Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal to be announced this weekend Archbishop J. Francis Stafford will ask Colorado the three great theological virtues,” Archbishop Staf­ we must commit ourselves to the ACA for Christ.” Catholics in 136 parishes and missions to reflect on ford said. “It is Christ who calls us to hope. I believe 'The AC A generates funding for 50 ministries spon­ the virtue of hope as he sored by the Archdiocese of launches the 1996 Denver. ACA-funded minis­ Archbishop’s Catholic Ap­ tries fall under the following peal (ACA) the weekend of Hearts on Fire and ACA fiind separate needs eight categories: Youth/ April 13-14. Young Adult Ministry; Tlie ACA is the primary What is the difference between the Hearts on Fire ond phase of the campaign will begin in pari.shes this Catholic Schools; Religious fund-raising vehicle for the campaign and the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal? fall. Seven pilot parishes are currently launching Education; Catholic Chari­ Archdiocese o f Denver. It is Support for the AC A is crucial to 50 ongoing min­ Hearts on Fire to determine the best way to commu­ ties & Community Ser­ separate from the $64 m il­ istries of the archdiocese. Among these are: nicate the needs to be funded. vices- Hispanic, Black and lion Hearts on Fire cam ­ funding for the promotion of vocations and Hearts on Fire w ill fund case elements Native American Minis­ paign, which addresses education of seminarians; the Respect including: the renovation of the John Paul tries; Assistance to Par­ II Center for the New Evangelization; a seven vital needs during the Life Office; Catholic Charities; youth, ishes; Institutions and the Catholic schools tuition assistance fund next five years. young adult and campus ministry; the Monteria Mission; V’oea- This year’s ACA theme Colorado Catholic (jonference; the t t " for families in need; the construction tional. Spiritual and Min­ r - m and renovation o f Catholic high schools; is “By His great mercy, He Catholic Biblical School; the permanent isterial Development; and an endowment to ensure the future of has given us a new birth into diaconate program; Catholic School E)du- Community Involvement. cation Foundation, and many others. Catholic education; a capital assistance a living hope ...” (1 Peter Last year’s ACA contri­ Hearts on Fire is the first m ^or fund­ fund for parishes in need; enhanced fund­ 1:3), and the goal is butions topped $5 million raising drive conducted by the archdiocese in ing for Catholic Charities; and providing for $4,425,000. for the first time, a sign of 40 years. The m ^ or gift portion o f the campaign priestly retirement. “Our Catholic tradition Catholics continuing com­ was recently launched and has already resulted in Please prayerfully consider offering your support mitment to putting faith ranks hope — along with more than $3 million in gifts and pledges. 'The sec- to both Hearts on Fire and the ACA. faith and charity — among into action. APRIL 10. 1996 PA G E 2 DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Imprisoned need Catholic involvement Shame o f betrayal BY KEITH COFFMAN healed by the cross When Bob Sylvester, director of Dismas House — a transitional resi­ BY FATHER JOHN KRENZKE dence for paroled offenders in Den­ ver — says “the criminal justice sys­ A reflection on the Gospel reading for the See tem is broken,” he speaks from per­ ond Sunday of Easter — John 20: 19-31. sonal experience. The resurrection event is the dawn of a new “I was convicted of a white-col­ age of God’s definitive act of establishing His lar crime and served 15 months in reign of love. Fear and joy, the Gospel tells us. prison,” he said at a luncheon dur­ are the mixed reactions of the disciples to the ing the annual Day at the Legisla­ events that will take a long time to assimilate ture, March 27. “ I lost my family and The disciples fear that they too may lose their ever>-thing 1 had — it was then 1 de­ lives — the fear is not unfounded. They are also cided to devote my life to prison re­ filled w ith joy in seeing and hearing the Lord form.” The disciples are quite ashamed of their be More than 250 people partici­ trayal of the Ixird in running off under the cover pated in this year's Denver Archdi­ of darkness in the Garden of Gethsemane. They ocesan Council of Catholic Women’s have all sinned. Peter has sinned grievously by Day at the Legislature under the denying his relationship with Jesus and taking theme, "Am I My Neighbor’s Keeper? a false oath. Prisons: Fact and Fiction." ..lesiis wishes them peace. Tb