The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Chatham-Kent Council – Electronic Meeting Council Chambers, Chatham-Kent Civic Centre November 9, 2020 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order The Mayor called the meeting to Order: Present: Mayor Darrin Canniff, Councillors Authier, Bondy, Ceccacci, Crew, Faas, Finn, Harrigan, Kirkwood-Whyte, Latimer, McGrail, B. McGregor, C. McGregor, Pinsonneault, Sulman, Thompson, and Wright Absent: Councillor Hall 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest (Direct or Indirect) And the General Nature Thereof 3. Supplementary Closed Session Agenda Items 4. Recess to Closed Session – 4:00 p.m. Councillor Carmen McGregor, Closed Session Chair That Council moved into a Closed Session Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following reasons: Proposed disposition of land by the municipality with regard to Offer to Purchase – Kirk St. and Park St., Community of Chatham. Section 239(2)(c), Municipal Act, 2001. Proposed acquisition of land by the municipality and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose with regard to Rondeau Park. Section 239(2)(c) & (f), Municipal Act, 2001. 5. Adjournment of Closed Session Resumption of Electronic Open Council Meeting – 6:00 p.m. As per By-law 30-2020 – An “Electronic Meeting” is defined as any regular or special meeting of Council that utilizes remote electronic access for the Members during any period of time during which an emergency has been declared, either by the Head of Council or the Province, in all or part of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, under sections 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act; 6. Approval of Supplementary Agenda The Municipal Clerk noted that Item 15(h) - Conversion of Movable Bridges – Community of Wallaceburg has been added to the agenda. Chatham-Kent Council at its meeting held on November 9, 2020 Page 1 of 19 7. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest (Direct or Indirect) for Open Session Agenda Items and the General Nature There Of There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. Deputations – items on current agenda As per By-law 30-2020: 3.10(h) -- Unless otherwise approved by the Chair, an Electronic Meeting shall not permit public deputations, except by way of written submission received in advance of the meeting, which shall be submitted to the Municipal Clerk’s office at [email protected] prior to the start of the Electronic Meeting, and shall be provided to members in advance of the meeting if possible. The Clerk shall verbally read out the written deputation at the beginning of the meeting; Council received and read written deputations from the following individuals: Item 14(a) – Ontario Heritage Act – Request to Remove Property from Municipal Heritage Register – 49 George Street, Blenheim Peter and Annie Timmermans 15(b) – Temporary Arena Repurposing Recommendations Elaine and John Heyink with regard to item 15 (b) – Temporary Arena Repurposing Recommendations Kerry Lunn – item 15 (b) with regard to Temporary Arena Repurposing Recommendations Paul Welch – item 15 (b) with regard to Temporary Arena Repurposing Recommendations 15(f) – Right-of-Way Water Access/Surplus Land Review Sandra Jones, Erieau with regard to item 15 (f) – Right-of-Way Water Access/Surplus Land Review Consent Agenda As per By-law 30-2020: 3.10(j) - The agenda shall be modified to allow for all items on the agenda to be voted upon at once, except for Planning Act matters and any others as determined by the Clerk. The Clerk shall first ask if any Member wishes to have any item on the agenda voted upon separately in which instance that item shall be voted upon separately; The Municipal Clerk explained that all administrative reports and notices of motion are listed under the Consent Agenda. Council has the opportunity to pull any items off the consent agenda and place them aside to be discussed and voted on separately. All items not placed aside will be voted on in one motion. The Municipal Clerk noted that the following items have be placed aside for discussion and voting: Item # Title Pulled by Councillor Latimer & C. 9(a) Update on the Development of the CK Food Strategy McGregor 9(b) Childcare Affordability Plan Kirkwood-Whyte RFP – Developing Affordable Housing 2020 – Ontario 11(b) Priority Housing Initiative Year 2 and Municipal Funded Kirkwood-Whyte Affordable Housing Developments Thompson, McGrail 13(a) Working Remotely Policy & Latimer Chatham-Kent Council at its meeting held on November 9, 2020 Page 2 of 19 Item # Title Pulled by Councillor Ontario Heritage Act – Request to remove property from Thompson, Ceccacci 14(a) Municipal Heritage Register, 49 George Street, Blenheim & Wright Motion by Councillor Ceccacci re Derelict Buildings and Ceccacci & 14(b) Properties Thompson 14(c) Motion by Councillor Thompson re Spite Fences Thompson Harrigan, Ceccacci & 15(b) Temporary Arena Repurposing Recommendations Wright, Pinsonneault Thompson, McGrail, Kirkwood-Whyte, 15(c) Leaf and Yard Waste Service Modifications Latimer, Harrigan, Ceccacci, Wright, Pinsonneault