Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) Vol. XII (2013), 863-902 Structure of level sets and Sard-type properties of Lipschitz maps GIOVANNI ALBERTI, STEFANO BIANCHINI AND GIANLUCA CRIPPA 2 d d 1 Abstract. We consider certain properties of maps of class C from R to R − that are strictly related to Sard’s theorem, and we show that some of them can be extended to Lipschitz maps, while others require some additional regularity. We also give examples showing that, in terms of regularity, our results are optimal. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 26B35 (primary); 26B10, 26B05, 49Q15, 58C25 (secondary). 1. Introduction In this paper we study three problems which are strictly interconnected and ulti- mately related to Sard’s theorem: structure of the level sets of maps from Rd to d 1 2 R − , weak Sard property of functions from R to R, and locality of the diver- gence operator. Some of the questions we consider originated from a PDE problem studied in the companion paper [1]; they are however interesting in their own right, and this paper is in fact largely independent of [1]. d d 1 2 Structure of level sets. In case of maps f R R − of class C , Sard’s theorem (see [17] and [12, Chapter 3, Theorem: 1.3])!1 states that the set of critical values of f , namely the image according to f of the critical set S x rank( f (x)) < d 1 , (1.1) := : r − has (Lebesgue) measure zero. By the Implicit Functio n Theorem, this property d 1 implies the following structure result: for a.e. y R − the connected components of the level set E f 1(y) are simple curves2(of class C2). y := − This work has been partially supported by the italian Ministry of Education, University and Re- search (MIUR) through the 2006 PRIN Grant “Metodi variazionali nella teoria del trasporto ot- timo di massa e nella teoria geometrica della misura”, and by the European Research Council through the 2009 Starting Grant “Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws: singular limits, properties of solutions and control problems”. Received July 20, 2011; accepted December 12, 2011. 1 For more general formulations see also [9, Theorem 3.4.3] and [2,3,6]. 864 GIOVANNI ALBERTI, STEFANO BIANCHINI AND GIANLUCA CRIPPA For Sard’s theorem to hold, the regularity assumption on f can be variously weakened, but in any case f must be at least twice differentiable in the Sobolev sense.2 However, a variant of the structure theorem holds even with lower regular- ity: in Theorem 2.5, statement (iv), we show that if f R2 R is Lipschitz, then : ! for a.e. y R the connected components of Ey are either simple curves or consist of single p2oints, and in statement (v) we show that the same holds if d 3 and d d 1 1,1/2 ≥ f R R − is a map of class C . : No!te that for d 3 it is not enough to assume that f is Lipschitz: in Section 3 ≥ d d 1 1,↵ we construct examples of maps f R R − of class C for every d 3 : ! ≥ and ↵ < 1/(d 1) such that for an open set of values y the level set Ey contains a Y-shaped subse−t, or triod (see Subsection 2.3 for a precise definition), and therefore at least one connected component of Ey is neither a point nor a simple curve. Weak Sard property. Given a function f R2 R of class C2, consider the : ! measure µ on R given by the push-forward according to f of the restriction of Lebesgue measure to the critical set S defined in (1.1). The measure µ is supported on the set f (S), which is negligible by Sard’s theorem, and therefore µ is singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R: µ L 1. (1.2) ? Formula (1.2) can be viewed as a weak version of Sard’s theorem, and holds under the assumption that f is (locally) of class W 2,1, cf. [1, Section 2.15(v)]. In Section 4 we prove that the last assumption is essentially optimal; more precisely we construct a function f R2 R of class C1,↵ for every ↵ < 1 (and therefore also of class W β,p for every: β <!2 and p ) such that (1.2) does not hold. +1 We actually show that this function does not satisfy an even weaker version of (1.2), called weak Sard property, where in the definition of µ the critical set S is replaced by S E⇤, with E⇤ the union of all connected components with positive length of all lev\el sets. The relevance of the weak Sard property lies in the following result [1, The- orem 