Call (906) 932-4449 DAYS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS Red Devils win Ironwood, MI 14 HOE HACK Ironwood beats GIFTS CERTIFICATESS AVAILABLE Washburn Redsautosales.com MON.-F.-FRI.. 99AM-5:30-5:30PM;; SSAT.. 99AM-4-4PM;; SSUN.. NNOON-4-4PM 408 W. MAIN ST. • ASHLAND, WI 54806 (715) 682-5443 SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Mostly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com | High: 27 | Low: 19 | Details, page 2 City commission opts out on marijuana sales for six months By RALPH ANSAMI Corcoran voted no, with Semo The pot proponents who [email protected] saying he’d introduce a second spoke Monday said marijuana IRONWOOD – The Ironwood ordinance option with a six- could be a big boost to Iron- City Commission on Monday month sunset clause. That drew wood’s struggling economy, espe- approved an ordinance to prohib- applause from the pro-marijuana cially given its border location. it marijuana establishments in audience. Downtown Ironwood busi- the city for six months, when the The second vote with the six- nessman Steve Lahti was among issue will be revisited. month ordinance expiration date those encouraging the city com- “We’ll do this again in six passed unanimously. mission to allow marijuana sales months,” city commissioner Rick Commissioners took the in the city. Semo said. action after a two-hour public ‘“We’re losing businesses. We Recreational marijuana use hearing attended by about 100 need help. We need more tax rev- was approved in Michigan in the people. Of 27 people who spoke, enue,” he said. November mid-term election by a including at least four who don’t But Paul Porter said while sup- 56-44 percent margin, but cities live in Ironwood, 22 supported port for marijuana was “close to can opt out of allowing marijua- allowing marijuana establish- 100 percent tonight,” using the Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe na establishments and many ments in the city and five were drug is “not moving in the direc- SAVANNAH CAMPBELL, a registered nurse, speaks against an have chosen to do so. Recreation- opposed. tion of a sober and sane mind.” Ironwood ordinance to prohibit marijuana sales establishments al pot use became legal last week, In recommending the opt out Two speakers said no one has in the city Monday at a public hearing. She said the city needs the but it won’t be available commer- option, city manager Scott Erick- ever died from marijuana, but tax revenues marijuana shops would bring. cially for sale until around 2020. son said it is unclear when pre- Rick Estola, of Ironwood Town- In an initial vote on Monday, cisely the state will begin accept- ship, citing a Daily Globe article, ger died in the crash with a log- him to drop prescription drugs Jim Mildren and Joseph Cayer Jr. ing applications for marijuana noted the man who is charged in ging truck. that can be deadly with overdos- supported opting out of the mar- establishments. People in the a fatal traffic accident in Saxon, Michael Cerbo, of Ironwood ijuana licensing act, but Semo, audience said that would occur Wis., earlier this year had mari- Township, said he now uses med- Mayor Annette Burchell and Kim in about a year. juana in his system. His passen- ical marijuana and it’s allowed SALES — page 5 Standoff MINERS TRAIL Township schedules defendant budget workshop By RICHARD JENKINS township supervisor, clerk sentenced [email protected] and treasurer – and the IRONWOOD TOWN- use of deputy positions for By RICHARD JENKINS SHIP – After hearing from those offices. [email protected] residents at the last meet- The proposed budget BESSEMER – The Iron- ing, the Ironwood Town- calls for each of the three wood Township man arrested ship Board of Trustees elected officials working in following a standoff at his decided more work was the township office to Vanderhagen Road property needed on next year’s bud- make $38,563 next year, a was sentenced in Gogebic get; with the board Mon- $1,123 increase from what County Circuit Court Mon- day scheduling a budget was budgeted in 2018. day. workshop next week. The clerk and treasurer Leonard John Hellier, 49, The workshop is sched- would each split an addi- received one year of proba- uled to begin at 4:30 p.m., tional $6,375 from the tion and time served, receiv- prior to the board’s Dec. 17 water fund and $6,375 ing credit for 573 days in jail meeting. from the sewer fund for since his arrest. During a Nov. 26 public work done involving those He pleaded guilty to two hearing, several residents accounts. counts of assault with a dan- expressed their opposition The proposed budget gerous weapon – or felonious to the amount of money assault – Nov. 6 as part of a allocated to the salaries of plea agreement that stipulat- the three elected