1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 3801 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.. ti.r£lllent -of employees in the classified civil service, and for other :purposes " ; to the Committee on Reform in the Civil MoNDAY, March 13, 192~. Ser¥ice. S. 3209. An 11.ct ·granting to the Northern Pacific Railway ·Co. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was call€d to order the rjght t-o construct and maintain a bridge across the Missis­ by Mr. WALSH as Speaker pro tempore: sippi River ..at .Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota; to the The Chaplain, Rev. Jam€8 Shera Montgomery, D. D., of- Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. fered the following prayer : • S. 3170. An act r~oulating corporations doing a ba.nking busi­ 0 God, Thou art our everla~tin.g portion-the price~s gift ness in the Distriet of Columbia; to the Committee on the of all life, which can not be alt€red nor eonsumed. With this District of Columbia. day we have the assurance of safety, protection, and of love. ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT FOR HIS APPROVAL. Toward Thee our hearts, our minds, and our memories ru-e 11Ir. RICKETTS, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re~ quiCkened with the deepest gratitude. We would declare our -ported that this day they had presented to the President of need .and our acceptance of Thee as the source of all bl-essings the United States, for his approval, the following bills : that we. enjoy. 1\lay we take our pledge to do our part and take H. R. 10267. An act making appropriations for the legislative a care to live and to labor ior the good. Give wisdom -and di­ branch of th€ G-ov~rnment for the fiscal year ending June rection to all deliberation . With a heart of gladness and with 30, 1923, and for other purposes ; a spirit that serves may we lighten life's burden, lift life's load, H. R. 9041. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to and brighten life's way. Through Christ our Savi-or. Amen. grant to th-e town of Winthrop, Mass., a perpetual right of way The .Journal of the proceedings of 'Saturday was read and ap­ over appro:ri.mate1y 755 square feet of the Fort Banks Military proved. Reserv-ation for the purpo e of widening Revere Street; and RESIGNATIONS FROM COMMITl'EES. H. R. 8193. An act to amend the first proviso in the act en­ titled "An act to grant a certain parcel of land, part of the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the follow­ Fort Robinson Military Reservation, Nebr., to the village ·of ing re ·ignations from committees: Crawford, Nebr., for park purposes," approved June 25, 1906. Hon. FREDE.RICK II. GILLETTJ The Speaker of tl!e Hottse of Representatives. El\"'ROLLED BILL SIGNED. MY DE..ut Mn. SPEA"KER: I hereby tender my resignation as a member The SPE.AKER pro teiD}X)re announced his signature to en­ of the Committees on Claims; Coinage, Weights, and Measures; and ~xpenditures in the Department of Commerce, to take efl'ect immedi­ rolled bill of the following title : ately. S. 490. An -act to eon olid.Dte national forest lands. Very respectfully, yours, MICHAEL J. HOG.A....'l. EXTENSION OF RE:AiARKS. Bon. FREDERICK H. GILLETT, :Mr. DAVIS of Tenne see. .1\ir. Speaker--. Speaker of the Hou.se of Represe-ntativea, The SPEAKER pro tempore. For what purpose does the WaslMniJton, D. a. MY DEAR M.n. SPEAKER : 1 re pectfully tenuer my resignation as gentleman from Tennessee rise"? member of tbe Committee on Rivers and HarboTs. Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. I ask unanimous consent to insert Very truly, YOUl'S, in the RECORD in regular 8-point type a letter written by mem­ II.ENRY Z. OSBORNE. bers of the Shipping Board to certain Members of the House, Bon. FREDEniCK H . GILL"ETT, and the reply the1.·eto. Tb.e Speaker of the House of RepreseMatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Tennessee DEAR MR. GILLE'l'T : I am notified that I have been chos-en by the asks unanimous consent to extend bis remarks in the RECORD by Committee on Committees to fill an existing vac.ancy in the Committee inserting in 8--point type a letter written by members of the on li'oreign Affair , and in accordance with the requirements for accept­ ance of snch honor and preferment, I hereby tender to you my resigna­ Shipping Board to Members of tl1e House, and their .reply tion as a member or the Committees on Claim , Expenditures in the thereto. 1s there objection? Department of Agricnltw:e, and Flood Control. Mr. l!IONDELL. Mr. Speaker, I think for the present I shall Sincerely yours, CYRE ·us CoLE. object. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Will the gentleman yield be­ Bon. FREDERICK H. GILLETT, fore he objects? Speaker of the House of Representative&, Washington, D. a. The SPEAKER pTo tempore. Does the gentleman from Wyo­ MY DEAR MR. SPEAlrnR: I hereby tender my resignation as a mem­ ming withhold his objection? ber of the Committees on the Me1·cbant Maline and Fisheries, and Labor, Mr. 1\IONDELL. Yes. the same to take effect immediately. Mr. GARRETT of Tenne see. It seems to me that it is a SincerelY, yours, OGDEN L . .M.ILLS. matter that falls legitimately within the right of a Member. It The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the resigna­ is about a public matter of very great importance pending now tions are accepted. before a committee of the House, a legislative matter. There was no objection. Mr. MONDELL. I understand it js a letter written by cer­ MESSAGE FROM THE SEl'\'ATE. tain gentlemen in their individual capacity to certain other gen­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its Chief Clerll:, tlemen, and their replyJ not an official matter. announced that the Senate had passed the bills of the following 1\fr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Wil1 the gentleman yield! titles, in whieh the concurrence of the House of Representatives Mr. MONDELL. Yes. was ·equested : Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. The letter was written by certain S. 3170. An act regulating corporations doing a banking · busi~ members of the .Shipping Board as such to certain members ·of ness in the District of Columbia; the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries as such, S. 3209. An act granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Co. and a reply was made thereto, and on Saturday the letter writ­ the right to com;truct and maintain a bridge across the Missis­ ten by members of the Shipping Board was insertro in the sippi River at Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota; and RECORD in the Senate. In addition to that, they gave to the S. 3265. An act construing the expression " all employees in press their letter at the time it was written, and references the classified civil service of the United States," as used in sec~ having been made to it in the press, it occurs to me it is nothing tion 1 of the act of May 22, 1920, entitled "An act for the retire­ but fair, their letter having been inserted in the RECORD and ment of employees in the classified civil service, and for other reference made to it in the press, that Members ()f the House purposes." have an opportunity to insert in the RECORD their reply. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with Mr. MONDELL. In -view .of the statement made by the gen­ amendments bill of the following title, in which the concurrence tleman as to the character of the correspondence, I shall not of the House of Representatives was requested : object. H. R. 10663. An act making appropriations to supply deficien­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection! [After a cies in appropriations for th-e fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, pause..] The Chair hears none. and prior fiscal years, and for other purposes. ' The matter referred to is as follows : SEN A.TE BILLS REFli;RRED, UNITED STATES SHIPPING BoARD, Under clau e 2 of Rule XXIV, Senate bills of the following Washington, March 6, 1922. titles were taken from the Speaker's table and referred to thei.r Hon. EWI.i.~ L. DAVIS, appropriate comrnitte.es, as indicated below : House of Representatives. S. 3265. An act construing the expression " all employees in DEAR Sm: The message of the President and the bill intro­ the classified civil service of the United States," as used in sec­ duced simultaneously by the chairmnn of the Senate Committee tion 1 of the act of May 22, 1920, entitled "An act for the re- on Commerce and the chairman of the Marine and Fisheries 3802 CONGRESSIONAL RECO){D-HOUSE. ~lARCH 13, Committee of the House, having reference to further measures with reference to the manner in which the matter· has been considered es ential to establish, in full force and effect, an handled, we wish to call your attention to certain facts of which American merchant marine, were based very largely upon an you seem to be wholly oblivious. It is generally understood intimate study made by the United States Shipping Board that Mr. Lasker was appointed chairman of the Shipping Board after. extended bearings, at which men of all hade of opinion because of very sbrewd·and valuable political service rendered on the subject and intimately familiar with shipping were during the last campaign; he certainly could not have been ap­ present. pointed because of any knowledge of hipping matter .
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