85 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. LINTON. the Early Epgli'lh and Perpendicular styles, restored and ton, with a population in 1881 of 1,214, aDII Parson Drove beautified in 1856, and has a clJanceJ, nave, aisles, tower chapelry, with a population in 1881 of 740; entire area, with 6 bells and beautiful !lphe, clock and 80uth porch: it 7,871 acres; rateable value, £9,OH. contains an organ, several monuments, also sedilia aud a FITTON END is 1 mile north of I.everin~too. There is very ancient oak eagle lectenl: the font is ancient, having a small manor bere, detached from the LeveringtoD manor figures under canopies: an orJ,tan and new chancel stalls lordship. have been added, together with a new roof on chancel GOREPIELD and SOUTHEA-CUM-)IuRROW are given aisle, and bells restored, at a cost of about £900. The under separate headin~. register dates from the year 1.5a8. The livin~ of LeverinK­ Parish Se.zton, J esse Smith. t{)n proper is a rectory, nett )'eal'ly value £7tO, with residence and flmr acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely and hdd since 1870 by the Rev. f<'rederick Carlyon POST OPPlcE.-John Kirton, postmaster. Letters through M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambrid!Ce. Here is a Primitive Wisbech arrive at 7 a.m.; dbpiltchelj at 7.20 p.m. from Methodist chapel. There are charities of about £300 a February to Nm-embt'r & during the other months at 5.20 year for distribution; also 19 houses, free residences of the p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at parishioners. The Endowed School is supr-orted out of the Wisbech charity funds. The Bishop of Ely is lord of the manor of PUBLIC OPPICERS :- Leverington, and the Ec('lesiastical Commissioners are lords A,~sistant Overseer ~Collector ofTaxesfor Lf!Verington, of the manor of Wisbech Barton, which eXlends into lids Frederick Frier parish. Henry 8harpe esq. ;I.P. Thomas Dearlove Dear- Registrar of Births ~ Deaths for Levering/on Sub- 11>ve, Frank and Edward Hug-h Jackson nnd John H. Cham- District, Joseph Foster, Wisbech St. l'tIary berlin esqrs. are the principal landowners, and there are Police Sergeant, Robert Thacker se\'eral other landowners tarming their own property. The A School Hoard of 5 members was formed in 1875; J. D. soil is rich loam. The chief crops are wheat, bllT'ley, oats, Collins, Wisbech, clerk to the Board heans and peas. The parish is divided into two: Levering'- Endowed School (mixed), Frederick Frier, master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bunning James, cowkeeper, Common Kirton John,hoot& shoe ma.& postoflice BaxterThos.Williamson,Leverinlltn.ter Burrows WiIliam,wheelwright& farmer Lock Edward, farmer & landowner Carlyon Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Chamberlin John Harber, farmer &. Morris Joseph, corn & coal merchant & Newsham Mrs. Leverington hall landowner, Sutton road steam miller, Horseshoe mill; & 26 Peatling Thomas, Leverington house Clarke John, farmer, Park lane Old Market, Wisbech Peck Charles Heald, The ~hrubbery CuIIis George, licensed hawker Pratt Charles, farmer, Common Rix John Deans Donaltl Willesee, farmer Sharpe Henry, farmer, seed grower & Sharpe HenrY;l.p Emmitt John, farmer, Yitton hall landowner Smith'Samuel, Leverington terrace Etherington Ahraham, market gardener Stockdale Samuel, sen. farmer, Pepper- Taylor Francis Nicholas, Manor house & pOUlterer, Common mint hall Taylor Mrs. Roman house Frier Frederick, land surveyor Taylor Francis Nicholas, jun. farmer COMMERCIAL. Haddoll Thos. White Slcan, & shoe ma Waling Miriam (Miss), dress maker AbbottJoeJMiles,wheelwright&carpntr Houlden John, farmer, Sutton road & Waling Hobert, farmer Baxter Henry, farmer Poppletree farm, West of Nene, Weaver Richard, shopkeeper & butche:.