Managing Editor IEEE Canada IEEE Canadian Review Rédacteur en chef Officers General Information Eric Holdrinet Consulat général du Canada à L.A. Director/President - Ferial El-Hawary 550 S. Hope Str., 9th Floor Vice President & Director Elect - Om Malik The IEEE Canadian Review is published 3 times/year as follows: Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA Past Director/President - Robert Hanna Spring (to appear in April-May), Summer (to appear in August- tel: (213) 346-2758 Secretary - Hilmi Turanli September), and Fall (to appear in December). Its principal objec- fax: (213) 346-2767 Treasurer - Rob Anderson tive is to project an image of the Canadian electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering professions and their [email protected] Director Emeritus - Wally Read associated academic and business communities to: Director Emeritus - Ray Findlay (i) Canadian members of IEEE; Groups & Committees (ii) Canadian members of the profession and community who are Associate Editors External Relations - Bruno DiStefano non-members of IEEE; Adjoints à la rédaction Educational Activities - Saman Adham (iii) The associated Canadian academic (i.e. universities, colleges, secondary schools), government and business communities. Alexandre Abecassis Industry Relations - Danny Wong Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Other Societies - Branislav Djokic To ensure that the IEEE Canadian Review has the desired breadth Professional Develop. - Bruno DiStefano and depth, editors are responsible for screening articles submitted Habib Hamam Sections/Chapters Suppt. - Gerard Dunphy according to the following general themes: Université de Moncton Member Services: Shaahin Filizadeh GOLD - Aleksandra Jeremic 1- National Affairs 4- Education 7- Computers University of Manitoba Life Members - Ron Potts 2- International Affairs 5- Power 8 - Electronics Membership Develop. - Kathleen Chafe 3- Industry 6- Communications Khelifa Hettak Student Activities - Denard Lynch Advertising Policy Communications Research Centre Student Representative - April Khademi Organizations are invited to place corporate advertising in the IEEE Women in Engineering - Susan Perkins Dave Kemp Canadian Review. For information regarding rates and copy Past-President, IEEE Canada Publications & Communications - X. Maldague requirements, please contact the Advertising Manager. Canadian Review - Eric Holdrinet Circulation Terrance J. Malkinson CJECE -W.Kinsner & Christian Schlegel University of Calgary Publicity & Advertising - Kexing Liu The circulation of the IEEE Canadian Review is the entire Translation - Christian Pépin membership of IEEE Canada, plus external subscribers. Samuel Pierre Webmaster - Ahsan Upal Information for Authors École Polytechnique de Montréal Other Committees Authors are invited to contribute submissions in electronic form to Camille-Alain Rabbath Awards & Recognition - Robert Alden the IEEE Canadian Review. Please contact one of the editors. Defence Research & Dev. Canada Conference Advisory - Ashfaq Husain Responsibility for the content rests upon the authors and not the Strategic Planning - Bob Hanna IEEE, or its members. Vijay Sood University of Ontario Institute of Area Chairs Annual Subscription Price Technology Canada Central: Keith Brown Free of charge to all IEEE members in Canada. For IEEE members Canada East: Amir Aghdam Bin Wu outside Canada: $20.00/year. Non-members: $35.00/year. Corpora- Ryerson University Canada West: Lawrence Whitby tions and libraries: $37.50/year. Additional copies may be ordered at Section Chairs a cost of $7.50 each from the Managing Editor. Alain Zarka Canadian Atlantic - Charles Cooke Reprint Permission SEA-Network Hamilton - Chris Maryan Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are per- Kingston - Scott Yam mitted to photocopy for private use of patrons. Instructors are per- Advertising Manager Kitchener/Waterloo - Shahab Ardalan mitted to photocopy isolated articles for non-commercial classroom Resp. de la publicité London - Maike Luiken use without fee. For other copying, reprint or republication, please Kexing Liu Montréal - Anader Benyamin write to the Managing Editor. The IEEE Canadian Review is print- Ciena Corporation (Canada) New Brunswick - Gerhard Dueck ed in Canada, postage paid at Toronto, (Ontario). 