officials – ed the sentence would be lim- BUDGET — page 5 ited to probation and time served. The sentencing guidelines in the case recommended a Ontonagon to file plan of action minimum sentence of 17 By JAN TUCKER pay off the pensions of all months, meaning Hellier’s [email protected] the employees working 573 days time served exceed- ONTONAGON – The now, in the past and future, ed the sentence that would village of Ontonagon has as well as former employ- have likely been imposed in 60 days to file a Corrective ees of the Ontonagon the case. Action Plan to notify the Memorial Hospital. The Hellier was taken into cus- state how the village plans state requires 60 percent to tody in May 2017 after a to bring its unfunded pen- be funded with the state. standoff at his Vanderhagen sion to 60 percent as is Part of that liability is for Road property, north of Air- required. The village has past employees of the port Road. presently funded the plan Ontonagon Memorial Hos- The roughly three-hour to 56.3 percent. pital. The village took over standoff began after Gogebic Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe The village has a total that liability when it sold JENNA MANWILLER and Nick Loseby, both of Ironwood, snowshoe on the pension liability of Miners Memorial Park Trail in Ironwood on Sunday afternoon with their $6,197,328. That amount is dog, Blue. the price it would take to HELLIER — page 5 ACTION — page 5 Wakefield council leans to discouraging marijuana business By P.J. GLISSON have in place its own laws regarding the [email protected] licensing of marijuana businesses. WAKEFIELD – The Wakefield city “We can opt in at any time,” he said, council voted Monday to have city attor- explaining the city then also could create ney Ray O’Dea draw up an ordinance stat- its own regulations in relation to zoning, ing the city will opt out of allowing mari- etc. “There’s a lot of work to be done here. juana businesses to operate within the city. The city has no groundwork.” City manager Richard Brackney said a Although Brackney said no interest in related public hearing will be held just the marijuana business has been prior to the second reading of the ordi- expressed yet in Wakefield, he believes nance at a future meeting. The council opting out now is a way to send a message then will vote on the ordinance. to anybody coming in who may be “inter- Wakefield’s action follows in the foot- ested in doing something.” steps of the cities of Ironwood and Besse- In the planning commission meeting, mer and of Wakefield Township. The Brackney also specified, “If you opt into Wakefield planning commission also the medical (marijuana), you cannot opt voted to opt out just before the Wakefield out of the recreational, because the facili- city council meeting. ties are allowed to do both.” P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe “The city has no guidelines for this The vote passed unanimously in both WAKEFIELD MAYOR John Granato reads from a document at Monday’s city council now,” said mayor John Granato, who meetings. Dion DelFavero was absent from meeting as mayor pro tempore Amy Tarro listens. added that by 2020, the state expects to the planning commission meeting. TODAY INDEX Mostly cloudy — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .12-14 75 cents Comics . .11 Monday Today’s records Snowfall Community . .3 Vol. 100, No. 18 High 32 High 51 (1913) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Health . .6 Low 18 Low -26 (1977) Monday none Snow depth 7 in. Obituaries . .2,7 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 48.9 in. Opinion . .4 High 19 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 46.9 in. Low 7 Monday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD Obituaries TODAY WEDNESDAYWEDNESDDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDDAY SATURDAY Santino A. ‘Sye’ Castagna HURLEY, Wis. – Santino A. “Sye” Sye spent 37 years Castagna, 97, of Pence, passed away on of his life dedicated Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Isolated Snow Partly CloudyC Partly Cloudy Nov. 30, 2018. to the education of Sye was born on Jan. 7, 1921, in Hurley students. Sye Hurley, the son of Anna Lopez and was a well-educated 27° 19° 32° 26°266° 33° 22° 31° 23° 35° 25° Pasquali “Patsy” Castagna. and well-liked man Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: Sye was a native of Hurley and lived who will be long 2-52-5 mphmph S 8 mphmph SESE 8 mphmph SSWSSW 9 mmphph WWSWSW 1010 mphmph S in Pence. He was a member of St. remembered for the Mary’s Catholic Church in Hurley and Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK way he genuinely 31/25 one of the oldest members of the inspired students.
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