WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1952 Avenge Daily Net Press Run Th* Weather ^AGE TWENTY-FOTJE T o r tha WMk BadMl VerMoot of tf. 8 . Weetlwr 1 . IfflautljfHtfr Httiftting !ijgralb JnH. Zl,*1982 HM th J. ovotHmg, Edmonds,-- Raymond Gorsky, Uiundar shewora PrMajr.' * King David lodge. No. 81, Elaine Hlncka, Barbara Hughes, 10^593 lOOF. wU» meet this Friday eve­ Reveals RHS Elaine Jackson, Robert Kingsbury, Fridoy nlgSt. Mlaimum . 1 Joan Lee,Moyce Lugiribuhl, Elaine BAND MMilwr of tbs AoSK - T fT ?i About Town ning at 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall. Pickral'Mostoni Wedding Bunsui ot CZreulAtloii. A district meeting will be held Masker, Virginia Metcalf, William ‘ SALVATION ARMY BAND M anchester^ A City of Village Charm I Th« daughter, bom Monday In for Districts 24 and 30. The grand Top Students Miller, Muriel Murphy. Rochelle the Mancheeter-Memorial Hoapltal master and the district deputy Shlrokl, • Beverly Ward, Dorothy Weekes. Eleanor Welz and Mary to Mr. and Mm. Charles Robinson gr and master will be present. The (ClRMifled AdverUsbig on Png. 18J tfMM been named'Carla Marion. iniMatory degree team \vill por­ Fourth Quarter’s Honor Wilhelm. "Friday, June 27 - 8 P. M. VOL. LXXI, NO. 228 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JUNE 26.1952 (TWENTY PAGES) -PRICE PIVS tray the initiatory degree tomor­ Roll Is Announced by Freshmen winning high honors UNITED METHODIST CHURCH A daughter was bom this Sun­ row night- at the Kim lodge in were: Carol Bakulakl, Richard AT QUABRYVILLE IN BOLTON day to Mr. and Mrs. William John­ Glastonbury. Principal A. L. Dresser Blesladecki. Francis Carter, Jo­ ston of 183 Lydall street at the seph Cacello, Harry Cohen, Ralph f o o d h a l e APRON SALE . I'rr Hartford HosplUt. Delegates to the New England Rockville, June 2.5--(Special— Gibson. Ronald Grous, Charles HOT DOGS • HAMBURGH ICE t^RiKAM • SODA Hquse Set District Assembly will present The fourth quarter Rockville High Kellem, Lillian Lackouskas, Mi­ ■ i Burton's. Inc., employes will be their reports this- evening at 7 ;45 chael Nash, Joan Pozzato.. Glcim SILVER COLLECnON ____ ^__ 7 Rockville Men Buy School Honor Roll was announced treated to an outing at Columbia at the meeting of the Church of Rupprecht, Patsy Scott and Helen I« k e this evening. The party will today by Principal Allen L. Dres­ For f'ina I the Nasarenie. ser. To receive honors, ii pupil W'allnska. Honors to: John Ashe, Dixiecrat Bolt ...As gly«n..at.,lbe.8unW.?rj'*;!!l«'}S* Betty Gourtwrtght-,- Barbara Cox, df Mr. and Mrs. Burton P. Knopp. m iirt’ "HAVe - (h KVerage" of 85 ln The Kehler group, the neweat in four prepared subjects, one of Fay Farr, John Frey, Bernard Fu- the South Mclhodiat WSCS, which which is English, and no mark less toma, Madeline Cottier, William Curb Vote Viewing the' house openings in waa named in honor of Mra. T. B.- than 90. To receive high honors, a Hamilton, Patricia Janton, Mil-1 Salem. Maas., today arq Miss Doris Kehler who left In May to make dred Kent, Joan Kinsman, Dorothy 1 K. Klbbe. Miss Catherine Putnam; pupil must have an average of 90 her permanent home in Texaa, in four prepared aubjeCts and no Koblect, Ronald Laferrler, Shirley 1 By LEWIS H, CHAPMAN Wa.ahington, June 26—</P) Mm. Jay E. Rubinow and Mrs. held a picnic last evening at the Lehmann, Sally Licbe, Donald ■ Alan H. Olmatead. mark lesa than 80. Rockville, June 26— ( S p e - l ( ^ 0 J J g S o i Z C — The admini.stration’8 home of the secretary, Mrs. Glenn Senlora winning high honors Niemann^ _ Elaine Olmstead. Su-1 Ship 'n Shore Steel Strike .strippcd-to-a-skeleton epn- lArson of Middle turnpike west. were Faith Ertel, Lola Ann Feld­ zanne Olson, Betty P^niezko. ■ cial)— In a sweeping surprise i ParBacks M Mrs. John F. Barry of 32 Scar-; Richard Schlche, Earl Schreiter, ’ ti-ola hill faced final roll-call tiorough road will present her They had a frankfurter roast an,l man. Clara Grumbach, Roger Mar­ move,, seven prominent local other good tilings outdoors, and Anthony Socha and Arthur Trinks. ^lano pupils in two recitals, the tin. Joan Newmarker, Joan Scotta men have dispelled rumors of Jl c l l x 1 1 1 teats in the House today. And flm t this evening at 8:15 in the when darkness fell the members and Shirley Sperber; honors went BOWLER Cuts Output administration leaders had and guests gathered In the Lar­ a permanent closing of the k y - thapel of the South Methodist to Lorraine Ailenian. Mary Baker. Rockville branch of the Hor­ little hope of restoring the That Olfl New Englaiul Q iarm . Church, and the second- st the son home for singing and other Davla Beaveratock, Aline Feld­ Don’t Miss Class a good