Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (2002) 195^203 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl CH4-consuming microorganisms and the formation of carbonate crusts at cold seeps Giovanni Aloisi a;Ã, Ioanna Bouloubassi b, Sander K. Heijs c, Richard D. Pancost d;1, Catherine Pierre a, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste¤ d, Jan C. Gottschal c, Larry J. Forney c;2, Jean-Marie Rouchy e a Laboratoire d’Oce¤anographie Dynamique et de Climatologie, Universite¤ Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France b Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marines, Universite¤ Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France c Department of Microbiology, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies (CEES), University of Groningen, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands d Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Marine Biogeochemistry and Toxicology, P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg (Texel), The Netherlands e Laboratoire de Ge¤ologie (CNRS-ESA 7073), Muse¤um National d’Histoire Naturelle, 75005 Paris, France Received 4 September 2001; received in revised form 20 March 2002; accepted 31 July 2002 Abstract To understand the role played by microorganisms in the formation of cold seep carbonates, we conducted an integrated microbial, mineralogical and organic geochemical study of methane-related authigenic carbonate crusts formed on eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes. We show that supersaturation with respect to carbonate minerals is induced by microbial anaerobic oxidation of methane. Combined lipid biomarker analysis and 16S rRNA gene surveys identified a highly diversified methane-consuming archaeal community possibly comprising novel species, implying that the anaerobic oxidation of methane is phylogenetically widespread and directly implicating these organisms in the process of crust precipitation. Moreover, pore-water sulphate gradients produced by co-occurring methane-based sulphate reduction exert the main control on aragonite versus magnesian calcite precipitation. We propose that this may be the dominant mode of carbonate crust formation at cold seeps world-wide, in agreement with aquatic chemistry predictions and explaining carbonate mineralogy. ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: cold seeps; carbonates; oxidation; anaerobic environment; DNA; lipids; biomarkers 1. Introduction * Corresponding author. Present address: GEOMAR Re- search Centre, Wischhofstrasse 1^3, 24148 Kiel, Germany. Authigenic carbonate crusts formed at sea£oor Tel.: +49-431-600-2322; Fax: +49-431-600-2930. cold seeps are a sink for methane carbon migrat- E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Aloisi). ing from depth or released from shallow gas hy- drates [1,2], and thus partly regulate ocean^atmo- 1 Present address: Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Geochemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK. sphere carbon £uxes. Although the association of 2 Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, methane seepage and oxidation with carbonate University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3051, USA. crust formation is easily established on the basis 0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0012-821X(02)00878-6 EPSL 6390 1-10-02 196 G. Aloisi et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (2002) 195^203 of carbonate 13C depletion, a number of questions regarding carbonate crust formation remain un- answered: the methane-oxidising microorganisms have not been identi¢ed and the relative impor- tance of aerobic and anaerobic processes has to be elucidated. Furthermore, a better understand- ing of how microbial processes a¡ect dissolved inorganic carbon and carbonate^mineral equilib- ria is needed and controls on authigenic carbonate mineralogy have to be understood. Growing evidence is being provided by molec- ular biogeochemical [3^5] and phylogenetic [6,7] investigations that anaerobic oxidation of meth- ane, which accounts for most of the methane con- sumption in marine sediments, is carried out by prokaryotic consortia composed of methanotro- phic archaea and sulphate-reducing bacteria. Thiel et al. [8] and Peckmann et al. [9] report on cold seep carbonates that contain such molecular indicators, suggesting that the anaerobic oxida- tion of methane may play an important role in cold seep carbonate formation. However, the mi- crobial community structure of carbonate crusts has not been described so far and the phyloge- netic diversity and spatial variability of the micro- organisms involved in their formation are largely unknown. To investigate these aspects, we com- bined mineralogical and stable isotope studies of authigenic carbonates recovered from eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes with lipid bio- Fig. 1. In situ, macroscopical, microscopical and mineralogi- marker analysis, compound-speci¢c carbon iso- cal characteristics of carbonate crusts. (a) Sea£oor photo- tope measurements and 16S rRNA gene