UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA New technology brings Osprey Athletics home, page 17 July www.unfspinnaker.com 18 Volume 31, Issue 2 2007 Wednesday Ruckus amps up legal music sharing BY HOLLI WELCH MANAGING EDITOR UNF TOP 10 SONGS As fines for illegal file shar- 1. “Umbrella” by ing steadily increase across the Rihanna country, the University of North 2. “Makes me Wonder” by Florida is offering students a Maroon 5 free and legal alternative to 3. “Big Girls Don’t Cry” music downloads. by Fergie Ruckus (www.ruckus.com), 4. “Waiting on the a music downloading Web site, World to Change” partnered with the university by John Mayer last year to offer more than 3 5. “How to Save a million songs for students to Life” by The Fray download. Since then, close to 6. “Buy U A Drank” by 3,100 students have signed up and T-Pain downloaded more than a million 7. “Rehab” by Amy songs, marking a huge success Winehouse for all involved, said Ed Cheely, 8. “Over my Head” by director of campus sales. The Fray “Based on the success at UNF 9. “Gravity” by John we expect to offer the network to Mayer another five to 10 colleges and 10. “What Hurts the universities in the coming year,” Most” by Rascal Flatts Cheely said. Florida Atlantic University and Eckerd College have also partnered with Ruckus. There are plans to increase the record explore new music is limited, ac- label selections as the college cording to Russ Crupnick, an en- community expands, Cheely said. tertainment industry analysis. He said a facelift will be done to “The volume of music files thesite in the fall to provide stu- purchased legally is swamped by dents with more personalized fea- the sheer volume of files being tures and music sharing. traded illegally,” Crupnick said. “Students legally share their Nationwide, there have been music through Ruckus by view- 582 million songs downloaded I llustrat ing lists of their friends’ top since 2006, of which 52 percent songs and then downloading were downloaded illegally. I O them from the site,” Cheely said. While university admini N B “We also offer the school’s top-10 strators might love new music, Y JE feature, which is a fantastic way they are more excited students N Q to discover new music.” U INN The availability to legally See MUSIC, page 4 � Tuition still under question for 2007-2008 academic year BY TAMI LIVINGSTON Constitution,” Graham said. NEWS EDITOR According to Bill Edmonds, di- rector of communications for the After nearly a month of BOG, the State University System conflict, tuition for the State has not been receiving adequate University System of Florida’s state support for each student 2007- 2008 academic year has fi- who is enrolled. nally been determined – at least “For years, the state has only for the fall semester. provided a fraction of the cost Gov. Charlie Crist’s veto of a for enrolled students so that 5-percent tuition increase for state 5,260 students in the system universities, approval of an in- are not covered by state funds,” cremental increase in tuition be- Edmonds said. P ginning next fall at the University “This is not a pattern of be- HOTO of South Florida, University havior that will allow our univer- I of Florida, and Florida State sities to do the vital and effective llustrat University, and a subsequent appropriate management of pub- I 4-percent budget-wide cut have lic funds to achieve the excellence O N resulted in the Florida Board Florida deserves in its state uni- B Y of Governors voting July 8 to versity system,” Graham said. JE join a lawsuit filed against Low enrollment funding cou- N Q U the legislature. pled with the recent $100 mil- INN All but two of the 17-member lion budget cut also led the BOG board voted to join the lawsuit to vote to increase tuition in After weeks of debate, tuition prices for fall 2007 have been decided. But spring prices have yet to be filed July 3 in the Tallahassee January 2008 by up to 5 percent. determined. circuit court by former state Sen. Edmonds said the increase Bob Graham, which challenges amount has yet to be determined, universities from increasing the Delaney said a significant portion favorably as the people intended the legislature’s authority to de- but an increase of 5 percent would number of students they will en- of the new money from the spring it 2002 [when amendment 11 was cide tuition.The suit states tu- generate approximately $9.5 mil- roll next year. tuition increase will be added to passed, creating the BOG], and ition rates fall under the control lion. Because the fall semester the university’s financial aid of- the power of the State University of the BOG. “It’s not a lot compared to $100 starts next month, Edmonds said ferings. System will be with the board of “The Board of