Numismata Graeca; Greek Coin-Types, Classified For

Numismata Graeca; Greek Coin-Types, Classified For

NUMISMATA GRAEGA GREEK COIN-TYPES CLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFIGATION PROTAT BROTHEHS, PRINTERS, MACON (fRANCe) . NUMISMATA GRAEGA GREEK GOIN-TYPES GLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFICATION BY L. ANSON TEXT OF PART II WA R uftk-nM.s, "X^/"eetp>oi:is, -A.rm.oiJLirs, JStandarcis, etc. ARROW, AXE, BOW, GAESTUS, CLUB, DAGGER, HARPA, JAWBONE, KNIFE, LANCE, QUIVER, SCABBARD, SLING, SPEAR, SWORD, CUIRASS, GREAVES, HELMET, SHIELD, STANDARDS, VEXILLA, TROPHIES <.0^>.T^ vo LONDON 61, REGENT STREET, W. 1911 CI RCx> pf.2 ARROW No. ARROW No. ARROW Mkiai Xo. Placic Obverse \Vt. Di.;> n.vri- PiATi: Si/i; Arrow-liead 17» Praeiieste. Buiich of grapes. AiTOw-head. ,€..85 176 B. M. Ilalv, p. 60, 21 11.40 ' Central ^ No 13. Garrucci, 3/. Italtj. /. , p. 22, No 6. - 872 18 P o 1 y r h e ro AYPHNI ON. lUiHs POAY- Arrow-head. i\. 8 Drachm. B. c. B. M. Crete, etc, liliet. r. d. .5.63 830- nium. head hnund with INHd ; b. of 20 p.67, No9. Crete 280. 19 Bull'shead; b. of d. O n Arrow-head, upwards. .E.65 ,, No 13. Y A 16 •20 Round shield, in cenlre n O Arrow-head, upwards. Ai.Ab p. t)8, No 17. of which huil's head 11 ; A Y b. of d. B. C. Babelon, Inv. Wad- •20^' Pnisias I Horse"s head. BAZIAE Arrow-head. 228- dinglon, p. 31, Bithynia. npoYZ 12 180 Noa68. 21 Uncertain. Beardless head of Ilera- EJ to r. Arrow head. AL. 7 I m hoo f, Mon. Gr., Asia Minor. kles r., Iion's skin licd 18 p. 167, .\o49. under the neck. Arrow-head and spear-head •>2 Ceraea. Mead of Arteniis 1. ra- KEPAITAN. Tol. and r. of ^.8 Crele. diate, hair gathered in inscription arrow head a knot behind qui- and spear-head; all ; ver at shoulder. within a wreath. 23 Ilead of .Artemis or K or K-€- Arrow head an Apollo. spear. AXE Met.xl Pl.AClC Obverse Revehse Wt. Pknom. Date Reference No. Sizi Axe and bow in case (See also Bovt- in Case and Battle-Axe) Before •28 Olbii». Head o( river-god Bo- OABIO. Bow in case, Mionnet, II, S., p. 15, Ale- Snrmatia. l.,wilhshort besides axe. 24 No 26. rysthenes xan- horns. dcr Ihe Great 29 Simila OABIO, in field, |K. Bow ^.95 ,, p. 18, No 47, in case and axe. 24 B. M. Thrace, etc. p. 12, No 10. :{0 Simihir. OABIO-A0- Ro'*^ in case M.9b Mionnet, II, S., p. 17, and axe. 24 No 36. Axe and Club 30» As ffrave. lAxe and club in the I Same type. ^.1 Uncia |Carelli,7,XX,No34. I Garrucci, 6. Elrnrln. \ middle pillet. p. 29, No | I Axe and Crescent within four spokes of Wheel 31 Uncertain. Female head r., wearing .