BIOGRAPHY Name and surname: Avdullah Hoti Birthday: 04.02.1976 1. EDUCATION 2003-2007 Doctoral studies University: Staffordshire University Country: Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom Field: PhD in Economics 2004 Certificate in postgraduate studies for research methods University: Staffordshire University Country: Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom Description: 60 ECTS in postgraduate courses in research methods in economics 2001-2002 Master studies University: Staffordshire University Country: Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom Field: Master of Arts in Economics January- Graduate courses in MACROECONOMICS, MICROECONOMICS and LABOUR March 2001 ECONOMICS University: Staffordshire University Country: Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom Field: Graduate courses in Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Labour Economics during one semester April- May Intensive courses in MICROECONOMICS and ECONOMETRICS 2000 University: Staffordshire University and University of Tirana Country: Tirana, Albania Description: Specialised intensive courses 1994-1998 Undergraduate studies (Bachelor) University: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Economy Country: Prishtina, Kosova Field: Economy, Management and Informatics 1990-1994 Secondary School School: Gymnasium “Hajdar Dushi” Country: Gjakova, Kosova 1982-1990 Primary School School: Primary School in Ratkoc, Municipality of Rahovec Country: Rahovec, Kosova 2. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF PRISHTINA 2017-cont. Full Professor – Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina (engagement Courses: paused while Bachelor: Macroeconomics, Labour economics, Personnel economics part of the Master: Globalisation and labour market, Economics of human capital Government) 2012-2017 Associate Professor – Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina Courses: Page 1 of 7 Bachelor: Macroeconomics, Labour economics, Personnel economics Master: Globalisation and labour market, Economics of human capital 2008-2012 Assistant Professor – Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina Courses: Bachelor: Macroeconomics, Labour economics, Personnel economics Master: Globalisation and labour market, Economics of human capital 2002-2008 Teaching assistant - Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina Courses: Macroeconomics I, Macroeconomics II 1998-2000 Teaching assistant (part time) - Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina Courses: Cybernetics and introduction to informatics, Programming and programming languages March – Professor in doctoral studies – University of Prishtina July 2009 Courses: Research methods, Academic writing, Using IT in research January – ECTS Coordinator - University of Prishtina, Faculty of Economy September 2006 DARDANIA COLLEGE, PRISHTINA 2017-cont. Full Professor (part-time contract) (engagement Courses: paused while Bachelor: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics part of the Master: Advanced economics Government) 2012-2017 Associate Professor (part-time contract) Courses: Bachelor: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics Master: Advanced economics 2011-2012 Assistant Professor (part-time contract) Courses: Bachelor: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics Master: Advanced economics 3. OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE 2020 (June) - Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova cont. 2020 (February First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova –March) 2019 Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, LDK (Legislature VII) (November) – Chair of the Parliamentary Group of LDK in the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova 2020 (January) 2017-2019 Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, LDK (Legislature VI) Chair of the Parliamentary Group of LDK in the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova 2014-2017 Minister of Finance, Government of the Republic of Kosova 2014 Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, LDK (Legislature V) (July – December) 2010-2013 Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Prishtina 2008-2009 Advisor for economy to the Mayor of the Municipality of Prishtina 2007-2009 Member of the Board of the University of Prishtina Page 2 of 7 2006-2007 Advisor for higher education to the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Government of the Republic of Kosova 2005-2007 Director of private company Integra Consulting, Prishtina 1999-1994 Researcher at Institute for Development Research Riinvest, Prishtina 4. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC AFFILIATIONS 2009 – cont. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Ballkan Economic Review” (a journal of the Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina) 2009 – cont. Member of IMISCOE Institute 2007 – 2009 Member of the Board of the University of Prishtina 2002 – 2011 Member of the Scientific-Council of the Faculty of Economy, University of Prishtina 2008 – 2010 Chair of the Board of the “Centre for establishing enterprises in Prishtina” 2007 – 2008 Chair of the Board of the “Students’ Centre of the University of Prishtina” 2006 – 2009 Member of the Board of the Insurance Company SIGKOS 2006 – 2008 Member of the “Team for Promoting the Bologna Process in Kosova” 2004 – 2007 Chair of the Board of the Insurance Company SIGKOS 5. PUBLICATIONS Books and monographs Author Year of Title of the Publisher Country Language ISBN publication book/monograph of publisher 1. Hoti, 2010 Schooling, labour LAP Germany English 978-3- Avdullah market rewards and Lambert 8383-3403- emigration Academic 5 decisions: Evidence Publishing for Kosova 2. Hoti, 2010 Labour Market LAP Germany English 3838360567 Avdullah Transformation in Lambert Transition Academic Economies: Publishing Experiences from South Eastern European countries and lessons for Kosova 3. Co-author 2006 Early warning report UNDP Prishtina Albanian - and English 4. Co-author 2004 Education and Riinvest Prishtina Albanian - economic Institute and development in English Kosova Page 3 of 7 5. Co-author 2003 Labour market and Riinvest Prishtina Albanian - unemployment in Institute and Kosova English 6. Co-author 2002 Profile and Riinvest Prishtina Albanian - institutional Institute and environment of English SMEs in Kosova Papers published in scientific journals Author Yea Title of the paper Journal Volume/Page Language ISBN r 1. Hoti, A. 2018 Përshtatshmëria e Seksioni i Shkencave Faqe 87-96 Albanian 978-9951- Legjislacionit të Kosovës Shoqërore, 615-87-7 me Acquis-Communautaire Akademia e Shkencave të Bashkimit Evropian dhe Arteve të Kosovës 2. Hoti, A. 2017 Participation, Discouraged Athens Journal of Volume 3, English ISSN Workers and Job Search: Business and Number 3, NUMBER: Evidence for Kosova Economics pages 239- 2241-794X 262 3. Zeqiri, 2016 Tregu i punës: Seksioni i Shkencave Faqe 71-78 Albanian 978-9951- N., Hoti, Tërheqës dhe dekurajues i Shoqërore, 615-61-7 A. investimeve të huaja Akademia e Shkencave direkte dhe Arteve të Kosovës 4. Hoti, A. 2015 Labour supply in Southeast European Volume 15, English - conditions of high and Black Sea Studies Issue 1, pp. unemployment: Evidence 53-75 from a transition and post- conflict economy – The case of Kosovo 5. Hoti, A. 2015 What Determines the Croatian Economic Vol. 17 : No. English Incidence Survey 2 : December and Size of Remittances: 2015 : pp. 83- Evidence for Kosovo 112 6. Hoti, A. 2011 Tregu i punës dhe Vështrim Monografik, Faqe 337-346 Albanian 978-9951- emigracioni Akademia e Shkencave 413-96-1 dhe Arteve të Kosovës 7. Hoti, A. 2011 Pasuritë natyrore dhe Seksioni i Shkencave Faqe 87-97 Albanian 978-9951- zhvillimi ekonomik: Shoqërore, 413-98-5 Evidenca dhe implikimet Akademia e Shkencave për politikat ekonomike dhe Arteve të Kosovës 8. Hoti, A. 2011 Returns to education in South East European Volume 6, English Kosova: Estimates of wage Journal of Economics pages 71-84 and employment premia and Business 9. Hoti, A. 2010 Returns to Human Capital Der Donaraum Volume 50, English - in Kosova: Implications for Issue 1, pages Educational Policies 63-78 10. Hoti, A. 2009 Determinants of emigration Journal of Southeast Volume 9, English - and its economic European and Black Issues 4, consequences: evidence Sea Studies pages 435- from Kosova 458 11. Hoti, A. 2008 The adjustment capacity of European Economy, Volume II English - labour markets, in Economic papers 346 Pages 159- particular in transition 176 countries: The case of Kosova 12. Hoti, A. 2008 Determinants of Journal of Institute Volume 1, English - Emigration: The Case of Alb-Shkenca Issue 2 Kosova Page 4 of 7 13. Hoti, A. 2006 Doing business in Kosova: Journal of the Nash Volume I, English - Challenges and Albanian Studies Issue 1, opportunities Programme Centre for South East European Studies SSEE Unversity College London, 14. Hoti, A. 2004 Human capital and The Institute of page 163-188 English - unemployment in transition Economics Zagreb economies: The case of Kosova 15. Hoti, A. 2005 Kapitali njerëzor dhe Dardania Sacra Volumi 6, Albanian - papunësia në ekonomitë në faqe 425-446 tranzicion me vështrim të veçantë në Kosovë 16. Hoti, A. 2004 Schooling in a High Economics Division Working English - and Unemployment Transition Staffordshire Paper No. Adnett, Economy: The case of University Business 2003.6 N. Kosova School pages 21-41 17. Hoti, A. 2003 Procesi i tranzicioni dhe Dardania Sacra Volumi 5, Albanian - tregu i fuqisë punëtore: faqe 357-403 Politikat për zbutjen e papunësisë në disa vende të Evropës Juglindore dhe mësimet për Kosovën 18. Hoti, A. 2003 Human Capital and From Transition to Part I, pages English - Unemployment in Development: 873-892 Transition Economies: The Gobalisation and case of Kosova Political Economy of Development in Stransition University of Sarajevo 19. Hoti, A. 2003 On a Bumpy
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