IAML Electronic Newsletter No. 33, July 2009 Reports from IAML 2009 IAML survey The joint IAML-IMS conference took place at The Programme Committee is asking the newly constructed Conservatorium van you to express your thoughts on the Amsterdam and – very impressive – Public Li- annual conferences by filling in a brary of Amsterdam on July 5-10, 2009. Both short survey before September 1, buildings (see photo below) are located on the 2009. If you have an account on the Oosterdok Island between the IJ River and the IAML web site, do not log in (and log city center, a major 200,000 m2 urban project out, if you were logged in) when you area on the banks of the IJ, which includes the fill the survey, so as to preserve your construction of a hotel and a congress center, a anonymity. trading center, office buildings, shops and res- began the session by asking Council to taurants, leisure facilities and a housing area. permit non voting members and observers On a nearby island, the Muziekgebouw aan’t to participate. IJ, a concert hall dedicated to contemporary music which opened its doors in 2005, was the He noted that two long-standing and site of the Tuesday evening concert. very active members of IAML had recently The conference program was such an embar- passed away. Tributes to Anders Lönn rassment of riches that, unless gifted with and Wolfgang Krueger would be heard at ubiquity, there was no way to attend all the the General Assembly and Closing Session talks one was potentially interested in. The on Friday afternoon. coming together of both organizations in a sin- One of the main reasons for inviting gle conference provided the opportunity for delegates to Amsterdam this year was to stimulating and hopefully fertile exchanges on visit two splendid buildings – the new Pub- common subjects, with the potential to bring lic Library and the even newer Conser- about needed synergy on similar and related vatoire. The extensive reconstruction going projects. on around the centre of Amsterdam should Council sessions (Sun., Thurs.) be taken as an invitation to return again. Here is the Secretary General’s report to the In matters arising, the President reported General Assembly on both Council sessions. that the Working Group on ISBD and Mu- Additions are in square brackets. sic had been wound up in Naples, but this The President of IAML, Martie Severt, had unfortunately not been formalised at welcomed delegates to Amsterdam, and the Council meeting in 2008. The President thanked David Sommerfield for his work in this area. President’s Report During the year, the President had sent congratulations to the Finnish Branch as it celebrated the 50th anniversary of music in public libraries in that country. He also at- tended the special meeting of the Italian National Branch in Florence to mark their 15th anniversary. And he also had contact with many col- leagues and associations throughout the year. To submit an item to this newsletter, please fill in this form. To enquire about ad placement, please fill in that form. IAML Electronic Newsletter N° 33 July 2009 On behalf of IAML the Board had nomi- keep information up-to-date on the web- nated two initiatives for consideration for site. Thanks to the webmaster, Gabriele the IMC awards. The first was the Norwe- Gamba, Quick Links had been added to gian Project to support music in Vietnam, the site so that it was easier to find docu- and the other was a project to ensure every ments such as the Conference programme child had access to an instrument. and Conference website. The programme Wolfgang Krueger’s passing had cre- was updated frequently and members were ated a vacancy Council on the RILM notified on IAML-L when this happened. Commission Mixte. Council was asked to Much of the year had been taken up with approve the appointment of Thomas work relating to the Programme Commit- Leibnitz for the remainder of Wolgang’s tee and the Amsterdam Conference. He second term of office, due to end in 2012. thanked Jim Cassaro, Martie Severt and This was approved unanimously. Hanneke Kuiper for their help. For the RidIM Commission Mixte, Apart from the usual updating of directo- Council was asked to approve the ries and yearbooks, and correspondence re-appointment of Zdravko Blažeković with members on a variety of matters, pre- for a second term. Two other members paratory work had begun on election for were stepping down from their roles, President and Vice-Presidents. Veslemöy Heintz and Florence Gétreau, and it was proposed that Paul Banks and Treasurer’s report Laurent Pugin be appointed to replace The Treasurer, Kathy Adamson, had cir- them. This was agreed unanimously. culated her report to Council members The President reported that the positions prior to the Amsterdam meeting. This was of Secretary General and Newsletter Editor the first report for