St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting Part I (Public) Date: Wednesday, 8th July 2020 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Virtual meeting – via MS Teams Part 1 of this meeting will be held in public Mission Statement: ‘Making a difference – right care, right place, right time’ NHS St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group fully support and abide by the pledges set out within the NHS Constitution and we work to ensure we portray the values and behaviours expected of all NHS organisations. Handling Conflicts of Interest during meetings A guide for Chairs and attendees At any meeting where the subject matter leads a participant to believe that there could be a conflict of interest, this interest must be declared at the earliest convenient point in the meeting. This relates to their personal circumstances or anyone that they are aware of at the meeting. 1. Declarations of interests must be clearly identified within the minutes of the meeting, including any need to withdraw and reasons for not doing so. 2. As a rule, those with pecuniary interests should withdraw from the meeting and those with non-pecuniary interests could be allowed to stay, depending upon the circumstances. The Chair will determine whether there could be a matter of bias (any unfair regard with favour, or disfavour) in the matter. Members allowed to stay in the meeting may not be allowed to vote on the subject matter. 3. The Chair of the meeting must take a decision as to the need for the member of the meeting to withdraw or not from the proceedings. Where this may involve the Chair, the Deputy Chair/Vice Chair will take the decision. 4. If the Chair of a meeting is the person to whom the declaration of interests relates, the chair should vacate the seat and the meeting for that item. If there is no Deputy/Vice Chair present at the meeting, the meeting must first elect a chair from within their number by a show of hands. 5. Members of meetings who are employed by the NHS are subject to the existing NHS Codes of Conduct. Meeting of the NHS St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Public Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 8th July 2020 at 10.00 am Virtual meeting via MS Teams AGENDA Apologies for absence: Declarations of Interest: Item Time Agenda Item Purpose Presented by PB20/07/01 10.00 am Welcome and Apologies To Note Chair To PB20/07/02 Declarations of Interest Note/Action Chair PB20/07/03 10.05 am Minutes and Actions of the Previous For Page 5 Meeting held on 13th May 2020 Ratification Chair PB20/07/04 Matters Arising For Chair Discussion PB20/07/05 CHAIR AND CLINICAL ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER’S REPORTS 1. 10.15 am Chairs Report For Chair (verbal update) Information 2. 10.20 am Clinical Accountable Officer’s Report For Clinical Page 13 Information Accountable Officer Director; 3. 10.30 am Patient Story For Commissioning, Page 16 Information Primary Care and Transformation PB20/07/06 STRATEGY 1. 10.35 am Overview of CCG Reset & Recovery For Clinical Page 21 Information Accountable Officer PB20/07/07 KEY ISSUES OF BOARD SUBCOMMITTEES 1. 10.50 am (a) Key Issues of the Quality Committee For Chair of the Page 115 held on 3rd June 2020 and 1st July Information Quality 2020 Committee 2. (b) Key Issues of the Finance and For Chair of the F&P Page 127 Performance Committee held on 27th Information Committee May and 24th June 2020 Clinical 3. (c) Key Issues of the Executive For Accountable Page 131 Leadership Team Governance Information Officer Committee held on 3rd June 2020 Clinical 4. (d) Key Issues of the Executive For Accountable Page 133 Leadership Team meetings since the Information Officer last update Chair of the 5. (e) Key Issues of the Primary Care For Primary Care Page 139 Commissioning Committee held on Information Commissioning 20th May 2020 Committee 6. (f) Key Issues of the GP Members For Chair of the GP Page 141 Council held on 1st July 2020 Information Members Council 7. (g) Key Issues of the virtual Remuneration For Chair of the Page 143 Committee held on 1st June 2020 Information Remuneration Committee 8. (h) Minutes and Key Issues Audit For Committee and presentation of Annual Page 145 rd Information Chair of the Audit Report 23 June 2020 Committee PB20/07/08 GOVERNANCE 1. 11.05 am Governing Body Assurance Framework For Approval Associate Page 155 (GBAF) Director; Corporate Governance PB20/07/09 FINANCE 1. 11.15 am Finance Performance Update For Chief Finance Page 201 Information Officer PB20/07/10 PERFORMANCE 1. 11.25 am Covid-19 : Impact on Long Waiters and For Director; Page 211 assuring safety Information Commissioning, Primary Care and Transformation 2. 11.35 am Performance Report For Chief Finance Page 225 Information Officer PB20/07/11 QUALITY 1. 11.40 am Annual Adult and Children For Chief Nurse Page 231 Safeguarding report Information PB20/07/12 COMMISSIONING Director; 1. 