Governors has million, but with it we’re hoping the board decided not to increase And at a faculty association governors and not with politi- been tentative in the use of their to get through the cut without tuition for the Fall 2007 term be- meeting July 5, he said he didn’t cians,” Graham said. power, and we’ve been waiting having to lay off professors,” cause “we thought we’d be spring- think the cut would affect UNF and hoping they would screw up Edmonds said. ing something on people that they too much in terms of what hap- E-mail Tami Livingston at the courage to do what they are An enrollment freeze has also weren’t prepared for.” pens in the classroom. [email protected]. supposed to do under the Florida been enacted, prohibiting all At UNF, President John “I think this will resolve PAGE 2 Spinnaker’s Picks � BEST � WORST � FIX Leaders from various organizations The University of North Florida is Instead of emptying university coffers met throughout April to discuss dis- spending $50,000 to relocate gopher to build elaborate traps to capture crimination and diversity issues, and tortoise burrows to the Panhandle in tortoises, how about a good old-fash- as a result, found innovative ways to order to break ground for the new ioned shovel and a net? achieve equality. Osprey Fountains residence hall. Student survey results paint dubious picture Wednesday, July 18, 2007 survey University of North Florida uncertain what people do behind percentage of an unknown percentage students recently completed detail- closed doors, it’s general knowledge of students participating in actual A ing sexual behavior and other health that most people prefer vaginal over intercourse. This could mean out of issues as part of the campuswide “Healthy anal sex. 400 students who have ever had Campus: 2010” program yielded results that It’s not something people usually anal sex, 300 of them tried it Awarded first place for Best of Show at the seem too bad to be true. 2005 National College Media Convention by the talk about, but it’s pretty unbelievable without protection. The most shocking numbers Associated Collegiate Press these percentages are accurate. And The same can be inferred from the reported were in the “anal sex: no con- if the students aren’t practicing the “vaginal sex: no condom,” category, v v v dom” category: 82 percent of athletes, intercourse specified in the statistics, the supposed 30 percent of athletes at 83 percent of the student body, and 70 then it’s a moot point whether UNF who considered suicide and the percent of Greeks admitted to have Spinnaker Staff they’re protecting themselves. supposed 70 percent of Greeks who participated in unprotected anal sex The conductors of the survey were binge drank within the two weeks in the survey recently conducted by unable to report how many students before the survey. Editor in Chief Matt Coleman the Health Promotions department completed it, which means they prob- It is important to report student and the Campus Alcohol and Drug Managing Editor Holli Welch ably didn’t sit all the Greeks and ath- health statistics, so issues that need Information Center. Art Director Robert K. Pietrzyk letes down and separate the results. to be addressed will be brought to ad- If these numbers are true, this There was most likely a checklist that ministrators’ attention, but it is more Business Manager Adina Daar means roughly eight out of 10 mem- asked the student to specify whether important to be careful when survey- News Editor Tami Livingston bers of every student club, organiza- they were a Greek or athlete. ing students and reporting results. Features Editor Ross Brooks tion and group of friends are not only Furthermore, it is unsure whether If survey conductors cannot at- practicing anal sex, but practicing it Sports Editor Kaelena Incinelli students who are both Greeks and tempt to survey all the athletes and without protection. These percentages Discourse Editor Jenna Strom athletes were represented three times, Greeks and all the student body, it convey a message that most college with an additional time as a mem- is not fair to post a percentage that Copy Editor Ace Stryker students at UNF practice anal sex, and ber of the student body. It is unclear includes all students and members Web Editor Meghan Dornbrock they do so unsafely. whether 150 students filled out the from those organizations. And when In the “vaginal sex: no condom” Photo Editor Rebecca Daly survey, 25 of them being male student asking questions, it is crucial to sepa- category, the numbers are lower, with Graphic Designer Jen Quinn athletes and 50 of them being female rate those who practice a particular 45 percent of athletes, 50 percent of Asst.
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