE REPORT THE PATIENT 1-day-old neonate ONLINE EXCLUSIVE SIGNS & SYMPTOMS – Hyperextension of the Jaividhya Dasarathy, bilateral knees MD, FAAFP; Adefunke – No knee fractures or Adedipe, MD, MPH; Aaron Hawke, BS dislocation on x-ray MetroHealth Medical Center, Case Western – Normal prenatal ultra- Reserve University, sounds and lab screenings Cleveland, Ohio (Drs. Dasarathy and Adedipe and Mr. Hawke); Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Cleveland (Mr. Hawke) [email protected] THE CASE A 29-year-old G7P2315 woman gave birth to a girl at 37 weeks via spontaneous vaginal de- The authors reported no potential conflict of interest livery. APGAR scores were 9 and 9. Birth weight was 2760 g. Cardiovascular and pulmonary relevant to this article. examinations were normal (heart rate, 154 beats/min; respiratory rate, 52 breaths/min). Fol- lowing delivery, the neonate appeared healthy, had a lusty cry, and had no visible craniofacial or cutaneous abnormalities; however, the bilateral knees were hyperextended to 90° to 110° (FIGURE 1A). The mother had started prenatal care at 7 weeks with 10 total visits to her family physi- cian (JD) throughout the pregnancy. Routine laboratory screening and prenatal ultrasounds (including an anatomy scan) were normal. She had a history of 3 preterm deliveries at 35 weeks, 36 weeks, and 36 weeks, respectively, and had been on progesterone shots once weekly starting at 18 weeks during the current pregnancy. She had no history of infections or recent travel. Her family history was remarkable for a sister who gave birth to a child with thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome. THE DIAGNOSIS FIGURE 1A The neonate tolerated passive Our patient at … birth flexion of the knees to a neutral A position. Hip examination dem- MEDICAL CENTER, CASE WESTERN RESERVE OF: METROHEALTH IMAGES COURTESY onstrated appropriate range of movement with negative Orto- lani and Barlow tests. The in- fant’s feet aligned correctly, with toes in the front and heels in the back, and an x-ray of the bilater- al knees showed no fractures or dislocation. Based on the clinical exami- nation and x-ray findings, we UNIVERSITY, CLEVELAND, OHIO UNIVERSITY, made a diagnosis of congenital genu recurvatum. A pediatric orthopedics consultation was obtained, and the knees were placed in short leg splints in comfortable flexion to neutral on Day 1 of life. She was dis- charged the next day. Both of the patient’s knees were hyperextended to 90˚ to 110˚. E10 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | MAY 2019 | VOL 68, NO 4 DISCUSSION curred. Based on the clinical and radiograph- Congenital genu recurvatum, also known as ic findings, congenital genu recurvatum congenital dislocation of the knee, is a rare typically is classified according to 3 levels of condition involving abnormal hyperexten- severity: grade 1 classification only involves sion of the unilateral or bilateral knees with hyperextension of the knees without disloca- limited flexion.1 Reports in the literature are tion or subluxation, grade 2 involves the same limited, but there seems to be a female pre- characteristic hyperextension along with an- dominance among known cases of congenital terior subluxation of the tibia on the femur, genu recurvatum.2 The clinical presentation and grade 3 includes hyperextension with varies. Finding may be isolated to the knee(s) true dislocation of the tibia on the femur.1 but also can present in association with other Grades 1 and 2 on this spectrum technically congenital abnormalities, such as develop- are diagnosed as congenital genu recurvatum mental dysplasia of the hip, clubfoot, and while grade 3 is diagnosed as a congenital hindfoot and forefoot deformities.3,4 dislocation of the knee,7 although the 2 terms are used interchangeably in the literature. Diagnosis is made clinically We classified our case as a grade 1 congenital with radiographic imaging genu recurvatum based on the clinical and Diagnosis of congenital genu recurvatum radiographic findings. is made clinically and can be confirmed via radiographic imaging of the knees.5 Clinical Congenital knee hyperextension diagnosis requires assessment of the degree has intrinsic and extrinsic causes of hyperextension and palpation of the femo- Hyperextension of the knees at birth may be ral condyles, which become more prominent caused by various intrinsic or extrinsic fac- as the severity of