CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 22 UTTAR PRADESH PART-IX(iii) SPECIAL TABLES FOR _SCHEDULED CASTES RAYINDRA GUPTA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE, pirector of" Censqs Operations. Uttar P.rade~q CONtENTS Pages FOREWORD (v) PREFACE (vii> General Noie on the Special Tables for Scheduled Castes 1-3 Appendix: List of Scheduled Castes 5 Note on Table SC-2 9 Table SC-2 Industrial Category .of Work of Marginal Workers of Scheduled Castes by Seeking/Available, Not Seeking/Av.ailable for Work and Sex (For each caste separately) 10-897 (iii) FOREWORD Our Constitution provides certain safeguards for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Such communities are notified by a Presidential Order.. For the purpose of the 1981 Census, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 was adopted. The salient features of this Act have been given in the General Note. The data, thus collected were processed ,on computer and the special.tables for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes .' , ha ve bee}) generated and published in the hope that these will be useful for the planning and implementation of welfare measures-in respect of these socially arid economically handicapped communities. New Delhi V.S. VERMA March 3~ 1989 Registrar General. India (v) PREFACE The processing of data collected during the 1981 Census for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled T1"ibes was planned to be carried out on computer on full count. The ~ables presented in the volumes for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are more or less on the same pattern as adopted in 1971 Census with additional information based on the new concepts adopted in -1981 Census. Tables for S.C. and S.T. are being presented in the following volumes: 1. Part IX(i) (Table SC-l)] . 2. Part IX(ii) (Table SC-I) m 2 volumes 3. Part IX(iii) (Table SC-2) 4. Part IX(iv) (Tables ~C-3 and SC-4) 5. Part IX(v) (Table SC-S)] 6. Part IX(vi) (Table SC-5) in 2 volumes 7. Part IX(vii) (Table SC-6) 8. Part IX(viii) (Tables ST-1 to ST·7) Present volume contains Table SC-2 The Director of Census Operations. Shri Ravindra Gupta, I.A.S., under whose guidance the entire operations were carried out, deserves all credit for the success of the operations. But he had to leave the organisation for taking up other important assignment before the volume in question could be made ready for the press. I must record my deepest sense of gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, ex-Registrar G{"neral, India and Shri V.S. Verma, Registrar General, India for their valuable guidance and sincere help to us at every stage to bring out this publication in time. I also thank the officers and staff of the Data Proeessing Division, Census Division and Printing Cell of the Office of the Registrar Genera], India associated with this task. The processing of the data was undertaken by the Data Processing Division of the Regjstra~ General's Office under the able guidance of S}Shri C.S. Arora, Director "(EDP), A. Sen Gupta, Joint Director- (Data Processing), K.R. Unni, Joint Director (Program) and Deputy Directors S}Shri Himakar, P. Mehra, B.L. Jain, B.K. Maratha, R.P. Gupta and late Shri M.P. Rao with the help of their staff. The Census Division had taken over the responsi­ bility ot scrutiny of the tables, preparation of General Note and fly-leaves of the pUblications and this work was very ably carried out, under the supervision of Shri N. Rama Rao, Deputy Registrar General (Census & Tabulation), Shri V.P. Rustagi, Deputy Director and Shri Babu Lat, Assistant Director with the help of their team of able assistants who took keen' interest in finalising the tables and getting them ready for printif)g. In my own office Shri S.K. A~arwal, Deputy Director and Shri M.C. Padalia, Assistant Director assisted by Shri R.A. Gupta, Statistical Assistant and Shri R.P. Srivastava, Computor scrutinized and finalized the computer sheets. (vii) (viii) Shri B.P. Jain, Deputy Director (Printing) and his colleagues in the Printing Cell of the office of the Registrar General, India and Shri'R.K. Singh, Deputy Director, Shri T:D. Agarwal, Assistant Director, _Shri R.K. Saxena, S.T.A. (Printing) and Shri Durga Prasad, Assistant Compiler in my office have helped in seeing the volume through the press. Lucknow CHANDAN GOPAL March 1, 1989 Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED. CASI'ES GENERAL NOTE The present volume provides data pertaining to individual. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The special tables tor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are being published separately since the 1961 Census. The 1981 Census Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Special Tables covered un:der Part-IX give the d~ta on industrial categories of main workers. marginal workers, type of activity of marginal workers and non-workers, age, sex, marital status, educational levels, etc., for State/Union Territory a~d District level for each caste and,tribe. Most of the tables included in this volume correspond to those published in Part-V.. A volume of 1971. A few more tables relating to marginal workers and in respect of those seeking/available for work have also b~en introduced for the first time in the 1981 Census. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES . In the Indian, Censuses prior. to 1931, information was collected and published for each caste and . tribe separately. In the 1931 Census, tabulation of data for individual communities was limited to: (i) exterior castes (il) primitive castes and (iii) all other castes with the exception of (a) those whose members fe~l short of four per thousand of the total populatloR and (b) those for which separate figures were deemed to be unnecessary by the local government. In the 1941 Census, 'group totals' were tabulated fot Scheduled Castes/Tribes and Artglo-Indians. Separate totals were furnished only for a' fe~ selecteq. individual tribes. .' When preparations for the 1951 Census were undertaken, the G~)Vernment of India had already accepted the policy of official discouragement -of community distinctions based on caste. They decided, theref-ore,.that 110 general race, caste or tribe enquiries should be made but an enquiry should be made regartling race, caste or tribe only to the extent necessary for providing information relating to certain special groups of the people who are referred to in the ,Constitution of India. The relevant Articles are exttatted below : SCHEDULED CASTES "341(1) : The President may with respect to any State, and where it is a State specified in Part-A or Part-B of the First Schedule, arter, consultation with the Governor or Rajpramukh thereof. by public notification, specify the castes, races or tribes 'or parts of or gr01.Jps within castes, races or tribes wh~ch shall for tlle purposes of this Constitution' be deemed to be Scheduled Cast~s in relation to that State. 341(2) : Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Scheduled Castes specified in a notification issued under clau se (1) any caste, race or tribe or part of or group within any caste. race or tribe, but save as afotesaid a notification issued under~ the said clause shall no~ be varied by any subsequent notification. , LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES UTTAR PRADESH 1. Agariya 34. Gharami 2. Badhik 35. Ghasiya 3. Badi' 36. Gond 4. Baheliya 37. GuaI 5. Baiga 38. Habura 6 .. Baiswar 39. Hari 7. Bajaniya 40: HeIa 8. Bajgi 41. Kalabaz 9. Balahar 42. Kanjar 10. BaJai 43: Kapariya 11. Balmiki 44. KarwaI 12. Bangali 45. Khairaha ,.. 13. Banmanus 46. Kharwar (Excluding Benbansi) 14. Bansphor 47. Khatik 15. Barwar 48. Khorot 16. Basor· 49. Kol 17. Bawariya 50. Kori 18. Beldar 51. Korwa 19. Beriya 52. LaIbegi 20. Bhantu 53. Majhwar 21. Bhuiya 54. Mazhabi 22. Bhuyiar 55. Musahar 23. Boria 56. Nat , 24. Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia, Jatava 57. Pankha 25. Chero • 58. Parahiya 26 .•Dabgar 59. Pasi. Tarmali 27. Dhangar 60. Patari 28. Dhanuk 61. Rawat 29. Dharkar ~2. Saha~ya 30. Dhobi' 63, Sanaurhiya 31. Dom 64. Sansiya 32. Domar 65. Shilpkar 33. Dusadh 66. Turaiha SC-SERIES : TABLE' FOR SCHEDULED CASTES SC-l : INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY OF WORK OF MARGINAL WORKERS OF SCHEDULED CASTES BY SBEK.INO/AVAI~ABLE, NOT ~.BEKINOI AVAILABLE FOR WORK. AND SEX NOTE this table presents the following" data for each Sche~uled Caste-distribution of ' marginar workerS oy sex and iriiustrial . category of marginai work arid \'9ith in eaefi industrml category, those seeking/available and not seeking/available for work with rural/urban break-up•. .The tabt'b shows tlie industria1 sector or ~ctivity of margin'S. workers and those seeking work among them for each S~heduled Caste. The data on marginal workers and seeking/available for work was collected for the first ti'lJie in 198t Census. the data have be p'resented for the State and it$ districts. 10 SC-l : Industrial Category of Work of Marginal Workers of Scheduled Castes (For each Marginal ..... ..,..~ ........ ----...... I Cultivators------- Total MargiJ'lal Se~king'Avai1able Not Seeking/Available Workers for Work for Work Name of Scheduled Rural! ----------~ ------ Caste Urban Males Females Males 'Females Males Females. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Uttar Pradesh All Scbedule4 Castes Rural 55,730 402,042 11,511 3,474 14,444 140,758 Urban 3.392 12.697 239 137 196 1,451 1. Agariya Rural 11 186 2 6 103 Urban Hi 3 6 5 2 2. Badbik Rural 2 76 1 14 Urban 3 3 3.
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