11.50 am Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) For Approval Commissioning, Page 253 Policy Primary Care and Transformation PB20/07/13 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12 noon Chair NHS St Helens CCG Annual General Meeting will take place from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm REFLECTION: What difference have we made to local people with the decisions we made in the meeting today? Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting of the NHS St Helens CCG Governing Body will take place on Wednesday, 9th September 2020, Pilkington Suite (Conference Room A), St Helens Chamber, Salisbury Street, St Helens WA10 1FY NOTE: Enclosures are sent to Board Members only – copies will be available from the St Helens CCG Office: 01744 457237 or on the website: www.sthelensccg.nhs.uk “The Trust hereby resolves that the remainder of the meeting be held in private, because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest, by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.” (Section 1 (2) 0f the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960) If you are unable to attend this meeting, please send your apologies to Cathy Edge on 01744 457237 or e mail [email protected] The Public Bodies (Admission to meetings Act 1960) permits the CCG to pass a resolution at the meeting to exclude the public and press from part of the meeting by reason of the confidential nature of the business or for other special reasons stated in the resolution. Whenever a resolution to conduct business in private is passed, the resolution itself will be made public. NHS St Helens CCG Governing Body Meeting held on Wednesday, 13th May 2020 at 10.15 am in Virtual meeting via Skype Part I (Public Meeting) Minutes Members Present Initials Role Geoffrey Appleton GA Lay Chair (Chair) Iain Stoddart IS Chief Finance Officer Dr Mike Ejuoneatse ME GP Governing Body Member/Deputy Chair Tony Foy TF Lay Member - Audit, Governance & Finance Sue Forster SF Director of Public Health Rachel Cleal RC Director of Adult Services Julie Ashurst JA Director of Commissioning, Primary Care and Transformation Dr Hilary Flett HF GP Governing Body Member Dr Omar Shaikh OS GP Governing Body Member Mark Weights MW Lay Member, Patient and Public Involvement Lisa Ellis LE Chief Nurse Val Davies VD NED, St Helens and Knowsley NHS F Trust Leanne Binns LB Registered Nurse Dr David Reade DR GP Governing Body Member Dr Sue Hyde SH GP Governing Body Member In Attendance Angela Delea AD Associate Director; Corporate Governance Andy Woods AW Senior Governance Manager (Merseyside CCGs Equality & Inclusion Service) (in part) Members of the Public 1 Minute-taker Cathy Edge CE PA to the Chair Agenda Action Item PB200501 INTRODUCTION & WELCOME The Chair welcomed the attendees and members of the public to the meeting. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from: Professor Sarah O’Brien, Clinical Accountable Officer James Catania, Secondary Care Consultant The Chair declared the meeting quorate. PB200502 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chair reminded the Governing Body members of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of the CCG. All declarations are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests; which is available on the CCG website at the following link: 5 http://www.sthelensccg.nhs.uk/Library/public_info/St%20Helens%20CCG%20Regis ter%20of%20Declaration%20of%20Interest%2031%2003%2017.pdf There were no declarations of interest received. PB200503 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 1. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th April 2020 were agreed as a true and accurate record of proceedings. The NHS St Helens CCG Governing Body: • Ratified the minutes of the previous meeting PB200504 MATTERS ARISING PB200505 Matters arising from the previous meeting held on 8th April 2020 PB200210 Quality -Safeguarding Report The Chair had requested the Out of Borough trajectory for Looked After Children which had been reported to the Part II (Private) meeting and the action was closed. There were no further matters arising. PB200505 CHAIR AND CLINICAL ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER’S REPORTS 1. Chair’s Report The Chair reported on the following:- • Attendance at the North West Chairs virtual meeting • Teleconference with Richard Fraser, Chair of St Helens and Knowsley Trust • Teleconference with Tom Tasker, Chair of Salford CCG • Teleconferences with the Lay Members and the Clinical Accountable Officer The NHS St Helens CCG Governing Body:- • Noted the Chair’s reports PB200506 STRATEGY Covid 19 Update The Chief Nurse presented the Covid 19 update. She reported the close work across the Health and Care system in St Helens with the emergency level still at level 4 and likely to remain so until the end of the year.
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