- Bills Robert, Rising Sun, & hlacksmith We:st Walton Wilcox Geo.horse slaughterer, Commoll & thrashing machine owner Humphrey William, farmer, & dike- Williams George, farmer Brownlow John, farmer & landowner, reeve & 8ur"eyorofhi~hwaY8 Wilson Ambrose, farmer Sutton road Hunns Thomas, beer retailer, ~uttOll rd Winter WilJiam, beer retailer Brownlow Samuel, farmer & landowner Ingram George, farmer Yate:'! Harriet (Miss), dress maker LINTON is a small nnion tOWR and parish, pollin~ place COUNTY MAGISTRATES POR LINTONPETTY SESSIONAL for the county ~lDd station on the Cambridge and Sudbury DIVISION. branch of the Great Bastern railway, in the hundred of Chil­ Ficklin Thos. John esq. D.L. Linton boo Linton, Cambridge ford, county court district of Saffron Walden, rural deanery Frost Edward Purkis esq. West Wratting hall, West Wrat­ Camps second division, archdeaconry alld diocese of Ely, of ting, Cambridge situated on the confines of the county, bordering upon Essex, Frost Captain Harry, West Wratting hall, West Wratting, 48 miles from London, II south-east from Cambridge, 13 Cambridge south-west from Newmarket and 6 north from Saffron Goodwin At ajor Edward, Hildersham, Cambridge Walden, pleasantly situated on the river Granta: the neigh­ Hamond Wm. Parker esq. D.L. Pampisford hall, Cambridge bourhood is much diversified with hill and dale: the trade Houblon Richard Archer esq. D.L. Bartlow, CambridKe is dependent on the ag-ricultnral districts around. The buildin~ Huddleston Ferdinand esq. D.L. Sawston hall, Cambridge church of St. Mary is a handsome of flint and IngJi§ Gen. William C.B. Hildersham ball, Cambl'idge rubble in the Perpendicular style: it has chancel, nave, Mortlock Edmund John esq. D.L. Great Abington,Cambridge aisles, with embattled tower in which are 5 bells and a clock: Cle7·k, Turner Collin, Lintoll in the aisles are several monuments to Ihe families of Paris, ~tanley and Flack: the chancel and MiIlicent chapel were Petty sessions are held at the police station every alternate restored iu 1879 at tbe expense of the lay imr-ropriators, wednesday. The fullowing places are included in the Pembroke College, Cambridge, and a new organ was at the petty sessional division :-Babraham, Balsham, Bartlow, same time erected at the expen:se of the pari~hioners. The CarIton-cum-Willipgham, Castle Camps, Duxford, Great register dates from the year 15,)9. The livin~ is a vicarage, Abington, HildershalO, Hinxton, Horseheath, Ickleton, net yearly value £250, in the J:(ilt of the Bishop of Ely and Linton, Little Abington, Pampisford, Sawston, Shmly held since 1876 by the Rev. Herbert Hall M.A. of Brasenose Camp:s, Weston Colville, West Wickham, West Wratting College, Oxford. Here are Congre~ational and Primitive & Whittlesford Methodist cllapeJs. Harrison's charity of £4 98. yearly is LINTON UNION. for bread. A tair tor smallwares is held on Holy Thursday; the sheep fair formErly held on the 20th July is now Board day, wednesday during- winter, & alternate wednes­ abolished. A market was formerly held here, but has fallen days in summer into disuse. Barham Hall, in this parish, was a priory of The Linton union embraces 22 parishes, viz.:-Babraham, Clutched Friars as early as the year 1:W~; it is now a farm Bal:sham, Bart)ow, Bartlow Hamlet (Essex), Carlton­ house. Here is a small Literary Institute. The principal cum-WiIlingham, Castle Camps, Duxford, Great Abing­ landowners are Col. Edmund Ruck Keene, who is lord of ton, Hadstock (Es;;ex), Hildersham, Hinxton, Horseheath, the manor, and the Master and fellows of Pembroke Col­ lckletoll, Linton, Little Abington, Pampisford, Sawston, Jege, Cambridge, who are also the owners of the rectorial Shudy Camps, Weston Colville, West Wickham, West tithes. The tloil here is principally gravel and chalk; sub­ Wratting & Whittlestord. The population of the uniOD soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. in 1881 was 13,014; rateable value, £72,785 • The area is 3,775 acres; rateable value, £6,614; the popu­ Clerk to the Guardians, J oseph Thomas Collin, Linton lation in 1881 was 1,753. Relieving Olficers-Lin/on distri.ct, William Richardson, Parish Clerk, none. Linton ; D!l:rf'ord district, Wm. Ansell Challis, Sawston Vaccination Officer, Richard ChappeJl, Linton POST, )IONEY ORDER & THLEGRAPH OPFICE, Savings Mpdical Officers ~ Public Vaccinators-Balsham dis- Bank & Government Annuity & InsuranceOffice.-Richard trict, R. T. Head L.R.c.p.Lond. Balsham; Duxford Holttum, post master. Letters arrive from Cambridge at di8trict, F.Prince, Sawstoll; Linton diatrict, F. Bennett, 6.30 a.m. se 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at 12 noon & 7.15 p.m Linton INSURANCE AGENTS:- Superintendent Regi~trar, Joseph Thos. Collin, Linton; Reliance ~{utual Life, Frederick Mutimer,'Linton school deputy, Henry William Richardson, Linton Pha:nix Pire, W. RicbardsoD I Registrars of Births ~ IJeaths-No. 1, Duxford sub- Royal Farmers' ~ General, H. P. & T. Chalk district, Wm. Ansell Cballis, Sawston; No.2, Linton.
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