surveys. graph taken from the Napoli mud volcano during a Nautile submersible dive showing carbonate crust pavements covering decametric portions of the sea£oor. Inset: macroscopic as- 2. Submersible dives and samples pect of a carbonate crust sampled from the Amsterdam mud volcano (scale bar is 5 cm). (b) Scanning electron microscope photograph of organic matter associated with authigenic ara- Eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes form gonite crystals in crust MN16BT2 (scale bar is 25 Wm). Inset: when tectonically over-pressured and methane- relative abundance of authigenic carbonate minerals in a ver- charged mud is extruded at the sea£oor and re- tical transect of crust MN13BT4. Authigenic aragonite (A) deposited as mud breccia [10]. Seven such struc- prevails in the top 3 cm of the crusts and is substituted by authigenic high-Mg calcite (Mg-C) in the bottom part of the tures at depths between 1600 and 2000 m were crust. Dolomite (D) accounts for less than 20% of the authi- explored with the Nautile submersible during the genic carbonates. Medinaut cruise of the R/V Nadir in 1998. Their central parts actively release methane to the bot- tom waters and are covered by carbonate crust dolomite in the shallow pore-water of mud brec- pavements up to several decimetres thick [10] cia deposits [11]. Two crust samples, collected via (Fig. 1a). These form by precipitation of arago- the Nautile submersible from the Napoli mud vol- nite and lesser quantities of high-Mg calcite and cano (MN16BT2; 33‡43.548, 24‡41.036; 1945 m EPSL 6390 1-10-02 G. Aloisi et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (2002) 195^203 197 water depth) and from the Amsterdam mud vol- pool by using a slightly modi¢ed S-D-Arch-0021- cano (MN13BT4; 35‡19.859, 30‡16.528; 2034 m a-S-20 forward primer (5P-TTCCGGTTGATC- water depth), were investigated. CTGCCGGA-3P) in combination with the S-D- Arch-0958-a-A-19 reversed primer (5P-YCCGG- CGTTGAMTCCAATT-3P), yielding PCR prod- 3. Methods ucts of ca. 950 bp. After gel puri¢cation PCR products were cloned with a pCRII plasmid vec- 3.1. Mineralogy and stable isotope composition of tor kit. Two archaeal 16S rDNA libraries were carbonates constructed yielding 41 positive clones. Insert containing clones (10^15 for each library) were The mineralogy of the carbonate crusts was de- selected and partial sequences were determined termined by X-ray di¡raction of dried and ground (ca. 600 bp) on an ABI 310 Automated Se- subsamples of carbonate crusts. Authigenic (high- quencer. Partial 16S rDNA sequences were sub- Mg) calcite was distinguished from pelagic (low- mitted to GenBank and BLAST was used to de- Mg calcite) on the basis of d values of the (104) termine the closest relatives. Sequences were di¡raction peak which are equal to approximately aligned using the multiple alignment method in 2.998 Aî and 3.028 Aî , respectively [11]. The oxy- the ClustalW computer program. Evolutionary gen and carbon stable isotope compositions of distances were corrected [13], and a phylogenetic aragonite and high-Mg calcite were measured us- tree was constructed by neighbour-joining analy- ing a speci¢c procedure to account for the pres- sis with TreeconW. ence of authigenic dolomite and calcite of pelagic origin in the crusts as explained in Aloisi et al. [11]. The carbon and oxygen isotopic composi- 4. Mineralogy and stable isotope composition tions are expressed against VPDB. Aragonite and high-Mg calcite cements account 3.2. Lipid analysis for up to 82% of the crusts in weight. The car- bonate cements are depleted in 13C(N13C values Lipid extraction, separation and analysis by gas of MN16BT2 and MN13BT4 are 328.9x and chromatography (GC), GC-mass spectrometry 324.8x, respectively) indicating that methane is (MS), GC-isotope ratio monitoring MS and high- a major source for the carbonate carbon. They performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-MS are also up to 2.2x enriched in 18O(N18O values were conducted as reported previously [3,12]. N13C of MN16BT2 and MN13BT4 are 5.1x and values are expressed against VPDB after correc- 3.5x, respectively) compared to expected values tion for the addition of carbon during derivatisa- for aragonite and high-Mg calcite precipitating tion and have an error of less than þ 1.0x. from modern eastern Mediterranean bottom waters [11]. This is likely due to the decomposi- 3.3. 16S rRNA gene sequencing tion of gas hydrates that are widespread in the shallow sediments of eastern Mediterranean mud Total DNA was isolated from dried and volcanoes [10] and/or the seepage of 18O-rich ground crust samples using a Tris/EDTA/SDS ex- brines on the Napoli mud volcano. Other, deeper, traction bu¡er (0.1 M Tris^HCl/0.5 M EDTA/1% sources of 18O-rich £uids, however, cannot be ex- SDS, pH = 8.0) and 0.12 M phosphate washing cluded. bu¡er (pH = 8.0). DNA was extracted with a phe- nol^chloroform extraction and precipitated with ethanol. DNA was cleaned by gel ¢ltration. The 5. Microbial community structure total amount of DNA was measured spectropho- tometrically.
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