PARSHASPARSHAS TAZRIA MISHPATIM METZORA פרשת arp, תזריע ohypanמצורע APRIL 28 ‐ APRILFEB 5 29,‐6, 20172016 ג ca, אייר תשע"ohfrcnז 27 SHEVAT3 IYAR 57775776 u"ga, yca zf ADAR II 5774 20 שמיני PARSHAS SHEMINI MARCH 21 - 22 2014 SHABBOS PARAH WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS & GUESTS Sefirah Calendar for Friday, April 28 ‐ Friday, May 5 We are pleased to welcome Rabbi Bulka and the participants of Shabbat Itanu to BAYT this Shabbos Please see page 3 for the schedule זמני שבת | SHABBOS SCHEDULE ערב שבת | EREV SHABBOS PLAG MINCHA/MAARIV Main Shul 6:35 PM SHABBOS PROGRAM CANDLE LIGHTING Not Before 6:49 PM Not After 7:59 PM MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS Main Shul 8:05 PM High School Minyan West Wing Library 9:00 AM Middle School Minyan Jarvis Freeman Library 9:15 AM שבת | SHABBOS Teen Minyan & Shiur Moshe & Mania Gruda 9:15 AM HASHKAMA MINYAN Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall 7:30 AM Bais Medrash BAIS MEDRASH SHIUR Simcha Suite 8:20 AM Early Drop Off Nursery‐Grade 3 9:00‐9:45 AM with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger Classroom 7 BAIS MEDRASH MINYAN Simcha Suite 8:50 AM Parents & Tots Classroom 5 9:45 AM PARSHA SHIUR with Rabbi Spitz 8:50 AM Nursery Program Classroom 2 9:45 AM Turk Family Bais Medrash Kindergarten Classroom 3 9:45 AM SHACHARIS Main Shul 9:00 AM Girls Grades 1‐3 Classroom 1 9:45 AM NO FRILLS MINYAN Turk Family Bais Medrash 9:15 AM Boys Grades 1‐3 Classroom 4 9:45 AM YOUNG ADULT with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg 9:15 AM Jr. Congregation 10:00 AM & UNIVERSITY MINYAN Perlis Hall West Wing Classrooms 2 & 3 MINCHAS CHINUCH SHIUR with Dr. Shmuel Spiegel 9:30 AM Mom‐and‐Tots Classroom 5 10:30 AM “Conversion: Boundaries Of Acceptability” Rabbi’s Classroom AFTERNOON PROGRAMS with Rabbi Shalom Krell 6:25 PM Father & Son Learning 5:20 PM שיעור בעברית Simcha Suite Turk Family Bais Medrash TA’AMEI HAMINHAGIM with Rabbi Neil Cohen 6:25 PM Bnei Akiva Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash 6:15 PM (for Men) Dr. Stephen Speisman Board Room Third Floor Classrooms 1,3,4,5 & 7 MISHNAYOS (for Men) with Rabbi Witty 6:25 PM West Wing Classroom 1 WOMEN’S SHIUR for Shabbat Itanu with Mrs. Tanya Halevi 6:30 PM SHABBOS/HACHODESH ‐ TORAH/HAFTARAH READING "The Answers You Seek To The Questions You Ask Can Often Be Found In The Torah Reading Soncino Page 674 Artscroll Page 608 HOW You Seek And The Why You Ask" Haftarah Soncino Page 702 Artscroll Page 1172 Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall DAF YOMI Rabbi’s Classroom 6:40 PM SHABBOS MINYAN SWITCHES בבא בתרא צז /Bava Basra 97 Commencing next Shabbos, May 6, please note the new PIRKEI AVOS 7:25 PM locations of the following minyanim: MINCHA Main Shul 7:55 PM Hashkama Minyan will take place in the Simcha Suite HAVDALA After 9:04 PM Bais Medrash Shiur and Minyan will take place in the Kel Maleh: This Shabbos YES, Next Shabbos YES Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall Mara D’Asra Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Zev Spitz Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Baruch Taub President Melech Tanen Executive Director Mordechai Bookbinder Youth Director Richard Winkler THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE & ANNOUNCEMENTS :MAZEL TOV TO זמני השבוע | WEEKDAY SCHEDULE For Sunday, April 30 ‐ Friday, May 5 Warren & Gail Cooper and Eddie & Joan Salmon on the birth of a great granddaughter, Elisheva Chaya, a daughter to Yossi & Sarah Klein and a DAF YOMI* granddaughter to Rabbi Dovid & Esther Solomon and Rabbi Avraham & Malky Klein SUN with The Rav 7:15 & 8:45 AM Kenneth & Sharon Green and Dr. Joel & Beth Selter on the birth of a granddaughter, MON & THURS with The Rav 6:00 & 8:30 AM Leora Bayla (Emily), a daughter to Jonathan & Yael Green, and a great TUES & FRI with The Rav 6:00 & 8:20 AM granddaughter to Freda Green and Hy & Ida Weisberg WED with Rabbi Spitz 6:00 & 8:20 AM Sue Oliver & Arthur Mensher and Chaim Oliver & Mindy Halper on the birth of a SUN ‐ THURS with Rabbi Chaim Gross 9:00 PM grandson, a son to Yonatan & Elisheva Oliver * Men Only Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Baruch & Malkah Taub on the birth of a great granddaughter, a granddaughter to Rabbi Shmuel & Tova Taub and a daughter to SHACHARIS Chaim & Adeena Handler MINYAN 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Stan & Orit Zynoberg on the birth of a granddaughter, Leah Gittel, a daughter to A B B B A Danny & Sarah Farkas SUN 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 NACHAS & POT POURRI A B C* A B & (יום הזכרון) MON 6:20 6:45 6:50 7:30 8:30 Yashar Koach to Ben Shore, son of David & Sharon Shore for making the top 16 in THURS the Chidon HaTanach Olami. Ben will be participating live on Israel TV on Yom ,(יום העצמאות) TUES 6:30A 6:45B 7:00C* 7:30A 8:30B Ha’atzmaut. Hatzlacha Ben! WED & FRI A ‐ Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash C* ‐ West Wing Library BAYT B’ARETZ B ‐ Turk Family Bais Medrash (Men Only) Mazel Tov to Harold & Marci Rapp on the engagement of their daughter Chana Rivka to Yeshai Katz Earliest time for Tallis & Tefillin : Sun ‐ Fri: 5:12 am ‐ 5:05 am Sof Zman Krias Shema: Sun ‐ Fri: 9:43 am ‐ 9:40 am SHALOSH SEUDOS This week’s Shalosh Seudos will be held in the Perlis Hall: MINCHA/MA’ARIV Rabbi Bulka will speak at Shalosh Seudos EARLY MINCHA Sun. ‐ Thurs. 2:00 PM PLAG MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 6:40 PM CONDOLENCES MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 8:10 PM The Congregation extends condolences to: MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 9:45 PM Linda and Toffy Kobrossi on the loss of their husband and father, Salim Kobrossi z”l th EREV SHABBOS ‐ Friday, May 5 Sharon Widrich on the loss of her mother, Rose Rose z”l PLAG MINCHA/MA’ARIV 6:40 PM CANDLE LIGHTING Not Before 6:55 PM Not After 8:07 PM QUESTIONS FOR PARSHAS TAZRIA METZORA MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS 8:10 PM BY: THE RAV First Aliyah: Why is the period of tum’ah twice as long for a woman who has given birth Weekly Halacha ‐ Parshas Tazria Metzora to a girl as for a boy? R’ Mordechai Torczyner – [email protected] Second Aliyah: (13:33) Why is there a large “gimel” in the word “v’hisgalach” (he shall May I daven in a room containing symbols of idolatry? shave)? We avoid davening in rooms containing symbols of idolatry, for Third Aliyah: (13:45) Why does the Torah require that the Metzora cry out, “tamei, two reasons: tamei!”? 1. We are concerned lest we appear, G‐d forbid, to be praying Fourth Aliyah: (14:7) Why does a Metzora’s purification involve sending out a live bird to the idol or its symbol. into the wilderness? 2. We are uncomfortable with the presence of idols while we Fifth Aliyah: Why do both blood and oil need to be placed on the Metzora’s ear, thumb, are communicating with G‐d. A midrash notes that for this and big toe? reason, Moshe left the city he was in before prayed to G‐d to Sixth Aliyah: (14:34) Why does house tzara’as only apply in Eretz Israel, whereas body end the plague of Hail. and clothing tzara’as apparently applies everywhere? One who has no other option, such a patient in a hospital room, Seventh Aliyah: Why do normal biological emissions from a person’s body render him or may pray in such a space; he should endeavour to demonstrate her tamei – how are these emissions any different from going to the washroom? that he is not praying to the idol. The same rules pertain to Torah study in such a space. OBLIGATIONS PROCESS Note that not all religious emblems are considered "symbols of Important Information for the 2017‐2018 Membership Year! avodah zarah"; a competent halachic authority should be If your last application was for 2014‐2015, you will be receiving a letter with an consulted. Obligations application form or you can come to the office for a copy or download one from the Shul’s website. If you submitted an application for either last year or the year (Rashi Shemot 12:1; Terumas haDeshen 1:6; Melamed l'Hoil 2:54; Chelkas Yaakov Orach Chaim 33; Siach Yitzchak 45; Tzitz Eliezer 12:15) before, and your financial circumstances have not changed, then you can keep your dues at the same level by filling out a confirmation form. Forms (available on our YOUNG PROFFESIONALS CORNER website) are due no later than Friday, June 2 if you intend to participate in the seating lottery and Thursday August 31st for everyone else. The Young Professionals Kiddush will take place this week, after the Rabbi is finished speaking, in the Moshe and Mania Gruda Bais For any questions, please feel free to contact: Medrash on the first floor! Arnold Perel ‐ 416‐712‐1253 (confidential voicemail) Or This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Yoel Eis in honour of the Orie Niedzviecki ‐ 416‐505‐4402 or e‐mail at [email protected] birthdays of Yael, Alyssa, and Jonah Eis and Danny Diamond For more information, or to sponsor, please contact Tova Segal at Please sign up for the annual Shavuos siyum Tanach and Mishnayos on the list [email protected] outside the Simcha Suite. ANNOUNCEMENTS LIST OF EVENTS Shabbos Morning Drasha: Rabbi Reuven Bulka “Who Are The Includers? Who Are The Excluders? What Can Community Do?” Davening Time: Shabbos, April 29, 2017 at 9:00 am.
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