B. McGregor & 15(d) Sidewalk Policy replaced with Local Improvement Act Latimer 15(e) Use and Care of Municipal Highways By-law McGrail Thompson, Latimer, 15(f) Right-of-Way Water Access / Surplus Land Review Ceccacci Authier, Thompson, Latimer, Harrigan, 15(g) Bridge Divestment Criteria Ceccacci, Pinsonneault C. McGregor, Conversion of Movable Bridges – Community of Thompson, McGrail, 15(h) Wallaceburg Ceccacci, Pinsonneault Councillor Wright moved, Councillor Authier seconded: “That the following reports be approved as presented 9(c), 10(a), 11(a), 11(c), 12(a) and 15(a).” The Mayor put the Motion Councillor Vote Councillor Vote Authier Yes Latimer Yes Bondy Yes McGrail Yes Ceccacci Yes B. McGregor Yes Crew Yes C. McGregor Yes Faas Yes Pinsonneault Yes Finn Yes Sulman Yes Hall Absent Thompson Yes Harrigan Yes Wright Yes Kirkwood-Whyte Yes Mayor Canniff Yes Yes Votes: 17 No Votes: 0 Motion Carried 8. Committee Reports (a) Drainage Board Recommendations from its meeting held on November 3, 2020 This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. Chatham-Kent Council at its meeting held on November 9, 2020 Page 3 of 19 9. Information Reports (a) Update on the Development of the CK Food Strategy Councillor C. McGregor noted that there is a link in the report to a survey and she encouraged Council to complete the survey and promote it on social media so that members of the public can complete it as well. Councillor C. McGregor moved, Councillor Latimer seconded: “That the report be received for information.” The Mayor put the Motion Motion Carried (b) Child Care Affordability Plan Councillor Kirkwood-Whyte moved, Councillor Finn seconded: “That the report be received for information.” The Mayor put the Motion Motion Carried (c) Chatham-Kent Public Library – Library Service Analysis This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. 10. Routine Approval (a) Road Dedication By-laws This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. 11. Tender Awards (a) RFP #R20-165 Municipal Modernization – Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Assessment This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. (b) Results of Request for Proposal R20-184 – Developing Affordable Housing 2020 – Ontario Priority Housing Initiative (OPHI) Year 2 and Municipal Funded Affordable Housing Developments Councillor Kirkwood-Whyte moved, Councillor Crew seconded: “That 1. 1967177 Ontario Ltd.’s proposal to construct a single story, two-unit semi- detached new build of affordable accessible rental units on their property 90 Wellington St. East, Chatham at a total of $250,000 (or $125,000 per affordable unit) from the Municipal affordable housing reserve be approved, which shall be subject to the terms and conditions of a Municipal Contribution Agreement. Chatham-Kent Council at its meeting held on November 9, 2020 Page 4 of 19 2. 1967177 Ontario Ltd.’s proposal to construct a two-story 22-unit new building of affordable rental units on their property at George St., Ridgetown at a total of $2,718,352 (or $123,561.45 per affordable unit) from the Municipal affordable housing reserve be approved, which shall be subject to the terms and conditions of a Municipal Contribution Agreement. 3. The Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute the Municipal Affordable Housing Program Contribution Agreements with 1967177 Ontario Ltd. to construct a two-unit new build affordable housing project located at 90 Wellington St. East, Chatham and to construct a two-story 22-unit new build of affordable rental units on their property at George St., Ridgetown subject to the projects meeting zoning and building site requirements. 4. The Director, Housing Services to reallocate Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) Year 2 funding in the amount of $254,690 from planned new affordable housing build to address local social housing buildings in need of repair as per OPHI funding guidelines. 5. The required project-specific Municipal Capital Facilities By-laws be brought before Council, subject to funding for said projects having been approved.” In response to a question by Councillor Kirkwood-Whyte, the Director of Housing Services explained that these funds will be used to address municipally owned units that are in need of repair. The Mayor put the Motion Councillor Vote Councillor Vote Authier Yes Latimer Yes Bondy Not Present McGrail Yes Ceccacci Yes B. McGregor Yes Crew Yes C. McGregor Yes Faas Yes Pinsonneault Yes Finn Yes Sulman Yes Hall Absent Thompson Yes Harrigan Yes Wright Yes Kirkwood-Whyte Yes Mayor Canniff Yes Yes Votes: 16 No Votes: 0 Motion Carried (c) Request for Proposal Award: RFP R20-295, Consulting Engineering Services for Elizabeth Street Sewer Separation, Community of Chatham This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda. 12. Community Human Services (a) Installation of Video Surveillance System for Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Public Housing Apartment Complex This report was approved as part of the Consent Agenda.
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