the hyperextension increas- tors. Intrinsic causes may include breech es.6 X-rays help assess if a true dislocation or position, lack of intrauterine space, trauma subluxation of the tibia on the femur has oc- to the mother, quadriceps contracture or fi- …1 week of life … 3 weeks of life B C Long leg splints were placed with a maximal flexion of 20° The patient had improved knee flexion at 3 weeks, and the long leg to 30°. splints were removed. MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 4 | MAY 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE E11 CASE REPORT brosis, absence of the suprapatellar pouch, z Our patient. At 1 week of life, our pa- deficient or hypoplastic anterior cruciate tient’s short leg splints were replaced with ligament, pathological tissues, arthrogrypo- long leg splints with a maximal flexion of 20° sis, or genetic disorders such as Larsen syn- to 30° (FIGURE 1B). Weekly follow-ups with drome or achondroplasia.6 serial casting were initiated in the pediat- Extrinsic causes may include traumatic ric orthopedics clinic. At 3 weeks of life, the dislocation during the birthing process3 or patient’s knee flexion had improved and the intrauterine pressure leading to malposition splints were removed (FIGURE 1C). Upon clini- of the joints. When intrauterine pressure is cal examination, the bilateral knees were ex- combined with reduced intrauterine space, tended to a neutral position, and both could this phenomenon is known as packaging be actively and passively flexed to 90°. The disorder.6 Entanglement of the umbilical patient was referred to Physical Therapy to cord around the legs of the fetus during de- perform range of movement exercises on the velopment may be another potential factor.1 knees. Of note: Cases involving both extrinsic or in- At 8 weeks of life, the bilateral legs were trinsic etiologies can present with associated in full extension, and knee flexion was up to abnormalities that include congenital dislo- 130°. Physical therapy for knee range of move- cation of the hip, congenital hip dysplasia, ment exercise was continued on a weekly ba- Clinical spina bifida, and/or cleft palate—in addition sis until 6 months of life, then twice monthly diagnosis to knee hyperextension. until the patient was 1 year old. Ultimately, includes z The exact etiology in our patient the hyperextension was corrected, and the palpation of was unknown, but we determined the cause patient started walking at around 16 months the femoral was extrinsic based on the lack of other ge- of age. Her prognosis is good, and she will be condyles, which netic abnormalities. We initially considered able to participate in low-impact sports, after become more a possible connection between our patient’s consulting with her orthopedist. prominent as the diagnosis and her family history of throm- severity of the bocytopenia absent radius syndrome, but hyperextension it was later determined that both were iso- THE TAKEAWAY increases. lated cases and the limb abnormalities were Congenital genu recurvatum is a rare condi- coincidental. tion that presents with abnormal hyperexten- z Treatment options and outcomes for sion of the knee(s) with limited flexion. Early extrinsic and intrinsic etiologies depend on diagnosis and assessment of the severity of the severity of the hyperextension and any as- the hyperextension is crucial in determining sociated abnormalities, as well as the time in the type of intervention to pursue. Conserva- which therapy is initiated.1 Reduction of the tive management entails serial casting and hyperextension within 24 hours of birth has splinting to increase knee flexion. If conser- been associated with excellent outcomes.8 vative management fails or if the diagnosis is Regardless of the cause, all cases of congeni- made later in life, surgical options often are tal genu recurvatum should first be treated pursued. JFP conservatively. Evidence has suggested that conservative therapy involving early gentle CORRESPONDENCE Jaividhya Dasarathy, MD, FAAFP, 2500 MetroHealth Medical manipulation of the knee combined with Drive, Cleveland, OH 44109; [email protected] serial splinting and casting should be the first line of treatment.6 If initial treatment attempts fail or in cases occurring later in life, surgical interventions (eg, quadriceps References 1. Donaire AR, Sethuram S, Kitsos E, et al. 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