•\xe, four crescents, A and ^.85 Mionnet, I,S.,p. 175, Gallia. animal skin, pearl two symbols ^ c=i, the 21 No 202. necklace ; in her mouth whole between the spokes small branch with two of a wheel which divides flower-buds. the field in four parts. Beardless head 1. many Axe, four crescents, Lead No 204. two 11 1 J locks of hair ; in front fruits olive-like and o, .95 two fishes ; behind in the four spokes of 24 00. wheel. 33 Beardless head 1. flow- Axe and three crescents in .R..35 ,, p. 176,No217. injr hair. the four spokes of wheel. 9 34 Similar ; in front two Axe, Iwo crescents, two R. 6 ,, p. 175,No203. fishes. olive-like fruits and O 15 in the four spokes of wheel. 35 Beardless head r. Axe and two crescents .R.55 ,, No 207. between the spokes of a 14 wbeel. 36 Similar 1., hair flowingin Axe,cresceiitand o between R. 5 ,, ,, No 206. locks, in front a fish. the spokes of a wheel 12.5 Axe and Fascis 37 Plole- . ; . AXE Metal Fl.ACK Obvkrse Hbvehse Wt. Di:n. Date Plate No. SlZE Axe-heacl :{8 llluenK'- POIM HTAA KOY- lEBA ZTOY. Head of M 6 Under B. .Vl.Thrace, p. 209, talkes I, Throne r., with back battle-axe. 15 Au- No 10. ; kiiig ol' against it leans sceptre gus- Thr.tcr. above B- tus. Axe and Knife 'M» .As (jrave. Young head full face, Axe and sacrificial knife, JF.. 697. Qua- B. M. Ilaly, p. 2i. Etiiiri:i. with long locks of between which, * infield, 1 55 45.16 drans. No 1. hair, wearing- pointed r.,crescent; broaddouble 39 Garrucci,p. 29, No 3. cap; plain border. border. :{8b Similar. Similar but • (one pellet) M. Uncia ,, ,, No 2. and another crescent in 2.2 thc middle. 55 38<= Similar and knife only. M. , No 5. Axe , , , .85 21 Pick-Axe 292 ii\) Damas- llead of /Vpollo r. laur, AAMA Pick-Axe used in i\. C, B. C. PI. I B. M. Thessaly, etc. tium. 2TIN mines. 15 1.88 4th 39 p. 86, No 16. Illj/riti flN cent Axes-two 40 Uncerlain. Beardless head !., behind Two axes, crescent, a kind R.55 Mionnet, I, S., p. 177, Gallm. o. of olive and O between 14 No 220. the four spokes of a wheel. Axe-Double or Bipennis 41 .Aes grave. Wheel of six spokes. Bipennis r., in front, ^ M. 6 Elriirin, border. 15 tl=> Similar. Similar in lield ). i2 Similar. Similar ; but letter V. 42" Firniuni. fim Spear-head •••. Axe-double. l'i(H'niiiii. AXE No. 2 . , AXE Metai \o. Obvehsk VVt. DlJNOM. Date SlZE Tenedos. Similar. T E. Similar 25.8 Ilemi- Trous. N E- 12. 5 1.66 drachm. Similar. TENE Al O N. Double- 217.8 Tetra- axe;onl.,buncii of grapes, •25 14.10 drachm on r.,lyre ; incusesquare. Similar. Similar; in field, A N on R.l.l 203 r., bee. 27. 5 13.15 Similar ; ^\earing neck- Similar; on r., Nike to left. .R. 6 53.8 Drachm. iace. 15 3.47 Similar; (bearded male Similar; on 1., bunch of R. * 54.7 head laur.) grapes, on r., kantharos; 1.5 3.52 incuse. ,")3.3 Similar. Similar ; on r., lyre. i\. 6 15 3.43 Female head r., wearing X E- Double-axe. JE.3b stephanos (Arlhemis?) 9 Janiform head of archaic TE Double-axe, on 1., R.95 239 Tetra- slyle, female wearing NE .