EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS 1 9 8 4 PUBLISHED BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION TRIVANDRUM NIEPA DC H i l l D03561 t- -I <?y«ems Unit, j... ^ , I . » u-e of Education*! ; 'tio n / 1 i'«»lhM10(KU5 3 fT ^ I ...... i l i m i .. ... FOR FAVOR D I am very glad to bring out this Piiblication of “ Eclucational Statistics 1984” before the planners, administrators and researchers in the field of education as. well as the gti\e\a\ pwbUc. I'liis publication presents information on educational institutionsj enrolment of pupils, teachers in schools, examination results, literacy rate etc. The tables given in this publication were collected and processed by the statistical wing o f this liepartnient. I trust this volum e will be o f use to all concerned as a reference book. PiiiLiposE Thomas, Trivandrum, Director o f Public Instruction. 18-5-19H5. IJS'l’ (M' I’ABLES S e c t i o n 1 1.1. Educational Statistics at a glance S e c t i o n II—S c h o o l s 2.1. Distribution of schools in Kerala 1981-82 (Revenue District wise) 2.2. Distribution of schools in Kerala 1982-83 (Revenue District wise) 2.'K Distribution of schools in Kerala 1983-84 (Revenue District wise) 2.4. Distribution of High schools in Kerala 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84 (Educational District wise) 2.:).A Distribution of U.P. & L.P. Schools in Kerala 1981-82 and 1982-H3 (Educational Sub District wise) 2..T.H Distribution of U.P. & L.P. schools in Kerala 1983-84 (Educational Sub District wise) 2.6. Number of Schools in Kerala over the years 1970-71 to 1983-84 2.7. Schools for tiie Handicapped 1983-84 2.8. Anglo Indian schools 1983-84 2.9. Training schools in Kerala 1983-84 2.10. Oriental High schools in Kerala 1983-84 2.11. Language teachers training centres in Kerala 1983-84 2.12. District wise number of High schools based on the range of strength of students in Kerala 1983-84 2.13. District wise number of U.P. schools based on the range of strength of students in Kej-ala 1983-84 2.14. District wise number of L.P. schools based on the range of .strength o f students in Kerala 1983-84 2.15. District wise percentage of schools and scholars 1982-83 2.16. Number of schools in relation to the area in Kerala 1982-83 (Revenue District wise) 2.17. Number of High schools per 1000 students in (he sccondarj' stage of Education 1970 to 1983 11|2097|MC Vl S e c t i o n III— E n r o l m e n t 3.1. Pupils in Kerala 1981-82 (Standard wise & Sex wise) 3.2. Management wise, standard wise and section wise pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.3. Management wise strength of pupils in High schools 1981-82 3.4. Management wise strength of pupils in U,P. schools 1981-82 3.5. Management wise strength of pupils in L.P. schools 1981-82 3.6. Management wise strength of pupils in the attached section of Training schools 1981-82 3.7. Strength of pupils District-wise and sex wise 1981-82 3.8. District wise, Standard wise and Sex wise pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.9. Standard wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled Caste pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.10. District wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled Caste pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.11. Standard wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled Tribe pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.12. District wise and Sex wise Strength of Scheduled Tribe pupils in Kerala 1981-82 3.13. Pupils in Kerala 1982-83 (Standard wise and Sex wise) 3.)4. Strength of pupils 1982-83 Management wise, Standard wise and Section wise. 3.15. Management wise strength of pupils in High schools 1982-83 3.16. Management wise strength of pupils in U.P. schools 1982-83 3 .1 7 . M anagem ent wise strength o f pupils in I^.P. schools 1982-8;? 