307 Legget Drive Newfoundland & Labrador - Eric Gill Kanata, Ontario, K2K 3C8 Ottawa - Wahab Almuhtadi Tel. (613) 599-6430 x 8810 Peterborough - Sean Dunne Fax. (613) 599-0445 Québec - André Morin Change of address [email protected] North Saskatchewan - Jeremy Gates • Do-it-yourself with MyIEEE: http://www.ieee.org/myieee Northern Canada - James Brown • Email: [email protected] Art & Production Saint Maurice - Christian Pépin • Tel: 1 (800) 678-4333 Communication Matters South Saskatchewan - Craig Gelowitz • Mail: IEEE Service Center tel: (416) 599-9229 Southern Alberta - Philip Choy 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331 fax: (416) 599-8718 Toronto - Alexei Botchkarev Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA production Vancouver - Paul Bowler @CommmunicationMatters.com Victoria - David Gregson Winnipeg - Rasit Eskicioglu IEEE Canada Administrator Member of / membre constituant de The National Library of Canada Cathie Lowell Engineering Institute of Canada ISSN 1481-2002 l'Institut canadien des ingénieurs La Bibliothèque nationale du Canada IEEE Canadian Review - La Revue canadienne de l’IEEE is published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.’s Canadian unit. All rights reserved. © 2008 by The Insti- tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, U.S.A. The editorial content of this magazine does not represent official positions of the IEEE or its organisational units. Return Canadian undeliverables to: IEEE Canada, Box 63005, University Plaza Postal Outlet, Shoppers Drug Mart #742, 102 Plaza Drive, Dundas, ON L9H 4H0 2 IEEE Canadian Review — Spring / Printemps 2008 Editorial / Éditorial Eric Holdrinet SMIEEE, Rédacteur en chef / Managing Editor e numéro spécial de la Revue inclut le livret complet des his special issue of the Review includes the full booklet of Prix de l’IEEE Canada qui seront présentés début-mai à la IEEE Canada Awards to be presented early May 2008 in Conférence canadienne de génie électrique et informatique à Niagara Falls, Ontario at the Canadian Conference on C Niagara Falls, Ontario. Cela suit la présentation plus tôt dans T Electrical and Computer Engineering. This follows the pre- l’année des Prix de l’Institut canadien des ingénieurs, duquel sentation earlier in the year of Awards from the Engineering le IEEE Canada est une composante majeure (www.eic-ici.ca). Institute of Canada, of which the IEEE Canada is a major component (see www.eic-ici.ca). En parcourant la liste des lauréats, vous noterez qu’une forte proportion des prix sont décernés à des membres ne provenant Browsing the list of laureates, you may notice that a good pro- pas de la recherche universitaire – incluant le prix le plus pres- portion of awards are presented to members from outside uni- tigieux du IEEE Canada, la Médaille d’or McNaughton, con- versity research – including the highest IEEE Canada award, férée à Dr. Colin Franklin pour ses travaux innovants dans le the McNaughton Gold Medal, to Dr. Colin Franklin for pio- programme du satellite Alouette. Encore récemment, on faisait neering work in the Alouette satellite program. Not so long ago, remarquer que le processus des récompenses proférait un it was remarked that the awards process provided an inherent avantage inhérent aux membres du domaine académique qui advantage to members from academia who could devote a larg- pouvait consacrer une plus grande portion de leur temps à la er portion of their career to pure discovery. The IEEE and its recherche pure. Le IEEE et sa composante canadienne ont pris Canadian component have taken note and recognize more than bonne note et reconnaissent davantage l’importance du travail ever the importance of ground-breaking work happening in pionnier effectué dans des contextes d’entreprise et gouverne- industry and government settings. A new category called mentaux. Une nouvelle catégorie nommée « Ingénieur d’application / “Application Engineer / Practitioner” was even introduced a few years Praticien » a même été introduite il y a quelques années dans le pro- ago to the IEEE Fellows program. Look under www.ieee.org/fellows, gramme des Fellows IEEE. Consultez www.ieee.org/fellows, et pro- and consider nominating a particularly deserving colleague. posez la candidature d’un(e) collègue particulièrement méritant(e). Two feature articles in this publication present industry applications of Deux articles principaux dans ce numéro présentent des applications particular interest to Canadians: Active Infrared Thermography with industrielles d’intérêt particulier pour les membres canadiens : Active Applications looks at a cross-section (appropriately) of such techniques, Infrared Thermography with Applications examine un éventail de tech- in a Canadian context: bits and pieces of CF18 aircraft, paid for with our niques thermographiques dans un contexte canadien : des pièces taxes. Careful and cost effective – and therefore more frequent – inspec- d’avion CF18, payées avec vos taxes. Des inspections attentives et effi- tions will help keep these planes aloft and our pilots safe. caces – et donc possiblement plus fréquentes – aideront à garder ces avions en opération et nos pilotes en sécurité. A Medium Voltage AC Drive for Oil Sands Applications, written
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