4.7]: let b be a bounded divergence-free vector field on the plane, then the continuity equation @ u div (bu) 0 admits a unique bounded solution for every t + = bounded initial datum u0 if and only if the potential f associated to b, namely the Lipschitz function that satisfies b f ,3 satisfies the weak Sard property. = r? Locality of the divergence operator. It is well-known that given a function u on Rd which is (locally) of class W 1,1, the (distributional) gradient u vanishes a.e. on r 2 For Sard’s Theorem for maps of class C1,1 see [2], for maps in the Sobolev class W 2,p see [4, 10]. The constructions in [11,19] and [9, Section 3.4.4] give counterexamples to Sard’s Theorem of class C1,↵ for every ↵ < 1, and therefore also of class W β,p for every β < 2 and 1 p . 1 3 Given a vector v (v , v ) we write v ( v , v ), and v (v , v ). Thus = 1 2 ? := − 2 1 > := 2 − 1 r? := ( @ , @ ). If a vector field b is bounded and divergence-free then b is bounded and curl-free, − 2 1 > and therefore there exists a Lipschitz function f such that f b , that is, f b. r = > r? = STRUCTURE OF LEVEL SETS AND SARD-TYPE PROPERTIES OF LIPSCHITZ MAPS 865 every Borel set E where u takes a.e. a constant value. This property is summarized by saying that the gradient is strongly local for Sobolev functions; it follows im- mediately that every first-order differential operator, including the divergence, is strongly local for (first-order) Sobolev functions. It is then natural to ask whether first-order differential operators are strongly local even on larger spaces. In Section 5 we show that, somewhat surprisingly, the answer for the diver- gence operator is negative,4 and that in two dimensions this fact is strictly related to the (lack of) weak Sard property for Lipschitz functions (Remark 5.1). More pre- cisely, we construct a bounded vector field b on the plane whose (distributional) di- vergence belongs to L1, is non-trivial, and is supported in the set where b vanishes; we than use b to construct another example of Lipschitz function f R2 R with- out the weak Sard property. : ! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank Ludeˇk Zaj´ıcˇek for pointing out reference [15] and David Preiss for reference [16]. 2. Structure of level sets of Lipschitz maps We begin by recalling some basic notation and definitions used through the entire paper, more specific definitions will be introduced when needed. 2.1. Basic notation. Through the rest of this paper, sets and functions are tacitly assumed to be Borel measurable, and measures are always defined on the appropri- ate Borel σ-algebra. We write a b and a b respectively for the minimum and the maximum of the real numbers^a, b.5 _ Given a subset E of a metric space X, we write 1E X 0, 1 for the characteristic function of E, Int(E) for the the interior of E,: and,!for{ever}y r > 0, Ir E for the closed r-neighbourhood of E, that is, I E x X dist(x, E) r . r := 2 : The class F(X) of all non-empty, closed subsets of X is endowed with the Haus- dorff distance d (C, C0) inf r 0, C I C0, C0 I C . (2.1) H := 2 [ +1] : ⇢ r ⇢ r 4 This answers in the negative a question raised by L. Ambrosio; a simpler but less explicit example has been constructed by C. De Lellis and B. Kirchheim. 5 The symbol is sometimes used for the exterior product; the difference is clear from the context. ^ 866 GIOVANNI ALBERTI, STEFANO BIANCHINI AND GIANLUCA CRIPPA A function (or a map) defined on a closed set E in Rd is of class Ck if it admits an extension of class Ck to some open neighbourhood of E, and is of class Ck,↵ with 0 ↵ 1 if it is of class Ck and the k-th derivative is Ho¨lder continuous with exponent ↵. Given a measure µ on X and a positive function ⇢ on X we denote by ⇢ µ the · measure on X defined by ⇢ µ (A) A ⇢ dµ. Hence 1E µ is the restriction of µ to the set E. [ · ] := · R Given a map f X X 0 and a measure µ on X, the push-forward of µ according to f is the :meas!ure f µ on X defined by f µ (A) µ( f 1(A)) for # 0 [ # ] := − every Borel set A contained in X 0. d d As usual, L is the Lebesgue measure on Rd while H the d-dimensional Hausdorff measure on every metric space – the usual d-dimensional volume for subsets of d-dimensional surfaces of class C1 in some Euclidean space.
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