and the finals of the C mayor of Hailed opus Quartet • « * Budapest The character of each Use t<*\i Mr vice As •"«“«» Ui~* Mar Quartet *ve as Harp was never distorted and the know- Uful Aha* so :rj*v « iftAS *,*-«r sssr.avi fc»; • On Beethoven Program ing artists of the ensemble varied a»a.«*! teiMt ;* far '-a*® w« *1 Roisman. nm vioun: norts moyt. their tonal Quality from the An «c*pKI ttrcm elephant Alice Evgrtman that • i ■y South Arne*, raided sad an *e«i eS*mu>« viola and Miaeha Schneider, cello, lighter A major quartet to the KirrtaMtorp. The Budapest String Quartet j deeper significance of the E fiat trust atanha, planned. the penultimate program have had the assistance of tneir played which ts otherwise known as the of the aerie* featuring Beethoven * new second violinist. Jac Gor- Harp" quartet. Mr Rotvraan s quartets in the Library of Con- odetsky. The A major Quartet of plaving of the brilliant passage gress last night before a highly II many opportunities at the end of the latter quartet s enthusiastic audience. The five opus lave first movement was crystalline concerts so far, of the aeries, haw where Mr. Gorodetsky * as 111 and clear although at other tunes, in brought such a communion of tone could be appreciated. The : high registers, ha intonation was spirit between the performers and treatment of all three works was not alwsys pure. The well knit the patrons of these WhUtall- marked by fine attention to detail, team-work of the group was ad- Sikes A//ve.... 4 for .45! sponsored programs that the Quirt impressively pointed up by beau- jmur‘-*e throughout and tnetr greeting given the artists was tiful playing and by ble d tone particularly e: pres- that of greatly admiring acquaint- pianissimo an expert use of the Beeinqven ances. As Beethoven interpreters, sforrando. The entire performance the Budapest players are out- had a rare refinement and oeli- standing so that the occasion to cacy. the most dramatic outbursts hear all the quartets by such Yeriect | called for only in the third move- ; students of his style was a privil- ment of the quartet of opus 74 g*fi|§ |Rv&i' |ege. \ From one point of view It Is f* true that the Beethoven quartets ICE CREAM will always be heard on chamber /• music programs and there is a ARTIFICIAL of music Brick.. 45c / great deal later waiting \ Quart Tropical salts for to be heard. At the same time, they cannot be so well appreci- FLOWERS ated or understood unless placed side by side. The knowledge to ... AND loug, bright days be obtained from listening to Beethoven alone is vast and the durability of his works rest in SET PIECES summertime . • ways no small measure on this fact. * Furthermore, the musical mind Inc. stabil- Modern Displays, $25 requires refreshment and ity by returning again and again 714 12th St. N.W. NA. 3701 2400 16th STREET N.W % to such an inexhaustible source as those composers, now called classicists provide. The development of Beethoven * at and SAVE!*' You'll revel in the wonderful Store Yoor FURS Brooks as a composer has remained a fascinating study. In the arrange- immoculate of this jaunty young quality ment of the programs presented suit ond enjoy it from now through in this series, the Budapest artists have tried, as far as possible, to September! Tailored by one of give a glimpse of that develop- ment at each concert. Last night's the country's top makers, in smooth, selections included the "Quartet in A major, op. 18, No. 5.” the cool tropical-weave royon it's typical "Quartet in E flat major, op. 74” and the "Quartet In C major, op. of Joseph R. Harris' new summer 59, No. 8.” In these three works, composed within ten years, his Sizes 9 to 1 5. suit collection. White, pink. path of progress is clearly defined. Ideas reflected Second Floor. While the profound in his later quartets are only ris- ible occasionally in those pJtyed last night, the growth in crafts- manship and in definite plans can be traced with a personal pleas- ure. During these programs the members of the group. Joseph from our better dept.! • short coats; lovely fitted and swagger full-length styles • wool broadcloths, suedes coats in 100% gabardines, for • dressmaker suits, boxy suits, tailored suits Savings • suits in 100% wool sharkskins, worsteds, plaids, sheen gab- ardines. * juniors, • black.ond whit*. navy, skipper, coral, kelly, beige, grey, toast, misses. • not every color in every size. Better Coots ond Second Floor ■* Suits, v r •* women! , jph popular favorite * .*'**'• -t _ v>.' On sale at Brooks, 1109 G Street Only,. * *>■ ft: sj§r. », And no wonder .... they tiny the foot like nothing .. *S V- V v- else in the world- Vintage of ’49 every one ... in beautiful, polished tan calf and pristine white suede white or (the open back also in blue and patent make look as and and white, too) they’ll you crisp r fresh as a daisy and keep your feet as cool as an oyster. For day or night... 8.95 Your spectator Bag fc just as crisp and refreshing as your shoes and only V V MM in MS skirt, M House, S4 10.95 14.95 paireff eattaas! mIIm! Siilmpl ripia dress WHot'* cooler or more colorful Poir them off for town ond coun- Our wagon-wheel skirt in tbon our fomous rayon Sond- fun. The wide-whirl skiA is turns to the newest theme try osk for it tone-on-tone lwept! No wonder you on its too! It has fashion: harmony! wonderful own, Noturol Pale blended with deeper summer offer summer. a Empire midriff to belittle grey high soshed with o vivid two- chartreuse wtth green, blue or oquo; your waist; bock-zipped. Fine grey; wtth tone controst cummerbund 12- cotton broadcloth in dork green, with novy; corol beige 20. block. 9-15. brown. Broadcloth, 12-20. navy, Twe Waa* Uami H«w f«ywi Cate*. Start Skat, S*raat Rear Ummm C*m. WST* 14th A € Avm.mm •Alto m Mb «l Brook* Brooch Storm, 3411 Coon, .
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