sport jiastimea. Mrs. Melvin Jochlmacn ^ man. Henry Fuaa, Christine Geb- ton Manufacturing Compan.v, major control powers peeled Soutk told same hour and place tomorrow F o r F o rc e s Prison Riot away Hy a coalition of Re­ night. Both beginners and ad- of Jsrvli road is leader of the i ler, Jesnne Gessay, Wilbur Hanv, For Entire Year,! in by forming a syndicate for its ' Vanced pupils will participate, and Kehler group. Roy Kabrlck, Robert Lukaclk, " purchase. The group complet- _ ’ publicans and southern Denin- i cordial invitation is extended to Richard Rose, Ronald Saternis. Washington, June 26—(/P),ed details of ownership in a Eddyville, Ky., June 26- crata in a week of heated de­ The Rainbow Girls will hold a XSirol - Smith, Helen Sutyla- and broadcloth Not to Yield ^he parents, friends anttall in­ - Gllwid,- Ju n . 25— (SpecizU- .::=Thc 'ATmy--RnnonTiced-iw*-naTe"morning meHIfig Today. "j W — Prisoners T io^ '-at-ttit' bater terested to attend. Mrs. Barry will food sale at Hale's store tomorrow Shlrlev Thompson. Not many youngsters can boast of ' | afternoon at 3 o'clock. High honors to Juniors: George this record set for the school term dayn*. that,i.«4- ,uthe .. steel strike al­ ‘ Forming the avndicatr. are:* StRte prison in this ...AHi....*.western There waa one exception: Re- begin her summer classes, Mon­ ,Tohn Dailey, well-known bu.aineax- day, July 7, Apel, Beverly Brqwn. Joan Dres­ at Hebron. The four children of ready has stopped delivery of Kentucky town tnd.,k n n . l j S S K r S J i ' . r n t ' t S S ; ; n :s The WBA Guard Club will meet ser,-Marybeth Egan. Robert Hirth, Mr. and Mrs,, Merlin Whitehouse some equipment and that pro­ man; Donald C. Fiak, former State's attorney and senior mem­ State Police rufthed in to help Utie House mlK^t reveme ye*Ur- Adam Rhodet. of 15 Plymouth Friday evening at 8 with Mrs. Charlotte Kamtn.ski, Barbara Ker- of Jagger Line didn't miss a sin- , quell the uprising. Two! day’s n s to 87 decision tb end Hazel Fahey of 69 Hamlin street. kln, Carol Mllunus, Janet Musser. gle cla.ss for the entire year at : duction of some other ma­ ber of the law firm of Flak and By THE ASSOdATED PRnM tane, comptroller at Cheney's and terial, including light tanks, _ guards were seized a's hos-i'''"S* a member of the Development Sandy Schmidt and June Tyler. Hebron Elementilry Schqpl. O ffi-' I Lugg: John Sweeney, who has Mississippi Gov. Hugh rials are-checlting-lhe-records toj l 198 • • -pommtssion in • Manchester; was Honors to : SUe.anor~ Blotiaac -Di. will - -Come lo-a hali witliin_a^.!ifen aiwnriatfiMth-hisj^hfi^ U^es then released later. White, keynoting the "ISK® ane Dubek. Ann Ellls,^ Roxana determine if this has been dupll- j I the puhli.shing business; Paul B. elected president of the Harvard Idle Claims Here " few day.s. One. Henry Darnell, waa in>,opposed it, said r Senate-House' Democratic state convention, * Business School Club of Hartford Markham, Eugene Steiger, Bar- cated. , In a statement, the Army said: Hweeney, "owner and publisher of Conference committee probably Of the four, Grace i.s a first \ jured slightl.V. 'The other was I advised delegates in Jackaon last night. Charles Burr, chair­ I hara Steppe,- Joan Taft, Marjorie •'Production of 2'i-to n trucks the Rockville Journal; Samuel Ellis Morris. j Wpuld„ knock it out of the final bUl | man of the Manchester Deyclop- Decrease 17.1} % ■%Vhite, Richard Wlnana, Gertrude grader; George attends the second at General Motors stopepd on Jqne Gamble, retired automobile deal­ today not to yield an inch in Yazmer and Edward Zigmond, grade: Margaret t.s a seventh Warden Jess Buchanan reported ' 'he House didn’t cancel j tnent OomniiMlon, apoke to the 23. •" er; William Sadlack. operator of that the rebellion continued among .Vcst«rda,v s tentative vote. I the fight witged with the na> Sophomore,s in -the high honor ^ ad e pupil: and Merlin graduated | an Insurance agency; John Maso:i, members of the Harvard Business "Production of Jeeps by Willys a group confined to the prison i „ BUI Sliced Ahti.v tionai party over a compul­ Unemployment claims In the class: Isadore Ellin, Luther Gib- | from the eighth grade this month, j .another widely-known business­ chool about promoting new Indus- Manchester area showed a drop of Overland is scheduled to come to recreation shop. I Even- without the Barden riea in Mai)chester. son, Jeanette Gottler, MaVlan Perfect attendance records indi­ a stop today; Studebaker's J'j-ton man. sory fair employment prac­ S 17.3 per cent during the week ead- cate that other children at the He- | The trouble started Ia.'«t night ' "mendment.
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