\mphora; the whole 24 15.48 drachm. slephane, earring and AEO N '" incuse square. necklace. Jaiiiform head of line l^ouble-axe, R. 6 ,57.4 Drachm TENE A I ON- style, female r., wear- bunch of grapes on 1., 15 3.71 ing slephane, male 1. tripod on r., the \\liole in incuse square. Simihjr. Similar, but thyrsus on r. R. 6 43.5 15 2.80 Doul)le-axe. each Inscr.?) TE- Double axe ; on ^.35 side of axe, pileus of 9 the Dioscuri. aniform head of late TENEAION. Double-axe; -R. 241 . style ; bearded maie on 1., bunch of grapes 1.75 15.62 ; 1. ; r., 31 head laur. female and A (?) ; on Herakles, liead r.,' wearing ste- wreathed, standing fac- phane. ing, holding club in the r. hand. The whole in a wrealh of laurel. Similar. Similar; on r., owl 1., R. faciii"'. Siniiiiii'. Similar ; on 1., [5v ; on pilei of the Dioscuri. AXE No. AXK I.Mktai. Pl.ACK ( )i>\i;ns)-: Wt. Denom. I Datk Pl. Si/i- Reker 81 Myndiis. Bull .1-:. Without lcfj-end. Double- .5 Mionnet, III, p. 3.59, Carui. axe. 12. ,i No .330. 8'> Pixodarus . Ilead ol' .Vpollo I. laur., :>- 2iii' , P j. l)oublc-ii\-e (I.abrysj. Y. 2 of n. i:. Pl. II B. M. Caria, p. 18f, Satrap of hair hanping loose be- 0.33 Stater. 340- 82 No (. (Uirin. hind. 331 Babelon, Perses ache- meiiides 61 , p. , No 412 (says is an hemiobol or 48"' of stater.) 83 PlMra.« Cuirassina linearsquare. HAAPAZ. Double-axe ,, Mionnet, VI, S., in incuse. 1.5 p. 456, No 106. 84 Tliyalira Ilead ol' -Apollo r., laur., eVATEI. Double-axe. K. () II. <;. B. M. Lydia, p. 292, Li/diu. Iwo longcurlshanf^iuf,' PH NflN 15 190? No i. down neck : benealh, Seleu EPMOK '? border of cid dols. times i 85 S i 1 a r : b e n e a t h Similar. m , Ai. 6 Pl. II p. 292, No 7. MENANAPOZ- 15 85 86 Head of bearded Ilera- eVAT eiPH. Double-axe; ¥.. 7 Time Pl. II p. 293, No 8. kles, bare, r. ; border NH N border of 17.5 of 86 of dots. dots. Nero. 87 N€PnNKAAYAI KAI- OYAT eiPH Double-axe. JE. 7 p. 302, No 58. CAPreP. Bust of Nn N 17.5 young Nero r., head bare,shoulders draped. 88 • ZTATMEZIAA... Bust Siinilar. ^.tj5 M e s p. .303, No 68. of Stntilia Messalina r. 16 sa- line. 89 Moslene. CABei N AC6BA... Bust MOC TH NnN. Double- ^.65 Sa- Pl. II p. l(i2,NolO. Lijilin. of Sabina r. axe, belween bunch of 16 bina. 89 grapes onI.,and twoears of corn on r. Abbaiiis. Head of .Vpollo'.' r., hair MY Donble-axe; the A^.. 6 u. c. Pl. II Phryf.ia,p.2, Pliri/ijia. rolled and bonndwith ZnN whole in laurel- 15 190- 90 No9. wrcath. ABBA wrealh. 133(?: fyjN beneath lu-iza. 181 Trident ; border of dots? e P Double-axe; bordcr of JE. i p. 202, Nol. Phnjrjia. dots ? cent. B.C? 92 Eumenia. N€pca)nkaica pce eVMe NECON Nero. p.216, No40. Phrijffia BACTOC- Youlhful lOVAIOCKAeCONOAPXie 19 bust of Nero r., head pevc bare,shoulders draped.

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