which she had been needed to be filled and asked Council solely responsible. Members to suggest possible candidates. A There were concerns that branches were reasonable knowledge of English and some often very late in sending in their dues, and experience of attending conferences would this could affect their right to vote at be useful. Council. Secretary General’s Report. The Secretary General [Roger Flury] re- ported on the Board’s activities since the Naples Conference. A successful day and a half, midyear meeting had been held in Co- logne at the invitation of Jutta Lam- brecht. He reminded members about the Na- tional Report session and also the need to 2 IAML Electronic Newsletter N° 33 July 2009 The Treasurer outlined some ways in of the year, but all which IAML can reduce costs, for example problems were fi- an online membership directory instead of nally resolved. Just a printed one, and some economies relating as a reminder: to Fontes. 2009:4 is the Am- Council was asked to approve a proposal sterdam conference that the increase in membership fees for issue. All material is 2011 be amended downwards to 62 € for due to Maureen by institutions and 37 € for individuals. This 15 August. was less than had been originally set by The Special Topics issue for 2009 is, at Council because the Treasurer was con- the request of many members, an issue on cerned we might run the risk of losing Asia and we have fascinating articles from members. It was essential that this did not around the Pacific Rim from Japan to happen as our strength was in our membership. Vietnam. The 2010 Special Topics issue This was approved unanimously, and will be on Public Libraries, guest edited by will be put to the General Assembly for Hanneke Kuiper. approval. Reviews. In 2008, we printed an average of 14 reviews per issue (56 total); and in Elections 2009, in issues 1-3, we have an average of The President announced the following 13 reviews per issue (39 total). We have nominations for the 2010 elections for been including reprints of significant re- President and Vice Presidents. views from Forum Musikbibliothek. Other There were two nominations for Presi- national journals are encouraged to con- dent - James P. Cassaro and Roger Flury. tribute reviews of international interest. There were six nominations for the four Advertising. Six different organizations Vice-President positions - Jon Bagüés have placed ads in Fontes, and one in the (Spain) and Jutta Lambrecht (Germany) Newsletter. were standing for a second term, and the Indexing. Alison Hall has taken charge new candidates were Elizabeth Davis of the indexing of volumes by author and (USA), Johan Eeckeloo (Belgium), An- subject. In order to reduce the volume (and tony Gordon (UK) , and Stanisław Hra- duration) of the work, it was decided to not bia (Poland). index the Recent Publications List. No further nominations were received at As always, Fontes is the journal of the the meeting. IAML membership – if there’s anything The elections will be conducted in 2010, you’d like to contribute, anything that your with ballot papers mailed out in the last is- local branch has been working on or think- sue of Fontes for 2009. The Ballot paper ing about, please let Maureen know.] will also be on the website, along with CVs of the candidates. Postal voting will open Website at the end of February and close on 1 May. The webmaster Gabriele Gamba an- The results will be announced at the Mos- nounced that there are now 450 pages on cow Conference. the site. There are 193 registered users, of which 117 are IAML members. [Fontes Artis Musicae An input form to facilitate national Fontes editor, Maureen Buja, reported on branch reporting will appear soon. the latest issues: after two very large- He reminded Branch Chairs that if they volume years, a slimmed down Fontes did not already have dedicated pages on came out. Issues this year had been de- the site, they should send information to layed because of the teething pains of mov- him and the pages will be created on their ing the conference issue into the last issue behalf. 3 IAML Electronic Newsletter N° 33 July 2009 In response to a move at this time. There were other ways request for some to advertise, such as in Fontes and the analysis of site us- Newsletter, that would not fill our mail- age, the webmaster boxes. responded that this information was not EBLIDA currently collected Richard Chesser is our liaison with but could be pro- EBLIDA, and he has forward information vided in the future. to IAML-L. Electronic newsletter ICA [Four issues of the Inger Enquist re- newsletter have been ported on the activi- published since the ties of the Inter- last conference.] The national Council on Newsletter Editor, Archives, of which Michael Fingerhut, we are a member.
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