3.18. Management wise strength of pupils in the attached section of Training schools 1982-83 3.19. Strength of pupils 1982-83 (Revenue District wise) 3.20. Strength of pupils 1982-83 ("Standard wise & District wise and Sex wise) 3.21. Strength of Scheduled Caste pupils 1982-83 Standard wise ‘^.22. Strength of Scheduled Caste pupils 1982-83 Reveime Distrit t wise Vll 3.23. Strength of Scliedulecl Tribe pupils 1982-83 Standard wise 3.24. Strength of Scheduled Tribe students 1982-83 (Revenue District wise) 3.25. Strength of pupils 1983-04 (Standard wise and Sex wise) 3.26. Strength of pupils 1983-84 (Management wise, Standard wise and Section wise) 3 .2 7 . M anagem ent wise strength oi pupils in H igh so\iools 1983-84 3.28. Do. U.P. schools 1983-84 3.29. Do. I.P . schools 198,3-84 3.30. Do. attached section of 'IVaining schools 1983-84 3.31. Strength of pupils (District wise, Sex wise) 1983-84 3.32. District wise, .standard wise and Sex wise pupils in Kerala 1983-84 3.33. Standard wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled (laste pupils in Kerala 1983-84 3 .34. District wist' and Sex wise strength o f Scheduled Caste pupil in Kerala 1983-84 3.35. Standard wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled Tribe pupils in Kerala 1983-84 3.36. District wise and Sex wise strength of Scheduled Tribe pupils in Kerala 1983-84 3.37. Enrolment in different stages of school education 1970-71 to 1983-84 3.38. Standard wise strength of pupils 1972-73 to 1982-83 3.39. Standard wise strength of English medium students in Kerala 1981-82 and 1982-83 3.40. Standard wise strength of'I'amil medium students in Kerala 1981-82 and 1982-83 3.41. Standard wise strengdi of Kannada Medium students in Kerala 1981-82 and 1982-83 3.42. Strength of reacher Trainees in Training schools 3.43. Standard wise and Sex wdse strength of pupils in Kerala 1984-85 (Provisional) 3.44. District wise, Standard wise, Sex wise students in Kerala 1984-85 (Provisional) VUI S eOTJON I V— 'I’liAGHERS < 4.1. A 'IVachers in Kerala 1981-82 School wise and Section vwise i 4.1. B Do. ; 4.2. Teachers in Kerala 1981-82-Revemie District wise and Stection wise 4.3. Teachers in Kerala 1981-82 (Revenue District wise and Sichool wise) 4.4. Teachers in Kerala 1981-82 School wise and Managenientt wise 4 .5 . Teachers in Kerala 1981-82 CJatcgory wise 4.G, I ’eachers in Kerala 1981-82 Alanagement wise and Catcegory wise 4 .7 . A Teachers in Kerala 1982-83 School wise and Section vwise 4 .7 . li ' Do. 4.8 Do, 1982-83 Disti'ict wise and Section \wise 4.9. Do. 1982-83 District wise and School w/ise 4.10. Do. 1982-83 School wise and Managenicnit wise 4.11. Do. 1982-83 xManagenient wise and Cattcgoiy vvise 4.12. Teachers in Kerala over the years 1970-71 to 1983-84 4.13. Teachers in Kerala 1983-84 (Provisional) S jcg tio n V — L i t e r a c y , examination r e s u l t s a n d w a s t a g e 5.1 Area, Population and literate pojKilation in Kerala 1‘981— Revenue District wise 5.2 Revenue District wise. General Literacy rates in 1971 and' 19H1 ' 5.3 Taluk-wise lilerarv in Kprnla IQ^^l ix 5.4 General Literacy rate—Rural and Urban Break up 1981 5.5 Revenue District wise Scheduled Claste/Schecluled 'Tribe popu­ lation 1981. 5.6 Literacy rate of Scheduled Ciaste/Scheduled Tribe in Kerala 1981 Sex wise and J^istrict wise 5»7 Uistributioiv of Fauchayal according to pcvceivlagc of lilcvales according to 1981 Census 5.8 Names of Fancliayats having less than 50% literates according to 1981 Censes. 5.9 liiteracy rates by Sex wise 1971, 1981 (State wise) 5.10 Educational achievement in Kerala 5.11 I'otal population and school going poj)ulation. 5.12 Progress of expenditure on g neral etlucation. 5.13 CJost per pupil per year in the different stages of school I'Mucalion and index of variation 5.14 Students admitted in the beginning of each stage of education and index. 5.15 Student-Teacher ratio in schools 5.1b S.S.L.C. resultsofvaiiousyears 5.17 Analysis of S.S.L.C Examination March 1982 5.18 Analysis of S.S.L.C Examination March 1983 5.19 A. Wastage in School Education 1972-73 to 1981-82 ( Ibtal) 5.19 B. Wastage in School Education 1972-73 to 1981-82 (Boys) 5.19 C. Wastage in School Education 1972-73 to 1981-82 (Girls) 5.2U A. Wastage in School Education 1973-74 to 1982-83 ( I’otal) 5 .2 0 B. W'lstage in School Education 1973-74 to H*82-83 (Boys) 5 20 C. Wastage in School Education 1973-74 to 1982-83 (Girls) NOTES ON THH TABLES Tliis Publication gives an overall picture of the Educational system in Kerala. The tables are presented in five sections as given below: Section Description 1 Educational Statistics at a Glance 2 Schools ^ 3 Enrolment 4 Teachers Literacy, S.S.L.G. Results, Wastage in School Education. Educational Statistics at a Glance O f the 254.54 lakh persons in Kerala according to 1981 census, 179.25 lakhs are literate.
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