give them and It was while incarcerated that M A R Y Rausch, legislative chairperson for the l)At'C\^. addressed the an us the power to forgive effectively is to endow Sylvester met Jesuit Father James nual Day at the Legislature at the State Capitol. ;« us w ith the heart of divine power. We gaze with Sunderland, archdiocesan chaplain wonder at the magnificence of the divine power of prison ministry. A friendship developed that changed funding for prison construction He urged the assem­ in the creation of the world, but to forgive is to the course of Sylvester’s life. blage to become active in the plight of the imprisoned I use a far deeper divine power than the j>ower “There are 2,200 people paroled a The 1996 Day at the Legislature year and most of them have no support began at the Cathedral of the Im­ that brought the physical world into existence system awaiting them,” Sylvester said. maculate Conception with an invo­ God created the world; we disrupted it with "The prison system doesn’t prepare cation led by Father John .-\nder- sin and now in being given the gift of the Spirit, p>eople for release. It all starts with giv­ son, rector. Welcoming statements we have the ability to renew and recreate this ing them dignity and resp>ect — our hope were made by L).-\CCW President earth in God’s holiness. The purpose of the story in Genesis — man V is to restore the soul and mind to make .•Mice .-\nne Pilkington; Loretto Sis­ that person whole again.” ter Ixiretto .-\nn Madden, spiritual and woman created in God’s im age — is now seen 7 Operating as a non-profit corpora­ moderator; and Mary Rausch, leg­ and understood in its ultimate potential. God’s tion without government funds, Dismas islative chairperson. spirit in us and the ability to forgive and heal boasts a success rate of 75 porcent since Sister of Mercy Peggy Maloney, and grow allow humanity to realize its destiny its oponing three years ago. The recidi­ archdiocesan secretary for sexual con­ Thomas’s doubts are easily understandable vism rate for ex-offenders statewide is cerns. gave an update of vital social When Jesus is again present a week later, He 68 porcent within three years. issues, including the statement that invites Thomas to touch Him or rather to “put “We do nothing to stop crime by 45 piercent of children in Colorado are out your hand and place it in My side.” Thomas building more prisons.” Fatlier Sunder­ growing up in pxiverty. IS invited to experience a renewed fidelity to the land stressed to the gathering. “There The gathering reconvened at the person of Jesus. Jesus does not condemn is a lack of funding for programs in pris­ Capitol to join in a panel discussion Thomas’s doubt. Jesus invited Thomas to be ons. and long waiting lists for the pro­ J a m r $ B o c a ' I H 'H p h o to with.\rapahoe County Judge Stephen lieve again Thomas responds to the invitation grams that they do have.”’ FATHER James Sunderland Ruddick; Dianne Tramutola-Lawson to believe by confessing, “My Lord and My God " Father Sunderland also said law­ of CURE, a prison reform group; .Sen .-\ blessing (spiritual prosperity) is pro makers have ignored the “spiritual element” of the in­ Lloyd Casey. D-Northglenn; and Larry Trujillo, chair noil need on us who have not seen Jesus in the carcerated by eliminating funding for the state’s prison man of the State Board of Parole. flesh but have acknowledged Him in the heart chaplain program, while at the same time increasing Continued on [Xige The core of believing is trusting and putting one’s security in God. It is good to be able to put one’s Memorial Mass for Father Gottschalk scheduled hand in the wounds o f Jesus, but it is better to be able to put one’s life in His divine heart. In a 1989 interview with the Denver Catholic Reg­ nera 1 M ass. It offers them an opportunitv to offer ister, Father .Andrew Gottschalk recalled prayers of thanksgiving for the mini.'try and ser\ice being present for his father’s death. Father Gott.schalk provide<i m Colorado, “Among my many memorable mo­ according to Helen Keavenj. past din*c- ments of grace, the greatest is probably tor of the Rural !,ife Office Correction when my father expired exactly when I “His faithfulness to farmers and rec­ Tlie article announcing expansion and construe- was saying the prayer, 'May the saints of ognition of the farm crisis during the tion projects at three parishes in the Fort Collins God come to greet you. May the angels 1980s wa.s very unportant to Catholics in area incorrectly stated that the new school at St.
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